Eagle’s Glory

Extra (34) Day in Fontaine

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December 16, 1842

The sharp teeth of winter are ruthlessly ravaging the earth. Under the gray sky, everything seems lifeless.

However, even in such a torturous weather, Paris is still noisy and intoxicating as usual, especially at night, in the entertainment world composed of theaters, clubs and salons, people enjoy themselves, indulge in carnival, let This famous city deserves its nickname of "New Babylon".

However, since the reconstruction of the Empire, His Majesty Emperor Napoleon II has made great efforts to renovate and build Paris, allowing the people of this city to have some more elegant, solemn or novel entertainment in addition to their original decadent pastimes.

After more than ten years of hard work, the streets have become wider, and the buildings have become more exquisite and regular. In addition, the brand-new Paris also has unprecedented huge facilities - a train station and an amusement park not far from the station.

The amusement park was personally planned and participated in the design by His Majesty the Emperor. According to his words, it was a "gift" to the people, and what he said was indeed true. After the amusement park was built, it became popular due to various novel entertainment facilities, As well as the eye-opening zoological and botanical gardens, it immediately became a good place for the citizens of Paris and surrounding areas to relax. Even foreign tourists came here, and this originally desolate area also prospered. , has become a new commercial and residential area.

Relying on the profits provided by the amusement park and the sponsorship invested by the royal treasury, the palace continued to develop land around the amusement park. Soon, the magnificent National Concert Hall was built. His Majesty the Emperor made a great wish to make this The concert hall became the "sacred temple" of music in the empire and even Europe, making every top musician proud to play here.

That's exactly what he did. Since the concert hall was built, the royal family has regularly invited well-known musicians from France and other countries to perform specially. The emperor and his wife, who were born in Austria, often attended important performances and took the opportunity to feast. Ear blessing.

Today, a brand new face will appear on the stage of the concert hall.

The audience who had learned the preview of the program early were also looking forward to the performance in the auditorium, waiting for the performer who was about to appear.

Their wait was not in vain. As time went by, just as the show was about to come, the door to the performance stage slowly opened. Then, in the focus of everyone's attention, the 15-year-old Charlotte De Miss Treville walked along the steps to her destined stage.

She was dressed up today, wearing a long white dress, and patterns such as stars and moons were drawn on the skirt with gold thread, and there were also small diamonds as embellishments, shining under the bright lights, as if she was participating in something Just like a grand palace ceremony.

Against the background of the dress, the blond girl looks both beautiful and elegant. Although she is not very old, she is already quite tall, and the mountains on her chest have begun to take shape. Anyone who sees it will be surprised. She secretly admired that she would become a great beauty.

In her hand, she held a beautifully crafted violin, which looked extraordinary at first glance.

What's more eye-catching than the luxurious clothes is that she wears a small crown on her head. This crown is not highly regulated and looks like it is just a style worn by female members of the royal family with a dress, but even so, it is already Enough to decorate the identity of the wearer. Under the gaze of everyone, the diamonds inlaid on the crown shone brightly, giving the charming girl an awe-inspiring and unapproachable aura.

In the empire, not everyone was qualified to wear such jewelry in public. This crown was enough to silently highlight Xia Lu's prominent status in the court.

However, even though she had a prominent family background, she was not qualified to wear it. However, a few years ago, when Miss Xia Lu celebrated her 10th birthday, her good friend Princess Kelistel took the risk and begged her father to wear it. The crown he usually wore was given to Xia Lu as her most unique gift, and His Majesty the Emperor readily agreed to this request, and finally Xia Lu received this rare honor. (See Extra 31 for details)

Such a "reward" that reversed the order of class originally aroused criticism in the court. However, because Xia Lu's mother and grandfather were both in high positions, no one publicly expressed their distaste. In addition, she was a daughter. In the end, it would not really shake the order of the palace and the government, so no one cared in the end.

Xia Lu also knew that this overly expensive gift would bring about the controversy of "transgression", so she would not easily wear it to show off to the people around her. Her main purpose of wearing this crown at her performance today was actually It's not to show off, but to commemorate the innocent friendship between two people at this unforgettable moment with my best friend.

That's right, her best friend, Princess Christelle, was currently in the royal box in the center of the third floor, watching her expectantly.

She leaned on the railing and stared at her friend nervously, as if she was performing on stage.

Her half-brothers and sisters, His Royal Highness Crown Prince François and His Royal Highness Princess Funina, were sitting on their seats, watching the action in the audience with anticipation.

Today is the day when Xia Lu performs publicly in the concert hall for the first time. In other words, it is a milestone in her "artistic career". As playmates who grew up together in the palace, the princes and princesses with whom they have a close friendship will naturally come to support - and for It does not affect the mood of the "children", so His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress did not come today.

With everyone watching with admiration or expectation, Xia Lu walked onto the stage.

Because she was wearing a crown on her head, she did not bow and salute, but nodded slightly to the audience. At this moment, whether in the auditorium or in the box, thunderous applause and cheers immediately broke out, paying tribute to this debutant. Players give their encouragement.

Today's atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic and the audience had the greatest expectations and tolerance. After all, Miss Xia Lu's performance level was second to none. Who doesn't like to watch a beautiful girl perform music?

However, for Xia Lu, the situation was much more serious.

She received strict education from her mother since she was a child, and learned to play the violin from her mother. Because of her good talent, she quickly reached a very high level.

She had played many times for friends and His Majesty the Emperor and his wife in the palace before, and had been praised by them. Today she is full of confidence and determined to win.

After all, she didn't want to be ridiculed as having "taken the back door" to be able to appear on such a prestigious stage (although in fact this was partly the reason).

As the recognized "darling" of the palace, she does not need to use this craft as a foodie to settle down in the future, but even so, she must hold herself to high standards and not allow herself to screw up the performance.

While greeting the audience with a smile, she was secretly adjusting her breathing and searching for the "opportunity" to unleash her artistic talent.

Just when the thunderous applause gradually subsided, she found it. She adjusted her posture to make herself more stretched, and then she put the violin on her still immature shoulders.

here we go!

At this moment, everything fell silent, and not long after, piano accompaniment sounded from the corner of the stage. Then, Xia Lu gently pulled the bow with graceful and stretched movements, and a melodious and high-pitched sound immediately spread out from her body.

This is Schubert's "Violin Sonata in A major". Because it is a masterpiece, Xia Lu has practiced it countless times since she was a child, and the audience is also familiar with it. Xia Lu used this as the opening, in order to control the rhythm as quickly as possible. By the way, it boosts the atmosphere.

And just as she hoped, the elegant violin and piano sounds were mixed together, and then poured out from the stage, blowing through the ears of every audience like a breeze. Schubert's gentle and melodious masterpiece was also heard in Xia Luquan's eyes. The emotional investment is revealed in every detail.

The blond girl gradually entered the state, she closed her eyes, and then gently plucked the strings guided by her feelings, experiencing the sense of detachment immersed in the music.

At this time, the person on the stage is no longer the "darling" who was born into wealth, but a simple performer. She has become one with the instrument in her hands, and she lives only for art at this moment.

A few minutes later, as the music ended, she gently stopped and opened her eyes again. At this time, what came to her face was the excited and respectful gaze directly above her.

Princess Crystal looked at her with a smile on her face, followed by cheers from the whole hall.

Although she is not the world's top performer, at the age of 15, her performance is exquisite enough to deserve people's praise and expectations.

Amidst the thunderous applause, Xia Lu bowed slightly, and after a moment's rest, she picked up her instrument again.

And under the gaze of the audience, she continued to be the descendant of the Muse, generously spreading the beauty of music and art to the world.

Spring Sonata, Serenade, Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor... Under her delicate hands, classic and beautiful melodies kept emerging from the stage, and then passed through everyone's body until they reached their souls.

It wasn't until the last moment that Xia Lu reluctantly put down her hand.

She didn't need anyone to tell her how effective it was, she could conclude that this was a very wonderful performance, and the performance was even better than she had originally expected.

She succeeded.

Although this kind of performance did not actually have any impact on her life path, it must be one of the most unforgettable moments in her life. At this moment, she was not praised for any external family background, power or wealth and beauty. , but is praised by others because of the "talent" that he has honed through his own efforts.

I did it, Mom! Although Mrs. Alice was not present in order not to put extra pressure on her daughter and not to affect the mood of the juniors, Xia Lu still "reported victory" to her mother in her heart.

Then, she nodded slightly and walked off the stage leisurely amid a tsunami of applause and cheers.

As soon as she stepped off the stage, she was met by her friend Kristel who hurriedly ran down from the box upstairs.

"A very... very successful performance, Xia Lu, congratulations to you, you succeeded!" Kristel smiled happily, and then congratulated Xia Lu excitedly.

There was no trace of jealousy in her eyes, she was purely happy for her friend.

And her beautiful silver-white hair also fluttered gently as she spoke.

"Thank you, Keli..." Xia Lu also smiled and nodded to her friend, "Without your support, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to perform so well!"

"Well!" Keli received great encouragement. Then she took out a handkerchief from her body and wiped Xia Lu's forehead. "Thank you for your hard work. Go back to the palace and rest!"

"Yeah! Let's leave in a moment." Xia Lu nodded.

Then, she said goodbye to her friends for the time being, and was going to find a rest room to pack her things and tidy up her messy appearance.

But just when she opened the door, she was met by a young girl.

This girl seemed to be a flower girl. She was holding a basket in her hand, which was filled with flowers. She had a scarf on her head, and there was a little dust on her face, so her face could not be seen clearly.

"Sorry..." Xia Lu immediately apologized and prepared to leave.

"A very successful performance, Miss Xia Lu, congratulations." At this time, a crisp voice came from behind Xia Lu.

Although it was just a soft greeting, Xia Lu was frozen in place.

She recognized the owner of the voice, and she also knew that it was no accident that there was someone here.

So, she subconsciously stopped where she was, and then covered the door.

"Charlotte, is it you? Why are you here?"

At this time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net her eyes were also focused on this inconspicuous flower girl. Only by paying close attention to the few strands of hair accidentally exposed under her headscarf, could she find a little bit of Treville Traces of the family's ancestral brilliant blond hair.

"Can't I come and see your performance?" Charlotte asked.

"You rebel, why are you running around? Aren't you afraid of death?" Xia Lu frowned.

"Then why don't you report me? You can yell now." Although Charlotte was smiling, she still asked provocatively, "You choose to turn a blind eye when you meet a rebel. This is also harboring~"

"You have a pistol hidden on your body, and I don't want to put myself at risk." Xia Lu replied calmly.

"Really? Do you think I will shoot you?" Charlotte asked.

Xia Lu's expression froze, but she still answered forcefully.

"Who can say for sure? Maybe you can."

Her answer aroused Charlotte's contemptuous ridicule, and then Charlotte took two steps forward, then raised her left hand and gently poked her cousin's flawless face with her little finger.

"Come on, you-" she laughed jokingly, "you just can't bear to see me go to jail."

Then, she took the violin from Xia Lu's hand.

"Can you give it to me? Keep it as a souvenir. You don't lack such valuable things anyway, right?"

"No!" Xia Lu replied angrily. "Unless you promise me to go home and stop doing stupid things..."

Charlotte didn't argue anymore, she just smiled and looked at her cousin faintly with the same turquoise eyes as Xia Lu.

"I don't deny that I did stupid things, but at least in this way, we are even, right? The eldest lady and the thief... don't you think they match well?"

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