Eagle’s Glory

Ninety, trick

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Now that he probably understood what was going on, Prince Talleyrand didn't want to waste time, so he immediately agreed to Aiglon's request.

"Your Majesty, please obey. I will make arrangements for you right now -"

Then, he thoughtfully said to Aigron, "If Her Majesty the Queen has any doubts, let me explain it to you..."

"That's great." Aigron also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he hesitated for a moment, considering his current situation and how much of the truth he should reveal to Prince Talleyrand.

Judging from the current situation, it would be very unwise to completely hide Talleyrand's knowledge - he is now implementing a dual policy of oppression and proximity to Austria, and he must understand all his demands on Austria, otherwise, When he negotiates with Metternich in the future, if he doesn't know everything about it, it will be counterproductive.

Moreover, since he is the prime minister that he relies on now, he has a certain right to know. Otherwise, it will be worse if he sees the clues and makes random suspicions.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I have some inside information to tell you about this matter——"

"Is it about you and Princess Sophie?" Prince Talleyrand asked, "To be honest, I have been waiting for you to tell me for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

Aigron was really shocked now. He rarely experienced the feeling of being "clarified" by someone, so he frowned subconsciously and his eyes became cold.

"Hey, you don't have to be so alert. In fact, I just made a guess." Prince Talleyrand waved his hand gently, and then smiled slightly proudly, "First of all, your life in Austria was not that Confidential, I have been paying attention to you. Not only through Metternich, I also have my own other news channels, so I probably heard that you and the princess...well, are relatively close. This is nothing to be ashamed of, as How can a man not have some romance? You did a great job and gave the Habsburg family a slap in the face, I applaud you!"

Prince Talleyrand was not just talking, he actually clapped his hands twice to show "celebration". I don't know whether he was really encouraging or mocking, and then he continued to speak.

"Secondly, although I have never met Princess Maria, I am familiar with the family genealogy of various royal families. I probably know that she is the twin sister of Princess Sophie... So, to sum up, I guess you specially came here this time The arrangement must be related to Princess Sophie, and your reaction also confirms this."

Fortunately, he only knew this, and Aigron finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this also proves that he is well-informed. Even if he has been dormant for more than ten years, he still knows everything about European countries.

It is indeed not luck that this guy can enjoy a great name and remain standing despite the changes of decades.

Fortunately, he was already in his final years and had only a few years left to live. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to get rid of him.

After thinking about this, Aigron calmed down.

"Since you have guessed it, I don't want to keep it secret anymore. Your Excellency, yes, I do have an affair with Princess Sophie, and it is not an ordinary affair. We...we have an illegitimate daughter, and now this My daughter is over 3 years old, and I am eager to welcome this child back from the Austrians as soon as possible so that she can have everything she deserves."

Prince Talleyrand listened quietly. Although these words were really shocking, his expression was indifferent and he did not appear surprised at all.

"You see, when we are having fun, we will always encounter some unfortunate accidents." Finally, he joked with a smile, "But it doesn't matter, our ancestors have long given us valuable experience in dealing with similar things. Are you willing to admit this? Child, legitimize her, that’s her luck! Leave this to me, I will bring her back to you, it just takes a little more time.”

What Aiglon did might be a bit explosive to others if they heard about it, but for Prince Talleyrand, who grew up in the extravagant and dissolute Louis XV era, it was simply too commonplace.

Not to mention anything else, he himself was a wanderer when he was a monk and gave birth to several illegitimate children. And one of his illegitimate sons, Charles Joseph, Count of Fraau, once had an affair with Aigron's aunt, Queen Ortense, and secretly gave birth to a son, who is now the Count of Monte Cristo's deputy, Count Morny.

At present, although Talleyrand has no legal heirs in name, in fact he has "a house full of children and grandchildren" (of course, for the money in the old man's hands, these illegitimate children are trying to please him), and of course he doesn't care. What about illegitimate children?

Of course, Aiglon only told Prince Talleyrand about his affair with Sophie and the existence of Clestel. He had no intention of informing the other party about his plan of "Li Daitao Zombie", because he knew that it had always been Talleyrand, who was absolutely rational and only based on interests, would never agree with his bold and dangerous idea, and would not help at all.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Talleyrand gets Metternich for himself, it won't be difficult to add another layer of transactions later.

"I tell you all this so that you can get the necessary information and let you understand the subtle relationship between me and the Austrians. Your Excellency, I am not a fool. I know the importance of power, so I will never betray France." It is my own interests to please the Austrians; but within my ability, I also hope to make up for the mistakes I have made - I hope you can understand my feelings."

"I understand very well, Your Majesty." Prince Talleyrand nodded sensibly, "And as your minister, of course I have the obligation to help you make up for it."

Then, he seemed to have thought of something else, "So, do you have some relationship with Her Royal Highness Maria?"

Now that we have reached this point, there is certainly no need for Aigron to hide this anymore, "We do have a close relationship. Before I left Austria, Princess Sophie had seriously considered bringing me and her together." Unfortunately, the marriage plan for this sister failed due to a series of changes. However, we did get to know each other later and developed a very strong friendship. Although she is not an easy person to get along with, she is quite good to me. Important - so if she has any wishes, please try your best to fulfill them. In addition, please ensure her safety in our country. After all, she has a special status and cannot make any mistakes."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Talleyrand responded again. "However, Your Majesty, Your Highness Maria is our distinguished guest, and as an unknown female prostitute, she cannot have any political enemies in our country. Apart from the disputes and jealousies in the boudoir, I can't see what risks she will face. ——”

Isn't that what I'm worried about? Aigron groaned inwardly.

"Okay... okay, I understand!" Prince Talleyrand also reacted, and then his face became stiff. "Don't you understand, Her Majesty the Queen? She is just because of your existence, The only person who is qualified to be our queen is that she should consider everything for you instead of causing trouble for you! In my opinion, you are polite enough to Her Majesty the Queen, at least much more polite than the previous kings! Since Her Highness Maria is our distinguished guest and has a diplomatic status, if anyone dares to harm Her Highness Maria, it will be harming the interests of our country and becoming my personal enemy. I will never let it go——"

Undoubtedly, Prince Talleyrand's stern statement meant that he had to personally guarantee Maria's safety. And this also made Aigron completely relieved.

After all, Prince Talleyrand was one of the very few people in the country who could ignore the Queen's pressure.

"You don't have to say that about her. She is here just for me. If she can choose, she doesn't care about the title of queen." Aigron sighed softly, "The current situation is forced, I have to do this , but objectively speaking, I owe her, so on the surface, you must show due respect to her, she deserves it."

Seeing Aigron's rare sigh, Prince Talleyrand couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty, you have weathered so many storms, so what do you have to worry about now? With so many of your loyal servants here, you will be able to make your wishes come true." Then, he gently comforted Aiglon.

Then, there was a hint of joking in his smile, "But having said that, you still haven't mastered cultivation after all. It's absolutely right that you like beauties, but you shouldn't be so devoted! When you get older, you will understand that you are just playing tricks on the occasion. After all, it's just a joke, and taking it too seriously will only make you more troubled..."

It really looks like you have mastered cultivation. Wouldn't it be terrible... Aigron complained in his heart.

However, this is a difference between the two people's world views. He can't say who is right and who is wrong, and he doesn't want to argue with the other party.

Now that the problem has been solved, there is no need for him to tangle with the other party anymore, so he bid farewell to Prince Talleyrand in a friendly manner, and then took his car and returned to the Palace of Fontainebleau along the same route.

As usual, Agron returned to his and Teresa's bedroom, and Teresa just ended her day's work and had dinner with Agron.

"Theresa, I heard from Prince Talleyrand that the Bavarians have made arrangements for Princess Theoderlande, and she will leave for us soon. Fontainebleau is ready. Are you ready to welcome us?" Aigron asked pretending to be casual while eating. "The future Queen of Belgium is very important to the interests of our country and cannot be wronged here."

"Of course." Teresa replied in a calm tone as usual. "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on it and there won't be any mistakes."

In terms of "kinship", Prince Eugene's daughter is the couple's "niece", so the two of them faced the visitor as elders. Fortunately, this kind of court etiquette was not a problem at all for Theresa. So she had no worries.

Then, she asked Aigron, "Now that her itinerary has been arranged, the list of entourage should have been given to her, right? Give it to me, and I will make the corresponding reception arrangements."

He knew Theresa would ask such a question.

Entertaining visitors to the palace, especially women, is one of Her Majesty's duties. How could he exclude Theresa without her knowing?

He was feeling a little nervous now, but now that the situation was at this point, of course he couldn't back down anymore.

Besides, in the final analysis, everything still has to be decided by his will.

So, he took the list from his arms and handed it to Theresa, "This is what the prince gave me."

Originally it was just a trivial matter. Teresa took it over and glanced at it casually before passing it over. But soon, her pupils suddenly shrank, then suddenly dilated again, and she looked at it carefully for a few seconds, as if to Make sure your eyes are not mistaken.

Then, she raised her head and looked at Aiglon with confused and annoyed eyes.

"Why is there that Princess Maria?"

"I'm not sure. This is the result of negotiations between Prince Talleyrand and the Bavarian royal family." Aigron replied calmly, "It seems that because the princess is young, they want an elder to accompany them - wait until the wedding. Let’s go together.”

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is about to be 17 years old, and I was not even 16 when we got engaged. What kind of elders does she need? We are her elders. Could it be that we have wronged her here?" Theresa is obviously not like this. She is such a fool, she immediately pointed out the contradiction, "Besides, her mother is still alive, and her brothers are also with us. If there are any elders, just let her own family accompany her." Okay? I think she just wants to cause trouble for others, right?"

"I actually don't quite understand the reason for this, but since Prince Talleyrand has already negotiated, there must be no problem..." Aiglon replied with a strong smile, but he was secretly nervous. UU Reading www. uukanshu. net

Theresa did not answer immediately, but looked directly at Aigron.

Her eyes were very complicated. They were both questioning and full of grievances, which made Aigron feel even more uncomfortable.

He knew in his heart that he had indeed gone too far, but now that the matter had reached this point, he had to bite the bullet and do it to the end. How to compensate Theresa would be discussed later.

"Your Highness, why do you need to play such a trick in front of me? What's the point of using Talleyrand as a shield for you? If you are not willing, just say it directly, will he go against your will on such a trivial matter? ? I don’t believe it!” Theresa was obviously in a bad mood, and her tone of voice was no longer polite.

Precisely because her words hit the point, it was difficult for Aigron to refute.

Fortunately, he was prepared in advance, so he immediately said what he had prepared.

"Teresa, since this kind of matter is related to our national interests, there is no need for me to make trouble. Maybe this is an unwelcome guest to you, but in our lives, we will always encounter many unpleasant things. Favorite guest, isn’t it? We have to endure something after all.”

"Then why am I always the one to endure it?!" Teresa responded loudly, "Don't I have enough customers to endure it? Your Highness? Why aren't you the one to endure it? Do you think I am making trouble out of nothing? She was Haven't you seen how she was sarcastic to me? Since you have seen her, why do you still allow her to appear in front of me? "

"I'm sorry, Teresa..." Agron sighed, "I don't expect you to like her, but I hope that we will entertain our guests with the etiquette we should have. This is of great importance. Whether it is me or Prince Talleyrand does not want anything to happen that is detrimental to the national interest——"

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