Eagle’s Glory

Extra (38) Day in Fontainebleau

Until she said good night to her mother, Xia Lu had not recovered from the mental shock just now, and was still in a state of confusion.

What my mother said just now was so full of confidence and so impactful that even as smart as she was, she couldn't get over it for a while.

His Majesty is actually... ready to bombard Paris at any time. It would be hard for people to believe this kind of thing.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is definitely a "final solution" as a last resort, and it will not be launched easily-unless another turmoil similar to that in 1830 breaks out in Paris.

Of course, if the past events of 1830 really happened again, the dynasty itself would not tolerate any mercy at the moment of life and death - after all, only surviving politicians are qualified to discuss morality. If they are ousted, there will be nothing left. .

In short, since His Majesty and the Imperial Government have already had a response plan, then my worries are just unfounded worries, which is a good thing - after all, the fate of myself and Alice's mother and daughter are bound to On the big ship of the Bonaparte family, if the empire really capsizes, even if lives can be saved, the future will inevitably be ruined.

The only thing worth worrying about is whether Charlotte has participated in such dangerous activities. If Charlotte is really trying to rebel, and the situation reaches the worst case scenario, and the troops to suppress the riot move into Paris, then I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous. It’s unimaginable.

What a stupid girl, you risk your life just to get angry with me. You are simply crazy! Xia Lu couldn't help but scolded her again in her heart.

Of course she was scolded, but she still couldn't "just ignore it".

After all, she is so greedy and doesn't want to lose anything.

Shocked and uneasy, Xia Lu returned to her bedroom after washing up - then she suddenly discovered that the quilt was not flat and seemed to have strange bulges.

Xia Lu immediately understood what was going on, so she sighed helplessly. Then she walked to the bed, then grabbed a corner of the quilt and lifted it hard.

Sure enough, a thin figure appeared under the quilt.

The brilliant blond hair was spread under her body like a cushion. Her thin but fair body was wrapped in thin pajamas. Her light blue eyes were looking at Xia Lu with watery eyes. She looked both pitiful and a little bit... Impressive childlike charm.

However, precisely because he had grown up with her since childhood, this charm only made Xia Lu lose her mind for a moment, and then was replaced by a reproachful gaze.

"Fran...what are you making trouble again? Why did you come to my room again!" She asked helplessly.

"I can't sleep... I want to be with you..." Fran looked at her sister timidly and responded in a low voice.

"But last night, I hugged you and slept all night." Xia Lu retorted.

"Yesterday she was in my room, today she is in your room, so that's different." Fran answered seemingly logically.

But of course this kind of logic couldn't convince Xia Lu. In addition, Xia Lu had been hit too hard today and felt mentally and physically exhausted, so she didn't want to continue arguing with her sister.

"Stop making trouble, go back to sleep, it's already late..."

Fran did not obey, but closed her eyes directly. It seemed that she wanted to use the trick of pretending to be dead to stay here and not leave.

Seeing her sister's stubborn look, Xia Lu couldn't help but sigh.

"You are already over ten years old. A ten-year-old child should learn to take care of himself a little. How can he always sleep with his sister? You won't grow up like this..."

"If growing up means being separated from my sister, then I would rather never grow up..." Fran muttered softly. "You are the only one who cares about me anyway."

Xia Lu, who was originally impatient, was stunned by her sister's words.

Although her younger sister does not know her true life experience, she has been able to clearly feel it since she was a child. Although her mother took good care of her, she always had a sense of emotional alienation and was not as devoted as she was to her sister. Correspondingly, she has shouldered the responsibility since she was a child. Xia Lu, who had the heavy responsibility of taking care of her sister, became Fran's irreplaceable emotional sustenance. She liked to be by Xia Lu's side since she was a child and admired her beyond measure.

But Xia Lu knew the truth.

At first, His Majesty and his mother got together in private for various reasons, and then gave birth to this daughter. It was probably because His Majesty had just given birth to a daughter, Princess Funina, with Queen Teresa, so he named her Funina. orchid.

Although they are both His Majesty's daughters, their treatment and fate are naturally very different.

One is a princess recognized by the world, who can boss around in the palace. Even if Xia Lu sees her, she can only give three cents of respect; the other is the unknown Miss de Treville. Although her family background is considered prominent, Naturally, it is impossible to get much special treatment in the palace.

When she thought of this, Xia Lu suddenly felt love and compassion for her sister as usual——

This kind of love and affection often allowed her to tolerate her sister's willfulness, and it was the same this time.

"Oh, okay... forget it this time, don't do this next time! Otherwise I will really be angry." She didn't know how many times she said the same thing, and then she changed out of her dress with a shake. He put on his pajamas and lay on the bed.

Seeing that her sister no longer chased her away, Fran opened her eyes again, showed a satisfied smile, and then hugged Xia Lu skillfully.

"Since you want to sleep together, go to bed early and don't stay in bed again tomorrow." Xia Lu told her sister.

However, Fran did not do this, but continued to stare at her sister's face, which was close at hand.

Although she is still young, this gaze seems to be able to see through her thoughts.

"Sister, you seem to have encountered something troublesome today." Then, she said softly, "You look worried."

Xia Lu didn't respond, just sighed softly.

Although the concert was very successful and brought a glorious milestone to her life, the things that followed were not good things. How could she feel better.

"Did...did you find out about Charlotte's whereabouts?" Fran asked cautiously.

Xia Lu was secretly surprised, but she immediately reacted.

"Why do you think that?" she asked.

"There are not many people who can annoy you. Every time she makes you angry, you will act like this..." Fran blinked her eyes, "Seeing how distracted you are this time, I guess she is probably Something happened to bother you again."

Xia Lu was speechless for a moment. Although her sister did not have any innate wisdom, her ability to observe people's emotions was so powerful that it was like she was gifted.

Maybe she has been insecure since she was a child, so she focused her talents here?

However, she was too distraught at the moment to admit or deny it, just sigh again.

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