Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-seven, no worries

The speech delivered by His Majesty the French Emperor in Parliament caused fierce turmoil and uproar throughout Europe. The Czar was furious and more people applauded it. But in the final analysis, this dispute was just a "literary fight" and was not enough to change The development process of the situation.

For the vast majority of people, their daily lives are obviously more important than the words of emperors and kings. They don't care about the life and death of Poland, nor the face of the kings, they just deal with the problems in their own lives. The various changes were enough to drain all their strength.

Such was the case with Edgar de Treville at the present time.

Since being released by His Majesty, he has returned to his home and lives with his wife.

Logically speaking, this should be a kind of happiness, but for him now, this is simply sitting on pins and needles, and he is restless and unwilling to eat every day.

What troubled him so much was mainly in his wife Alice - and more specifically, in his belly.

No matter how open-minded and romantic a person is, he can't be happy knowing that his wife is pregnant with someone else's child, right?

What's even more frightening is that it's still unclear whether the child is a boy or a girl. If something goes wrong, the Treville family, which has lasted for hundreds of years, may be "reproduced". This fear makes him even more frightened. Hard to let go.

But even if he knew this, he had no choice but to watch the situation develop, because the person who gave him the "hat" was someone the Treville family had no way of resisting at the moment.

At the moment, he can only place his hope on His Majesty actually keeping his promise.

Because of fear and anxiety, he has been unable to sleep at night almost every day recently, and his spirit is even more depressed.

Of course, even at this moment, he didn't have much hatred for Alice in his heart, because he fully understood why Alice changed from the gentle and considerate wife to what she is now. He knew this bitter drink. Most of them are caused by themselves.

The deal is done, what is there to say?

In the midst of the day-to-day suffering, he spent more than half a month at home in confusion, and on this day, he received a letter from Algeria - this was also the first time he received a letter from his father after being away from his father. news.

Just after returning home last time, he wrote a letter to his father, explaining the current situation in detail, and now this is probably his reply.

Edgar's father's letter made Edgar mentally excited. He quickly opened the letter in the study and read it carefully.

The very beginning of the letter made his face burn with pain, as if he had been whipped.

"My pathetic, ridiculous, shameful son, you have been disappointing me since you were a child, and this time it has reached its peak. You fell into the conspiracy in a funny manner, which has damaged the face of our family and made our family even more embarrassed. Our family heritage is at stake! There are no words that can accurately describe how disappointed I am in you now. I am really glad that I am in North Africa and not in front of you, otherwise I would really take out my pistol and wipe it out completely. The biggest stain on our family!

I will not feel wronged for you, because you are the one to blame for all this. I have reminded you countless times to make progress and be careful, but then you insist on going your own way. You ruined your happy marriage with your wandering life; you You are still willful and careless, walking in the sea of ​​fire, thinking that you can walk on flat ground with that little cleverness! You apologize to me, but does it mean anything?

Not only did you not play any positive role for us, but you also greatly hindered me! Now, you have caused this big mess, but you just want to walk away and let your father bear the stigma and laughter you brought to him, while also trying to figure out how to clean up your mess! How unfilial and hateful you are! I only hate that the education I received since I was a child was too strict, so I can't give you more explosive insults, but please remember that you will bear the contempt of your father for the rest of your life, because you are neither incompetent nor courageous. If you can't do anything well, if you get into trouble and just want to run away, you will be a scar that our family will never want to mention. Even your children will regard you as a scum. You deserve this! "

Edgar's father's unabashed insults made Edgar feel more and more uncomfortable, and he even shed tears unconsciously.

So shameful.

But there was no way to refute it, and even my father scolded him too lightly.

Edgar could even imagine his father being furious when he wrote this reply.

After suffering for a long time, he regained his energy and continued to read his father's letter.

"But even if I use all my vicious words to insult you, I still sadly admit that you are my son, the child I have raised since childhood, my spiritual sustenance after being widowed, and the dearest relative I can't let go of." . Even now I am still worried about you, fearing that you will suffer hardship abroad. Why should I become a father?

In short, since you have decided to leave, then go ahead, that's fine, at least you won't bring more burden to me. After you get out, don't use your real name anymore. I don't want to hear news that de Treville is embarrassed outside.

I will ask my brother to send your son back to me. When I come back, I will educate him personally. It is also my fault for not educating you well. I will never make the same mistake again this time. He will bear the responsibility of this family. The heavy burden... He will not become an idle waste, a cowardly deserter!

I hope you have a good time out there, and if you're short of money, write me and I'll send you a little, but don't expect too much.

If you want to return to China in the future, remember to inform me in advance and I will make corresponding preparations.

A father who is disappointed in you but still sadly in love with you. "

Seeing his father's affectionate words of hatred, Edgar, whose tears had just dried, couldn't help crying again.

Of course he knew how much he had failed to live up to his father's expectations in his more than 20 years of life.

He will never be able to repay the "debt" between father and son.

Of course, he was still Edgar after all. Apart from regret and annoyance, he even felt a subtle sense of relief in his heart.

Being so insulted by his father subtly balanced the guilt in his heart.

Running away, although shameful, was the best thing I could do right now.

At least if I run away, I won't be a hindrance to my father and family, and the family disputes caused by me will come to an end.

Although Alice and the Marquis of Treville have essentially broken up, they still act like a family in front of outsiders so as not to make the outside world laugh.

This is also a solution.

Edgar thought quietly for a long time, and then carefully collected his father's reply.

Then, he straightened his clothes and came to Alice's room.

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