Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty, never give in

Chapter 1080 130, not giving in

"I just don't know what you have to say?"

Faced with Agnes's question, Maria remained calm and calm, "Actually, the last time I came to your home, I was very curious about you and wanted to see your style with my own eyes... When I saw you later, you were really magnanimous. Extraordinary, it’s no wonder that His Majesty cares so much about you.”

"Thank you for your compliment. To be honest, you are also very generous, so I am deeply impressed." In the face of the other party's compliment. Agnes was also very calm, "So I recognized you just now..."

"Oh, it's my fault too. I didn't make it clear to you at the time, but I believe you can understand me. After all, if I really reported myself to my family at that time, I'm afraid it would have caused quite a stir -" Maria covered her face with a folding fan. His lips were closed, but his eyes looked at Agnes with a smile, "But this can be regarded as a little secret between us. Friendships often start with secrets, right?"

However, Agnes had no intention of establishing friendship with the other party. She just responded indifferently, "Don't worry about this. I won't tell this matter and cause any diplomatic trouble to everyone. You came here recently." Come to us, there is no doubt about it.”

Although she said this, there was a trace of sourness in her heart. After all, she was not the one who caused the ridiculous thing, but she still had to help cover it up.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, when will your absurdity be satisfied? Aren't we enough? At this moment, her heart suddenly seemed to be connected with Theresa's, and she felt the same emotion.

Of course, now that she is pregnant, she doesn't want to make trouble over nothing. Besides, there is no clear evidence for this conjecture yet, so she can only pretend that nothing happened.

However, Maria didn't seem to have the intention of "ending it here". On the contrary, she took the initiative to get closer to Agnes and at the same time enthusiastically held Agnes's hand.

Since she had made up her mind to act against Theresa, she naturally could not go it alone, and it was natural for her to find ways to form cliques.

Um? What is she doing? Are you getting close to me? Are you still trying to please me?

Agnes was a little confused by Maria's unusual solicitude. She really couldn't figure out why, as a princess, she would condescend to approach her in such a friendly, almost flattering manner.

Agnes felt more and more unhappy, and finally she was no longer willing to compromise with the other party. Of course, because of the other party's status as a princess, she still maintained the last superficial respect. "Your Highness, thank you for your enthusiasm. When I recover in the future, you will definitely have the opportunity to see me in action in similar activities. Of course, this must first be approved by Your Majesty... After all, I am just If I serve His Majesty alone, I can only obey His Majesty’s orders.”

Of course, she couldn't tell Agnes these calculations, so she just tried to show that she had admired her for a long time, hoping to make Agnes believe that she could be her good friend.

"When I first heard about you, you were on tour with His Majesty. The newspapers described your heroic appearance in armor several times, and also praised you for your extraordinary skills... At that time, I admired you. . It is precisely because of this that I secretly came to your house to see for myself, and found that the rumors were indeed true. You are so strong and sharp that it is daunting.

What you mean by admiring me and respecting me is that you secretly hang out with my lover when you come to visit me? Really off-putting.

Why? She couldn't figure it out, but she didn't feel happy about it. Instead, she instinctively felt a sense of fear.

Of course, this is easier said than done. After all, Theresa is the empress of the empire and the mistress of Fontainebleau. How many people here have the guts to go against her? After thinking about it, I naturally thought of Agnes.

Outside the court, she tried to win over the great banker Bowen as a collaborator, and within the court, she also wanted to find some accomplices.

It's a pity that we just said goodbye in a hurry, and when we meet again now, you are already pregnant, so I can't see you showing off your talents. This is really a pity... I hope I have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes in the future. I don't know about you. Can you give me such an opportunity? "

If there is resentment, there will naturally be room for him to take advantage of. If he can bring Agnes to his side, then his party will be vaguely formed. In the future, there will be more ways to humiliate Teresa and fight against her, so that she can vent her hatred.

Unfortunately, just because she couldn't display the sincerity of a "courteous corporal" no matter how hard she tried, Agnes was not moved by this solicitude; on the contrary, because she had just learned about her "intimate relationship" with her beloved lover, she felt uneasy in her heart. Full of worries and secret hatred, Maria's efforts had the opposite effect.

As for why Maria deliberately lowered her profile to get close to Agnes, in the final analysis, it was naturally because of the confrontation between herself and Theresa.

After all, in Maria's view, Agnes had had a serious conflict with Theresa before. She went on a cruise with Agron, which publicly embarrassed Theresa in front of the whole country, and she also had a "hate to steal her husband." Even if they are not incompatible with each other, there will at least be deep resentment between them.

Of course, this is actually because Maria is used to being arrogant and really doesn't know how to get along well with others. Even if she deliberately wants to get close to her, she can't hide her condescending attitude. Naturally, it is difficult for others to have a good impression of her.

Normally, Agnes would not have been able to speak in such a "sensational" way because she was shy (or unwilling to admit that she had settled for the status quo). However, perhaps because she subconsciously felt threatened, she deliberately emphasized her loyalty to His Majesty and the importance His Majesty placed on her.

Of course, she was not even aware of this competitive thinking, let alone admitted it.

Maria was not aware of Agnes' hidden confrontational attitude. She just continued according to the plan, "Then we have decided. I really want to see your grace that can charm His Majesty as soon as possible... It will definitely be an unforgettable experience in my life.”

At this point, she seemed to suddenly remember something, "Oh, I'm only thinking about the future. The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body and give birth to a healthy child. This is your biggest reliance in the future... …Think of it, Your Majesty will definitely prepare a way out for your child, right?”

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