Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-three, the shadow of old sins

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 73, The Shadow of Old Sins While Edmond Dantès and Mercedes were having a long conversation, Agron and Teresa were waiting outside, and ordered that no one was allowed to go. Disturb them.

He knew that on this issue, Mercedes' words would carry more weight than his own.

After a long time, the door of the study room was reopened, and then, under the guidance of the attendant, Edmund returned to Aiglon.

Aigron took a look at the current appearance of his beloved minister - now, his eyes were blurred, his face was pale, and there were some redness and swelling at the corners of his eyes, as if he had experienced some kind of separation.

But even so, he didn't seem lost, but instead seemed to have made up his mind.

"It seems that you are going to come over and give me an answer, Edmund." So, Aigron spoke first, "So, what is the answer?"

"Your Majesty..." Edmund bent down deeply to show his respect for Aigron, "You have thought so carefully for me, and you have put so much effort into it. I cannot violate it either emotionally or rationally. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have decided to accept the proposal of the Marquis of Noirtier."

His voice was very soft, but without much hesitation. It was obvious that Mercedes had completely convinced him just now.

"Very good, Edmund, you really did not disappoint me." Aigron smiled, and his voice became extremely soft, "I know that this is a difficult choice for you, but I believe that you will make the best choice in the future. Decades of life will benefit from today's decision. Miss Valentine is definitely worthy of the title of Countess, or even the Prime Minister's wife——"

Edmund smiled bitterly, "I have never doubted Miss Valentine's excellence for a moment, but I doubt whether I can take care of a family..."

"Okay, don't say that again! I don't want to hear a word of your self-deprecation anymore!" Aigron pretended to be angry and interrupted Edmund, "Why do you feel inferior at this point? You are already a The earl of the empire, my important minister, and the future pillar, if you have low self-esteem, how should others live? Or are you doubting my vision, and you think that the people I use are not worthy of all this? Huh? "

"I never meant that..." Edmund quickly bowed and admitted his mistake again, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I just still doubt myself..."

"It's useless for you to doubt it now. When you first drew your sword to kill, did you doubt yourself? When you were moving around Paris for me, did you doubt yourself? You must have doubted it, but you They have done it all, and done it well. So this time too, Edmond Dantès, you don't have to force yourself to play anyone, you are an admirable person, a man, so you just You need to do what you think is right, and you will naturally become a good husband and a good parent! You must believe me on this, because I have not seen anyone wrong."

Aiglon completely dispelled Edmund's last hesitation with his categorical words. Then, he glared at his favorite "viciously" and said, "I have finished what I need to say. Now, you go back to your home." , and then wait for my news, Lord Count of Monte Cristo.”….

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Although Aiglon seemed to be angry, Edmund was deeply moved in his heart.

Being so valued by His Majesty and being bestowed with so many favors, it would be difficult for me to repay him even if I was shattered to pieces.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He saluted Aiglon, and then left the palace with mixed feelings.

At the same time that Edmund left the palace, a messenger also rushed out of the palace in a carriage, delivering the news that "the Count of Monte Cristo had agreed to the marriage proposal" to the residence of the Marquis of Noirtier.

When he heard the news, the old Marquis also had mixed feelings.

On the one hand, he was happy that his son's life was finally saved; but on the other hand, he lamented that even in his old age, he still failed to defeat human nature and broke his promise.

But no matter what, now that His Majesty has spoken, it means that the dust has fallen to the ground.

And now, he was about to get the last trivial thing done - "persuading" his son.

That night, the Marquis of Noirtier rushed to his son's home without stopping.

Upon hearing the news of his father's visit, Villefort had to interrupt what he was doing and come to greet his father.

Not long ago, he obeyed his father's instructions and got married for the second time. However, because he was forced to marry someone, he didn't have much joy in the wedding. He turned around and devoted himself to legal work as usual. She doesn't have much contact with the new lady; and the new lady doesn't care about this. As a noblewoman who was widowed not long ago, what she cares about most is to continue to mingle in the upper class with the famous title of "Madame de Villefort". Everything else is unimportant.

Therefore, apart from their "obligations" as husband and wife, the two of them usually live their own lives, basically not disturbing each other, and they can be considered peaceful.

Although he had always been dissatisfied with his father, Villefort felt some instinctive fear in his heart every time he saw his father showing his composure.

"Dad, what's the matter with you coming here so late?"

"I have something important to inform you." The Marquis of Noirtier said to his son in an impatient tone, "I have chosen a fiancé for Valentine, and I am going to sign a marriage contract first, and then wait. She will get married after she turns 16."

Although his father's tone was calm and gentle, it sounded like a shock to Prosecutor Villefort.

"Ah!?" He opened his mouth wide and stared at his father in stunned silence. He suspected for a moment that he had heard wrongly. "Did you propose marriage to Valentine?"

The Marquis nodded slightly and confirmed again.

"Why!?" Villefort was completely at a loss. "Valentine is still so young. Even if she wants to get married, she is not in a hurry right now, right?"

As a father, of course Villefort also considered the issue of choosing a husband for his daughter in the future. He also thought to himself that with his family status, he must find a top young talent in the country for Valentine. However, Valentine was still young, so he didn't take it to heart. At this time, his father suddenly said that he had decided the lifelong events for Valentine on his behalf. How could this not surprise him?

What's more, my father never discussed this matter with me from beginning to end. How could this make sense? ….

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Before, he forced himself to get married quickly, but now he wants to get Valentine engaged early. His father is an old fool! He strengthened his judgment.

God knows who the foolish father will marry Valentine to? If it humiliates the family and ruins her life, is that okay?

"Dad, don't joke about this kind of thing. Valentine's life is not a trivial matter. You can't deal with it at will. I am her father!" After coming back to his senses, he immediately protested to his father, "No matter you Whoever you want to marry Valentine must have my consent, so I ask you to take back your orders immediately and end this ridiculous farce!"

Faced with his son's tough performance, the Marquis of Noirtier did not blink an eye, but just spread his hands indifferently.

"It's too late for you to say that, because I have already sought His Majesty's opinion and received His Majesty's approval. Her Majesty the Queen even said that she can personally be the officiant..."

At this time, Villefort was once again stunned. He did not expect that in order to create a "fait accompli", his father would actually use his reputation as an "old minister" to persuade the two majesties. So now that the two majesties have spoken, what room do I have for resistance? Don’t you just have to bow your head and agree?

However, he quickly changed his mind and thought that if the two His Majesties can come forward, then the marriage partner his father is looking for must be a very good candidate, otherwise Queen Teresa would not personally stand up to be the officiant, at least not It's a disgrace to the family.

When he thought of this, his nervousness calmed down a little.

"Even His Majesty has persuaded you. You are really awesome. So, who is that lucky boy? Who are you planning to marry?" So he asked again.

"This person is the Count of Monte Cristo." The Marquis of Noirtier replied calmly. "He is your Majesty's favorite and a well-known nobleman. His future prospects are limitless. Marrying Valentine to him will certainly not disgrace our family."


Villefort interrupted his father with an exclamation of surprise.

Then, his face suddenly turned red.

"It's actually him...!"

He had always secretly suspected that the seemingly sanctimonious Earl, who secretly cultivated Emily and Eugenie, had some perverted tendency to smelt copper, but now he was even more convinced of his suspicion - he actually wanted to What kind of marriage contract is he entering into with his daughter who is only in her early ten years? Who is he if he is not?

"Is... is it his request? How... how can you agree to such a thing? Where do you want our family's reputation to go? Everyone will laugh at us for following the crowd and actually thinking of marrying our daughter to a father who is better than his father. Someone who can’t be a few years younger!”

"Gerard, do you think you still have a good reputation now?" Noirtier asked with a hint of ridicule.

This rhetorical question immediately dampened Villefort's momentum and made him blush instantly.

Indeed, his reputation for uprightness, which he had worked hard for twenty years, has been completely wiped out in the recent changes. Because he was subject to His Majesty, he had to obey His Majesty's orders and participated in handling a series of political cases. The Bonapartes went to fight their political opponents. ….

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

In the process, he was ridiculed as the "evil dog" of the empire by many dissatisfied people, and he himself was unable to express his own sufferings and was unable to defend himself.

Now that his reputation has become like this, how bad can it be if he marries his daughter to the Count of Monte Cristo?

When he thought of this, Villefort couldn't help but feel a dull pain in his heart.

He was very resentful and unwilling, but because he was trapped in a cocoon, he could not resist. This feeling of frustration was enough to drive anyone crazy.

His face turned red and white, and finally he raised his head again and questioned his father.

"Dad, you are not only a father, but also a grandfather. Valentine is your direct bloodline. You don't have to care about my feelings, but can't you have some sympathy for your granddaughter? Why should you How can she push for an engagement at such a young age? Do you have to use this bargaining chip to keep your position? Don’t we have any other way to keep our family status? "

From his son's eager advice, the Marquis of Noirtier could feel a bit of his love for his daughter, which shows that he is not completely heartless.

However, it’s already reached this point, so what’s the point of talking about it anymore?

Alas, it is indeed time for a showdown.

Then, the Marquis of Noirtier sighed dejectedly.

"You want a reason? Okay, then I'll give you another reason - do you know the origin of the Count of Monte Cristo?"

"Isn't he from Italy?" Villefort asked subconsciously.

"No, that's just a life experience that His Majesty made up for him. In fact, he is a Frenchman through and through..." The Marquis shook his head, and then continued in one breath, "His real name is Edmond Tangtai. Si.”

This name, like a spell in a nightmare, easily defeated Villefort, who was already uncertain.

His legs became weak, and he fell to his knees in one breath.

"Oh God...Oh God! Isn't he dead?"

"Unfortunately, he is not dead." The Marquis replied coldly, "Maybe he was not dead at the beginning, maybe he crawled out of hell. In short, not only is he not dead, but he is still alive and kicking as the Count of Monte Cristo. Appearing in front of you...how are you, are you relieved now, Jellal?"

Relieved indeed.

The Bank of Tanglar went bankrupt, and I "absconded with the money" without a trace; Fernand suddenly died suddenly in the midst of a happy spring breeze; and His Majesty easily grasped the black material of that year... one by one, coincidences happened. This time they were suddenly connected in series, and then became extremely clear.

Yes, it’s so clear and simple, why didn’t I think about it? Why do I wishfully believe the prison report and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net think that guy is dead?


But no matter how many times he asked himself, Villefort still couldn't get the answer.

In other words, the answer is no longer important at all.

Now he has to face the consequences of his actions.

"Actually, I already know his identity and his desire for revenge." While Villefort was still deep in thought, the Marquis continued, "He wants your life, of course it is natural. , because of you, he lost his fiancée, lost his freedom, and stayed in a dark prison for more than ten years... If it were anyone else, I would applaud him for taking the life of his enemy, but it was you, it was me. Gerald, we have been quarreling and cursing for decades, but even so, you are my son, my only child, so I want to keep your life, even if I pay a huge price. No matter what, Valentine is part of the price, do you understand?"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

His father's words were like flashes of light, which Villefort didn't hear very clearly. At this time, he was already in a trance and his eyes were blurred.

"Is this retribution?" he murmured to himself.

"Get up!" The Marquis finally couldn't stand it anymore and pulled his son up from the ground. "You will never get my approval, but at least one day, you have to face me like a man. To yourself! Now, this is the time!"



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