Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-one, rippling water

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"In order for Agnes to give birth smoothly, I asked the doctor to prescribe her some tranquilizers to help her sleep, which is very good for her."

Although it didn't sound like a word of seduction, when Alice said these words in a soft voice, Aiglon felt an indescribable sense of temptation.

At this time, Alice had already walked to his side. The gauze on her body could no longer provide any blocking effect, and he could see everything almost easily.

Even though he was used to seeing Feng Yue, Aigron was still charmed by this sudden impact, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Madam, why do you have to do this? Even if you don't do this, I won't really do anything to you. I said that I will not pursue the past matters again."

"I not only want the 'before', I also have to chase the 'after'. I cannot accept that I will end my life in a situation of being exiled and forgotten, Your Majesty." Alice still answered softly, "I just said I have already told you that I want to go back and return to my old job, and I am willing to pay any price for this—"

Having said this, she gently bent down and faced the ravine between the towering white peaks sitting in the bathtub. She picked up the towel on the table next to her and gently wiped Aigron's shoulders. . "And in order to please you, this is the only bargaining chip I can give, isn't it?"

Being stimulated by her, Aigron became even more excited and wanted to "teach" this seemingly dignified young lady a lesson right away. However, he still had the last trace of reason left, which allowed him to hold back for the time being.

"Do you have to sacrifice yourself for a job?" Aiglon asked, "Even if you are not in the palace, you are still Agnes's biological sister, and you will still be respected by everyone... Is it worth it?"

"Why do you have to ask me back? Your Majesty... shouldn't you understand my feelings best?" Alice wiped his back and answered his question in a low voice, "Even if you didn't risk your life from If you run away from Switzerland, you will still be a member of the royal family, the Duke of Lechstadt, and the son-in-law of Archduke Karl. You will be respected in Austria and have countless properties... Then why do you run away? Because you Know that all those things are not yours after all. The more charity you receive, the more unbearable it will be. You are only willing to enjoy everything you have earned... The ambitious young man I met in Switzerland, How could you be surprised by my choice?”

Although Alice's answer was a bit rude to Aigron, it unexpectedly touched Aigron's heartstrings.

That's right, what Alice does is just like another mirror version (or a miniature version) of herself.

Faced with the humiliation, she chose to fight tooth for tooth and fight with her life. Although she failed in the end due to bad luck and limited ability, her spirit of "better to be broken than to be destroyed" is enough to be admired.

"Madam, I am very satisfied with this answer. I agree." Aigron nodded lightly.

Alice's eyes flashed with joy, and then she immediately continued to wipe him carefully, "Everything I ask for may indeed seem insignificant to you, but to me it is everything... In the palace This position is my reputation, my career, and even a part of my life!

Your Majesty, even at this moment, I am still very grateful to you and Princess Teresa, because you gave me a chance to serve you, and this is equivalent to giving me another life! I am not exaggerating at all, because during this process, for the first time in my life, I felt that I could still accomplish so many things, and that I could not be deceived, looked down upon, or humiliated! I have become a person who can truly live for myself...

Of course, maybe all this is just an illusion, but I can't live without it. I can't bear to say goodbye to the palace and go back to live in a small place. Even if I have no worries about food and clothing, it is torture for me! So, Your Majesty... I beg you, give me another chance, forgive my mistakes, and let me prove it again. I pay all this price just for your forgiveness, one chance, really just one time... Apart from that, I don't want anything. I'm not blackmailing you, I'm begging you! Please! "

After speaking her true feelings in a plaintive tone, Alice slowly took off the gauze covering her body, which also meant that she had left behind the last layer of "resistance" and "hesitation" in her mind. , she wants to get what she dreams of, and is even willing to trade her body and soul for it.

Is she feeling ashamed? Of course she was extremely ashamed. Although she had been accustomed to hearing about the romantic affairs of ladies in the social circles of Paris since she was a child, Alice, who had always held herself to the "highest standards", had never done anything unfaithful. Now, she had to cross the threshold one after another and jump directly to the last step, actively recommending herself to a man who was several years younger than herself. Isn't this a huge psychological impact on her?

But after a series of changes in the past, her current mentality is completely different from the past.

Since Treville and his son treated him like this, why should he remain chaste for Edgar? Besides, from now on, the husband and wife will be inseparable from each other, and even the bottom line has been broken. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to continue to worry about romantic affairs?

Now, she even has a secret desire for revenge, and she can't wait to use her intentional depravity to "compensate" for what Edgar did to her.

At this moment, Aigron was gradually being swallowed up by desire.

I would like to ask, when a beautiful young woman is so close to them and expresses her willingness to "give everything" without reservation, how many men can resist this temptation? Maybe, but it's definitely not a prodigal prince like Aiglon.

Although he originally planned to recall Alice after a while, since she has arrived at his door, why not accept it? Anyway, it's not like he was bullying her and forced her to do this.

Because of this thought, Aigron became energetic. He sneered slightly and looked at the other party with a look that seemed to be sarcastic.

"Madam, I think you know even if I don't tell you that, whether in the court or among the people, there are many beautiful women who want to get close to me in your way. If you want to show your ability, just now I'm afraid that's not enough? You still seem to be very new to pleasing others..."

Alice's face suddenly turned red after being laughed at by Aiglon.

After a fierce ideological struggle, I finally felt that I would give up everything to please His Majesty in exchange for a chance to go back. But I didn't expect that when I first came on stage, I would get such an almost humiliating response.

Aren't you beautiful enough? She was not convinced. After all, she had stayed in the palace for so long and was used to seeing ladies and ladies who came and went from the palace. Among this group of Yingying Yanyan, she asked herself that whether it was appearance or talent, she would never be better than anyone else. Among people, even the younger sister Agnes, who is truly favored by His Majesty, feels deep down in her heart that her sister is just lucky enough to be the one His Majesty likes, and it is not that her sister is better than her.

However, right now, her self-confidence was hit by a bucket of cold water.

She was not convinced.

The pain of being suppressed and despised for a long time has already turned into distorted self-esteem in her heart. She takes revenge on her husband and father-in-law, and she is not willing to be despised by His Majesty.

And she knew that her most "persuasive" weapon at the moment was not language, but her body.

So, she bit her lip gently with her teeth, then gritted her teeth and threw away the towel, and then her whole body was pressed against Aigron's white back.

Ah, she is really determined...

Since she is like this, why not obey her?

"Madam, have you thought about how to explain it to your sister?" He asked this question with the last bit of reason.

"Why do you need to explain?" Alice had obviously considered this question a long time ago, so she immediately answered, "Your Majesty, you are just taking a rest here. Even if anything happens, nothing has happened... ...I have no intention of becoming like my sister. On the contrary, I am still grateful for Queen Teresa's kindness to me and do not want to embarrass her. Therefore, there is no need to let anyone know about all this. If you don't mind... We, we just hang out like friends.”

Although she looked calm on the surface, it was enough to feel her shame and nervousness at the moment from her red face and slight breathing.

"Friends? Is this what friends should do?" Aigron couldn't help laughing.

Of course, this was just him teasing Alice on purpose. He probably understood Alice's thoughts: she didn't want to be his public lover, and she didn't want to use the opportunity to blackmail her. She just wanted to please her. opportunity, in exchange for bringing her back to the palace as soon as possible and continuing her original job as a steward who is not noticed by the outside world.

Should we say that her career ambitions were strong in the past, or should we say that her thoughts became distorted after being suppressed?

In short, Aigron doesn't want to delve too deeply into the root of this thought. After all, he is not a psychiatrist, he is just a dissolute prince who likes to have fun.

"In France, this is what friends can do." Alice replied quietly. "Your Majesty, isn't this good? I won't make it public, which will save you extra trouble. You can get along with Agnes as before... What else do you need to worry about? Do you really care about me? Do I feel nothing?"

"Of course not!" Aigron suddenly turned around, then reached out and grabbed Alice's hand, and then pulled her into the bath amidst her exclamations.

Under the illumination of the candlelight, the clear water seemed to have an extra white mermaid, instantly filled with a mind-blowing brilliance.

"Is this your first affair?" Aigron asked out of nowhere, not knowing why.

"Even if it wasn't, I would say it was the first time..." Alice couldn't help but laugh, but she quickly stopped her smile and nodded lightly, "But I still have to say, yes. , of course, it’s up to you to believe it or not.”

"I believe it." Aigron replied without hesitation, "Because if you were that kind of person, you should have thrown yourself into my arms at the beginning, so why wait until now - if I never made you fall in love with me, then There’s probably no one else.”

Alice was naturally amused by Aigron's shameless boasting, but she vaguely felt that it made sense.

At this moment, she also recalled her first meeting with this handsome young man in Switzerland, and recalled the scene when he was boating on the lake and passionately composed an impromptu poem on the lake. UU Reading www.uukansshu.net

Indeed...it's very fascinating. No wonder Princess Teresa and her sister are so enamored of him.

"Then, am I the first wife you have tried?" Alice asked in a low voice, as if by mistake.

"Yes." Aiglon answered without hesitation - there was no flaw in his answer.

Of course, this is a lie. Not only did Aigron try a wife, but that person was even his aunt - but since it can increase the interest of the moment, why not say this?

Sure enough, Alice became even more emotional. This unexpected "honor" also filled her with a strange excitement.

Obviously both of them knew in their hearts that this was a "transaction" in which chips were exchanged for power, but because of their mutual recognition and appreciation, they seemed to have been smeared with a layer of "infidelity" powder.

Is this a romantic relationship? It doesn't seem to count. If I can barely describe it, it is a friendship that goes beyond friendship. In France, this kind of contradictory statement often seems to be true.

Whether she is really emotional or "needs to be like this", in short, Alice is full of charm at this moment. Her blue eyes are looking directly at Aiglon, as if asking him why he hasn't "take action" at this time. ".

Seeing the rippling look of the young woman in his arms, Aigron finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He's had enough of his flirting, now it's time to reap the fruits.

At this time, Alice has also let go of all precautions and resistance.

The "deal" that Alice had been thinking about was finally officially implemented. Of course she can get what she wants.

Everything is so noisy, but only the two of them can hear the noise, and this will be a secret only between the two of them.

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