Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-four, convinced

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"You will never get my approval, but at least one day, you have to face me and yourself like a man! Now, this is the time!"

Villefort, who was already delirious, finally came to his senses after his father's warning.

He stared blankly at his harsh father, but finally began to rethink his situation.

"That is to say, you used Valentine in exchange for my life, right?"

Seeing that his son finally regained consciousness, the Marquis of Noirtier was relieved, but on the surface, he still maintained a stern look and answered calmly.

"It's not just Valentine. There is also a condition, that is, you must resign from public office and retire."

With every word he said, Villefort's face grew uglier, and finally he roared out in pain and unwillingness. "Do we both have to obey him? Dad, don't forget that we also have our own power!"

From Villefort's point of view, power and fame are everything to him. Now, in order to please the earl, he not only has to sacrifice his daughter, but also has to give up his entire future. This is really too humiliating.

"It's a bit humiliating from the current perspective, but from the perspective of the future, you are already lucky." The Marquis had already thought deeply about this question, so he immediately answered his son, "Yes, I am in a high position now." You have the weight to speak in front of Your Majesty. Maybe if I try my best, I can save your life; but I will die sooner or later, and it won’t be many years. All that is left to me is the setting sun, and the Count of Monte Cristo is The rising star... Your Majesty trusts him so much that he will climb to a position that is difficult for you to reach. At that time, he wants your life, what can you do? Do you think you still have any future? "

His father's straightforward words instantly extinguished Villefort's last vain illusion.

He believes that his father has been in politics for half a century and his political judgment will not be wrong. In other words, the Count of Monte Cristo will definitely be able to climb to the high position of minister or even prime minister in the future.

So what's the point of resisting even if his father and his son resist? At most, I can persist for a few years. When my father passes away, I will be tortured to death if I don't retire at that time.

In other words, from the moment he became the Count of Monte Cristo and won His Majesty's favor, the father and son had no choice. It is impossible to fight hard, and you can only find a way to "please" the count in exchange for his favor.

However, even after he understood all this, Villefort's heart was still full of pain and entanglement - after all, his current status was gained through countless efforts, crimes committed and cover-ups. However, his life's hard work was about to fall apart in an instant. How could he endure it?

"Then can I see him? At least let's talk clearly..." he asked his father tentatively.

"Of course you can meet. After all, you should have been present when the engagement was drawn up." The Marquis of Noirtier smiled bitterly, "But I advise you not to take any chances. You can't impress that person with just a few words. Yes, your begging will only make him more disgusted and meaningless."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Villefort was speechless.

Also, he has had a lot of dealings with the Earl in recent times, and has seen the Earl's shrewd, sharp, cruel and ruthless behavior. As his enemy, even if he wants to persuade him to be noble, it will not work.

What frightened him the most was that during this period of communication, the earl never showed such deep-seated hatred towards him for a moment. How terrifying was this scheming and forbearance!

The more he forbears, the more tenacious his desire for revenge is. It is conceivable that without his father's efforts to deal with it, I am afraid that he will not know how he died until his death...

When he thought of this, Villefort suddenly felt despair.

There is nothing left, he has lost everything, so what is the point of living? It would be better to be stabbed to death by the earl's sword, which would be more satisfying.

"Don't be so depressed. I have lived for so many years. I have seen countless changes. I have seen several people fall from the top of the world to nothing. Even I was a nobody in the past ten years. Are you the unlucky guy? In the end, you jumped up and became the speaker of the parliament! So, don’t be sad that you have fallen to the bottom. After all, you are still young and there is still a long time. Even if you lose everything now, as long as you save your life, After all, there are still many opportunities..."

"What do you mean?" His father's words made Villefort, who was originally extremely depressed, finally find some energy.

"The key is Valentine." Marquis Noirtier lowered his voice, "She is willing to sacrifice for you and is a filial daughter, so even if she becomes the Countess of Monte Cristo in the future, she will not be able to completely abandon you. No matter. Although you have retired, your knowledge, your experience and your past contacts are still there. You can be her consultant in the future and solve difficult problems for the couple. In that case... time will eventually pass. The ground will smooth away the scars, and a family will be a family after all.”

Villefort knew that his father was right, but he immediately thought that Valentine was only so young now, and it would take several years for her to get married. How could she help him now?

"How long do you have to wait?"

"I think it will take at least ten years. After five years, she can get married. Then it will be at least five years before you can make them forget their grudges and trust your ability." The Marquis of Noirtier replied, "And during this period, you can only Live in obscurity.”

Before his son could speak, he increased his voice and scolded his son loudly, "Ten years is a long time, but so what? A man with determination is not afraid of wasting ten years. Don't forget, I am waiting for His Majesty to return." , dormant for fifteen years! As my son, don’t you even have this ability? "

His father's warning made Villefort finally fully understand the reality.

Compared to being killed and completely ruined, retiring and dormant for ten years doesn't seem like a bad option - at least there is still a future to think about.

From another perspective, if the earl becomes his "son-in-law" and rises to the top or even becomes the prime minister of the empire, then even if he is a "consultant" behind the scenes without an official position or title, he can still exert influence. , rather than really becoming a useless person.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

It has to be said that once people see hope, their mentality will be much better. Although Villefort himself knows that there are too many uncertainties in his thoughts "ten years later", he finally came out of his despair.

"Well, since you can do it, then I must do it too." So, he sighed and lowered his head dejectedly.

And this means that he finally faced the reality under the pressure of his father and accepted Valentine's harsh conditions of marrying the earl in the future and retiring in exchange for the earl's reconciliation with himself.

"Perhaps I will no longer be alive by then. Just ask for your own blessings. If this happens again, no one will be able to protect you." The Marquis of Noirtier said angrily. "In addition, I asked you to hibernate for ten years, which does not mean that you hide in a shabby room and do nothing. You must observe the current situation and pay attention to the trends in the political arena and the court, and read more books and write more articles; in addition, you have a more important I have important things to do, so hurry up and have a child with your new wife so that our family line can be passed down!"

After going round and round, his father finally ordered himself to "create a human being." If the current situation hadn't been too harsh, Villefort would have laughed.

"Don't you know what kind of person my wife is? I'm going to retire. It would be fine if she didn't just abandon me. How could she live a secluded life with me? Let alone give birth to a child... "

Because she was the marriage partner forcibly appointed by her father, Villefort didn't like his new wife. Moreover, he knew that this lady was a vain lady who only married him because of her own power. How could he expect her to marry him? Share the joys and sorrows with yourself.

Villefort did not expect that his father seemed to have a plan in mind and responded immediately.

"You don't have to worry about this. The agreement between the Earl and I is for you to retire to atone for your sins, but I didn't say that your wife would withdraw from the outside world. And given the Earl's character, he has no interest in going. It's embarrassing for an unrelated woman, so your wife won't be affected at all.

I have already worked it out. Valentine is very favored by Her Majesty the Queen. She will have many opportunities to enter and leave the palace in the future. After all, she is young and needs a guardian. Then your wife will accompany her in and out of the palace and accept Her Majesty the Queen's approval. Hospitality - Think about it, she will be very satisfied to be able to receive this honor. She will not abandon you. On the contrary, in order to keep the favor that she has finally obtained, she will be happy to help you leave offspring - "

Villefort was dumbfounded by his father's overall plan, and then secretly admired him.

The father had planned everything, whether it was Valentine's marriage, the thoughts that had kept him dormant for ten years, or how to appease his newlywed wife, everything was covered and nothing was left out. Before he knew it, he had already arranged all of this, and when it was revealed in front of him, he had no power to resist and could only follow the route set by his father.

Gerard de Villefort, you are too far behind your father after all, the frustrated prosecutor sighed in his heart.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

He had a bad relationship with his father since he was a child. When he grew up, he took his mother's surname instead of his father's. The father and son had quarrels countless times over the decades. This was not only because of their different political stances, but also because of their different political stances. What's more, Villefort has always had an "unconvinced" obsession with his high-pressure and powerful father in his heart, and desperately wanted to use his own promotion to prove that he could surpass his father.

However, when it came time to truly face the critical moment of life and death, his father's strategizing left Villefort completely speechless.

He had to admit that he was indeed inferior to his father and could never defeat him.

It was quite painful for him to admit this, but now he could only admit the reality.

Ten years... at least ten years, this will be the darkest period in his glorious resume, but compared to being killed or sitting in jail, it seems not so scary.

"Okay, Dad, I'm convinced. I'm far inferior to you, so just do as you say." Villefort looked at his father with a complex look of pain, relief, helplessness and joy, and then sighed. , the first time in my life that I really bowed my head. "Thank you. No matter what the cost, you saved my life after all. You are the only one in the world who would save me regardless of the cost."

Faced with his son's thanks, the Marquis of Noirtier said nothing.

It is impossible for a person like him to be willing to show his emotional side in front of others, even to his son.

Even though he felt an indescribable sense of relief and relief in his heart at this moment, he finally just responded to his son coldly,

"You should have seen it earlier."


After the conversation between father and son ended, Valentine received news of her grandfather's visit.

Valentine immediately had a premonition that this should be the moment when the "answer" was announced, so she suddenly became nervous.

Under the guidance of the servant, she was taken to her father's study, and then she saw her grandfather and father facing her.

In the past, the eyes they looked at her were always soft and full of love, but at this moment, Valentine clearly felt that the eyes of her two closest elders looked at her with too much pity and apology. ——And the relief that couldn't be concealed.

She probably guessed the result.

As if echoing her thoughts, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. ntThe Marquis of Noirtier spoke.

"Valentina, I have just received news from the court. The count has personally admitted to your majesties that he is willing to conclude a marriage contract between our families and accept all my conditions. When you reach the age of 16, the marriage contract will be finalized. will be fulfilled, and you, saved your father's life. You have done well, my son..."

Sure enough... it succeeded...

Valentine was immediately relieved.

Because she saved her father, she had an innocent smile on her face; at the same time, because her life was decided early, she shed heavy tears unconsciously. This look of crying and laughing was originally a bit funny, but However, neither of the two people present laughed. Instead, they were full of respect for this young girl.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

After all, her young shoulders carried her father's life and the family's hopes.

The Marquis took steps, walked to Valentine, and then picked up his granddaughter.

"Valentine, I won't say more. In short, both me and your father will always be grateful for everything you have done. From now on... it won't be long before you will become the Count of Monte Cristo and the Count of Noirtier." The mistress of two marquis families, everyone will obey you, you deserve it. I hope you can grow up enough to handle all this... Even if I can't see that day with my own eyes, I will be in the sky The one who protects you.”


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