Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-nine, chance encounter

Chapter 1079 129, chance encounter

"Silly girl, are you happy now?"

Faced with Aiglon's seemingly helpless but actually doting tone, Agnes felt quite happy. She knew that this was the time when His Majesty was at his softest, and even if her request was too much, he would agree to it.

Of course, Agnes is thin-skinned and does not want to be regarded as "greedy" by the outside world, so she just wants her sister to have a place to settle down in the future, and this is enough.

"Your Majesty, you know my relationship with my sister. How can I bear to see her living in such a miserable and miserable life right now?" Agnes grabbed Agron's hand and made a request sincerely, "Your Majesty, I know that she made a big mistake and embarrassed everyone, and I also know that she deserves a heavier punishment, but now I ask you, for my sake, to forget the past and let her prove herself again..."

"Hey, you have said so, how can I still have the heart to refuse?" Aigron sighed, "Okay, I will write a handwriting immediately to announce that Mrs. Alice's leave is over and she can return to her job. "

"You can write this letter to me first, but... I'm afraid she won't be able to come over now and will have to wait for a while." Agnes suddenly turned away shyly, as if she also felt guilty.

"What? Didn't she always want the officer to be reinstated? Now she's still dragging her feet?" Aigron asked knowingly.

"Sister...sister...she may be pregnant again, so it's not convenient for her to come out to work right now." Agnes replied with a blushing face.

Then, she told Aigron the whole story of Alice's plan to leave her husband at home for more than half a month, hoping to "create a human being" again.

As the instigator, Aigron had of course known all this for a long time, but he still pretended to be surprised, "Is this actually the case? Madam is still working hard... However, it is understandable. Now that she has lost her husband, she wants more than one It’s not an exaggeration to keep your children by your side.”

"Yes, it can be regarded as the last sustenance of life." Agnes sighed.

Immediately afterwards, she cheered up again, "Your Majesty, what I want to ask of you is not only to reinstate my sister to her position, but also for the sake of this unborn child... I ask you, for my sake, in the future Take more care of me and give my sister some comfort.”

Agnes worked hard, but she didn't expect that Aigron already knew it, so he immediately nodded, "Okay, no problem, I will definitely take care of this child, just like Xia Lu - I think, Mrs. Their children must all be outstanding and have great potential.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Seeing him agreeing so happily, Agnes beamed with joy, so she snuggled up to His Majesty and kissed his cheek, "I remember that you were the one who named Xia Lu, right? Then this How about you give me another favor, give me a name, and be the godfather of this child? "

For the sake of her sister and her children, Agnes also risked her life and tried her best to plead with her lover, and her efforts made Agron quite emotional.

"Agnes, you don't care about your sister's affairs even if you are concerned about your own affairs! This is certainly a virtue, but don't forget that your sister is not a weak and helpless poor person. On the contrary, she has a lot of thoughts. She is meticulous and cunning, and she has played tricks on everyone around her. She knows how to fight for her own interests, so you might as well pay more attention to yourself!"

However, he did not speak too carefully, but frowned slightly and thought for a moment, "Okay, if this child is a boy, let's name him Victor, using the general's name. If it is a daughter...then... My name is Fran, and she fits right in with Fonina. As for the godfather, as long as Alice doesn’t object, I’ll be the godfather. Are you satisfied now?”

At this point, even though his face was serious, he was still a little bit amused. After all, he would be somewhat embarrassed in front of this child in the future after changing from biological father to godfather.

However, this also gave him a legitimate reason to show mercy, which was not bad.

Like the Marquis and his son, he actually hoped that Alice would give birth to a daughter this time. After all, if it were a son, the Treville family would definitely be worried, fearing that Alice might engage in another conspiracy that would be detrimental to "unity."

Fran...he recited the name silently in his mind, and unexpectedly thought it was pretty good.

But Agnes didn't have so many thoughts at this time. She was extremely happy when she saw that His Majesty agreed to all her conditions without hesitation.

I am happy that my sister and her children have a future, and I am also happy that His Majesty responds to my requests.

Although he is destined not to give himself a real status, at least he can be regarded as more reliable in life than Edgar. How many "normal" marriages are truly happier than mine?

Because she was happy in her heart, she leaned against Aiglon's body intimately, enjoying each other's tenderness, and reluctantly said goodbye after a long time. "Your Majesty, I'm going back first. Come and sit with me when you have time. I miss you very much."

Before she left, Agron complied with his promise and wrote a handwriting summoning Alice to return from her vacation as soon as possible to perform her duties. Since Agnes interceded like this, the outside world would not appreciate Alice's special favor. Feeling confused - As for Theresa, she wouldn't say anything more. Anyway, she had never dealt with Edgar, and she would not sympathize with his fate.

The pregnancy was so tiring and tiring that she couldn't help but feel a little dizzy, but after all, she was healthier than ordinary people, so she refused to be accompanied by others, and just prepared to leave the palace with the support of her mother.

In order to avoid irritating Queen Teresa, she didn't want to swagger around here and look like she was getting carried away. Now that the matter was done, she just wanted to leave quietly without causing trouble to anyone.

She walked very slowly, and when everyone passing by saw her current appearance, they also consciously bowed to avoid her. After all, in everyone's eyes, Miss Agnes, who was favored and pregnant, was not someone to be easily provoked.

Just as Agnes walked towards the corridor next to the stables, she found that someone was walking towards her, and the other person did not choose to avoid her after seeing her, but walked straight over.

This unusual performance made Agnes feel a little different, so she couldn't help but pay more attention to the other person.

Then she discovered that the other party was a graceful lady, wearing a long skirt, holding an ivory fan in her right hand, fanning her gently, she was very beautiful.

Of course, it is not surprising that there are many good-looking ladies in the palace, but after seeing the other person's face and movements, Agnes seemed to feel familiar.

I seem to have seen her somewhere...

"Yeah!" Suddenly an idea came to her mind and she remembered.

"What's wrong, Agnes?" Seeing her daughter suddenly stop, the mother beside her asked doubtfully.

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