Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifteen, proactive

In the spring season, everything is full of life, and Algiers, which faces France across the Mediterranean Sea, has also arrived in comfortable spring.

Different from France, the warm and dry Mediterranean coast always has a lazy atmosphere, which makes people want to sit on the beach, fish, and spend another sunny day leisurely.

However, for the Marquis of Treville, his mood was not so leisurely.

At this moment, he was standing on the balcony of his residence, looking at the port in the distance where warships and merchant ships frequently came and went, while reading the letter that had just been sent from France with mixed feelings.

After being released by Aiglon, Edgar wrote a letter to his father as soon as he returned home, describing in detail his experience of being imprisoned and living in prison, and then also described the "deal" he had reached with His Majesty the Emperor. It was recorded in detail.

After Aigron's review and a period of transmission, the letter finally reached the hands of Marquis Treville.

Although on the surface, the Marquis still maintained his composure, his trembling hands at the moment were enough to reveal his true mood.

His son's release from prison should have made him feel more happy, but the news that followed made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Sure enough, as he had guessed before, Alice hooked up with the young emperor and became pregnant with her child. In order to cover herself up and give this scoundrel a visible identity, she persuaded the emperor to My son was released...

"What a shameless and vicious woman, she actually tried to murder and humiliate her husband and humiliate our family like this!"

When he thought of this, the Marquis couldn't help but became so angry that he couldn't help but curse.

Although he has suffered enough times in his life with ups and downs, this is the first time he has been tricked to this extent by a woman. How can he not be angry?

But Qi Gui Qi, he is now unable to do anything.

He was now in Algiers, thousands of miles away from Paris, and the two Alice sisters were with His Majesty the Emperor. What could he do with her? She'll be lucky if she doesn't slander her.

Not only that, he has no way to make all this public, because there are many secrets surrounding Alice, and these things are not convenient for the public to see, no matter when his father and son took Agnes Neither the plan to be pushed into the pit of fire nor the plan to "train a new account" should be known to outsiders, otherwise the reputation of the Treville family will inevitably suffer a heavy blow and may even become a laughing stock - and this This was completely unacceptable to the Marquis.

The only consolation was that after the Marquis and Alice finally broke up, His Majesty the Emperor finally agreed to his plan and promised to do his best to help him cultivate his real grandson.

If His Majesty takes care of him, then this child may really be able to take on the family business and let the name Treville continue to flourish.

Although you are an illegitimate child, I hope you can make a difference and don't let our family decline... He could only pray silently in his heart.

In fact, deep down in his heart, the Marquis also doubted whether Alice and His Majesty had had an affair for a long time. This incident was a conspiracy secretly led by His Majesty. The purpose was to drive away the annoying husband and legitimately occupy his own. daughter-in-law.

But thinking about it carefully, he thought that based on his understanding of His Majesty the Emperor, the other party would not do such a deceptive thing - if he really did it, then obviously he would not let Edgar take all this. I have made it clear to myself, and I will not let myself continue to stay in this important position, and I will try my best to comfort myself.

If he was really the leader of the conspiracy, he must have been quietly taken away by the palace messenger before he knew anything about it, and he has disappeared into obscurity ever since.

So...all this was done by that stinky bitch Alice. She plotted to frame her son and seduced His Majesty. For the sake of power, she would do anything!

When he thought of this, the Marquis couldn't help but cursed again.

Despite the scolding, deep down in his heart he looked at his daughter-in-law with admiration.

Although he had always felt that Alice was smart and good at running a house, she was just a female prostitute who could not make any waves, so he manipulated her with peace of mind. However, he did not expect that she could actually be so decisive and take advantage of him. The opportunity to leave Paris ruthlessly pushed both father and son into a desperate situation step by step.

Do you want to "settle the ledger" with these sisters? He doesn't have the ability now.

At least she won this round, a complete victory.

The Marquis gritted his teeth and could only swallow the bitter pill in despair.

Under the comfort of Edgar's letter, although he was furious, the Marquis of Treville could only temporarily swallow his breath and acquiesced to His Majesty's disposition.

Like Edgar, he is now praying to God extremely devoutly that the child Alice gave birth to must be a daughter. Otherwise, even if His Majesty the Emperor has no intention of "changing the species", God knows that this woman who deeply hates her father and son will still be able to survive. What kind of monster could he do to cause the Treville family to suffer another heavy blow?

It must be a daughter!

After sighing, the Marquis of Treville burned the annoying letter, then picked up a riding crop and whipped the items in his room to vent his anger and helplessness.

After venting for a while, Marquis Treville slowly regained his senses from the messy room.

He must now accept reality and find ways to improve it.

Edgar can be a hands-off shopkeeper from now on and enjoy his life in exile, but he can't. Now with the exile of Treville Changzhi, the backbone of the family is himself. He must stand firm, restore the family's prestige and power, and then pass on these family properties to his successors. Only in this way can he Able to die in peace.

And now, what needs to be done is very simple - perform meritorious service, perform more meritorious service, and then return with honor from this hellish place as soon as possible, strive to become a marshal of the empire, and then enter the army under the support of His Majesty the Emperor. The highest decision-making level, and then wait for the opportunity to go further and reach the top.

He had volunteered to come here on his own initiative in order to make meritorious deeds, but now, with the outbreak of the "family crisis", his desire for merit and honor has become even more intense.

He was horny now.

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