Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirteen, exhausted

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While Aigron and Prince Talleyrand were discussing how to put the reins on Austria and Metternich in the Tuileries Palace, the "protagonist" in their discussion, Prince Metternich, was also in his official residence at the moment. , thought distractedly.

Of course, he did not have the ability to predict the unknown. He could not predict the "treacherous conspiracy" that was secretly brewing in Northern Italy and the Savoy family at this moment. He was worried about other things.

As prime minister of a big country, especially a big country in decline, he has enough going on in the world to upset him.

The first thing on the list is naturally his power and status.

From being admired by Emperor Franz, to being promoted all the way to the position of Prime Minister, for more than 20 years, he has been a very popular minister in this huge country, making all the changes; and he has indeed used the trust and power given by the Emperor to achieve what he is today. The great reputation has allowed the international structure he painstakingly built to continue to this day.

However, Youdao flourished but declined. As time passed quietly, while Metternich felt that his body was old and frail, he also clearly realized that his power, which was originally as solid as a rock, was slowly weakening. shake.

Rising within the imperial government, a new opposition force gradually emerged and slowly began to compete with him.

The leader of this force is Count Crowwater.

This man was a Bohemian nobleman, not a traditional German lord, but he was appreciated by His Majesty the Emperor and rose rapidly within the imperial government. In 1826, he was elected to the Council of State by His Majesty the Emperor and officially became one of the important ministers; and in 1827, His Majesty the Emperor put him in charge of managing the empire's finances. And just recently, His Majesty the Emperor also transferred his private treasury and palace property. Let the count manage it together.

Although Prince Metternich was still deeply trusted, he could not say anything about the count's promotion. He could only watch the count's rapid rise, and eventually became his biggest political enemy.

What does it mean to be a prime minister and lose control of the empire's finances? That means a chopped off arm, or worse.

Is this situation happening because the count is stronger than Metternich and can make Metternich unable to fight back?

Of course not, it's just that, as a referee, His Majesty the Emperor often "deviates" in the struggle between the two parties and deliberately builds a powerful group that can compete with the Prime Minister.

Metternich knew that this was not because the emperor did not trust him, nor that he planned to abandon him, but it was the emperor's instinct to let his important ministers compete with each other.

But even knowing this, Metternich would still feel itching with hatred when he thought of Earl Klawat's repeated restrictions and offenses against him.

The earl not only rose to prominence, but in order to consolidate his power, after gradually taking control of the empire's financial power, he began to work hard to form gangs, promote close friends and exclude dissidents. In just a few years, under the leadership of Metternich, A force that should not be underestimated formed in the government. They sang in unison. Although they did not dare to openly confront the Prime Minister, they were emboldened and deliberately used various bureaucratic means to perfunctory and delay the Prime Minister's orders, making Metternich feel more and more like himself. The power seems to be stuck in the mud and cannot be used.

Because of this, Prime Minister Metternich became increasingly anxious and dissatisfied with the current situation. He was not only dissatisfied with the weakening of his power, but also dissatisfied with the empire itself——

In this era when the empire was declining, various vigorous reforms were originally needed to save the situation. However, due to the emperor's various political tactics, the government was fragmented and fighting with each other. Who had the energy to "save the situation"? current situation"? If things continue like this, what should we do if we encounter any crisis?

But even if he felt some resentment in his heart, Metternich did not dare to point it out in front of His Majesty the Emperor.

He has been the Prime Minister of Austria for many years, and it can be said that he has fully experienced the emperor's harshness and indifference. This was a situation deliberately created by His Majesty, how could it be changed?

Therefore, he could only worry while reluctantly continuing his previous work as his imperial paper framer. At least his position as prime minister is still stable, and that's enough.

If the current situation can still be "just getting along", then the "future" is even more worrying.

The old emperor is getting older day by day, and his health is getting worse and worse. As someone who can see His Majesty at any time, although he doesn't know how long his "holy life" will be, he can sense that His Majesty's body is already as strong as the wind. If you are still alive, you may be called by the Lord one day.

Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe it will be a few years later, but whether he is willing or not, objectively speaking, he must prepare for the situation after the death of His Majesty the Emperor.

And this made Prime Minister Metternich feel even more sinister.

For more than twenty years, as His Majesty the Emperor's most trusted minister, he had to maintain a tit-for-tat stance with the royal princes. His Majesty, who was suspicious and seriously ill, would not be willing to see the Prime Minister and his royal disciples come together.

And this also means that his relationship with the Habsburg clan has always been very tense.

However, the rapid rise of Earl Crowwater is different. As a "newcomer", he does not have such a heavy burden. In addition, he is extremely smooth in dealing with people, so his relationship with the princes is getting along well——

In other words, if His Majesty the Emperor dies suddenly and the Crown Prince suffers from mental illness and is unable to rule the country normally, the voice of the clan members will suddenly expand, and he may be overthrown by the clan clan members of the Habsburg family if he is not careful. Abandon and replace your political opponents with the power of the empire.

Having held a high position for many years, power was almost Metternich's second life. How could he be willing to see his power fall away and be forced out of office?

Therefore, you must prepare for a rainy day now and find a way out for yourself, otherwise it will definitely be too late to find a solution when the trouble comes.


After meeting with His Majesty the Emperor again, the Prime Minister did not rush back to his official residence, but stopped by to visit Princess Sophie.

And he was quickly received by the prince and concubine.

Before, Her Royal Highness Sophie was a little haggard due to her long-term seclusion, but now she is very different. She has regained her healthy complexion, her face is white and rosy, and her expression is much calmer, with a slight smile on her face. smile.

While meeting His Excellency the Prime Minister, her white fingers were also gently caressing the pet cat in her arms, showing her elegance and calmness.

This woman is becoming more and more radiant! Metternich thought with a little sadness.

At first, His Majesty the Emperor was furious because she indirectly let Duke Lechstadt escape. Although he kept it secret from the outside world in order to cover up his scandal, he actually put her under house arrest, like a prisoner.

He originally thought that this arrogant and arrogant princess would fall into despair and lose her former glory. However, he did not expect that in just a few years, things would change, and she seemed to be shaking again and becoming arrogant again.

Why did she turn over?

It is not so much an internal factor as it is an external factor.

After a series of dramatic actions, her little lover finally got his wish and put on the crown of France again. This also allowed her to see hope for the future and strengthened her determination that she would never give in to the old emperor and herself. Determination.

What made Metternich even more depressed was the fact that France's daunting strength as a backing could objectively serve as her confidence. She was no longer the woman at the mercy of others.

After all, given the ages of her and her little lover, even if they do nothing now, time will gradually give them the upper hand.

Alas, time is the most invincible enemy.

The older he gets, the more deeply Metternich realizes the meaning of this sentence.

However, now is not the time to be angry. Metternich quickly put aside the sour thoughts in his heart and began to make his own calculations.

"Your Highness, I feel relieved to see you looking so radiant now."

"Thank you, Your Excellency Prime Minister." Sophie replied casually while petting the cat, "However, I think you don't look well now? Are you worried about something recently?"

Metternich pretended not to hear the teasing hidden in the other party's words, but replied seriously, "As the prime minister of the empire, of course I have too many things to worry about."

"You're right." Sophie raised her eyebrows, and then looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Then how come you, a busy person who worries about state affairs every day, suddenly have time to visit me, who can't do anything? What about the idlers? Do you want to share your experience in raising cats with me? Then I would be happy to share it with you..."

This hateful woman has indeed remained unchanged at all, as arrogant and arrogant as before... Metternich cursed secretly in his heart.

However, while secretly scolding her, he also had some faint appreciation for Sophie in his heart.

If it were an ordinary woman, after experiencing multiple blows such as the betrayal of her lover, the separation of her daughter's flesh and blood, and the virtual confinement, she might have a mental breakdown or even commit suicide; but this prince and concubine seemed to be a delicate lady. People, however, gritted their teeth and withstood these blows, which shows their strong mental and willpower. It is indeed not just luck to be able to survive until the day when the tide turns.

For politicians, the most important thing may not be ingenuity and power, but "tenacious vitality." Only by relying on willpower to withstand the blows of the stormy waves, can it be possible to achieve a career, and Sophie's The performance also seemed to make Metternich admit that the other party had indeed crossed this threshold and was no longer just a palace woman.

"Madam, you are serious. Although you are indeed more leisurely now... you have always been an indispensable person for the empire. The stability and peace of the country also require your contribution." He Holding back his temper, he replied respectfully.

"Then tell me, how should I contribute to the stability and security of the country?" Faced with Metternich's compliment, Sophie seemed to be still calm, "Maybe if I am in a good mood, I will do it?"

"I still remember what you said to me last time..." Metternich smiled slightly.

And this ambiguous smile also brought the tacit understanding between the two people to the surface again.

Sophie and Metternich had had a conversation before. Sophie proposed that Prime Minister Metternich join forces with her, and said that she could ignore the past grudges and would continue to reuse Metternich as long as she gained power.

Although Metternich was noncommittal at the time, this proposal remained in his heart.

He has not decided to accept this proposal now, but at this time he is worried and begins to plan his own way out.

Sophie's side is the road.

This road does not lead to Munich, but to Paris.

At present, his position in the court and in the government is shaken. He needs to consolidate power for himself. If he can get some support from Paris, then obviously things will be much easier.

Although the new emperor once had a grudge against him, no matter how absurd things were, they had all happened in this world in a serious manner. So, is there any wonder in this?

Seeing Metternich's smile, Sophie finally stopped, and then the smile on her face became serious.

"What, have you figured it out and want to join forces with me?"

"Things have not come to this. I cannot betray His Majesty the Emperor." Metternich shook his head slightly, but a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, "But for the sake of our country's national interests, I do think that we have It is necessary to enhance relations with the French Empire, and you, for some...some historical reasons, should be able to help a little bit with this issue, don't you think?"

"Maybe I can, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But why should I help?" Sophie asked with a sneer, "Do I have to serve this country willingly just because it bullied me to this point? ?”

"You are speaking harshly." Metternich replied disapprovingly. "What you have done is so deviant. How is it possible that you will not be punished at all? Besides, His Majesty the Emperor has been quite polite to you. At least he did not let you go." You enjoy public punishment..."

"Really? So I should thank you for your kindness, right?" Sophie laughed angrily.

"The past is over after all. A smart person shouldn't dwell on the past. You see, my good student doesn't dwell on the past. He is still hanging out with Talleyrand..." Metternich shrugged. . "Madam, let me make a suggestion. If you want to take charge of power, you must learn to forget that in politics, hatred is harmful."

"I'm sorry, I can't become a cold-blooded creature like you. I still remember that I am a lover, a... mother." Sophie replied without giving up.

However, she quickly controlled her emotions, and then changed the topic, "But... I am in a good mood now, so if you insist on asking me for help, I am willing to help-"

Then, she simply made it clear to Metternich, "I'll tell you the truth, although I still live in seclusion, my information is not blocked. I have been communicating with my biological sister Maria, and she told me a lot about the outside world. news, so I am not ignorant of everything. If you want to negotiate the price with me, then you must be sincere - next, you can instruct your censors to intercept all her subsequent letters. Then hide it or even burn it; you can also pretend that nothing happened, how do you choose?"

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