Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-six, given the third

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After personally welcoming the remains of the late emperor back to the land of France, Aiglon and his entourage said goodbye to the coffin and embarked on their way back to the center of the empire.

However, he did not return directly to Fontainebleau, but returned to Paris first.

He traveled lightly and simply, so his journey was not noticed by people. He quietly came to visit the residence of the Marquis of Treville.

Since Alice came back here to give birth, he has not come to visit her in person, so he wanted to take advantage of this trip to stop by and see her - although the relationship between the two is not so "pure", more of a love affair. However, since Alice is now pregnant with her own child, Aigron should naturally give her the most basic care.

Alice was surprised and happy to hear the news of His Majesty's visit. She immediately walked out of the bedroom, then hugged Aigron affectionately and said hello to him. "Your Majesty? Why are you here?"

"It's nothing, I just missed you, so I came here to see you." Aigron stroked the lady in his arms and looked at her, "Madam, how are you doing recently?"

Now Alice's belly has been slightly swollen, with obvious symptoms, but it does not make it look cumbersome. On the contrary, it has added a bit of plumpness. Coupled with the attributes of a gentle and considerate wife, it makes Aigron want to taste it even more. The taste is there.

However, considering Alice's body at this time, he didn't do anything too "dramatic". He just sat on the sofa and gently caressed Alice's skin, kissing her white cheeks and slender neck. Come and vent your desires a little.

But having said that, this is the private residence of his servants, the Treville family, and he openly had a tryst with his wife there. This kind of thing is extremely "blasphemous" and worthy of being compared with the emperor of ancient Rome...

After a period of intimacy, Aigron finally regained his composure and spoke to Alice again, "By the way, Alice, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter? Your Majesty..." Because she was provoked by Aigron, Alice was a little emotional at the moment. Not only her eyes were blurred, but her voice was soft and sweet, full of love.

"General Treville recently wrote me a letter, saying that his grandson is coming to France soon. He hopes to place him in his mansion and take good care of him..." Aigron continued.

When she heard the name General Treville, the love in Alice's eyes quickly melted away, leaving only wariness and alienation.

Obviously, the two people who once worked together have turned against each other. Now General Treville no longer cares about Alice's face and insists on letting this child, who is only a distant relative in name, live in his house. Di.

He was driving himself away in disguise.

Alice originally wanted to be angry, but when she thought about how she had tricked his son into living abroad not long ago, she didn't know what to say.

If she had followed her usual pride, since the general had already mentioned this, she would not have any hesitation, just roll up her clothes and leave.

But this is a special situation after all. Both she and His Majesty hope to keep the child's life experience secret, and have also played a series of tricks to do this. If they go to other places, then all this series of efforts may be in vain. .

"This is the general's home. I'm just a guest staying here. If he wants to bring it in, he can bring it in. Of course I have no right to stop it, and I don't want to stop it." Finally, she answered calmly.

Although she was at home giving birth, she was still well-informed, so she also heard about General Treville's victory in North Africa not long ago.

Now, the general is already a hero of the country. Under the circumstances, he will certainly be more confident to fall out with himself. And in his current situation, it is difficult to fight against the general, so he can only hide and endure for the time being.

"So, what are you going to do with the child after he comes?" Aigron asked again, "I think you probably don't want to raise him yourself, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, it can be considered generous for a wife to tolerate the existence of her husband's illegitimate child; but wouldn't it be a great humiliation for a wife to raise her husband's illegitimate child herself?"

Alice became anxious upon hearing this, and immediately defended Aiglon with pitiful eyes, "Besides, if I am involved with this wild child, who will believe my innocence if something happens to him? The general is afraid he will go crazy! So, Your Majesty, I really can’t do it..."

Seeing Alice's tearful look, Aigron suddenly felt a little soft-hearted, and her words were indeed very reasonable and not unreasonable.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." He nodded, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Since the stakes were so high, Alice could no longer be modest. She racked her brains, trying to find a way to get the best of all three parties for His Majesty, the General, and herself.

She didn't want to live with this wild child at all, and she didn't want her daughter to grow up with him, because it was a great humiliation for her.

He doesn't deserve to be Xia Lu's younger brother.

Soon, she came up with an idea, "Your Majesty, since General Treville has achieved special honors, it is natural for you to reward him. Besides, the late emperor often rewarded marshals and generals generously back then. You might as well order someone to Find a piece of land outside the palace, and then build him a new mansion to reward his loyalty and diligence to you. After the mansion is repaired, you can let him arrange it freely, and it doesn't matter if the illegitimate son moves in - of course. Xia Lu must have a place here because she deserves it.

As for me, I will go back to the palace directly after this childbirth. I will never set foot in his home again, nor will I have anything to do with their grandparents and grandchildren. I just want this moment of peace... What do you think? "

Alice suddenly asked for a reward for General Treville, which made Aiglon slightly stunned. He did not expect that she would react like this in the face of the general's attack.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he understood the connection - on the one hand, Alice had gotten what she wanted, so she just wanted to settle the matter; on the other hand, the general's reputation and strength were rising, and it was difficult for her to shake him.

So she chose to put aside the hatred in her heart for the time being, and instead asked for rewards for the general, stabilizing the general so that he would not make trouble for the time being, at least to survive this period of time.

This pair of father-in-law and daughter-in-law are actually really at odds with each other... It seems that they will still have to fight in the future.

But that's okay, if they were in harmony, it would be a bit scary, Aigron thought.

So, he breathed a sigh of relief lazily, "Logically speaking, his achievements are not enough to receive such a reward. However, everyone knows that he is my favorite, and I am my favorite." There is nothing wrong with giving my favorite some special treatment... Moreover, this can also encourage him to continue to work hard there and continue to bring glory to me. I believe that General Treville will soon show his due performance to prove himself. of."

Although he did not explicitly express his agreement or objection, Aigron's words were tantamount to agreement.

Alice secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She finally no longer had to face the disgusting feeling of that child appearing in front of her. As for the future... let him be.

Then she started another topic, "By the way, Your Majesty, I heard that the palace recently hired a talented musician as a consultant, right?"

"Although you live in a corner, you are really well-informed." Aigron teased the other party with a smile, "Yes, he is a talented musician from Poland named Chopin."

Alice actually doesn't care much about the name of this genius. She cares about something else. "So, can you allow Xia Lu to learn vocal music from him? Now that Xia Lu is more than four years old, she has It’s time for her to get started with music, but my talent is limited after all. Since I have such an opportunity, I want her to learn from famous masters, so that she can use her talent..."

Of course, Aigron had no reason to refuse such a request, "Of course it is possible. Teresa has similar plans. She is very happy to see the children in the palace cultivate culture and art from an early age, so that they can reflect It is because of our husband and wife's governance... Therefore, if Xia Lu can really make achievements in the field of art in the future, we will also be very happy."

"I didn't expect her to become a musician. I just hoped that she could develop her own temperament..." When talking about her daughter, Alice's face was filled with only love and tenderness. "I hope that your majesty will be able to do it in the future." Take good care of her and give her a bright future."

"Of course, this child is so cute, I have liked her since she was a child." Aigron replied matter-of-factly, "Besides, her mother is still so gentle, approachable and charming, how could I not regard her as such?" Where are you?"

"Your Majesty!" Alice couldn't help but blushed and protested because of Aigron's teasing, but soon she couldn't help laughing either.

"By the way, since we are talking about her, where is she?" Aigron asked again, "I went to see her. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"I'm afraid she's playing in the lounge now. I'll take you there." Alice quickly stood up.

Soon, she brought Aigron to the destination, and then Aigron took a closer look, and sure enough, Xia Lu was playing with the various furnishings here.

The blond child looks extremely innocent and cute.

"Xia Lu!" He couldn't help but greet.

Xia Lu raised her head, looked at Aigron's appearance, and then immediately opened her arms and threw herself at Aigron's feet.

It seems that she has been depressed here, and finally met someone she knew before, so she was overjoyed all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty! Hug!" She said in a sweet voice just like before.

Aigron was in a good mood. He picked her up and put her on his shoulders. Then he pinched her tender white face and asked, "Xia Lu, are you happy lately?"

"Happy." Xia Lu replied softly, "Now Xia Lu wants to go home. Your Majesty, can you take us home together?"

go home? Aiglon was slightly startled.

Then he figured it out. Xia Lu had been living with her mother and her husband since she could remember it. For her, the palace was her home. At her age, it was difficult for her to understand other twists and turns.

Thinking of this, he felt sour and couldn't help but touch her cheek again.

"I will take you home. Just wait a little longer. I will take you back after a while."

"Yes!" Xia Lu smiled sweetly after hearing His Majesty's promise to her, "Go home!"

Alice watched this heartwarming scene from behind and was extremely happy. She knew that her daughter's future class status depended entirely on how much His Majesty valued her, so she was naturally happy to see them getting along like father and daughter.

While they were enjoying themselves, a sharp cry broke the warm atmosphere, "What are you doing?! Put Xia Lu down!"

The roar was neither loud nor majestic, but it suddenly stunned everyone.

Aigron didn't expect that someone would scold him like this, so he looked over subconsciously and found a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes standing at the door. She was probably a little older than Xia Lu, and her face was somewhat similar.

At this moment, the child was glaring at him with anger, as if he was looking at a bad person.

Rather than being angry, Aigron felt more inexplicable, similar to how Xia Lu and I are so happy to have your fingers pointed at us. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.net

After a moment, he remembered that before Duke Treville went into exile, he had fostered his little granddaughter in the Treville family. Apparently, this was the princess. Sure enough, there is a bit of a commanding aura.

But even if she is a princess, it is nothing special. He has provoked several princesses. Who puts on airs in front of him?

At this time, Alice also reacted. She dragged her pregnant body to the little girl, and then glared at her, "Charlotte, what are you talking about? Go back to your room!"

Charlotte refused to leave, and still stared at Agron angrily.

Only then did Aigron realize that she must have resented him for taking away her playmate. As a child, this is normal.

So, he put down Xia Lu, took Xia Lu's hand, and walked together in front of Charlotte.

With his status, he certainly would not get angry with a child, so instead he knelt down and looked at the angry child with a smile.

"Charlotte, I gave Xia Lu back to you."

Charlotte quickly took her cousin's hand and wanted to take Xia Lu to play in another room, but Xia Lu shook her head and avoided her cousin's hand.

Perhaps it was a talent of being self-taught, which allowed the young Xia Lu to instinctively understand who she should please the most and who controls her own destiny.

"Your Majesty is here, Xia Lu wants to play with Your Majesty!"

Charlotte blushed with embarrassment, then turned and ran away with a stamp of her feet. She even reached out to wipe her tears, feeling a sense of despair as a hero failed to save a beauty.

Watching the live drama of the two sisters, Aigron was amused and burst into laughter.

"This kid is quite funny. He has such a talent for comedy at such a young age!"

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