Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-two, the sky and the earth are wide in an instant

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In the quiet night, the two people were immersed in selfless happiness. The water vapor that spread everywhere warmed their naked bodies and concealed their private arrogance.

This hazy and ecstatic happiness lasted for unknown lengths of time. Finally, it stopped amid the suppressed yet comfortable groans of the two people.

Aigron slowly lay down on the edge of the bath again, enjoying the aftertaste of bliss, while Alice also lay down silently, leaning against him, using her charming and plump body to serve the Supreme to whom she was loyal. .

Although Aiglon was physically tired at this time, he felt extremely happy in his heart.

It has to be said that compared to girls of the same age, Alice, who has matured and has been married, is more open-minded and knows how to please herself.

Aigron picked up a few strawberries from the fruit bowl next to him and swallowed them happily.

"Mrs. Alice, I have to admit, it was a very nice evening indeed," he then said to Alice.

"I am honored to be able to satisfy His Majesty." Alice replied meekly.

She didn't say what she wanted. After all, at this time, everything was kept secret. If she rushed to ask for a "reward", she might arouse His Majesty's disgust and have the opposite effect.

However, she believed that through her "efforts", His Majesty should be able to be a little more tolerant of herself and agree to this humble request.

Sure enough, she didn't wait long before Aigron gave her the answer she wanted.

"Since you want to return to the palace and return to your original job so much, I can't bear to refuse. However, madam, considering that Edgar is still in prison, if you go back so soon, you will inevitably attract criticism. So, after Edgar is exiled abroad, I will bring you back - presumably, no one will care about this matter by then."

Alice also understood what Aigron meant.

If while Edgar was in jail, he continued to work in the palace as if nothing had happened, then in the eyes of the outside world, he would inevitably appear to be too cold-blooded and ruthless; but if Edgar was sent out of the country, then he would be pitied. After all, no one now knows that it was him who planned the conspiracy to frame Edgar, and they only think that they are also a victim.

Although she was a little disappointed that she couldn't go back immediately, now that she could get His Majesty's personal assurance, it was enough to make Alice feel at ease.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I swear...I will serve you and Your Majesty the Queen with a hundred times more diligence and loyalty than before, and I will never make such a mistake again..." Alice sincerely assured Aiglon. , "Now, this job has become my only hope and joy in life, and I will never take risks with it again."

Agron quite believed Alice's assurance. After all, Alice had already broken up with her natal family in order to marry Edgar, and now she broke up with her husband's family because they turned against each other. Except for her sister Agnes, her family members Social relations are almost equal to the severance of friendship and righteousness, which is tantamount to becoming a "lonely minister".

Apart from relying on herself, she has no way to gain power and social influence - and unlike Agnes, she just can't let go of all this, but regards it as the rest of her life. pillar.

Therefore, in the future, Alice will do things for herself wholeheartedly, as she promised, in exchange for her trust and reuse.

Although it is not easy to control someone who is too ambitious, in the final analysis, she is still a female. In this era, the "upper limit" for women's fame and fortune is also there, and Aigron does not have to worry about what she will have in the future. .

So... isn't this good?

"Then, I ask you to be more attentive in the future -" Aigron summoned the remaining strength in his tired body and held Alice in his arms again, "Madam, can we still have such a happy gathering like today in the future?"

Alice's cheeks turned red instantly, but of course she knew that this was a "condition" that was not negotiable.

Now that she has mustered up the courage to take this step and offer herself to him, she will no longer pretend to be reserved. So, she suppressed her shame and nodded gently.

"Your Majesty, I will spare no effort to serve you, including anything. So, if...if you want to call me again in the future, I...of course I will be happy to obey. However, I still have to remind you that it is best to Don’t be too frequent, and don’t be too ostentatious. After all, whether it is Her Majesty the Queen or Agnes, if they know this, they will probably be resentful. Even if they can forgive you in the end, this is not the case for you. It’s a good thing, and you don’t want to bother others for no reason, right?”

Alice's reminder suddenly woke up Aigron who was in a state of disbelief.

That's right, if Agnes knew that she had actually "taken advantage of someone's danger" to hook up with her biological sister, which would inevitably cause trouble, Teresa would also frown at the fact that she had found a new favorite.

Why bother with this kind of trouble?

Furthermore, as a boss and subordinate, wouldn’t it be fun to occasionally taste the joy of having an affair?

"Okay, you're right, let's be more careful in the future..." Aigron happily agreed with Alice's opinion, and then kissed her cheek, "Thank you for being so considerate, madam."

Seeing that Aiglon agreed to her request, Alice was relieved.

As she has always emphasized, she does not want to be an "officially certified" mistress, nor does she want to make the relationship between the two public. After all, this will cause the displeasure of Queen Theresa, and it is not an "honor" for her. . Rather than becoming a favored concubine like her sister who just waits for favor and doesn't care about anything, she wants to use her work and career achievements to reshape her own life value and give her broken life a new direction.

Dedicating one's body to "satisfy" His Majesty's desires is not so much an act of fighting for favor, but rather a "paying tax" to maintain His Majesty's favor.

Now, since His Majesty has agreed to her request in a reasonable manner, she has nothing to worry about anymore.

Although she sacrificed a lot to achieve her goal, as long as she can live according to her wishes in the future, everything she has sacrificed will be worth it.

From now on, she only lives for herself and her daughter, and no longer needs to bear any other obligations.

Once you think about it, the world will become wider in an instant.

Although she has severed all ties with General Treville and his son, the name "De Treville" is still shining with gold, and it is undoubtedly a famous surname. If she continues to stay in the court as Mrs. Treville, Among them, you can still get people's respect.

And Edgar also said that she would be completely free from now on and could do whatever she wanted.

She has an enviable title, the freedom to do whatever she wants, and the trust and trust of her two majesties. "Rebuilding life" is not some illusory self-comfort, but a real wish that can come true - as long as Just do what you need to do and don't cross the red line again.

"Madam...why are you crying?"

At this moment, Alice, who was deep in reverie, suddenly heard a hazy call in her ears.

Yes, it turned out that I cried... And at this time, Alice finally discovered that tears fell from her eyes.

What are these tears?

There are sighs and regrets that I went astray in the first place, but also joy that the accumulated depression and fear in my heart have been released, and even more hope for the rest of my life after experiencing all the disasters.

Yes, I hope... this makes people feel warmer and more comfortable than any indulgence of sensuality.

Alice suddenly buried her head in Aigron's arms desperately, and then began to sob silently. These were tears that she had accumulated for too long.

Although Aigron was a little surprised, considering Alice's situation, he didn't get too entangled. Instead, he allowed her to sob in his arms, while gently stroking her wet and smooth golden hair. Use this as silent comfort.

After crying for a while, Alice finally regained her composure. She raised her head from Agron's arms, and then looked at Agron with tearful and apologetic eyes.

At this moment, she was both ashamed of her weakness and grateful for His Majesty's tolerance towards her.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I lost my temper. However, I never used my tears to show weakness to inspire your protective desire or win your sympathy. I just... couldn't control myself for a moment."

"I can understand, ma'am." Aiglon nodded sensibly, "So many things have happened, and you really need to vent."

"I need to vent once, but once is enough! Crying is not my style. I must take responsibility for every decision I make and muster up the courage to face my life." Alice smiled bitterly and spoke with a full expression. He answered Aiglon in a fighting tone, "Thank you for opening a new page in my life, and next, I will write this page myself..."

"I believe you will write well." Aigron replied with a smile. "Well, good luck with what's ahead."

"Yes, I will." Alice smiled and nodded heavily.

It was obviously the scene of an affair, but it suddenly turned into an inspirational "positive energy". Both she and Agron had a feeling that they couldn't believe.

Then, Alice stood up unsteadily from Aigron and picked up the silk bathrobe that Aiglon had placed beside the bathtub; Aigron also stood up in cooperation, letting the gentle wife put the clothes on herself.

Already in the "Sage Time", coupled with the fluffy Roman-style yukata and the diffuse water vapor, Aigron felt as if he was in heaven.

"Your Majesty, you have to stand firm. It's not good if you fall because of the water in the bathroom." Alice reminded him quickly.

"I'm fine." Aigron waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Then you go first, I will continue to wash..." Alice said with a red face.

Aigron knew that she was afraid of being seen by a servant when she went out with him, so he wore a pair of wooden clogs, stepped on the marble tiles, and walked out of the bathroom.

He walked step by step along the corridor to his and Agnes's bedroom, and at this time he discovered that Agnes was indeed asleep on the bed.

Her face was as sweet as usual, but her hands were subconsciously placed on her abdomen - obviously at this moment, her abdomen did not have any abnormal bulge.

Obviously, it was impossible for her to hear the movements in the bathroom just now.

How could she have imagined that her sister had just put medicine on her to make her sleep soundly, and then took the opportunity to "enjoy" her lover?

That's fine, let all this become a secret sealed in the hearts of two people.

Agron didn't make any more noise, but lay on the bed silently, sleeping with Agnes, ending this charming and absurd night.


Early the next morning, as usual, the energetic Agnes woke up first, and then woke up Agron.

After the two made fun of each other, they got out of bed to wash up, and then went to the restaurant of the manor together.

At this time, Alice and Xia Lu, mother and daughter, were already waiting here.

When he saw Xia Lu, Aigron walked up directly, picked up the cute blond and blue-eyed child and teased him. Xia Lu, who grew up in the palace, was naturally very familiar with Aigron, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I didn’t recognize the novel at all, but was made to giggle.

What a lovely child, but it's a pity that his family is unfortunate and he can no longer enjoy the family love of his father... Aigron sighed in his heart. He naturally sympathized with this innocent child.

Then he quickly changed his mind - now, am I considered her "adopted father"?

That's it, although this should never be admitted publicly.

Thinking of this, Aigron couldn't help but look at Xia Lu with a little more affection.

Well, be nice to this kid from now on, after all, he is so cute.

Agnes was naturally unaware of Aigron's thoughts. Seeing that Aiglon liked Xia Lu so much, she was naturally happy. "Your Majesty, if our child could be as cute as her, I would have nothing more to ask for!"

"There will be." Aigron replied casually.

At this time, Alice was as gentle and kind as ever, chatting with her sister and Aigron. Her behavior was natural, and there was almost no difference in her behavior.

If he didn't remember exactly what happened last night, Aigron would even suspect that he just had a dream last night.

They are really born actors... Although this was not the first time he encountered such a scene, Aigron couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But isn’t this also good?

After teasing Xia Lu for a while, Aigron returned the child to Alice. Then he looked at the other person affectionately and left a meaningful word.

"Madam, all your efforts will be rewarded... This child will have a great future, and she will become the darling of the court. I hope she will be as smart and astute as you when she grows up."

"She will, Your Majesty."

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