Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-one, sorry

[Xia Lu’s wonderful time is over, back to the main story~]

"I don't expect you to like her, but I want us to entertain our guests with the etiquette we deserve. This is a matter of great importance. Neither I nor Prince Talleyrand want anything to be done that is detrimental to the interests of the country." occur--"

Under Teresa's gaze full of anger and grievance, Aigron expressed his will bravely, which also meant that this matter could no longer be changed.

However, although on the surface he appeared to be righteous and unquestionable, in his heart he felt extremely guilty because he knew that he had indeed wronged Teresa again this time.

For a long time, out of love for herself, Teresa tolerated her repeated licentiousness. Although she had argued and complained, she still endured it in the end. Her final bottom line was nothing more than "out of sight, out of mind." Annoying." As long as she doesn't get jumped in the face, she can pretend she doesn't know anything.

However, Maria's request was tantamount to violating this bottom line. Although she only met Maria once, Teresa had a very bad impression of her, not only because she cynicized her as soon as they met, but also because She has the same face as Sophie, which makes her fear "the past will repeat itself" from the bottom of her heart.

She originally thought that now that she was in France and the other party was in Bavaria, she would be able to stay away from each other forever and never have to worry about it again. However, she did not expect that she would suddenly be faced with the situation where she would become her "distinguished guest".

Caught off guard, she was naturally very angry and felt that she had been tricked by her husband again.

Just because she was so angry, she changed her usual gentle and dignified attitude, and instead spoke more and more harshly.

"National interests? Yes, you and I are emperors and empresses. Of course we must put national interests first, but I don't understand why our national interests have to be linked to an inconspicuous foreign princess? She can help you solve diplomatic problems A big deal? Or can she turn stone into gold so that you don't have to worry about the lack of money in the treasury? Or...can she play with hairpins and makeup so that you can relive your old dreams when you miss Her Royal Highness Sophie? If this is the case, it will indeed be a great contribution to the country. , after all, if your majesty is in a happy mood, the country will be blessed!"

Well, you are really right...Aigron felt ashamed in his heart.

Normally Theresa was humble and kind to others, so that no one could feel any aggression, but when she got angry and complained about herself, he could feel that Teresa's harsh words were as harsh as Maria's. Half a point.

Of course, every time she got angry, she was always the culprit.

Because of this, Aigron didn't feel any disgust in his heart and just wanted to calm down the turmoil as soon as possible.

He was even more afraid that Teresa would be so angry that she would say more "tough words" like she did during the last quarrel, making the situation even more difficult to end.

He raised his head and looked at the attendants and maids around him, and found that they all had their heads lowered and their faces were pale. Apparently they also knew that they were hearing something they shouldn't hear. ….

He waved his hand and signaled all the others to leave, and these people also quickly ran away as if they had been granted amnesty. Suddenly, only the couple was left in the huge hall.

"Why, are you afraid of being embarrassed now?" Teresa was still angry and continued to glare at Agron, "What are you afraid of? You don't care about my face anyway..."

"Teresa, is it because you are so hostile to her because she is Sophie's sister?" Aigron sighed, and then asked in a low voice, "Logically speaking, with your character, you would not treat other people's Take these few words to heart; what's more, now that you are the queen of the empire, your rank and power are much higher than hers, you don't need to pay attention to her at all - so, I'm afraid your great hostility is because of her That’s it.”

Teresa was suddenly touched by him, and she was a little flustered, but immediately, the anger in her heart made her speak again.

"Okay, now that it's all said and done, let me admit it. Part of the reason why I hate her is because she is exactly the same as Her Highness Sophie!"

"Why? Didn't you reconcile with Sophie when you left Austria?" Aigron asked.

"I reconciled with her precisely because I said goodbye to her! If she still pesters you like she did in the past, how could I reconcile with her!" Teresa blurted out, "Now we finally get rid of her and live our lives. Wouldn't it be great if we were thousands of miles apart and wished each other well? But you told me that the exact same face was about to appear in front of us, in front of you, and it was all because of your plan... How can you keep me calm, Your Highness? Shouldn't I be angry?"

Teresa's hearty admission left Aigron with no room for defense.

After all, as a "wife", she has the natural right not to welcome anyone.

"Of course you have the right to express your dissatisfaction, Theresa." Aigron first comforted Theresa, and then continued to find reasons to defend.

"However, I still have to point out the fact that they are two different people. Well, even if they do look very similar, they are still two people after all. You cannot transfer your personal grudges with Sophie to an unrelated person. On the body—"

Teresa didn't answer, she just frowned slightly and looked at her husband mockingly, without saying anything.

In this tense atmosphere, Aigron secretly scolded Maria for causing so much trouble to herself; at the same time, he was racking his brains, trying to find a reason that was as reasonable as possible to persuade Theresa to accept, or at least accept. Default to this one thing.

Fortunately, he had some wit after all, and after a few seconds, he finally found a seemingly reasonable idea.

"Besides, now I also have something I want to ask her for help with."

"Help? What can she do to help us?" Teresa asked.

"Since I came to power, I have been trying to get closer to Austria, and I want to get Kristel back from the old emperor. Prince Talleyrand is the person who negotiates for me. And the prince believes that in order to make things happen, It has to be more appropriate, and it is best to use the relationship between the Bavarians. After all, Sophie is also a princess of Bavaria... For this reason, he communicated privately with the Bavarian royal family. What he meant was that they could act as a middleman, and Princess Maria was The most suitable candidate.”….

Aigron's words were deliberately half-truthful. After all, bringing back his and Sophie's illegitimate daughter was something Theresa had promised in the past, and with this reason, Maria's existence could at least be rationalized.

"Maria also knows about this?" Sure enough, Teresa's attention was suddenly drawn away. "Yes, she knows. After all, she has been corresponding with Sophie over the years." Aigron continued to answer half-truthfully, "Moreover, I heard from the prince that not long ago, she visited Vienna and met Sophie. In fact, secretly, she has been running for her sister..."

As Aigron was narrating, Teresa had been watching Aigron, and their familiarity with him day and night made her believe that Aigron was not lying.

"I didn't expect such a mean person to have a bit of humanity." She was stunned for a moment, then sighed.

Although she had not forgotten her grudge against Sophie, she felt some sympathy for her current situation in her heart. Therefore, when she heard that Maria was running for Sophie, she had a better impression of her.

Moreover, she had said before that she would allow the illegitimate daughter to come to France, but now it was difficult to recover, and she could not deny it.

On the surface, it seems reasonable to have Maria act as the middleman.

But even though she gradually agreed with Aigron's words, Theresa still felt a little angry.

"Does it have to be her?"

"Of course it doesn't have to be her, but among the Bavarian royal family, who else besides her would be enthusiastic about wading in such troubled waters? If it weren't for the sake of her compatriots, she wouldn't have come forward. ." Aigron shrugged, and his heart gradually relaxed, "If possible, I don't want us to quarrel over it, but for the sake of that child, I still implore you to be patient. After all, as a Queen, we should show her due courtesy. Since you don’t like her, then you can completely ignore her except for the necessary etiquette... In this case, she will also know her own taste."

Under Aiglon's earnest temptation, Teresa, who was originally furious, finally gradually calmed down.

After all, she was kind-hearted. When she heard that it was about the child, she felt a little more pity in her heart and couldn't bear to dwell on it anymore.

No matter what, as a queen, she can indeed turn a blind eye to a guest she doesn't like, and no one can control her anyway.

If that's all it is, it's not unacceptable.

At this time, Theresa did not expect that there were so many hidden contents in this seemingly simple matter. Because of the limited information, she finally chose to give in again during this quarrel. .

"Is it really just about Crystal? Is that all?" So, after a moment of silence, Theresa asked in a low voice. "Your Highness, can you explain to me that you have no other purpose?"

"That's all really." Aiglon replied calmly.

Using the illegitimate daughter he had never met as a shield, even he himself marveled at his shamelessness. But now that he has reached this point, he can only bite the bullet and pretend to the end. Anyway, let Teresa agree to the matter first. ….

Although Teresa didn't really believe what her husband said (because there had been precedents), she also knew that it would not help if she continued to be stubborn about it at this moment, and she had to face reality in the end.

She knew that even though she was a queen, the only person in the empire who could really speak for herself was her husband.

And that dead old man Talleyrand... When she thought of what Prince Talleyrand had done secretly and all the disgrace he had done to her, Teresa was filled with anger again.

But the depression and entanglement in her heart could not solve the problem. She just wanted to resolve the dispute as satisfactorily as possible.

So, after a moment of silence, Teresa thought about her words, and finally she looked seriously at Aiglon and expressed her final position.

"Okay... Your Highness, since you said all this is to solve the problem of the child, then I am willing to cooperate. After all, I promised you at the beginning. As a father, you owe the child a debt. Now that you are rich, you should do something. Due compensation... If Maria can help with this matter, then I am willing to make concessions. I can treat Maria as my guest, and I can even greet her with a smile... There is no problem with that. , because I am compassionate, I am not willing to embarrass a child - but this is my limit, I can only treat her as a guest who appears here by chance. If she has other purposes, or you have something else to do Go behind your back, so don’t blame me for being angry... Your Highness, can’t you see my tolerance and tolerance? Don’t you know how much pain and resentment I have endured for you? Could it be that I have always been Isn’t the company and staying together that I have been worth for you to make a little sacrifice for me? If you think this is me making trouble out of nothing, being intolerant and jealous, then I have nothing to say——"

Teresa's series of questions made Agron feel extremely uncomfortable.

If possible, why would he be willing to make the conflict public and let Theresa face a situation of "no retreat"?

The condition proposed by Maria seemed easy, but in fact it contained a hidden secret, and she also swallowed this bitter pill.

People, why are you so greedy? He asked himself.

"Teresa, thank you..." Aigron sighed, then took the initiative to step forward and hugged Theresa, "Your tolerance and compassion are absolutely unmatched, and no one can say anything about you. Intolerance and jealousy, on the contrary, are mine...everything is my fault.”

"Of course it's your fault!"

Teresa spat bitterly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and then gently bit Aigron's arm, "But I can't help it, who told me to like you, I am willing to sacrifice for you, forgive me You have offended me again and again, I hope my tolerance can make you wake up... Your Highness, I have really done enough."

"Well, I know... don't worry, Teresa." Aigron was secretly glad in his heart, and then he kept stroking Teresa's back.

Precisely because he felt guilty, he was extra gentle to his wife this time. At this moment, he also secretly vowed in his heart that he would never continue to show off to Teresa in public. After all, what he had done was already "out of line". Well, if you continue to push the envelope, I'm afraid it will really break the strings in Theresa's heart, and something will happen at that time.

I hope everything settles down...



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