Eagle’s Glory

Extra (35th) Day in Fontaine II

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"I don't deny that I did stupid things, but at least in this way, we are even, right? The eldest lady and the thief... don't you think they match well?"

Charlotte's reply was, as always, hard for Xia Lu to understand.

But to be honest, she has never been able to understand her cousin's brain.

She is the granddaughter of Grandpa Charlot's brother, Duke Treville. During the turmoil of 1830, Duke Treville chose to go into exile with the Bourbon family and became an important member of the royalist party.

Before going into exile, because he was worried that his beloved granddaughter would not be able to endure the hardships of exile, he entrusted his granddaughter to the care of his younger brother and placed them together in Treville's house. Therefore, Xia Lu and Charlotte grew up together. , they are better than biological sisters even if they are not biological sisters.

Although she has a noble bloodline and is a direct descendant of the ancient aristocratic Treville family, Charlotte has developed a sensitive and arrogant character since she was a child because her parents were not around, and she is even a little weird. Although this did not affect However, as she grows older, Xia Lu becomes increasingly unable to understand what Charlotte does.

What she couldn't understand the most was that not long ago, Charlotte suddenly told her that she was ready to join the royalist party that supported the Bourbon family and work hard to overthrow the rule of the Bonaparte family.

Xia Lu almost lost her temper when she heard that her family was "deeply favored by the country", and her mother was also valued by the two majesties. Even her aunt was his majesty's favorite, possessing extremely high power and honor. As a result, her cousin Sister actually wants to rebel? Whose rebellion? Isn’t this a rebellion against oneself?

She immediately and seriously pointed out the absurdity of Charlotte's decision.

First of all, who will rule the country is a major political matter. Why do you, a kid who has just turned 16, get involved in it? Now is not the time during the Great Revolution when nobles were guillotined everywhere and their lives were precarious. Is it necessary for you to run into the whirlpool yourself so urgently?

Secondly, although His Majesty the Emperor has some well-known shortcomings, he is a good emperor by any standards. He can not only control his trusted ministers with an iron fist, but also be able to firmly control his beloved ministers through these ministers. He holds the core power; and he also cares about the well-being of the people. His rule for more than ten years can be said to be a time of prosperity and prosperity. Under such circumstances, if you want to rebel, there is no hope of success. Just take your own risk.

What's more, Charlotte herself has no Royalist "blood" at all.

Although Xia Lu is not very old now, because she is naturally intelligent and has been surrounded by her mother since she was a child, she probably understands the secrets of the Treville family. She knows that the Duke, who seems to have broken up long ago and has not been in contact with each other since old age, The two brothers have actually been secretly supporting each other for many years. Although Duke Treville went into exile with the Bourbon royal family, he was essentially just an insurance company for the family and had no intention of causing trouble for the royal family.

Your grandfather is not a die-hard royalist, so why should you join in?

But no matter what Charlotte said, Charlotte still went her own way. Finally, one day, she suddenly disappeared, leaving a letter saying that she wanted to go abroad to meet His Majesty the King (at this time, Charles X of the Bourbon family had passed away, so he kept The king supported by the royal party is the former crown prince Louis, known as Louis XIX).

Xia Lu was furious about this, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she could not report her cousin, so she could only wait anxiously for the follow-up news.

Unexpectedly, not long after that, she actually met Charlotte again here, but the other party had already concealed her identity and dressed up like this, and obviously had no intention of returning to her original identity.

In other words, Charlotte was serious, and she actually became a member of the royal party's secret organization.

How unwise! How willful! Just for a shabby settlement that has been abandoned by the times, why bother?

Xia Lu glared at her cousin with anger, but in the end she didn't cry out.

"This is not a house game. If you are not careful, you will get blood. Even if my mother and I protect you, we can't protect you if something big happens! Are you really not afraid of death?" Finally , she asked helplessly.

"Thank you for your concern. Of course I am afraid of death, so I will be careful." Charlotte replied with a smile, "And don't worry, even if something happens, I will bear the consequences alone, no It will implicate you.”

"Who is worried about being implicated by you? Do you want to shake my position?" Xia Lu looked at the other party with pride and annoyance, "I just don't want to see you die for some inexplicable reason at such a young age... …Because I want to be able to continue to see you in the future and spend every day happily together like in the past. Isn’t that great?!”

"Just because you want everyone to be together, you can't make people happy. For you, the world is too colorful. Everyone greets you with a smile. Everyone values ​​you and likes you. Of course you I hope it will be like this every day in the future... But it is different for me. With you, I am not a princess, but just a poor guy who depends on others. My happiness is just a charity from your kindness, and you I have given this kindness to everyone equally, and I don’t seem so special and important. I am forced to watch the close interactions between you and all your good friends, and I don’t want to see this! I’m so fed up! So I want to change my way of life, to be a person who makes you gnash your teeth but is helpless..."

At this point, Charlotte's mouth showed that mocking and provocative smile again, "To be honest, seeing you angry makes me quite happy."

"What are you doing! I don't understand at all." Xia Lu looked at Charlotte in confusion, but she had long been used to the other party's incomprehensible look.

"Oh, I'm just talking casually, you don't need to understand." Charlotte shook her head gently, and then continued to joke, "My cousin, although you are so famous now, maybe you really have One day, like so many seniors before you, will you lose everything in the changing circumstances? If that day comes, don't worry, I will protect you, just like you do today."

"That won't happen one day." Xia Lu raised her head arrogantly, "Undoubtedly, there is no country in the world that will never be destroyed, but Your Majesty and we will use our lifelong efforts to continue the empire until I will also hold power on the day I die! No one can drive me down, so give up!"

Although these words sounded arrogant, at this time, the blond girl wearing a gorgeous dress and a crown had an awe-inspiring demeanor that made people convinced.

"Then we'll see-" Charlotte replied with a smile.

Then, she looked at the clock in the room and said, "It's getting late. It's time for me to say goodbye to you, lest people outside get suspicious. So, Xia Lu, even though I have a lot of reluctance, I still have to say goodbye to you." ...See you next time."

After saying that, she suddenly leaned forward, and then gently pecked Xia Lu on the cheek as a blessing.

Then, before Xia Lu could react, she picked up her flower basket and quickly disappeared into the room, leaving Xia Lu dumbfounded.

Xia Lu was silent for a moment, and finally cursed softly in a helpless voice.

"What a fool!"

Then, she tidied up her clothes, picked up the violin and quietly left the room.

At this time, Princess Kelistel, who was waiting for Xia Lu at the gate, was already impatient. When she saw Xia Lu's figure, she immediately came over happily.

"Xia Lu, are you okay? Why did you rest for so long?"

"Oh, I'm a little tired after playing for such a long time, so I squinted a little." Xia Lu lied with a wry smile, confusing the matter, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

"It's okay, just rest." Kristel shook her head gently, then looked at Xia Lu with a smile, "Shall we go back?"

"Well! Go back!" Xia Lu waved her hand boldly.

At this time, two luxuriously dressed girls stood together, one with blond hair and one with silver hair, both of whom were stunningly beautiful. They formed a beautiful picture, so that the spectators passing by could not help but pay attention and salute, secretly admiring this scene. The famous "Flower of the Empire" is indeed well-deserved.

In contrast, the taciturn Princess Kelistel seemed gentle and restrained, while the magnificent and arrogant Xia Lu looked more like a princess.

The two of them stepped onto the princess's carriage together, and together with others, the procession returned to the Palace of Fontainebleau in a mighty manner, bringing a perfect end to the milestone in Xia Lu's artistic career.

In the carriage, Crystal was cuddling with her friends as usual. She was extremely happy at the moment and felt very proud of Xia Lu's success.

As a legalized illegitimate daughter, her identity is quite embarrassing, and she cannot usually play with her younger brothers and sisters. Because of this, she cherishes this playmate who grew up with her even more. For her, her friendship with Xia Lu has become an indispensable part of her life.

"Xia Lu, have you ever considered continuing to perform in public in the future?" Crystal asked quietly while the carriage was still speeding.

"If I have a chance in the future, I still want to try it. After all, the response to today's performance was so strong, which proves my talent..." Xia Lu replied, "However, after all, this is not my job, so I don't There are ways to guarantee the time to appear, it probably depends on your mood——"

"Everyone else wants to be on stage once but can't get it, but you can appear according to your mood..." Kristel said with a smile.

"Of course it's because of your help, otherwise I wouldn't have the qualifications to go on stage whenever I want." Xia Lu also joked to her friend with a smile, "So, today's success is half as good as yours, I thank you!"

"It's great to be able to help you." Crystal's face flushed at Xia Lu's half-truth and half-false praise. She was shy but also extremely proud. "In the future, whenever you perform on stage, tell me in advance. I will definitely come to watch it. It's so beautiful."

"Okay, let's do that!" Xia Lu agreed immediately, "Without your on-site encouragement, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to perform well!"

So, the two people excitedly made an agreement.

"Xia Lu, I...I don't have any great talents, and I'm not very good at dealing with others. I'm kept at a distance by others, and I don't want to get close to anyone, except you...you are a real living person, you are like Just like the sun, only when I see you full of vigor and freedom do I feel that I am also alive. I don’t know what I can do in the future, but I just want to stay by your side, just like these few years. Same, I always feel your warmth..."

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her head, kissed Xia Lu gently on the cheek, and then quickly turned her gaze out the car window, never daring to face Xia Lu again.

Obviously, for Crystal, it took a long time to muster up the courage to say such a long paragraph.

Fortunately, they were not on the same side... In this sweet and embarrassing moment, a strange thought suddenly flashed through Xia Lu's mind.


After a period of commotion, the group returned to the Palace of Fontainebleau, and news of Xia Lu's performance quickly spread throughout the palace.

Everyone who met Xia Lu, whether sincerely or not, congratulated this "darling", but Xia Lu only expressed her gratitude in a formal way.

It was late now and she just wanted to rest.

When she returned to her residence in the palace, her mother was still busy and not in the room. Xia Lu was already used to this rhythm of life, so she didn't take it seriously.

She quickly walked into her own suite, but she did not stay here. Instead, she took a few more steps and came to a room next to her.

At this time, a little girl of about ten years old was lying on the bed.

When she heard the noise in the room, she also opened her eyes, and then looked towards Xia Lu in a daze.

This child has blond hair and blue eyes inherited from the Treville family, and because she doesn't exercise much and is weak and sick, her skin is whiter, as crystal clear as porcelain under the candlelight, and she looks more like a doll.

"Fulan, are you feeling better?" Xia Lu asked with concern as she walked to the bed.

"Much better, sister." the little girl replied softly. "How was your performance today?"

She is Xia Lu's sister, Miss Fran de Treville, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net It stands to reason that she should also attend the performance just now, but because she has been feeling unwell recently, she has to stay at home unfortunately.

"A great success!" Xia Lu whispered, walking to her sister's bed and wiping her forehead.

"Great!" Fran exclaimed happily, even more excited than her sister.

Then, she started coughing again because of the violent movements. Xia Lu panicked and quickly sat on the bed and stroked her back to comfort her.

"It's a pity that I wasn't there..." After being excited, Fran said with regret.

"It doesn't matter, I can also play for you alone." Xia Lu looked at her with doting eyes. "If you like."

Fran nodded immediately.

Because her mother is very busy, Xia Lu usually takes care of her younger sister. Although she is only a few years older than her younger sister, she already has some sense of being a "mother".

Oh my, I have a half-brother and a half-sister, my life is really complete...

She didn't know how many times she secretly complained.

However, considering how much he got, this small price was nothing.

"Hold me to sleep tonight, sister...otherwise I won't be able to sleep." At this moment, Fran was acting coquettishly towards her sister again.

"Yes, yes, but you are not allowed to move." Xia Lu hesitated for a moment, then made a condition. "Otherwise it will be so noisy that I won't be able to sleep."

"Yes!" Fran agreed happily. "I love you, sister!"

"Of course I love you too, my sister." Xia Lu replied casually.

Then, she cleaned herself up and climbed into bed quietly, ending this exciting and tiring day.

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