Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-five, engagement

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

When the sound of horse hooves gradually stopped, Edmond Dantès finally woke up from his mixed thoughts.

He had arrived at the house of the prosecutor in Villefort.

Moreover, he did not come alone. The people sitting next to him were the attendants sent from the palace.

Today, under the witness of this palace attendant, he will sign a marriage contract with Miss Valentine de Noirtier, the granddaughter of the Marquis of Noirtier (in order to take care of the public perception, Villefort transferred his daughter to He changed his surname back to his father's last name).

Although he has arrived at his "fiancée's" home, until now, he still has a sense of confusion that makes it difficult to understand reality.

Am I really going to be the fiancé of a ten-year-old girl? What kind of sin is this? Couldn't someone stop me? God just watched this happen?

He couldn't help but think wildly.

"Lord Earl, let's get out of the car." Seeing his dazed look, the attendant didn't know what was going on, so he cautiously urged him.

Compared to the earl, who felt heavy in his heart, the aide-de-camp was actually much calmer. He had served in the palace for many years. In the past, he had served the Bourbon royal family, and now he was retained by the new palace of the empire. He was already in the palace. I am used to seeing all kinds of shady secrets.

It was certainly "unreasonable" for an adult man to enter into an early marriage contract with a ten-year-old child, but compared to all the "irrational" things he had seen, what was it?

Besides, this kind of thing has never happened in the past. What can't be done among big families for the sake of power and wealth?

He understood very well that he had to keep his mouth shut when he was in the palace. His Majesty was sent as a witness today, so he wouldn't say a word if he wanted to. He was just acting as a backdrop.

Under the tactful urging of the attendant, Edmund finally came to his senses, and then followed him out of the carriage.

Soon, he came to Prosecutor Villefort's house. This was not the first time he came to Prosecutor Villefort's house, but compared with the previous strutting, this time he seemed a lot more guilty. The huge The embarrassment left him almost speechless.

He originally wanted to be an upright robber and steal the owner's life, but a huge twist of fate suddenly turned him into a thief and stole the family's most precious treasure. The twists and turns were so bizarre that even he himself secretly admired them.

The two people were brought into the living room by a serious-looking servant. At this time, the main members of the Noirtier family - the Marquis of Noirtier, Prosecutor Villefort and three generations of Valentine, were already waiting here. .

The expressions of the three people are also different. The Marquis has a solemn face, Villefort is full of embarrassment and shame, and Valentine looks nervous and shy. If there is a talented painter here, he will definitely start. His talent allowed him to paint this vivid yet subtle picture.

Edmund suppressed the embarrassment in his heart and walked solemnly in front of three generations of his grandparents, then took off his hat and bowed to them as a tribute.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

At this moment when the grievances have been revealed, he cannot show respect in front of Villefort. Such courtesy now is the limit of what he can do.

Villefort and his son also returned the favor indifferently to the count. As for Valentine, she blushed and moved her steps, walked gently to the count's side, then lowered her head and looked at the carpet, not daring to make a sound again.

Today was a life-defining moment for her. No matter how resourceful and strong she usually was, she would still feel uneasy at this time.

The atmosphere was still solemn and awkward, with no "celebration" elements visible, but fortunately, as an outsider, the attendant seemed much more calm.

"Dear Marquis Noirtier and Prosecutor de Villefort, in the name of Your Majesty, I have come to draw up a marriage contract for the Count of Monte Cristo and your lady. Do you have any objections to this?"

"No." Both men answered at the same time.

"My Lord Earl, do you have any objection?" He turned to look at Edmund again.

"No." Edmund replied dryly.

"Then, let's make a marriage contract here and let God witness the future sacred union of the two families..." the attendant said absently but solemnly, and then took out three identical contracts from his bag. .

The content of the contract is that the heads of the two families agree that when Miss Valentine comes of age, she will marry the Count of Monte Cristo, thus allowing two important nobles in the empire to marry.

Although the palace will keep the marriage contract secret for the time being in order to avoid affecting the reputation of the two families, as long as this contract is signed, the "marriage" will become a certainty from now on, unless something happens to one of the two parties. , otherwise as soon as Valentine comes of age, she will immediately get married as agreed, and she will never be able to go back on her words.

Edmund, the Marquis of Noirtier, and Villefort took the contract one by one, and then browsed it hastily. Although they had different expressions and were worried, they still signed their names on the document, and then signed it to each other. The contracts in hand are exchanged and signed.

Soon, three contracts signed with three names were completed.

Due to the limitations of the times, Valentine simply could not sign the engagement contract that would determine her own destiny. Her father and grandfather were enough to determine her lifelong events - and she did not feel there was anything wrong with it.

She just stood aside shyly, quietly letting the three most important men in her life decide her fate.

During the whole process, except for the breathing of a few people and the rustling of signatures, it was silent and there was not much festive atmosphere. Rather than saying that this was a "marriage contract", it was more like a diplomat signing a contract. It’s the same as any treaty signed.

After the attendant verified that the signatures were correct, he handed one copy to the count, another to the Marquis of Noirtier, and he solemnly received the last copy in his briefcase.

He will bring this copy back to the palace for safekeeping, which also means that all the procedures have been completed and it will take effect immediately when the time comes - and this is a marriage that Queen Teresa is personally concerned about. Once established, absolutely no one dares to joke about it.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

After the engagement is concluded, the attendant's mission is completed. Then he only needs to return to the palace to resume his duties. Even if the mission is successfully completed, he can hand over the work.

So, he looked at everyone present with a smile on his face, and then saluted gracefully.

"My lords, on this occasion of celebration, I am very happy to witness with my own eyes the marriage contract between two great families. I firmly believe that this will be a happy story, and through this marriage, the two great families The family will be able to continue hand in hand and last through the ages..."

After speaking a few words, the attendant took his signed engagement and turned away, then left Prosecutor Villefort's residence.

Although the matter seemed to be done, Edmund was still in a daze at the moment. Although he had psychologically accepted all the arrangements, he still had difficulty adapting to his role at the moment.

Noirtier and his son also had different expressions on their faces, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

In this awkward and silent atmosphere, it was Valentine who mustered up the courage to break the silence in order to break the barrier between the two sides.

She walked up to the count step by step, then looked up at the count who was much taller than her, her eyes full of attachment and longing.

"Mr. Earl, I'm sorry that my selfishness has brought things to this point. But...but I will work very, very hard to make up for the mistakes of my father and myself. I don't know what I can do." How wonderful it is, but I will admire you and love you wholeheartedly! Please take care of me in the future...please take care of me."

Then, she took a deep breath, then opened her arms and hugged the count as if she was entrusting her life with her, and then buried her head between his abdomen.

Valentine's initiative surprised the Earl. He was not used to being so close to a child, but at this moment, he could not resist too fiercely, so he could only sigh softly. , and then gently stroked Valentine's slender hair as if stroking his own daughter.

"Miss Valentine, it's me who should be sorry. I made you lose the carefree childhood at this age... I will try my best to be kind to you in the future, and please take care of me."

Listening to the Earl's comfort and feeling the warmth from the Earl's hands, Valentine gradually relaxed, burying her head in his arms.

Although the current situation was different from the fairy tales she had read, at least, relying on her own efforts and sacrifices, she protected her father and her most cherished family.

She had tried her best and now she could finally rest.

The Earl's handsome body was like a wall, bringing her a long-lost sense of security.

Yes, there is a sense of security. There will no longer be the nightmare of her father's sudden death, and there will no longer be the pain of a broken family. She has saved a family, and will get another family, and her future obligation is to ensure that She believed she could achieve the safety and happiness of these two families, but now, she just wanted to take a good rest.

With Valentine's efforts, the originally tense atmosphere relaxed, and the Earl gradually calmed down.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Yes, everything is certain, he will spare Villefort at the price of complete retirement, and will marry Valentine in the future, and when the dust of his last enemy falls to the ground, it belongs to the little sailor Edmond Don Tas's revenge has finally turned the last page.

From this moment on, he is just the Count of Monte Cristo, and the grudges, pain and hatred of the past will become dusty history in his memory.

Of course history will not be forgotten, but history is history after all, and people must live in the present.

"My lord, can we talk alone?" Just as he was deep in thought, Villefort, who had been silent, suddenly spoke on his own initiative.

How dare you face me alone? The count was a little strange.

And Valentine was also a little anxious. She was afraid that when the dust finally settled, her father would do something strange again and cause complications. "dad!"

"Valentine, come with me to rest." At this time, the Marquis of Noirtier also spoke. He waved to his granddaughter, "Don't worry, it's okay. After all, there are things that must be said between men. clear."

Valentine was a little confused, but she didn't want to disobey her grandfather's order, so she let go of the count, bowed to the count in an elegant manner, and then left with her grandfather.

Now there were only two people left in the living room.

Although the count did not want to attack Villefort again, after the showdown, he could not hide his contempt for Villefort and his disgust, so he just stared at the other party coldly, waiting for the other party to speak.

Villefort's face was livid at the moment. The pain caused by shame and humiliation, and the pain of being forced to retire, made him feel despair. He looked at the count, and then smiled miserably.

"Lord Earl, I know that even if I marry my daughter to you, you will not regard me as your father-in-law, and I will never regard myself as such in the future. So today, we will face each other as enemies. "

"Enemies? This is a good description." Edmund sneered, "Mr. de Villefort, thanks to you, I am finally qualified to stand in front of you today, and I am no longer someone who can dictate my fate at will. Damn it, this is a huge change for you and me, isn't it?"

"Yes, this is how things have changed, who could have imagined it?" Villefort didn't care about the sarcasm in Edmund's mouth, and just smiled bitterly, "In the past, I had the power of life and death over you; but now, I have the power of life and death over you. I have lost all power, but you are rising... You can control my destiny. The reversal of destiny is really dazzling! However, I have seen this too many times over the years. Everything has changed, I have no mercy when retribution comes to others, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net When retribution comes to myself, I naturally have nothing to say."

"You seem quite calm, don't you?" Edmund asked with a sneer, "Then have you ever considered apologizing to the victim in front of you? After all, it was because of you that his family was destroyed!"

"I apologize, I can sincerely apologize, and even apologize to you ten thousand times -" Villefort spread his hands, "But, no matter how much I apologize, you won't feel calm because of it, right? Yes, I did it for you Personal interests have manipulated the law, and I am a heinous person. The punishment I am receiving is entirely my own fault... But can you answer me a question, Count of Monte Cristo?"

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"What do you want to ask?" the count asked coldly.

“What if, at that unfortunate moment, you meet not me, but an impartial prosecutor, who, although appointed to Marseilles by His Majesty the King, has a heart for impartiality in enforcing the law—assuming there is such a person. , although it was impossible in the atmosphere of counterattack and calculation in 1815." Villefort looked at the earl with a slightly helpless smile, "Then what do you think this impartial prosecutor would think of Ed? Mont Dantès and the political events in which he was involved? What would he think of your sending a secret message to Elba, thereby implicating yourself in the restoration conspiracy? Would he... think that you were at least partly guilty, Worthy of the title of political prisoner? Count, please answer me——"


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