Eagle’s Glory

One hundred, palace dance

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After sending Maria away, Aigron returned to his palace with an uneasy mood.

Although the grand scene just now has turned into a mess and needs to be cleaned up, of course there is no need for the couple to care about such trivial matters. Now they can rest and enjoy the undisturbed afternoon.

However, Aigron is no longer as leisurely as he is now.

He had just been talking to Maria behind closed doors for a long time, and the attendants and servants were all driven out of the door. Some of these people must have passed the news to Teresa.

In other words, he still has to explain to Theresa what he just did.

Although he had a clear conscience (limited to these few minutes), it would be an annoyance for him if Teresa was unrelenting or even lost her temper.

While secretly scolding Maria for causing trouble, he carefully returned to Teresa. At this time, Teresa was playing the piano in her piano room as she always did.

Although the sound of the piano was as melodious as usual, one could always tell that the performer was not at peace in his heart and seemed to have many things on his mind.

Aigron walked slowly behind her, and then waited quietly for her to finish playing.

After Teresa finished playing, she finally looked back at her husband.

It can be seen that after venting on the piano, her mood has relaxed a lot now, and her face looks much better than when she just quarreled.

"Your Highness, did you enjoy chatting with her just now?" Sure enough, as soon as she saw her husband, she immediately asked the question that mattered most to her.

"Well, who can be happy chatting with her?" Aiglon sighed half-seriously, "She is a difficult guest for anyone -"

"That's not necessarily the case." Teresa sneered, "No matter how ugly she speaks, as long as you pinch your throat a few times and pretend to be her sister, His Highness will probably be in a state of confusion. Can you bear to be angry?"

You are really right! Why do you have such an accurate intuition? Aigron praised in his heart.

But on the surface, he looked angry. "How is that possible! Even if they are twin sisters, I will not be so accommodating to her. If she is really willful and violates the bottom line, I must make her look good!"

"Huh..." Theresa just sneered, obviously not believing it.

However, she didn't look too angry, at least much better than Aigron expected.

"Your Highness, I know what happened just now. She deliberately insisted on being alone with you. She was deliberately seeking personal revenge to make me angry. So I don't want to fulfill her wish, lose her temper here and affect our husband and wife. The relationship between us." Teresa stood up from the chair, and then gently caressed Agron's face, "You performed well today, but if you want to completely calm me down, Your Highness will have to do more. What a lot of effort..."

Passed...Aigron was secretly glad.

It seems that his actions of standing firmly on Teresa's side just now have re-increased Teresa's "trust value" in him. In addition, she also knows what happened in the incident just now, so she does not doubt it. He and Maria did something deviant when they were alone just now.

After feeling fortunate for a while, he took the initiative to explain to Teresa what had just happened.

"She told me that Sophie had also known about my intention to get back Kristel through diplomatic negotiations. She expressed her gratitude to us through Maria and urged us to make it happen as soon as possible. As long as this wish can be fulfilled, she There will be no worries anymore..."

Although these words were not completely untrue, they also aroused Theresa's emotions.

"Alas! Your initial willfulness really caused so much trouble to everyone! Well, if the matter can be settled completely in this way, that would be good."

In Teresa's view, she was unprecedentedly generous in allowing the illegitimate daughter to come to her father's side, and then legally obtain the title of princess. She never thought that her dearest Highness was still pushing the envelope. , and you haven’t thought about “completely ending it”?

And Aigron saw that Teresa was so peaceful now, and he also wished that Maria's turmoil would end as soon as possible.

In any case, although he coveted Maria, he never thought of having an affair with her in the palace. After all, it was too dangerous and too easy to offend Teresa, so he decided to avoid Maria as much as possible and not let anyone else Any talk.

Although Maria was now his honored guest, the couple could put her away and not have any contact with her, so that would be fine.

"That's the bad thing about wearing a crown. Even if we don't welcome guests, we have to show hospitality." Aigron sighed, "But, Theresa, we can usually distance ourselves from her, except Except for the rare occasions when we must meet, just leave her alone."

"This is my home, and I want to avoid her? Why? Do I still need to be afraid of her?" Teresa looked completely disdainful, "No, Your Highness, I have to let her understand that she It's not worth fearing or avoiding. I will entertain her like an ordinary guest. It would be better if she knows her own taste. If she has to do something trick, then I will let her understand what it means to humiliate herself. .”

Seeing Teresa's unwillingness to give in, Agron couldn't help but get upset again. Teresa was obviously aroused by Maria's repeated taunts, and uncharacteristically put on a tit-for-tat stance.

Is she really angry with Maria? Obviously not. She regarded Maria as Sophie's shadow just like herself, so she couldn't tolerate being at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Now that the words have come to this, how can I persuade him?

Seeing the embarrassed look on Aigron's face, It was Teresa who came to persuade Aigron, "Your Highness, okay, this is a matter between us women. You don't have to interfere, let alone do anything. We have our own affairs." Method. Just stand aside and stay away from her. Let me do everything else by myself... Don't worry, nothing will happen. She doesn't have the ability to turn this place upside down."

Agron thought the same thing. Although Theresa seemed to have a good temper, she never lost in a quarrel, and even he admired her eloquence; and there was a strong-willed Mrs. Mercedes watching from the side... Even if Maria... How can you mess around, how can one person make a big difference?

He didn't believe it either.

"Okay, let's do what you say." Aigron nodded and agreed with his wife's opinion.


Although the welcoming ceremony for Princess Théodlande to the French court came to an end, the hustle and bustle caused by her arrival naturally could not end there.

In a blink of an eye, the day came when the palace held a grand welcome ball for her and her party.

Just as night fell, the ball hall built in the 16th century in the Palace of Fontainebleau became brightly lit again. Men and women in gorgeous costumes filed in and poured into this splendid place.

In order to let Princess Theodelande, who came from afar and had never spent a day in France, integrate into her role as a "French princess" as soon as possible, Agron and Theresa also tried their best to find ways to use a grand ceremony. The spectacle and generous treatment gave her a sense of belonging in her new role.

Amidst the brilliant lights, royal princes, nobles, and important officials of the court and government gathered together to celebrate Princess Theodlande.

Of course, as the owners of the palace, the Agrons are also the protagonists.

Amidst the endless music, the couple held hands and walked into the hall with everyone watching and saluting.

They first walked to Princess Theodland.

At this time, the princess was dressed very brightly like everyone else. However, she wore a blue ribbon on the palace skirt that could only be used by members of the royal family, and a small crown on her head, which made her look very charming. And majestic.

But from her eyes and behavior, it was obvious that she was a little uneasy and more excited.

Her Royal Highness, who is still a cardamom girl, before coming to France, or in other words, before her "destiny was modified", was just a collateral member of the Bavarian royal family. She was not usually taken seriously by others, and it was even less likely that she would become a star like she is today. The focus of the moon; although now due to the twists and turns of fate, she suddenly came to the center of the European stage and will become a queen, but the girl has obviously not been able to adapt to all this.

However, she will eventually adapt slowly.

Aigron and Teresa walked up to Princess Theodrand together, and then he said hello with a smile on his face.

"Lindy, how do you feel after living here for a few days? Are you still getting used to it?"

"Thank you for your hospitality, Your Majesty, I am very adaptable." Princess Theodlande quickly replied, "Everyone here is very kind to me. To be honest... I have never had such a good life in the past, and I am all right now. It feels like I’m in a dream.”

The princess's honest answer made Aigron laugh.

"It seems that you have adapted well, but there is still one thing you need to improve on, because family members do not need to be so polite with each other. You don't need to be nervous in front of us. This is a place where you can express yourself freely. No What etiquette and rules will people ask you to follow?”

"Okay, I understand, Your Majesty... I will try my best." Princess Theodland nodded seriously.

"Then, let me ask a more direct question - how are your dance steps?" Aigron asked again with a smile.

"I have studied seriously, but because of my age, I don't have much experience..." the princess answered honestly.

"It doesn't matter! As long as I'm here, there won't be any problem. You just need to dance according to the most basic steps, and leave the rest to me." Aigron waved his hand nonchalantly, "And, to be honest, even if We squat on the ground and spin around, everyone here will also applaud our performance, so what do we have to worry about?"

Aiglon's joke made the princess smile, and also dispelled the tension in her heart.

Aigron also struck while the iron was hot and extended his hand to the other party.

Since this is a ball to entertain Princess Theodrand, she should naturally lead the first dance; and it is obvious that among the people present, only Aigron is worthy of being the partner of this first dance.

So he naturally extended the invitation.

Princess Theoderande was not surprised by this, but gracefully stretched out her hand and held her "uncle" who was only three years older than her.

The two people walked to the center of the hall together, and at this time, the music of the waltz also sounded in the hall at the right time. The two people held hands and started their dressage steps, and there were several pairs of dancing partners nearby as backup dancers.

Princess Theodelande did not speak. She was indeed inexperienced, but this did not matter, because Aeglon's movements were extremely agile and he could make up for her mistakes every time. Gradually, Princess Theodelande She also forgot about her nervousness just now, and instead immersed herself in this gorgeous dream specially laid out for her.

It is indeed like a dream, because the gleaming palace halls, the jeweled costumes, and the spectacular and brilliant lights all merge together in the rotation of the dance steps, like a dream.

And the one holding her hand at this moment was the young, handsome and legendary Emperor. UU read www.uukanshu. net

This only happens in dreams, right? And now it's all in front of me...am I really not dreaming?

While the princess danced gracefully, she secretly stared at His Majesty the Emperor who was very close in front of her.

Although she had secretly admired this uncle before, but now they were so close together, and his affectionate and ruthless pressure was constantly coming from his arms, this really made the girl even more dazzled.

If my husband, whom I have never met before, could be half as good as him, I would probably be satisfied for the rest of my life... the simple girl secretly thought to herself.

While the two were dancing, Teresa sat quietly to the side, admiring her husband's dance steps.

Watching her husband dancing with another girl, she did not feel any anger or jealousy at this time - she was not the kind of jealous person, and she would definitely not make trouble for such a ceremonial activity.

At this moment, she was reminded of her memories, recalling the night when she made love. At that time, she was just like this girl, wearing a palace dress and a crown, dancing with His Highness... If only time could It would be nice to freeze at this moment forever!

However, time and life will not stop because of your own wishes. You can only try to keep every moment worth remembering.

And just when she fell into nostalgia and contemplation, a princess who also wore a crown and gorgeous clothes quietly came to her.

"Good evening, Your Majesty the Queen." With a sweet and comfortable smile, she knelt down and raised her skirt to salute Theresa gracefully. "You are even more radiant tonight..."

Although she seemed to be extremely polite, her eyes shone with a hint of cowardice and teasing, as well as a trace of impatience.

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