Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fourteen, give in

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"Next, you can instruct your censors to intercept all her subsequent letters and hide them or even burn them; you can also pretend that nothing happened. What do you choose?"

Facing Sophie's aggressive gaze, Metternich instinctively felt a little disgusted.

However, he would never decide his actions based on his emotions, so he quickly returned to his calm state.

Princess Maria... In fact, he has heard a lot about this person recently.

As a big country, Austria naturally has a large-scale information network in Paris, including embassy staff on the surface, as well as secret agents and spies lurking in the private sector; and these people have recently reported a piece of news to Prime Minister Metternich - —In order to facilitate the marriage between Princess Theoderlande de Beauharnais and the new king of Belgium, the Bavarian royal family sent a small delegation to escort the princess all the way to the French court.

And this Princess Maria was also involved, and became the guardian of her niece, and became a distinguished guest of the French court.

To be honest, when this news reached the ears of various countries, it still caused a bit of consternation - after all, Princess Maria was just the youngest daughter of the late King of Bavaria, with no reputation or any famous deeds, and she was suddenly given It's really strange to have such a diplomatic mission.

However, after the initial consternation, the news was quickly ignored by the big shots in various countries - after all, who cares about such a trivial matter? Just an unknown princess, nothing to care about. They were more concerned about the close ties between France and the new Belgium.

However, Metternich smelled something different in the seemingly plain news.

He knew that Maria was Sophie's twin sister, so he immediately found a seemingly reasonable answer to this strange thing: Maria was specially invited from Bavaria by his good student. This was not an official Bavarian official. decision, but his decision.

As for its purpose, it is of course self-evident.

If I can't get the real thing, I'll just use a fake to quench my thirst... I really know how to play.

Metternich was half mocking, but also half envious.

After all, although he had been a wandering life, he still couldn't even think about summoning the princess of a country like an emperor and then leaving. Now his "good student" starts to show off as soon as he puts on the crown. Of course he was a little jealous of his own "***".

Of course, Metternich did not know the detailed inside story, nor did he know that the instigator of this incident was Maria herself. He guessed that Aiglon used his power and wealth to coerce and lure the Bavarian royal family, and asked them to send Maria to By his side - this is quite a logical idea.

In short, no matter what, Princess Maria is now in Fontainebleau, next to her good student, and her news contact with Sophie is naturally equivalent to the contact between the French Emperor and Sophie indirectly.

Logically speaking, Metternich should try to stop it and cut off Sophie's news channels just like Sophie said, but for now, he can no longer care about torturing Sophie. ….

Instead, he felt that it would be more beneficial to him to maintain an unofficial channel of contact with the French Emperor through sisters Sophie and Maria - after all, there were too many shady things in politics, and it was not convenient to go through official channels. To communicate.

Besides, at this time of turmoil, internal and external troubles, blindly suppressing Sophie will only increase her hatred for herself and make her future even bleaker. It is completely unnecessary.

"What are you talking about, Your Highness." So, facing Sophie's pressure, Metternich just smiled lightly, "You are the prince and concubine, an important member of the royal family, and I am just your servant. , how can I restrict your freedom? Besides, communicating with your own sister is the simplest and most righteous human relationship. How can I stop you?"

Seeing Metternich finally speaking soft words to her, Sophie felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

Four years have passed since she "lost power". She has been aggrieved for too long.

The resentment and resentment accumulated in her life had already overwhelmed her.

But now, after countless sufferings, she finally seemed to see the light.

Old thing, you have today too... She cursed secretly in her heart with pleasure.

However, she knows that this is far from the end of her "comeback" and she still has a long way to go.

She vowed countless times in her heart that not only would she get back everything she had lost, but she would also get it back twice as much. Only in this way could she make up for the few years of precious youth she had lost while under house arrest.

So, dear little bastard, just wait for me...I will come to you.

After tasting enough joy in her heart, Sophie finally regained her thoughts, and then she looked at Metternich again.

"Since you are so reasonable, I would like to thank you. If Maria tells me anything interesting, I will share it with you..."

"That's great." Metternich also knew what the other party meant, so he immediately expressed his approval.

At this point, he felt a little emotional, "Well, when you said that, I also remembered it. I have been away from Paris for more than 20 years. It has left me many beautiful memories. I hope to have the opportunity in the future. to be able to look at it again."

Paris was indeed Metternich's "blessed place". A key step in his career was being appointed ambassador to France by the emperor. Then he enjoyed himself there, not only maintaining good relations with Emperor Napoleon and French ministers, but also with strangers. He had affairs with several noble ladies of the empire. In the end, he was the one who single-handedly promoted the marriage between Emperor Napoleon and Princess Louisa, and he took advantage of this to become the foreign minister of the empire.

But now, more than twenty years have passed, I am old, and those memories have changed. The only similarity is that Paris has become the possession of Emperor Bonaparte again.

Therefore, this old man naturally has a little more sense of the right and wrong of things and the differences between people.

However, Sophie at this moment did not have this kind of sentimentality unique to the old man. On the contrary, what Maria had said in her letter and her life of debauchery and extravagance in Paris aroused Sophie's strong yearning. ….

She has always been a person who likes glitz and luxury, and Paris, as the embodiment of the "glitz world", just fits her appetite. Even when she was a carefree princess, she liked to take her little lover everywhere to play; after several years of being forced to live in seclusion, this "fun-loving" impulse naturally changed. Got even more intense.

She wished she could take Maria's place right away and enjoy such a gorgeous journey.

But she also knows that the real world is not that simple. If she wants her dreams to come true, she has to put in more effort and effort.

Metternich was a key figure.

Of course, it was impossible for him to agree to such an appalling plan right now, so she could only suppress the impulse and yearning in her heart and continue to move forward calmly.

Of course, Metternich was not aware of these thoughts that Sophie was having in her heart at this time. In fact, he was very happy that Sophie finally put aside her old grudges and showed her kindness to him.

"Madam, since you are so understanding, I am grateful." So, he further softened his tone and extended an olive branch to the other party, "If you need my help with anything now, I will definitely be accommodating to you. "Well, I want to see my daughter." Sophie was not polite and made the request immediately. "Also, I hope to be able to see her regularly, so that I can feel more at ease - if you don't take good care of her, I will never forgive you!"

Obviously, Crystal was the person she cherished most in this country.

"Well..." Metternich suddenly fell into deep thought. "You know... His Majesty the Emperor doesn't want you to get close to her, it will make him very unhappy."

This request actually did not surprise him. In fact, he had already guessed it.

But because of this, he was even more embarrassed and could not easily agree to the other party.

"I don't care what he thinks?" Sophie became even more angry.

, couldn't help but sneered, "You just said to me that human relations and family ties cannot be violated. So, would it be consistent with the so-called human relations to prevent a mother and daughter from seeing each other? A mother wants to see her daughter, Isn’t this a matter of course? If you can’t even agree to such a request or do it, then why should I believe that you are sincere in other matters?”

Sophie's questioning became more and more aggressive, and Metternich once again felt deeply that she was definitely a difficult master to maintain.

However, from another perspective, her request is not unreasonable.

Even when His Majesty the Emperor was furious, he never thought of "dealing with" this illegitimate daughter. The old Emperor still had the last trace of pity for his great-granddaughter who, after all, had his blood flowing through her.

Since it was not "dealt with" at the beginning, now the child is growing up slowly, and it seems that there is no solution if it is ignored all the time.

Metternich has always been with the emperor. No one can figure out the emperor's thoughts better than him. He also knows that with the passage of time, the emperor has finally lost his temper.

Although this kind of "calming down" was not enough to make him completely forgive Sophie's bold behavior, it could at least make him not bother to embarrass his great-granddaughter anymore. ….

Therefore, there is actually no risk in agreeing to Sophie's condition.

But on the surface, he looked like he had made a painful choice and finally made up his mind.

"Okay... Madam, since you insist and have such a reasonable reason, then... I will fight for you." Finally, he seemed to make a difficult decision, "I will report it to His Majesty the Emperor, and I urge him to allow you to visit Miss Crystal on a regular basis...is that okay?"

Sophie didn't expect that she just boldly raised the price, but actually got concessions from the other party.

Finally...can we finally find our daughter again?

Even if it's just regular, even if I can only visit her...

Sophie was ecstatic at first, but what followed immediately was the pain in her heart.

Then, as if to vent her anger, she threw the pet cat in her arms directly onto the carpet - luckily the carpet was thick enough, so the cat just let out a soft scream and ran away.

"My poor daughter..." Sophie didn't care about this expensive cat. Her mood at the moment was all about her daughter. She was sad for her fate and felt worthless for her. "You obviously are. The daughter of an emperor and a princess is only called miss!"

As she spoke, her nose felt sore and she couldn't help but shed tears.

When talking about her own situation, she was still stubborn and arrogant, and she never said a word of submission to the emperor or Metternich; but when she thought of her daughter's situation at this time, her motherly instinct made her easily break her guard and shed tears. Tears of pain.

Looking at Sophie's expression of grief and resentment, a normal person would think, "I feel sorry for her." However, for Metternich, who had experienced many ups and downs in his life and witnessed countless joys and sorrows, this was nothing more than a trivial matter.

In the past, he would have said a few sarcastic words to sting the arrogant princess, but now, for the sake of "escape", he wisely chose to sit on the sidelines.

After crying for a while, Sophie finally regained control of her emotions. She wiped her tears with her sleeve, and then looked at Metternich again.

"When can it be done?" she then asked.

"It is not easy to convince His Majesty to agree. It will take some time...probably, it will take a month or two." Metternich replied softly.

A month or two... Sophie didn't object.

After all, since the birth of her daughter, UU has been reading www. uukanshu.net It has been so long, she can afford to wait another month or two.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of her daughter's current appearance... She didn't know how different it was from the appearance in her dream?

No matter what, your parents will never abandon you, and you will get everything you deserve.

"Okay, then we've made an agreement." Sophie took a deep breath, then nodded slightly, "If you take care of this for me, then I will accept it."

Your love and I believe in your sincerity! I will repay you, even if not now. "

Metternich just bowed slightly and accepted this "kindness".

At this time, Sophie could not help but be immersed in the reverie about her daughter. She kept simulating the scene when she met her daughter, but found that her imagination was still too lacking.

"You...can you think of a way to get His Majesty the Emperor to agree to send her to France?" Then she plucked up the courage to ask.

Humph, that’s too dissatisfying... Metternich sneered in his heart.

He has no intention of jumping directly to Sophie's side now, he just wants to find an alternative escape route, so he does not intend to spend too many political resources to "invest".

"Your Highness, on this point, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince Your Majesty." So, he looked embarrassed again. "But... maybe there will be a chance in the future. After all, for His Majesty, it doesn't make much sense to embarrass a child. He just wants to see His Majesty's 'sincerity'. "

"That old thing! If you don't have the ability to improve yourself, you just know how to use your own blood relatives as bargains!" Sophie couldn't help but spit. "Sooner or later, I will make him agree."



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