Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-five, the dragon returns home

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[I caught a bad cold during the Chinese New Year. I kept coughing every day and my throat was hoarse and difficult to stretch.]

With the arrival of spring, the sunny and windy southern coast of France is ushering in the most beautiful time of the year.

Thousands of miles of waves, vast expanse of blue water, and warm sea breeze blowing through the beautiful mountains and rivers along the Mediterranean coast. There are no rough waves common in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean here, only the leisurely comfort that makes people lazy and intoxicated.

However, today, near the port of Jouan near Marseille, the warm and lazy atmosphere was inadvertently replaced by a chilling atmosphere.

A large group of soldiers wearing various uniforms crowded around the small port. On the pier of the port, surrounded by a large group of Guards officers and soldiers, Emperor Napoleon II, also wearing military uniforms, stood in front, looking out. The sea in the distance.

In addition to him, the people around him can also be called a "gathering of superstars". Except for the marshals who were professed by Emperor Napoleon when he was still alive, except for those who have died or have been purged for wrong political sides, all of them are now financially integrated. Sirte Needless to say, , Oudinot and others, even Marshal Moncey, who was the governor of North Africa, rushed over regardless of his old illness and stood beside His Majesty the Emperor.

Such a "gathering of superstars" scene was rare after 1815.

In the pre-imperial era, gathering so many marshals would definitely mean a large-scale war. However, today, the reason for bringing them together is very simple and very noble - they are all together with Aiglon to welcome the ancestors. The remains of the emperor returned to the land of France.

Previously, Egeron began to seek reconciliation with Britain as soon as he came to power. The UK also cooperated with reservations and reached some compromises. One of the things is to allow the French to send people to St. Helena Island, the final burial place of Emperor Napoleon, to welcome back the remains.

To others it might be "nice" but not a pressing matter, but for Eggron it was a completely different story. After all, the source of the legitimacy of the Bonaparte family's rule in France was ultimately Napoleon's brilliant achievements. As his only successor, Aiglon naturally had to make the return of his remains a top priority as soon as he came to power.

Fortunately, the British did not want to embarrass him pointlessly in such a useless place, and the Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, immediately made a decision and agreed to his request.

Afterwards, Aigron sent his cousin to St. Helena as a representative. After a long journey, a fast sailing ship specially dispatched a few days in advance landed in France and reported the exact return schedule of the fleet. Today It is the day when this fleet returns to the motherland with the remains of the late emperor.

This matter was of great significance to the empire, so it was natural that it should be accomplished in the most solemn manner.

According to the scheduled arrangement, the emperor's remains will first land on French territory at the Port of Joan, and then pass through Grenoble, Lyon and other cities in a grand ceremony, and then pass through Fontainebleau and finally return to him. Faithful Paris, everything is to replicate his "miracle" in 1815, and to declare to the people that although the emperor is no longer alive, he will always be with the people of the empire.

Aiglon himself will also participate in this grand ceremony from the moment the remains set foot on French soil.

The reason why it was so grand was of course to stimulate the French people's memory of the late emperor, and then use this to consolidate the rule of the empire.

Under the eager gaze of everyone, several black spots appeared on the distant sea surface of Juan Port. As the distance approached, it was quickly discovered that these were several warships flying the imperial flag. It was obvious that they were them.

Originally, this fleet had always had British warships mixed in, but in order to avoid causing unpleasantness, several British warships directly broke away from the team and returned when crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, so this became purely a matter for the French themselves.

Everything went perfectly as planned.

Under the excited gaze of everyone, these warships finally rushed into Juan Port. Then, one of the largest flagships stopped at the pier where Aiglon was.

The sudden roar of the salute from the shore was not only to mark the return of the emperor after many years of absence, but also to pay tribute to those who had perfectly executed this mission.

The ship quickly lowered the gangway, and then several people walked down with their heads held high. The leader was naturally Prince Charles, who had been entrusted with the important task by Aigron. He walked up to Aiglon, then bowed to his cousin, "Your Majesty, I I have lived up to my mission and fulfilled your entrustment!”

"Thank you, my cousin." Aigron hugged his cousin gently, "My family and I will remember your hard work on this trip. You did a great job."

While the two people were talking, several sailors came down carrying an oak coffin. They all looked cautious, fearing that someone would accidentally destroy the "sacred object" in front of His Majesty.

In fact, it has been ten years since Emperor Napoleon was buried, and naturally not many of his remains are left, but this is not important, they are all treasures of the empire.

With the busy work of the sailors, the coffin was delivered to Aigron. He finally officially returned to the land of France and the place he loved so much.

There was no change of color in the sky and the earth, thunder rolling in the sky, visions coming from the sky, the sound of the coffin being lowered was very soft, and then it quickly returned to silence.

However, the historical significance of all this is difficult to measure.

A man who once stirred up the whole of Europe and even the world has finally returned ten years after his death. Although he cannot be resurrected from the dead, people's praise and memory from generation to generation are enough to make him immortal.

Although he lost everything, he also won everything.

"Your Majesty!" At this time, Marshal Moncey, who was standing next to Aigron, finally couldn't restrain his excitement and couldn't help shouting, "I finally see the day when you return, and now I die. No regrets!”

The old marshal's touching expression of true feelings made a group of soldiers around him burst into tears. Even Marshal Soult, who had always been strong and cold, took off his hat and saluted the emperor as he did when he met the emperor.

In this solemn and then sad atmosphere, Aigron's expression was also very solemn. He raised his hand and touched the coffin with his own hands, as if he wanted to talk to the person who was sleeping in it.

Confessing that after all, he has lived up to his father's expectations, he has regained this country that was unfortunately lost, and will continue to hold it in his hands so that future generations can continue to occupy the throne.

As the founder of the country, Emperor Napoleon would become the spiritual totem of the empire.

The days of his birth and death will become festivals, and every schoolchild in the empire will learn about his great achievements from an early age - as the "Taizu Emperor" of the Bonaparte family, he deserves such treatment.

Not only that, in the following days, he will ideologically elevate his father's status and turn him into a symbol of the motherland and victory, just like the Roman Senate deified Caesar.

To be honest, Aigron was a little worried in his heart before. He was desperate to deify Emperor Napoleon for the sake of the legitimacy of his family's rule. In France, this approach would definitely arouse a rebellious mentality.

It wouldn't matter if the empire's rule remained stable. Because no one can openly question the founding ancestor of the empire, but there has been no immortal country in the world since ancient times. One day, the rule of the Bonaparte family in France will also reach the end like the Capet family before it (and It is destined that the country will not last as long as the Capet family). At that time, this kind of rebellious psychology will make people eager to break idol worship and will desperately discredit Emperor Napoleon, even those who should be recognized and praised. His achievements were also reviled.

In this sense, the higher Aigron praises his father, the more he will be hated and reviled in the future.

However, at the moment when he touched the coffin, Aigron suddenly felt relieved again.

Emperor Napoleon, like himself, was an unhesitating realist. Although he worked hard for his country and had far-reaching plans, his purpose was ultimately to maintain the rule of himself and his descendants.

If you can let your descendants sit on the throne for a few more generations, even if it's only for a century or two, then what's the harm in being reviled after that?

Therefore, if the emperor is alive in heaven, he will definitely be willing to see his dead self being carried out to serve as a talisman for his descendants, even if he is "slandered, I will bear it".

Besides, no matter how you criticize him, he has led the French to a peak never seen in history. This is a fact that no one can deny.

Accompanied by salutes, cries and cheers, Aiglon waved gently, and the oak coffin was placed on a gun cart and then moved forward slowly pulled by a packhorse.

Aigron and a group of marshals gathered around the artillery cart, with lower-ranking senior officers and officials following behind them. This unique "restoration march" also officially began.

When the artillery truck drove out of the port facilities and began to pass through the residential area, the people who had been waiting here also saw the coffin on the artillery truck among this group of colorful and star-studded teams.

They bowed their heads in silence, and some emotional people covered their faces with handkerchiefs and sobbed softly.

The silent mourning and pain made this scene even more solemn.

Aigron had no expression on his face and just followed the cannon truck as he moved forward, as if he was not a powerful emperor at this moment, but just a child remembering his father.

Of course, he couldn't follow the coffin all the way to Paris. The elderly marshals were either physically unable to bear it or they had the same heavy responsibilities and couldn't follow it all the way. So after the ceremony in Port Joan was over, he would Return to Fontainebleau first, and a series of subsequent itineraries and celebrations will be handled by dedicated personnel.

When the remains arrive in Paris, the climax of this ceremony, it will naturally be much more grand than it is today.

In this sad and exciting atmosphere, Aigron finally completed his schedule and returned to his temporary residence.

Then, he called his confidant, the Count of Monte Cristo, in front of him.

As Aigron's confidant and a high-ranking noble of the empire, he is certainly qualified to attend this ceremony today.

Although he did not have much interaction with Emperor Napoleon due to age and experience, his heart was still filled with excitement.

After all, he was equally proud of the original empire.

He even remembered that he had gone to Elba to deliver a message in place of the captain who suddenly fell ill and died, and had a cordial conversation with the emperor.

This was the only side he had ever seen with the emperor, but it was this side that changed his life, turning the ordinary life of a little sailor into a stormy drama.

At that time, I must have never imagined that I could transform into a noble lord, or even become the emperor's confidant. There is nothing more mysterious than this in life.

"Edmund, what do you think of today's scene?" Aiglon's words quickly interrupted the count's reverie.

"It's very touching and very solemn, Your Majesty." Edmund immediately gave a sincere evaluation. "Not only the veteran soldiers were moved to tears, but also the people who were watching were very involved."

Welcoming the remains of the late emperor is an extremely important event for Aigron. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Of course, he will not allow any mistakes to occur. Therefore, before that, he tasked his most trusted earl to secretly protect him. Eliminate all possible unstable factors and strive to get things done satisfactorily.

From the current point of view, the effect is not bad, but it still cannot be sloppy at all.

"Edmund, all the dignitaries and I are returning to the capital. The remains of the late emperor, as well as the subsequent itinerary and ceremonies, are all under your control. I think you should know even if I don't tell you. How significant all of this is. If some gangster throws a bomb at the coffin on the road or uses any other means of destruction, it will definitely become an indelible stain for us. Therefore, I will not allow it this time. Even if there is even the slightest mistake, there will be no sympathy whatsoever, do you understand?"

In other words, His Majesty's trust and my career are all tied to this.

Edmund actually didn't care about his career, but he certainly didn't want to live up to his benefactor's trust, and he didn't want to see any problems with the remains of the late emperor.

Therefore, he immediately made a guarantee.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to risk my life to guarantee that there will be no mistakes. During this period of time, my deputy, Mr. Count Morny, and I have scouted back and forth along the route several times, and we have also left a large number of manpower to guard the route. Even when people are watching, no scoundrel can get close to the late emperor's coffin. I have absolute confidence in this and will not allow any exceptions."

Such categorical words made Aigron greatly appreciate it. In such an important matter, he certainly needs his subordinates to be firm and courageous.

He also believed that the count would handle the things he told him well, just as he had always done.

"Then I'll leave everything to you, Edmund." Aiglon patted the Earl's shoulder gently, and then signaled him to leave.

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