Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-two, guard against death

After finally getting a concession from Teresa and agreeing to allow Maria to visit his court, Aiglon also shouted in his heart that he was lucky and was glad that he finally managed to get through.

In fact, to be honest, compared to the French kings who had many mistresses, what Aigron did was not out of the ordinary. Prince Talleyrand and others even praised it, feeling that he had integrated into the national conditions, and the people He never regarded Aigron's wanderings as a black mark, but instead talked about it with great enthusiasm.

Because of "such folk customs", since ancient times, the queens could only silently endure the late king's wanderings and quietly enjoy the honor and dignity of the queen. But Teresa was different. She didn't care much about this queen in the first place. Of course, she would not swallow her humiliation just to be a good queen. In her heart, staying together with her beloved husband is much more important than any queen.

In the end, Agron felt that he had "reindicated", but Teresa watched helplessly as her husband "advanced". Although she made concessions every time, the resentment in her heart naturally became deeper and deeper.

After this quarrel, the harmonious and harmonious atmosphere between the couple also disappeared. The two were silent for a while. Although they still slept together as usual, they also felt a bit like "same bed, different dreams".

By the next morning, Teresa's anger had finally subsided, and she was finally willing to talk to Agron again. Agron also tried to be gentler and funnier than usual. After all, he finally coaxed her over.

Although it was done perfunctorily on the surface, Aigron still had lingering fears in his heart.

After all, he was completely unreasonable in this quarrel, and Theresa was the most angry ever. He knew that under his continuous stimulation, Theresa had been pushed to the bottom line. Next, If I stimulate her again, something big might really happen.

If Teresa really knew all of his plans and that he wanted to lure Sophie over to relive his old dreams with her... He couldn't imagine what would happen.

Therefore, we must not let her know!

After a short wash, he left the palace, came to his study, and then called his guard captain Andre Davout over.

Andre was as energetic as ever. After seeing Aigron, he immediately looked at him with concern before bowing and saluting.

"Your Majesty, are you...are you okay?"

Although he was not present at the quarrel between the couple last night, he had already learned about it from the people present. Naturally, he was also worried about the conflict between the emperor and the empress.

Moreover, as the most trusted "closer" around Aigron, he was also the person who knew the most inside information about the entire incident. He even contacted Maria many times on behalf of Aigron. Because of this, he was fully aware of the trouble involved. .

"It's barely okay, at least it's not earth-shaking." Aigron spread his hands helplessly, "I have to say, I really encountered a problem this time."

Andre didn't answer immediately, and gave him a meaningful look like "You just know?"

Obviously, he also had some dissatisfaction with Aigron's behavior in this matter. It's just that for him, Aigron is not only his master, but also his beloved leader, so he can't bear or be unwilling to criticize Aigron in person.

So, he hesitated, thought about his wording, and then spoke cautiously.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to say a few words from my heart. These words may be inappropriate or not thought deeply enough. Please listen to them..."

"Oh, why are you so tactful?" Aigron waved his hand, indicating that the other party might as well speak directly.

"During this period, I have been in contact with Her Royal Highness Maria many times. Although she is indeed beautiful and graceful, her personality... is somewhat flamboyant, even too out-of-touch, and she is also mean in her speech. If you interact with such a person, If you get along with Her Majesty the Queen, conflicts will inevitably occur, which may not be good for your image."

As if he was afraid that he had gone too far, Andre quickly made amends for himself, "Please don't misunderstand me. I never meant to disparage Her Highness Maria. In fact, Her Highness did have her own charm, but - she and Iger Miss Nice is different. She is a princess with a noble status, so she may arouse the jealousy of Her Majesty the Queen... Although Her Majesty the Queen will be angry about your previous incident, she will not be too jealous, because She is proud of her status and will not be willing to quarrel with her servants, but if she were placed with Her Highness Maria, she would probably feel even more resentful than before, because she is a qualified person."

As expected of Xiangjian, who has been by his side all year round, and sees things so clearly.

In Theresa's concept, the royal family is the royal family, and servants are servants. Although she is humble in treating others, this German concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in her heart, and she is jealous of Chanel or Agnes. It was a very "low price" thing, so she didn't care too much, just thinking that her husband was distracted by the pet; but if it were someone who could rival her in her heart, then the situation would be different.

It's not that the husband was distracted by the pet, but that the husband moved on and fell in love with another "person". At least part of it was taken away.

What's more, this "person" is so similar to Aigron's first love Sophie, which further arouses the anger, or sense of crisis, in her heart.

"You're right, Andre." Aigron nodded, agreeing with the other person's view, "So we need to ensure that this kind of conflict does not happen, so that everyone can get through it with dignity. What do you think we should do?"

"The safest way is not to let her enter the palace. As long as the two of you are out of sight and out of mind..." Andre said boldly.

"I also wanted to do this...but unfortunately, Maria insisted on asking for this as compensation, and now I owe her a favor and have to temporarily comply with her." Aiglon sighed, "Otherwise, I don't have to Worried about this.”

He hasn't told Andre about his plan to "Li Daitao Zombie" for the time being, so Andre doesn't know the stakes involved, but now that he sees that Aigron has made up his mind, he no longer insists on his opinion and instead thinks about reality. Come up with a more reasonable plan.

"If this is the case, then we can only try to limit her actions in the palace and prevent her from having too much contact with Queen Theresa." After a moment, he came to the conclusion, "In public, both of them must If you respect your identity, you shouldn't quarrel in public, but if you meet in private, the consequences will be unpredictable..."

"You're right." Aigron nodded, agreeing with the other person's opinion, "So, you still have to continue your previous duties, monitor her, and make sure she doesn't run around, let alone talk nonsense! "

"Your Majesty, of course I will fulfill my duties, but after all, I am a man. I must avoid suspicion in the palace and cannot act arbitrarily-" Andre replied with a wry smile, "So I suggest that you appoint a female officer to follow her. , nominally responsible for her daily life, but actually controlling her actions and speech in the name of etiquette... As long as someone is always with you, even if Her Royal Highness Maria wants to cause trouble, at least she won't have much space."

"Good idea! So who do you think is the most suitable person to do this?" Aigron asked.

"I think Mrs. Mercedes is more suitable." Andre seemed to have an idea, so he immediately answered Aigron, "As the countess of the empire, she is fully qualified to serve as the maid of Her Highness the Princess, and she She has a serious and rigid personality and will never let His Highness act as he pleases; in addition, she is very courageous and will not be intimidated by just a few words from His Highness the Princess. She will stick to her own position. With her here, the situation will be much easier to control. .”

Aiglon thought about it along with Andre's suggestion, and quickly agreed with the other person's idea.

He had seen Lady Mercedes' demeanor with his own eyes. She was dignified and courageous, and would not be easily swayed by others. Moreover, she was smart enough to grasp the balance between care and surveillance, allowing her to follow Being by Maria's side would indeed leave Maria nowhere to "use" her trouble-making talents.

He only promised to allow Maria to enter his palace as a guest and enjoy the courtesy she deserved, but he did not promise to let her do whatever she wanted, so doing so did not violate the agreement.

"Very good, let's do it!" Thinking of this, he immediately made up his mind. "Andre, just go and tell Madam about this mission. You can give her a hint that Maria has a difficult personality and ask her to pay more attention. This will help maintain the harmonious and friendly relations between the two countries... She will know What should be done.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Andre bowed slightly and accepted the order.

Aiglon thought about it, and although he had to agree to Maria's request due to the situation of "asking for others", as long as his men were on guard, she would have no room to cause trouble, and there wouldn't be any trouble after all. Mistakes.

At least it won't cause further conflicts, right?

When he thought of this, his nervous heart relaxed again and he became elated again.


While the monarch and ministers in the Palace of Fontainebleau were secretly feeling sad, the other party in the incident was still arrogant.

On the morning of this day, the great banker Beauvin, no, he should be called Baron de Beauvin now, was following the usual rhythm of life. He came to his office in the bank building early, and then started talking to his staff. After the morning meeting, I stayed alone in the spacious office and started a busy day of work.

He fought hard in the kingdom of accounts and letters and documents, almost forgetting himself. This was his life for the previous 20 years and would be all his entertainment for the rest of his life.

However, today, his entertainment was interrupted in advance, and his office was lightly knocked.

"Sir, I have something to tell you." Then, the voice of his trusted secretary came from outside the door.

"Come in." Bowang knew that his secretary was cautious and would never disturb him, so he interrupted his work and immediately called the secretary in.

Soon, the secretary came in, and Bowang noticed that he still had a note in his hand.

"What happened?" he asked casually.

The secretary said nothing and handed him the note.

Bowang glanced at it indifferently at first, but soon his expression became extremely serious.

"Mr. Baron de Beauvin, I need your help now. When this lady comes to see you with this note, please open a bank account for her. She needs a cash flow to maintain her expenses. , please provide convenience, thank you."

The words on the note were very brief, but the handwriting and signature on it were exactly the same as the notes that Bowang had hidden deep in the safe.

"Did a lady bring this?" Bowang asked the secretary immediately.

"Yes, a young lady." The secretary nodded, and then emphasized, "And she is quite beautiful."

"Our Majesty is really gentle and considerate..." This was already a clear hint, and Bo Wang couldn't help but grin. "Which of his sweethearts is short of money and wants to come to us to ask for money? It shouldn't be Miss Agnes, she is quite frugal."

"Indeed not, and we don't know who she is because she doesn't seem to belong to anyone on our intelligence list, sir..." the secretary replied softly.

Now Bowang's expression became solemn again.

As a successful banker, he knew well that "finance is actually about relationships", so he spent a huge price to finally get on His Majesty's line, for which he received huge rewards, and even became a A nobleman - although no one actually regarded him as a nobleman.

In addition to His Majesty, he also created files privately and collected the directories and information of almost all prestigious "important customers" in Paris, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. net for your own business use.

In more than 20 years of working life, the file information he has accumulated is almost as complete and rich as the secret files hidden deep in the warehouses of the police department.

But now, a person suddenly appeared. He was not one of the people he had collected before, but he was able to get to know His Majesty, and received His Majesty's special "favor" to come to him with his royal pen to ask for money.

Giving some money is of course a small matter, but this kind of major failure in information work is a big deal and an intolerable mistake.

How could I have missed such a person?

Because of this, he frowned slightly, and then carefully put this simple but valuable note into the drawer of his desk.

"Then, bring this lady to me. I want to see who she is... Maybe, this is also a big deal."

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