Eagle’s Glory

Extra (36) Day in Fontainebleau

Chapter 1074 Extra (36) Day in Fontaine 3

When Xia Lu opened her eyes, she immediately saw her little sister Fran hugging her tightly.

At this time, this child with long blond hair was still sleeping happily, seeming to be having a sweet dream. It could be seen that her sister was by her side, giving this timid and introverted child a sufficient sense of security. They also cherish the time the two sisters spend alone.

So cute...

Seeing her sister sleeping soundly, Xia Lu also showed a maternal smile that was inconsistent with her age.

After all, this is her blood relative and the child she has taken care of since she was a child.

Although my younger sister usually seems a bit clingy, considering that she is the most clingy at her current age, it will be better when she grows up.

On the other hand, when they grow up, the two sisters are destined to have their own families. Now this time where they can depend on each other is even more worth cherishing.

While Xia Lu was thinking this, she carefully broke away from her sister's arms without waking her up. Then she got out of bed, took off her pajamas, and changed into her daily clothes.

Miss Charlotte de Treville's beautiful day has begun again.

Xia Lu has always been a person with a strong "subjective initiative". Before going to bed one day, she usually plans in her mind what she should do tomorrow, and if nothing unexpected happens, she will finish it resolutely. It is precisely because of this high level of With her self-discipline and initiative, she was able to give full play to her talents and talents, winning the admiration of everyone, especially His Majesty the Emperor.

If you want to become the darling of the palace, how can you just rely on pure coquettishness and cuteness?

As usual, she put on an expensive but not too decorative woolen skirt and a recently popular lady's hat on her head, then took her private carriage (a gift from her mother not long ago) and left quietly After leaving the Palace of Fontainebleau, we headed to Paris, dozens of kilometers away.

Originally, there was a specially built small train station close to the palace. There was a special line in the station leading to Paris. However, this was specially used by the royal family when they went to Paris. Xia Lu did not want to cause any trouble when she acted in private. With all the fanfare, the carriage is only a little slower anyway.

Not long after, she arrived in Paris.

Paris at this time has completely changed compared to when His Majesty first came to the throne twelve years ago. The streets have been renovated and some well-planned blocks with wide roads have been formed. Most of the streets have also been installed with Kerosene street lamps, every night, these street lamps will shine brightly, embellishing the city's flashy night life.

The bigger change is that there are two huge train stations, one in the south and one in the north. Countless people pass through them every day. With the help of several newly opened railway lines, countless people pass through them every day. Their behavior In a hurry, running for one's various ambitions.

Of course, because time is still short, there are not many railway lines open to traffic now. However, as time goes by and the first, second and even more construction plans of the imperial government are implemented, more railway lines will be built in Paris. The center extends to various cities in the country, just like blood vessels feeding the heart, pumping resources and goods from various places to the capital of the empire. It won't be long before each of the once isolated small economic circles will be broken, changing the country's The face will also be completely changed.

For the needs of railway construction, the ancient city walls and the city-circling fences erected to facilitate the collection of city taxes have been demolished and replaced by some solid bastions surrounding the city. A number of new factories have been built in suburban towns, and those towering chimneys can be faintly seen even from high places in the city.

Perhaps it was because of these blast furnaces that Xia Lu always felt that there was a smell of coking coal in the air. It couldn't be said to be unpleasant, but it always had a strange feeling.

However, these were not her concerns for the time being. After the carriage stopped, she walked along the familiar path and walked into a high-end apartment building. Then she walked up the stairs to the tallest apartment building. layer.

She knocked softly on the door, and the nursing lady who was stationed here quickly opened the door. She was not surprised to see the blond lady in exquisite and luxurious clothes in front of her - obviously she had been here more than once or twice. .

"Good morning, miss," she greeted.

"Good morning, madam." Xia Lu also greeted the other party gently, and then asked, "How is the teacher now?"

"My recent state has been a bit inconsistent, but at least I'm getting along." The nurse replied.

"That's great." Xia Lu nodded and walked directly in.

Although the temperature was a bit low now, all the windows in the living room and balcony were open, and the ventilation was so good that Xia Lu shivered.

Next to a kerosene heater, she saw the familiar figure of her teacher.

The talented musician and performer Chopin was sitting by the stove, looking lazily at his visitors while warming himself.

More than ten years ago, this musician was forced to go into exile due to the turmoil in his motherland, and finally came to France. Because of his talent, he was cordially received by the emperor and his wife, and he became an instant celebrity and became a celebrity in Paris social circles. Beloved, everyone is proud to hear him play.

At that time, he also served as a consultant to the palace at the request of Her Majesty the Queen. When Xia Lu was still young, he would occasionally come to the palace to teach the "second generation of the empire". It was at that time that Xia Lu He started his own vocal enlightenment, so Xia Lu had no problem calling him "teacher".

However, a few years later, due to the onset of tuberculosis, he voluntarily stayed away from the court, but even so, his title of consultant was still not revoked, and Xia Lu would visit his apartment from time to time to listen to guidance.

Precisely because of tuberculosis, the once handsome musician now looks emaciated due to being too thin. But even so, the light of genius in his eyes has not disappeared, nor has his surging passion for creation and desire to play. Fading away, he is still the same genius.

Following His Majesty's instructions, a group of medical experts are treating him carefully and trying to use him as a template to formulate an effective tuberculosis drug and treatment process. Judging from the current situation, he seems to be in good condition, although he is said to be in good condition. Not "cured", but still under control for the time being.

"Good morning, teacher." Xia Lu greeted him immediately as soon as she saw him.

"Good morning, Miss Xia Lu -" Chopin, who was already in his thirties, faced his students and juniors with a generous smile, "I had already guessed that you would come to visit me. Congratulations on your first appearance on the stage. Be successful."

As he spoke, he picked up the newspaper on the table next to him and waved it gently.

Last night's performance was a great success, coupled with her family's fame and status, she knew that she would definitely become the headlines in the newspapers and be the envy of her peers as usual.

But most of these compliments were like passing clouds, and Xia Lu didn't care. Only compliments that truly came from "geniuses" would make her feel satisfied.

"Compared to you, this is nothing..." She pretended to be modest, but still showed a proud smile.

"You have this effect on your first stage. You can be proud of it, because you deserve it." Chopin continued to praise her, "Since I started teaching you, I knew that you would definitely achieve something. This is not only because You have talent - there are too many people with talent, but very few people can realize their talent - and it is because you are willing to practice hard and immerse yourself in the craft of music, and those gentlemen and ladies You don’t have the perseverance, so you can succeed... Now that you have entered the family, keep going. I dare say that if you persist for another ten years, you will become a famous person recognized by everyone. "

"Thank you for the compliment..." Xia Lu smiled even more cheerfully, "But after all, music is just a means of self-entertainment for me. I never thought about dedicating my whole life to it. "

Although he was not surprised by Xia Lu's answer, Chopin still felt a little regretful. "Are you really not going to think about it? Don't you want to be remembered in history?"

"Of course I want to be remembered by history, but there is a better way to achieve this goal..." Xia Lu replied with a smile, "I am still young and can still be distracted, but when I grow up a little bit , I can embark on the path of my true dream, and I won’t be allowed to be distracted in other places at that time..."

Chopin was immediately speechless.

His student was young, beautiful and cute, but he seemed to have a scheming mind that was unmatched by his peers, and he was also very keen on power and politics. Although he knew that this was the norm among court people, he still couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

However, everyone has their own ambitions, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Thinking of this, Chopin reluctantly cheered up, and then asked Xia Lu to review last night's performance, such as which passages of the concerto felt unfamiliar, and gave suggestions for improvement.

The patient guidance consumed his insufficient energy. At the end of the conversation, he suddenly felt a pain in his throat. He quickly covered his mouth with a handkerchief, then coughed violently, and the white handkerchief quickly appeared. Some bright red blood foam.

After hearing the noise, the nurse wearing a cotton gauze mask hurriedly came over to take care of the patient, but Xia Lu could only say goodbye to her teacher with regret.

"Thank you for your guidance today, teacher, please take care of yourself." As she said this, she saluted the musician and said goodbye.

"I'm fine, Xia Lu, goodbye." Chopin, who barely stopped coughing, raised his head and said goodbye to Xia Lu with a pale and weak smile, "I really envy you for being so young and so energetic... don't waste your talent. "Yes, child."

"You are still very young. Compared with my insignificant talent, you are a dazzling star. So, please live well and give us a more brilliant light, teacher." Xia Lu said before leaving blessing, and then turned to say goodbye.

After leaving Chopin's apartment, Xia Lu simply decided to go shopping in Paris because she still had some time. However, before she could go far, she was stopped by the noisy and chaotic sounds on the street.

She looked up and saw a group of people holding slogans marching in neat lines, blocking the way for pedestrians.

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