Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-nine, stupid things

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"So, I want to come to Fontainebleau with my niece openly and openly as your honored guest. Is it possible?"

After hearing Maria's conditions, Aigron, whose scalp was already numb, now had an even worse headache.

To be honest, if Maria asked the lion for a large sum of money or some rare treasure, he would be happy to accept the conditions.

It's a pity that Maria, who is also a princess, doesn't look down on those external things at all. She cares more about satisfying her "spiritual needs."

In theory, it was completely reasonable for her to want to come to his court, and it also met the requirements of her status. Aigron had no reason to refute it, but in fact, based on his understanding of Maria, he could fully imagine that when Te What will happen after Lesa touches her.

In fact, it had already happened once - when they met in Bavaria, Maria deliberately provoked Teresa repeatedly in an eccentric manner, which made her lose her temper in a rare manner.

If "the past repeats itself", God knows what else she will do.

Just because he thought of this, Aigron suddenly turned into a bitter face.

"Can you...can you change your request?" He tried to bargain.

"No." Maria seemed to have made up her mind and flatly rejected Aiglon's words. "Didn't you just say that as long as you are within your ability, you can definitely help me do it? Do you want a guest to appear in your palace? , is something that you, as the emperor, cannot do? This is a joke! Or do you think that, as the princess of Bavaria, I am not qualified to appear in your court? "

"Of course I didn't mean that-" Aigron tried to explain.

"Then there's no need to waste any more words. It's all up to you whether you agree or not." Maria interrupted him directly.

Then, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and then looked at Aiglon with a sarcastic look, "If you are not even willing to let me do such a thing, then what qualifications do you have to ask me to risk my life for you and Sophie?" What? Don’t forget, I am the one who bears the greatest risk! Once the matter is exposed, even if the old emperor will not chop off my head, he will at least make me suffer. And what about you? In addition to being laughed at by the world, , there will be no harm at all, and people will even privately praise you for your kindness and righteousness, and for not forgetting the old relationship...I have suffered all the hardships, but you don't have to pay any price, which is a beautiful thought!"

Maria's ridicule made Aigron feel angry.

It's been a long time since he's been raped in front of someone like this.

If he followed his character, he would probably be furious now, and then he would let this blind Maria taste the pain.

However, his reason told him that he could not do this.

He could force others to do many things, but he couldn't force her to do this.

Even if he captures her now and tortures her to force her to "convince", then when the plan is implemented, she will still have countless opportunities to expose the matter on her own initiative in Austria, and then things will only become worse. worse.

Therefore, no matter what, I can only make her "willing" to implement this plan willingly, and cannot use violence to solve the problem.

It's uncomfortable to ask for help from others and be "manipulated" by others, but now he can only endure it silently.

Moreover, Maria's words do make sense. She is the one who bears the greatest risk, and this is not her responsibility in the first place. If she is willing to take risks without giving any sweetness, it cannot be justified.

Aigron pondered for a moment, and then spoke again.

"Okay, since you insist on your request, then I will agree to your request. However... I believe you can understand that I also have my position. I can't just sit back and watch trouble happen around me, so you should also pay attention to your words and deeds. .”

Having said this, he did not forget to remind the other party, "If you come here as a companion to the juniors, it means that you represent the official status of Bavaria. Your words and deeds will affect the relationship between our two countries." In order to maintain the dignity of the Wittelsbach royal family, you must be careful in your words and deeds. Can you bear this? "

Aiglon seemed to be questioning, but in fact he was hinting that Maria's royal brother and family would be used to suppress her, and Maria could of course understand the meaning.

"Don't worry, I'm not an uneducated fool. How could I do something disgraceful? Do you think that the education I received since childhood will be less than Sophie's?"

That's not what I'm worried about...Aigron replied in his heart.

However, now that Maria knew the importance of it, he felt a little relieved.

No matter how willful Maria is, she is still a royal at heart, and she also understands the importance of family interests and family reputation.

Therefore, at least she will not openly provoke Teresa and make everyone unable to step down.

And I should be able to control the rest - anyway, Fontainebleau is so big, as long as they turn a blind eye to each other, they won't have any intersection.

It should... be like this, right?

"You don't have to be so gloomy. Think about it on the bright side, aren't I helping you?" While Aigron was deep in thought, Maria sneered again.

"Help me? Are you kidding me?" Aiglon glared at Maria, thinking the other person was talking nonsense.

"Isn't it like this?" Maria asked, "You might as well think about it, if your plan really succeeds and Sophie comes to France, then doesn't she need an identity that can be seen in the light? If everyone knows I'm in Fontainebleau, so even if someone sees her in Paris or Fontainebleau, they won't think it's strange, right? She can just pretend to be me and enjoy her favorite luxurious life... Isn’t this the best way to make it up to her?”

That seems right, right? Aigron suddenly became enlightened after being reminded like this.

When he conceived the plan before, he hadn't had time to think about the problem of "how to place Sophie after replacing her." But if he really thought about this problem, then Maria's solution seemed to be the best.

If people knew about Maria's existence, they would not be curious about Sophie's appearance, and she would not have to hide in some shady place to have a private meeting with him. Instead, she could freely visit Paris, a place she had never been before in her life, and enjoy it. Her beautiful life.

When he thought about it this way, his worries and resistance suddenly disappeared.

Then, he seemed to react again and looked at Maria in shock.

"It turns out... you have already been thinking about this issue!"

"It's not very early, right - probably since the last time we met?" Maria still sneered, but her eyes moved to the stage below, "After all, you have spent so much effort to please me, I should be a little touched no matter what..."

It seems that all the hard work was not in vain after all...Aigron sighed in his heart.

"I'm sorry." After a moment of silence, he apologized to Maria again, "I know that I am ashamed of you, and I will find a way to make it up to you."

"What's the point of apologizing or not apologizing?" Maria's smile was a bit bitter, "Although during this period of time, you tried hard to accompany me, please me, make me happy, pay for all my willfulness, and let me I feel unprecedented happiness... But to you, in the final analysis, I am just a shadow. Everything you do to me is actually for others. You will never feel the same as me. I How much expectation I had, how much disappointment I had, and how much resentment and helplessness I felt in the end, you can't possibly understand it, so this kind of frivolous apology is worse than nothing, it will only make me feel more uncomfortable."

At this point, Maria sighed softly, feeling both helpless and extremely self-deprecating, "But having said that, at least you made me happy, didn't you? I am happier than I have ever been before! In this case, why don't I give you something in return?" What? Isn't it just taking a risk? She wasn't even afraid at the beginning, so what do I have to be afraid of?!"

Just as Maria sighed, the actors in the audience were also performing the climax scene. The actress fell into the arms of the actor and told her pain and longing for the long separation.

This was originally a mediocre third-rate play, but it brought the sudden sadness that filled the small box at this moment to its peak, so much so that Aigron almost shed tears.

She had long agreed to take risks for herself, ridiculed and blackmailed herself, just to say to herself "it's all worth it".

Although she still had so much resentment and unwillingness, she still gritted her teeth and prepared to take risks for herself and her sister. Including Milan's rescue, no matter how harsh and mean she was to others, she was already kind enough to herself.

I am so comfortable with my sister, and I am equally at ease with my sister... Aigron sighed in his heart, but at this moment he was not at all proud.

Now that I have indeed achieved my wish, why can't I be happy at all?

While the musicians on the stage were playing hard, Aigron reached out his hand and suddenly hugged Maria.

Maria subconsciously wanted to struggle, but firstly, her strength was no match for Aigron, and secondly, seeing Aigron's expression at this moment, she finally gave up and allowed herself to be held in the arms of this hateful guy.

The smell from the tip of the nose and the touch from the chest are so similar, everything seems to be history repeating itself.

But this is not a reenactment, she is Maria, not Sophie. She is not a shadow, but herself.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized to Maria again, and his tone became much more sincere, "I should have made our time together more pleasant..."

"It's okay, I'm already quite happy, more happy than I've ever been before." Maria replied with a smile. This time, there was no sarcasm in her smile, only relief. "Although it's still a little regretful, it's enough so-so. …”

Then, she took the initiative to reach out her hand and gently caressed Aigron's back, "Oh, I know I am an unlucky guy. I always fail miserably when I enter the casino. You have seen it with your own eyes. I lose even when I bet." There is no room for it, this is probably fate... Since I am in a card game where I am always losing, why can't I make my loss look better? People can always learn to comfort themselves, right?"

Faced with this self-deprecation, Aigron didn't know how to respond, so he could only hug her harder and harder to express his guilt.

"We still have a chance to make up for it." After a moment, he finally cheered up, "There is still a long time before the plan is implemented. I can take you to see more things and let you find more fun."

"Then it depends on your performance in the future -" Maria replied softly.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something again, and told Aiglon with a straight face, "I can tell you in advance that what I promised was only a temporary replacement, but I never thought that I would spend my whole life in that hell place for Sophie!" If you don’t get me back by then, I won’t care about any affection!”

"I understand..." Aigron replied solemnly. "I will keep my promise."

Then he kissed Maria regardless.

The box fell silent for an instant, and apart from the music from the audience, there was only the sound of gentle sucking.


After returning to the Tuileries Palace, Aigron did not immediately return to Fontainebleau in a carriage as per his usual schedule, but instead had Prince Talleyrand called over. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"Your Majesty, what else do you want to tell me about?" Prince Talleyrand asked curiously after seeing him.

"Have you made arrangements for Princess Theodlund to move from Bavaria?" Aigron got straight to the point.

"It has been arranged a long time ago, and they are very cooperative there." Prince Talleyrand replied, and he was curious in his heart as to why His Majesty suddenly paid attention to such a trivial matter.

"Have the entourage been arranged?" Aigron asked again.

"Of course, the list has been given to our diplomatic department a long time ago, and we are ready to issue the pass documents-" Although he was confused, Prince Talleyrand still answered the question accurately.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I need you to add an entourage to this list and communicate properly with the Bavarians as soon as possible." Egglund said in an unquestionable tone.

"Who?" Prince Talleyrand became even more confused and couldn't help asking.

"Princess Maria of Bavaria wanted to be invited to visit our country and see the elegance of our capital and palace, so she made a request to me through secret channels." Aigron answered the other party in a low voice, "Actually, she Now we are in our country, we just need an official confirmation procedure..."

Aigron's words immediately made Prince Talleyrand stunned.

With his IQ, he could certainly guess that there must be a hidden secret.

However, based on his experience, he certainly knows that there are some things that do not need to be asked, and there is no need to know the reasons - anyway, this small matter will not affect the overall situation of his diplomacy, and he does not care to get to the bottom of it.

It's just a harmless and foolish thing of young people. Who hasn't been young? Thought the lifelong romantic Prince Talleyrand.

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