Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eight, instigating rebellion

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After bidding farewell to Bowen, Maria returned to the corridor, admiring the sculptures and artworks with great interest. Occasionally, when she met some interesting people, she would take the initiative to chat with them.

Regardless of whether the other party was "flattered" or "on pins and needles," Maria seemed to be in high spirits and said this with a smile, looking familiar.

The reason why she did this was that on the one hand she really liked art and chatting, but on the other hand, it was also to try not to make people around her suspicious and to cover up her real purpose of chatting with Bo Wang just now.

Moreover, she also knew that the more active she was in the court and the more people she knew, the harder it would be for others to do something against her.

Although she looks arrogant, she is not stupid intellectually. She knows that since she has severely offended the mistress of the palace and will continue to be an enemy of Teresa in the future, she will face the coming from Teresa next. The overt and covert attacks of Sha and her henchmen may lead to disgrace if one is not careful.

Therefore, despite her calm appearance, she still retains some vigilance in her heart, and is always trying to find ways to ensure her own safety.

And as usual, the female officer in charge of taking care of her, Mrs. Mercedes, also followed her step by step, "serving" her faithfully.

Although Mrs. Mercedes knew the rules and kept a good distance so that she could not hear the specific conversation between Maria and others, and never disturbed Her Royal Highness the Princess's pleasure, she was always being watched silently by others. Of course Maria was unhappy with the feeling.

But she was unhappy, and there was nothing she could do to drive him away.

After all, it was His Majesty's will to assign her to "take care of" him. There was no way she could disobey the king's brother's will even in Bavaria, let alone in this foreign court.

Therefore, she had no choice but to suppress her displeasure, ignore this female official who followed her everywhere, and tried her best to not be affected by him.

After chatting with others for a while, Maria walked to Mercedes with a smile.

"Madam, you must be tired after following me for so long today, right? Please prepare a meal for me and let's have lunch together..."

"Yes, Your Highness." Compared to Maria who was laughing and talking, Mercedes was as calm as ever. She just responded to Maria indifferently, then turned around and took Maria back to her residence.

However, while preparing meals for Maria, she also jotted down a record report as before, recording Maria's itinerary today and all the people who had talked to her.

She didn't like this kind of job of spying on others, but since this was His Majesty's order, she could only put aside her personal feelings and complete her work with a calm and objective attitude.

Her report will be compiled into a volume and submitted to His Majesty's desk for His Majesty's reference.

Although everything was complicated, she still completed her tasks in an orderly manner.

Soon, lunch was ready. Logically speaking, Maria could eat alone and let Mercedes accompany her. However, Maria seemed to be in a good mood today and instead invited Mercedes to sit down and dine together.

"Madam, I just said that I hope we can have lunch together. Aren't you willing to give me this honor?" she asked with a smile.

"Your Highness, you are serious. Since you have kindly invited me, please forgive me." Although she was reluctant in her heart, since Maria had already kindly invited Mercedes, Mercedes no longer refused, so she sat down next to Maria. Beside me, two people were dining together.

"Since we have all finished our meal, let's chat and have fun -" Maria looked at the other party with a smile, "Madam, I heard you say last time that you were not a noble lady in the past, but a girl from a fishing village in Marseille. ;Hmm... Although I know that this kind of thing was not uncommon in France at the time, I still can't help but be curious and want to hear your story. This is an amazing story. We just happen to have time today. , can you tell me?"

"Your Highness, this is not a pleasant story, let alone a topic for lunch." Mercedes declined immediately.

"Don't worry, my appetite is great! I will never be unable to eat because of sad stories." Maria didn't seem to understand the other party's resistance, but continued to ask, "I ask you to satisfy my curiosity. Heart..."

Then, she changed her tone and continued to be passionate about Mercedes, "Madam, I know that you have a headache for me, and you don't like this task even more, but what can you do? I can understand you, after all, it is impossible to disobey your destiny... But since fate has brought the two of us together by chance, then we might as well accept it with a happy mood. At least during this period of time together, I hope that we can become Friends - after all, who likes a cold statue standing next to them all the time? Using friendship as a perfunctory way can at least make me feel more comfortable."

Maria's insistence put Mercedes in a dilemma.

Ever since she took over the task, she had been unfailingly nice to Maria. She also knew that the role she was playing now was not likable. However, although Maria didn't look happy, she didn't do anything rude to her, and she was even polite. Considering her character, this was almost commendable.

If given the choice, Mercedes would also like to make the two of them get along more harmoniously with each other.

In this case, why not tell some stories?

"Okay, Your Highness, since you definitely want to hear the story, then I have to accompany you... I just hope that you can keep silent about what you heard, because no one wants the pain of the past to happen again." Mei Cédès sighed softly.

"Okay! Please don't worry about this. No matter what I hear, I will be rotten in my heart." Maria immediately nodded in agreement, and then took a bite of the dessert with great interest.

So, as Maria listened, Mercedes told her early experiences, including the orphan girl from the fishing village in Marseille, her favorite fiancé, the tragedy at the wedding, the embarrassment of having no way to redress her grievances, and being forced to marry Ferdinand. Nan's helplessness, and finally becoming the wife of the Bourbon court, all were briefly told to Maria.

Of course, when telling the story, she also controlled the details, hiding the fact that Edmund became the Count of Monte Cristo, and the prosecutor Villefort who presided over the case, and only focused on herself and Phil. Nan's grudges.

And this was enough to shock Maria.

Although she is not highly valued by the royal family, Maria can be said to have grown up in a greenhouse. Has she ever seen such an experience? Mercedes' legendary transformation from an orphan girl in a fishing village to a noble lady in the palace was both surprising and exciting to her.

"In other words, your husband is actually the murderer behind the separation of you and your fiancé. In order to get you, he manipulated everything, and finally became a count through his personal efforts? What a cruel person!" Maria I couldn't help but exclaimed, "Where is he now?"

"He is in the grave now, Your Highness." Mercedes replied in a tone that was both plain and full of emotions. "When Your Majesty first returned to the country, he died of illness, but even so he did not escape the reckoning. He All those scandals of betraying the benefactor and the country were exposed, and now his reputation has been ruined, and I'm afraid he won't be able to rest in peace after his death."

"Retribution! He deserves it." Maria commented mercilessly.

Then, she looked at Mercedes with sympathy, "What about your fiancé? How is he?"

"...You know, in a dark prison, human life is always very fragile." Mercedes replied with a wry smile, "After becoming a countess, I once visited him, but the prison authorities told me that he had already died."

"I'm sorry..." Maria froze immediately, and then apologized sincerely to Mercedes. "Because of my curiosity, I triggered your pain again. Madam, I apologize for my attitude all along! You are one of the strongest people I have ever met."

"You're flattering me, I just have to face all this... After all, besides facing the judgment of fate, what else can I do?" Mercedes smiled bitterly, "No matter what, life Gotta keep going.”

Although she told a lot of lies in this story, the pain was the same.

To others it was a drama of ups and downs, but to her it was heart-piercing pain.

However, just because she had kept it deep in her heart, she wanted to talk to someone and vent the pain in her heart. Today, she felt a little better when she confided a little in front of Princess Maria.

After hearing the whole story, Maria's expression became both guilty and pitiful. She no longer used her usual condescending tone, but faced Mercedes again with an extremely sincere expression, "Madam, please forgive me for my ignorance before. And for your disrespect, I also know that you must be dissatisfied with my attitude... But don't look at my usual domineering appearance, but in fact I also have my own pain, which is compared with your pain. Of course it’s not worth mentioning, but for me, it’s also unbearable, so to a certain extent, we are in the same boat.”

"Will Her Majesty the Princess also be sad?" Mercedes smiled bitterly, "I can't imagine it anyway."

"After all, we are just miserable mortals. How can we really be worry-free?" Maria asked. "Although most things are indeed within easy reach for me, there are some things that I can't get. No matter how unwilling I am, I can only swallow a bitter pill."

Seeing Maria's suddenly sad look, Mercedes suddenly felt some sympathy - although it seemed ridiculous to sympathize with a princess.

"Maybe you can look away. After all, there are enough things that belong to you." In the end, she could only talk in general terms.

"Look away? How is it possible... I don't want to look away!" Maria shook her head arrogantly, "How much hope have I placed on this, but in the end I was asked to look away? Why? I will persist to the end. Because I will never be willing to fail, I am unwilling to admit defeat, do you understand?"

Faced with this nonsense, Mercedes didn't know what to say.

"Okay, then I can only wish you good luck." In the end, she could only sigh.

Maria did not express her feelings to Mercedes, but in this atmosphere, the relationship between the two became much more harmonious, and the barriers between them when they first met were no longer there.

At this time, Maria took the initiative to reach out to Mercedes.

"Madam, I know that I am not an easy person to get along with. On the contrary, I like to tease and ridicule others. However, during this period of time, your integrity and demeanor have also made me admire you, and today After hearing your story, I feel even more that you are a legendary woman that I rarely see! In my country that is so peaceful that it is vulgar, in my country that is so hierarchical that it is suffocating, I will never see it. I am a countess like you, so today I am happy that I have the opportunity to be here, and I am also happy to have the opportunity to meet you. I hope that although our positions may be a bit diametrically opposed, we can become friends in the future... No Do you know that you are willing to give me such an honor? It doesn’t matter whether you are a fisherman or a countess, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What matters is you."

Looking at Maria's sincere eyes, Mercedes was quite moved, so she also reached out her hand and gently held Maria's hand. "I welcome this opportunity, Your Highness."

So, the two people looked at each other and smiled.

In addition to joy, Maria also felt lucky.

Because Mercedes was always by her side, it was inconvenient for her to do anything, so she had been planning to get closer to her, and today, taking the opportunity of listening to her past, she finally reached out to her. out of the hand of friendship.

Of course, she also knew that this lady looked like the kind of person who was loyal to her principles and would not let her do whatever she wanted just because of this "friendship".

However, even if he can't instigate her to his side, he can at least make her more relaxed when monitoring him, giving him more room to act - and this is enough.

And while the two people cherished each other, the records and reports written by Mercedes were also sent to Theresa - this was also the result of Theresa's special request.

Teresa glanced briefly at Maria's whereabouts today.

It seemed like nothing was different from usual, as if Maria was really just wandering around, looking for someone to talk to.

But at the end, she saw a name that made her feel strange.

"Baron de Beauvain..." Teresa muttered in a low voice, and then she seemed to have some realization.

She was convinced that Maria, who was used to being arrogant, would never just talk to someone and then meet Bo Wang by chance. She must have another purpose. Maybe she just wanted to get close to that person on purpose.

And maybe, this is the opportunity you want.

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