Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-six, expectation and rage

Chapter 1073 126, Expectation and Fury

"If you have a chance to visit Paris, it would definitely be great..."

Pushkin's murmurings were naturally heard clearly by Boris Volkonsky, who was close at hand.

This is certainly not surprising.

Because, since Peter the Great chose the "total Westernization" route for Russia and personally visited France to embrace the young King Louis XV, the Russian aristocracy has always been a loyal admirer of French culture.

Although these people hold the power of a country, they have been learning French, communicating and thinking in French since they were born. In this context, admiring France is almost the "factory setting" of every aristocratic child.

Although Tsar Alexander I led his army into Paris more than ten years ago, this did not eliminate the admiration in people's hearts. On the contrary, after witnessing the wealth and prosperity of France, a group of noble officers became The idea that "our country should be like this" arose in their hearts, and then they not only talked about it but also carried out actual actions. The secret society formed a revolutionary organization, which eventually evolved into the December Mutiny a few years ago.

Although the current Russian Empire has absolute "military self-confidence" due to continuous war victories and territorial expansion, it has no "cultural self-confidence" and "theoretical self-confidence" at all.

Because he could completely understand his friend's thoughts, Boris did not dissuade him at all, but nodded slightly.

"I support you on this point, my friend. You are probably tired of staying in Petersburg and Moscow for many years. It would be a good thing to go to Paris. I believe Natalia will also support you."

Pushkin smiled silently again.

He also believes that his wife will definitely support him - but her motives will definitely be completely different from his. What he wants to see are those exquisite palaces, huge art collections, and salons full of cultural atmosphere; And his wife probably only thinks about dancing, dancing, dancing...

However, isn't this a good opportunity? Pushkin suddenly felt something in his heart.

If the "friend" who has become the emperor still remembers the friendship between the two, then he will definitely receive him warmly in his court. And if his couple is warmly received by the French court, then not only can he take advantage of it With the opportunity to get more cultural exchange opportunities, Natalia's vanity can also be greatly satisfied.

For a Russian noblewoman, is there any more exciting "privilege" than being surrounded by a group of noble ladies in Paris?

If this is true, then this opportunity can also be used to rekindle the relationship between the couple that has gradually cooled down, and their dull married life can regain its luster.

It was just a random idea at first, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and he even began to seriously consider when he would set off.

Of course, after all, France is thousands of miles away, and it is still a foreign country. It is impossible to "just leave". You must spend time to prepare in advance. However, if His Majesty the Emperor really still remembers him, Then there won't be much difficulty at all.

Apply for a passport, get an entry permit through the French Embassy in Russia, take care of the housework, and then quietly set off, arriving in Paris a month later... there are only so many things to do.

The more he thought about it, the more tempted he became, and he even directly used his talent as a poet to start thinking about this journey.

Seeing his friend's suddenly whimsical expression, Boris immediately guessed what he was thinking.

"My friend, actually, you secretly ran away to see the King of Rome, right?" So he asked coldly.

His voice was very soft, but it was like thunder, and it immediately dragged Pushkin out of his thoughts. His eyes widened, and he looked at his friend in shock, "You...how do you know?"

Seeing his friend in such panic, Boris felt distressed and funny at the same time, so he immediately comforted him.

"Friend, don't be like this! Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone. I knew it was just a guess... When you disappeared from the army for so long, you said you were out to collect news. Others didn't know you, so they didn't think much about it, but As your friend for many years, since you have so much time, it would be strange if you didn't go and see the biggest excitement!

Moreover, it doesn’t matter. You are not a high-ranking official, and you don’t have any military secrets. Even if you went to see the King of Rome, what would happen? Anyway, it won’t do any harm to our country, so I won’t bother with anything. I just remembered it now, so I just mentioned it casually..."

After hearing Boris's explanation, Pushkin finally calmed down, "You suddenly asked me like this, which scared me! Yes, I did run to see him, and had a chat with him and Princess Theresa. Huan, we have become friends. I was afraid of being criticized, so I hid it after I came back."

"What are you accusing you of? Traitor? Given your situation at that time and now, is it your turn to betray the country... Besides, although we have a bad relationship with France now, we are not at war, and Emperor Napoleon II is not ours. Dead enemy, what if you meet him? No one can accuse you of this. Even if someone does scold you, I think they will still be extremely envious of you!"

After hearing Boris's explanation, Pushkin himself couldn't help laughing.

Yes, what did Potian himself do wrong? He was just watching the excitement, and he had no qualifications to betray the country.

But having said that, he didn’t want to be troublesome, so he still told Boris to keep it a secret.

"Since you wish so, then of course I will keep it a secret for you. Anyway, I have been keeping secrets for the past few years." Boris agreed without thinking, "However, I have a condition - if you really have If I have the opportunity to go to Paris and really get the courtesy of His Majesty the Emperor, then I also want to follow Zhan Zhanguang. Even if I can't chat and laugh with the Emperor like you, as long as I can be his guest, it will be enough for me to go home and boast about it for the rest of my life. How about...? Isn’t this too much of a request?”

"Of course it's not too much!" Pushkin couldn't help laughing, "Even if you don't tell me, I still want to invite you to come with us as a couple! That's it, as long as the emperor really gives a reply, then we Just find a time to go there together...the sooner the better."

After saying that, the pair of long-time friends hugged each other again, appreciating the close friendship between them.

It was not until late in the evening that Pushkin and Boris reluctantly said goodbye to each other.

Although one is unrestrained and the other is cynical, these two friends are essentially enlightenmentists who love freedom and care about civil rights. Because of this, although they are very proud of the Russian Empire's "illustrious martial arts", they are also concerned about its current influence. He was extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, but this dissatisfaction had nowhere to vent due to the high-pressure political atmosphere. In the end, he could only numb himself with cynicism or a dissolute life - which was also the standard epitome of the young Russian aristocrats at that time.

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