Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eleven, we had a great conversation

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"What do you think of Austria?"

Faced with this question, Aigron was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about how he should answer.

"To be honest, I have mixed feelings." After a moment, Aigron sighed helplessly, "As you can see, my mother and my wife are both members of the Habsburg family. When I was most helpless, my grandfather, Emperor Franz, took me in and allowed me to grow up healthily. From this aspect, it is worthy of me and it is my relative. But..."

After saying this bunch of good things, Aigron changed the subject naturally, "On the other hand, it has also been an enemy of the Bonaparte family for a long time. It has repeatedly waged war against the French Empire, and ultimately ruined my life." The empire... forced me to live a life of displacement and dependence on others for more than ten years. From now on, it is also a difficult opponent, and it may not have good intentions towards me, so I must also beware of them, and It’s not about being blinded by so-called family affection.”

Aigron's answer was half true and half false, but it was so consistent with his "should" mentality that it easily resonated with the people around him.

The hostility towards Austria implicit in his words also made Prince Alberto overjoyed.

This is what he wants to see.

The only possibility for the Savoy family to expand its territory is in the Italian peninsula. However, the Habsburg family, which now controls a large area of ​​Italian land, is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle.

Although Austria has obviously declined a lot compared to its peak, with the size of the Kingdom of Sardinia, it is still unrealistic to defeat Austria. He must find a powerful country as a backer - and an Emperor Bonaparte who has a grudge against Austria , is the most perfect candidate.

As long as he is determined to deal with Austria, he can take advantage of it.

Therefore, the prince immediately began to fan the flames, "Your Majesty, like you, I am also the son-in-law of the Habsburg family, but... in the face of national interests and national interests, I think this so-called family relationship is not worth mentioning. Moreover, When the empire was at a disadvantage, the Austrians tried every means to add insult to injury. How did they ever consider family ties? Don't forget, their most powerful ability was to use marriage to exterminate families and rob other people's ancestral property. They were This is how you started! Right now, they are full of hostility towards you and are eyeing you, and they obviously do not regard you as a relative. In this case, why do you need to be polite to them? "

At this point, he also felt that his incitement was a bit explicit, so he took a step back and said, "Of course, I'm not saying that you should be enemies with them. I'm just warning you to never fight against them because of the so-called blood relationship." The Habsburg family has no expectations. History has proven that their greatest ability is to let down their relatives. If given the chance, they will do the same thing to you. With your intelligence, you must know this. As for me... I love my wife very much, but I have never placed any trust in the Habsburg family, which can be my enemy at any moment, and vice versa."

I have to say that what the prince said was very level.

The best way to "fan the flames" is always to tell the truth. Even if Aigron actually knows that the other party has bad intentions, he cannot deny the correctness of what he said, because it is true.

Although he married Theresa, and although the couple had a good relationship, if the old emperor really wanted to do something to him, would he hesitate for a second because of Theresa? Certainly not.

"You're right. I will never trust them gullibly. There have been too many similar lessons. I will never make the same mistakes again." Aigron nodded sincerely.

Then, he deliberately lowered his voice, "But to be honest with you, I have a bigger problem with Prime Minister Metternich than the Habsburg royal family. It was he who made France and Austria separate in 1813." The relationship completely broke down, and Austria became the last weight to crush the empire. Even if he didn't settle this old score, he was very harsh on me later, which caused me a lot of suffering. Looking back now, I still can't help but feel a little bit sad. resentment--"

In order to make the other party believe what he said, Aigron spoke with great emotion, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he really wanted to tear apart Metternich's old bones.

Based on his early experiences, everyone would think that he hated Metternich, and no one would doubt that this was an act.

However, in reality, when Aigron asked himself, he couldn't find much hatred for him.

He received royal education since he was a child, and because of his withdrawn and indifferent personality, he learned early to transcend personal emotions and consider issues from an objective and rational standpoint. In a sense, he was really a good student of Metternich. .

From an objective and rational point of view, Metternich really has nothing to hate. His allegiance is to the Austrian Emperor. Of course, he must try his best to serve the interests of the Austrian Emperor and Austria. He has so many back-tracking and unpredictable actions. In the final analysis, it is also to complete one's own tasks.

When Napoleon was in a desperate situation, he flattered Emperor Napoleon in every possible way and proposed marriage; when Emperor Napoleon was in decline, it was he who stood up to kill the tiger and painstakingly convened a conference of the great powers to restructure the European order.

His actions may seem erratic, but in essence he remains consistent.

Therefore, although Aigron was his victim, he did not hate Metternich at all, and even hoped that he would have such a prime minister by his side - Duke Huan of Qi almost lost his life when Guan Zhong shot an arrow, but for In the interests of himself and the country, he was able to make Guan Zhong the prime minister regardless of past grievances. Of course Aigron also had this consideration and mentality.

However, his thoughts had never been disclosed to the outside world, so when he revealed his hostility towards Metternich in front of the prince, the prince was not suspicious at all, but felt it was very reasonable.

And this hostility is exactly what he needs.

"Metternich! This shameless old cunning guy, I hate him as much as you do, and I definitely hate him more than you do." He immediately agreed with Aigron's opinion knowingly, "He is the most vicious enemy of the Italian nation. , it was in Vienna that he personally cut Italy, which had finally been reintegrated, into pieces... He actually had the nerve to proudly declare that Italy is just a geographical term, bah! This old guy will get his comeuppance sooner or later. Yes! God will never allow such a sinner to enter heaven peacefully, he must enjoy himself in hell."

"If he really wants retribution, it's best to come early, otherwise at his age, he might not be able to wait." Aigron interrupted abruptly.

This remark sounded like a joke, but also seemed like a hint, so much so that the prince couldn't help but have a daydream after hearing it.

"If I can do my best to make him suffer a little, I will be very happy to do it." So, he also hinted to Aiglon.

Aiglon did not continue to hint this time, but smiled ambiguously at the prince and vaguely skipped the topic, "Unlike them, we are still young enough, Your Highness, we still have a lot of time and Opportunities create a better future, and they can only face the fear of extinction and are tired of dealing with us. They will not be able to resist us after all, right?"

"You are absolutely right, Your Majesty!"

The prince deeply felt the same, so he bowed slightly to show his recognition of Aiglon, "You are like the rising sun, dazzling, illuminating the whole of Europe, and since God has asked me to take on the great responsibility, then I am willing to follow your lead and work with you to create a great cause, so that the Italian nation becomes as free and rich as the French nation. At that time, our two nations will always go hand in hand and lead Europe and the world under the banner of God. The world moves forward!”

Although the words were said beautifully, why did it sound like Hitler and Mussolini were complimenting each other? This is too unlucky...Aigron thought to himself.

Whoever stands with the "Italian nation" will be in bad luck. This is true for Napoleon III, and the same is true for Hitler. He does not want to be the next, er, should I say the previous one.

No matter what Aiglon thinks in his heart, on the surface, he and Prince Alberto, who is about to become the king, have a very good chat. The two brothers-in-law are almost like "comrades", and they have a lot of regrets and sympathy for each other.

Moreover, in their tacit understanding, they also secretly reached a consensus that they would deal with Metternich together.

Of course, this is just a "consensus" and is still far from being implemented in the real world. However, as long as you take the first step, the rest of the things will naturally be much easier to handle.

Although there was a performance element at the beginning, Prince Alberto naturally became very excited as he saw that his inner plan was being realized little by little.

He now feels that he has great confidence in winning over the young Emperor Bonaparte. As long as he continues to consolidate this relationship, it won't be long before he may be able to use the power of the French Empire to his own advantage and realize his goals. The grand plan of hegemony that he has never forgotten.

So, how should we strengthen this relationship?

The prince subconsciously thought of the most familiar and tried-and-tested method for feudal lords.

"Your Majesty, I am so happy to witness with my own eyes what you look like after you ascend the throne. Although I am no longer your servant, my love for the Bonaparte family has not diminished at all, and will never. It will go bad... If you don’t mind, are you willing to let our two families be connected in the most sacred way?”

"Are you talking about marriage?" Aigron immediately understood what the other party meant.

"Yes." The prince nodded heavily, "Your crown prince is already three years old. If I give birth to a daughter with my wife, wouldn't the age be just right? And if this marriage is successful, Then it will also herald that our two countries and two nations will have a permanent and solid friendship, are you right?"

The prince spoke impassionedly, but he forgot that he had just been yelling at the Habsburgs for their bad intentions in engaging in a marriage alliance.

However, if a person cannot maintain double standards without changing his face, how can he be a king?

And this proposal also made Aigron sink into thought.

Historically, Napoleon III was happy to accept this marriage proposal, and then asked his cousin to marry the Princess of Savoy (but she was already the prince's granddaughter at that time) - because although the Bonaparte family was re-established at that time, Although he holds the throne, he is still looked down upon by the major royal families and is in urgent need of "proving himself".

But Aiglon's mentality is completely different. He is the grandson of the Habsburg Emperor. What does he need to prove?

Moreover, the presence of his wife, Princess Theresa, allows him not to worry about "family status" issues, let alone worry about his children and grandchildren not finding a suitable partner.

On the contrary, Teresa is now obsessed with letting her eldest son marry another Habsburg princess to continue the "tradition" of Emperor Bonaparte. She is definitely not willing to let the Savoy family "cut off", especially this one. The king still had such deep hostility towards the Habsburg family, and she was even more unwilling to let the opposite daughter become her future wife.

Therefore, she will definitely oppose it firmly.

Theoretically speaking, if Aigron insists, then her objection will be useless, but Aigron will not insist on going against Theresa's wishes on this issue.

However, even though he said that, Aigron did not intend to reject the proposal directly.

After all, the crown prince is still young now. No matter what he promises, he will always have the opportunity to regret it in the future. But now he needs to win over the other party, so he must give the other party some hope.

Besides, it’s not like he only has one son, Francois, so there’s no harm in leaving a few more candidates for marriage.

Although the Savoy family is weak, as one of the oldest HRE kings, it still has some standing among the royal families. Since they have joined in, why bother to ruin the scenery?

Just because he thought of this, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net so Aigron quickly made up his mind, "Your Highness, thank you for your kindness. I am very touched. I will consider this proposal carefully. I think this is also a good thing." Good thing. I would be deeply honored to be your in-laws."

He did not explicitly agree, but he gave the other party enough hope, which made the prince even more overjoyed.

In this way, these two kings, who had their own agendas and took advantage of each other, were talking very speculatively on the surface. They talked about various topics with great interest and reached a tacit understanding in many aspects. It was not until the end that Aigron said goodbye reluctantly. Send the prince away.

After meeting Aiglon, the prince will not stop in Paris. He will rush directly to the capital Turin without stopping. After all, he really has a throne to inherit, and he must control the situation as soon as possible to avoid anything happening. Accident.

After the prince left, Prince Talleyrand, who had been silent just now and seemed to be sleeping with his eyes squinted, finally slowly opened his cloudy eyes that still shone with the light of wisdom.

"Your Majesty, this person looks kind and loyal on the outside, but he is really deceitful on the inside, and he doesn't have much good intentions towards you. You can use him, but you have to be careful."

The prince has read countless people, and he is naturally very accurate in judging people. This evaluation is also appropriate.

And Aigron nodded with deep understanding, "I know, we just need him now..."

At least now, since the Savoy family has taken the initiative to join in for their own ambitions, of course Aigron will accept this "friendship" with a smile. By winning over the Savoy family, on the one hand he can further break the restrictions of the Vienna system on France, and on the other hand he can continue to implement their stranglehold plan like Prince Talleyrand - presumably, His Majesty the King will be very happy to cooperate. .

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