Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-three, unlimited accounts

"Then, bring this lady to me. I want to see who she is... Maybe, this is also a big deal."

Under Bowang's order, the secretary quickly brought the mysterious lady to Bowang's office.

When he met the other party for the first time, Bowang observed the lady carefully.

Sure enough, her appearance is indeed quite outstanding, so it is no wonder that she can be secretly "taken care of" by His Majesty.

However, compared to Miss Agnes' low-key and simple temperament, her temperament is completely different. Although her clothes are very ordinary, she always makes people feel that she has a kind of arrogance.

What made Bowang feel even more uncomfortable was that after the other party came in, he did not show any shyness or restraint. Instead, he looked at him face to face, as if he was admiring some strange exhibit.

Your Majesty's tastes are always changing... Bo Wang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She is either the most powerful social butterfly or a princess, Bo Wang guessed in his mind. But it makes no difference to him which one they are, they are all equal customers.

"Madam, please sit down." Although he was feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, Bowang remained calm on the surface. He showed a professional smile and greeted the other party cordially, "Excuse me, what should I call you? "

"Let's put this question aside for now, sir." The lady smiled slightly, without any stage fright. "Are you Mr. Bowang? I have heard of your name. It is said that you are now the most famous person in this country. One of the bankers..."

"You're very flattering. I've just been in this business for a long time and have a little reputation." Bo Wang smiled modestly, but he was a little proud in his heart.

Then, he got to the point again, "To tell you the truth, I was a little surprised when I saw the note you brought just now, so now I still have some questions in my mind that I want to ask you."

"So, do you have any questions about what I brought here? Do you think it is fake?" the lady asked.

"No, I have carefully checked the handwriting. It was indeed written by that person." Bo Wang shook his head.

Because he was not sure whether it was appropriate to mention His Majesty's name here, he had no choice but to play charades with the other party patiently, using "that person" to vaguely refer to Aiglon. "What I want to know is, how did you get it?"

"Hahahaha..." The lady couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed, "If I say that I forced him to write it through violent means, do you think I have the ability?"

Regarding this sarcastic reply, Bo Wang couldn't help but frown slightly, but he could only continue to struggle with the other party patiently, "Of course not, ma'am, I mean... you got it from him after all. , or did you get it through some other middleman?”

"You don't need to guess too much about this. I got it directly from him. To be precise - he wrote it down to make me happy." The lady replied seriously, "After all, you are also a noble now. There is no shortage of opportunities to meet him. If you don’t believe it, you can ask him for confirmation——”

While she was speaking, Bowang had been watching her carefully. It had to be said that that arrogant aura really made her words very convincing.

Although even now he still can't figure out who the other party is, from the appearance and demeanor, it seems reasonable to say that she is His Majesty's "new favorite".

Now that the words have been said, Bowang will no longer beat around the bush, "Madam, since you have this certificate, you can naturally get the benefits you deserve from our bank - I will follow his instructions, We will open an account for you, and all your expenses can be withdrawn through this account."

"Should I decide the amount of the account?" the woman asked.

"Of course it's up to you, or in other words, as long as you want to spend money, you can withdraw the corresponding fees from me. Basically, our bank can bear it for you." Bowang looked at the people in front of him with a hint of pride. Woman, “You can think of it as an unlimited account.”

Bowang is so heroic, of course, not because of his infinite loyalty to Aiglon, but since Aiglon restored the empire, he got the reward he wanted. He was made a noble and was also involved in the railway construction of the future empire. Having priority in financing for a big undertaking, the benefits are almost immeasurable.

Since all this comes from His Majesty's favor, he will naturally make every effort to maintain Your Majesty's favor. Before, he tried every means to pay and give gifts to please Agnes' family, but now for a sudden "new favorite", Of course he is willing to spend money.

In essence, it's just wool coming out of a sheep.

The banker's heroic statement seemed to make the lady extremely happy. She looked at Bowang with a smile on her face, and then nodded slightly. "You are indeed worthy of your reputation, Mr. Bowang. Since your treasury is extraordinary, let me be straightforward. Mr. Bowang, can you give me some cash first? I need to spend it urgently now."

"Of course, how much do you want?" Bowang nodded immediately.

"I haven't thought about the specific number..." The lady thought for a moment and replied, "Since we have come, let's just make up the whole number bit by bit. You can give me one million first and wait until I can spend it." I’ll see you again when it’s almost time.”

"...One million?" Bo Wang looked at her in surprise, "Do you need to spend so much all at once?"

"Yes, I want to buy land, a house, furniture, and all kinds of things...how can I spend less money?" Faced with his question, the lady replied confidently, "One million is just the beginning. When it’s not enough later, I’ll ask you to pay for it – you just said you opened an unlimited account for me, so you won’t be able to bear such a sum of money, right?”

You are so embarrassed to say that you just asked me for one million directly with a note, and it's just the beginning... Bo Wang couldn't help complaining in his heart.

One million francs is undoubtedly a huge sum of money, enough to provide enough food and clothing for many families, but there is no doubt that considering the bank he is now in charge of, one million francs is indeed not a particularly large number. He just marveled. Due to the other party's appetite, the lion asked for so much money when he first arrived - and this was just the beginning.

He is not King Solomon and does not have endless treasures. The so-called "unlimited account" is actually limited after all. It is impossible for the other party to spend unlimited amounts of money at will. He dared to ask for one million when they met today. How much will it be next?

His Majesty the Emperor's note is certainly valuable, but it cannot be that valuable.

So, is she so poor that she is crazy and wants to squander it as soon as she becomes powerful? Or has she been accustomed to squandering since she was a child, so that she has no concept of money at all? He couldn't tell which one it was at once.

However, now that the words have reached this point, he certainly has no reason to back down.

"Okay, madam, since you have been favored by fate, of course I am also very happy to make it convenient for you. I will prepare one million francs for you. You can take it when you come over tomorrow. I hope This can make you feel happy.”

That being said, it was naturally impossible for Bowang to pay such a huge sum of money out of thin air. He left himself a day just to verify the matter and at least make sure that he had not been deceived.

If the other party is really a liar, he has countless ways to recover his losses.

"I'm very happy, thank you." The lady replied with a smile.

Logically speaking, since she had achieved her goal, she could say goodbye now, but she was still sitting on her seat with a smile on her face, with no intention of saying goodbye at all.

"Madam, do you have anything else to explain?" Bowang asked her patiently.

"Mr. Bowang, I can see that you are very impatient now. You just have to be polite to me out of politeness." At this time, the lady laughed again, "But this is normal. After all, no matter how good your temper is, People would feel very unhappy if they lost a million inexplicably in one day... Fortunately, you are wealthy after all, so you didn't show it too obviously."

When she said this, Bowang felt a little more angry in his heart, and he almost couldn't help but have an attack.

You know what you are saying and why? Did you deliberately bury me?

However, when he thought that the other party might be His Majesty's "new favorite" now, he could only endure the ridicule.

However, he has made up his mind that if she "falls out of favor" one day in the future, he must let her learn good manners.

"Do you have anything else to explain?" He asked again, with a vague intention of seeing the guest off directly.

However, the lady seemed unaware of his hint and had no intention of saying goodbye.

Instead, she looked at the banker with a smile and said, "Sir, if you insist on driving me away now, I can leave immediately, but if you give me another half hour of patience, I can guarantee that you will treat me as your boss from now on." Your honor. Because I have news worth far more than a million dollars to tell you—"

Bowang's first reaction was naturally not to believe this, but soon he calmed down from his anxiety.

If she is really His Majesty's new favorite, she might actually be able to extract some useful information from His Majesty.

Didn't Miss Agnes give her father and herself the opportunity to participate in the railway industry-although this was not her own wish?

So, he immediately changed his face again.

"Then please tell me, I'm very patient."

"Let me tell you, His Majesty has a very grand plan, which is expected to be implemented soon." The lady lowered her voice, and then explained to Bowang in a low voice the playground plan that Aigron had told her before.

As she spoke, she gestured with the cups and saucers on the table, almost completely reproducing Aigron's explanation in the cafe. At that time, Aigron vividly showed off his plan to Maria, but he never expected that he would show up one day later. The plan was sold to the banker as top secret information.

Under Maria's explanation, Bowang became more and more fascinated as he listened. The anger and embarrassment just now had been swept away, replaced by excitement.

Years of career have not only tempered Bowang's vision, but also polished his personal instinct as a "human being". For him, only the numbers on the account books and each financial undertaking can bring him Stimulating and exciting, beautiful women are no longer enough to arouse desire for him.

Although there was a beautiful woman right in front of him, only the sound of money flowing could arouse his already withered soul.

Yes, he has realized that this will be a huge deal, and the profit is almost guaranteed - as long as the news is true.

So how true is this news?

Bowen thought about it carefully and was inclined to believe it to be true.

First of all, although this seems advanced, it also has its own rationality. It really seems to be His Majesty's handiwork. He didn't believe that a mere woman could conceive of such a huge and complete plan out of thin air to entertain him.

So, assuming it is indeed true, what can you do?

There is so much that can be done.

According to His Majesty's plan, this "playground" will be built near the Austerlitz train station that is still under construction. This area is still sparsely populated and the land price is cheap. If he can take the opportunity to secretly acquire a batch of land, no matter Whether it is resold in the future or developed by oneself, including houses, hotels and other facilities, it is bound to make a fortune.

Compared with such precious "news", what is a mere million francs?

The excitement of money completely lifted Bowang's spirit.

In an instant, he had forgotten the unhappiness of being ridiculed by the other party just now, and instead looked at the young woman in front of him with admiration and even flattery.

"Madam, thank you for your advice. If this is true, then I will reward you heavily."

"Didn't you already reward me? Since I took one million from you, I will also give you a corresponding reward..." the lady replied with a smile. "I'll help you from now on... I may have a lot of money to spend."

"Of course!" Bowang agreed immediately, "Our bank is very happy to bear all your expenses."

For him, UU reading www.uukanshu. net Although I gained a lot from fawning over Miss Agnes before, Miss Agnes had almost no material desires and never took the initiative to ask for any benefits from him. Naturally, she could not provide him with any convenience. But now, if this lady If you can really cooperate with yourself for a long time... I'm afraid it will bring you greater benefits.

Of course, the premise is that she can be favored by His Majesty for a long time. Now Bo Wang has forgotten that he was viciously cursing the other party to fall out of favor as soon as possible.

"Sir, if you are going to buy land, please remember to leave me a piece of land. I want to build my private house there... using the best materials and the best decorations, and the best artists in Paris." I designed..." The lady continued to tell Bo Wang, "When the time comes, please give me some advice. Don't worry, I will have many ways to make you feel that these expenses are worth your money."

"Okay, madam, I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future." Bowang nodded immediately, and then asked the other party, "How should I call you?"

"If nothing else, you will know soon. See you then~" The lady smiled slightly, then turned and left.

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