Eagle’s Glory

Extra (thirty-nine) Day in Fontaine Six

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In order to deal with her willful little sister, Xia Lu had no choice but to give in once again and slept with Fran in her arms for another night.

Fortunately, this was not a painful thing for her. On the contrary, it was a little bit of enjoyment.

However, she was also worried in her heart. After all, her sister would have to grow up sooner or later. If she was always so clingy and resisted contact with the outside world, how would she integrate into society in the future? How should we live independently as adults? Not to mention the problems of being a wife and a mother.

Hey, the ship will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Let's talk about it then. If we can't finish the immediate things now, what's the point of worrying about such a long future? Finally, she thought helplessly.

To her surprise, just after she had washed and dressed up in the morning, an attendant came to her and conveyed to her His Majesty's order to summon her.

"Your Majesty wants to see me alone?" Xia Lu was certainly caught off guard, but since it was His Majesty's will, she naturally had no choice but to obey his orders, so she immediately followed the attendants to His Majesty's palace.

Together they came to the edge of the garden, and next to a specially introduced stream, there was a large glass greenhouse. The greenhouse was filled with various rare flowers. His Majesty was currently dressed in casual clothes, admiring them with great interest. These flowers bloom in winter.

Xia Lu walked slowly behind His Majesty, then respectfully raised her skirt and bent her knees to salute the Supreme Being of the Empire. "Your Majesty, I am here at your summons. What are your orders?"

She had always been proud, but now she was downcast and her attitude was close to humility.

This is not only because of his gratitude for taking good care of her over the years, but also because of the fear that has accumulated in her heart since she was growing up beside him.

That's right, there is only one person in the world who makes Xia Lu, who has been loved by almost everyone since birth, feel so scared.

He did give his family unimaginable glory and wealth, but this also proved that he had the ability to do the opposite and take everything back, leaving his mother and daughter beyond redemption.

Just because she cherishes everything she has now, she will naturally be extremely afraid of losing it all, and even more afraid of the person who can do it all.

When she was a child, she was still a little ignorant. She could act coquettishly to His Majesty at will because she was young and no one cared about her. But as she grew older, she became more sensible and understood her own fears, so she became more and more respectful to His Majesty. Never dare to make mistakes easily.

After Xia Lu said hello, His Majesty, who was looking at the flowers and plants, finally slowly turned around.

Although he has been in power for twelve years, His Majesty is still only a young man in his thirties after all, so he still looks as young and handsome as before; and having held power for many years has also made him behave in a certain way. Full of self-centeredness, it makes people feel even more stressed.

The blond young man is now as dazzling as the sun, making it difficult to look directly at him.

"You're getting better and better, Xia Lu." Looking at the girl in front of him with her head lowered and looking at the ground, His Majesty spoke with great interest, "Now you can walk only a few steps away from me before I notice. Maybe in two years I can try back stabbing with a sword..."

Your Majesty's joke made Xia Lu sniff in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, even if I have made some progress, how can I be compared with you? Besides, how could I do such an outrageous thing to you? What? Please stop making such a joke. To you, this is just a joke, but to me, even thinking about it is fatal..."

After she finished speaking, she raised her head cautiously and looked at His Majesty with aggrieved eyes, hoping that His Majesty, who was always imaginative, would stop making such deadly jokes.

Her aggrieved look seemed to amuse His Majesty, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud, "As expected of Alice's daughter, she is both a clever girl."

And in this hearty laughter, most of the dangerous atmosphere contained in the joke just now was dissipated.

Being able to bargain and joke with His Majesty is also a concrete manifestation of Xia Lu's favor.

From childhood to adulthood, His Majesty the Emperor has always taken good care of Xia Lu, allowing her to enjoy special treatment in this palace and even being able to become friends with the princess on an equal footing.

Why she is so favored has always been one of the topics of conversation inside and outside the palace. When she was young, some people speculated that she was not actually of Treville's blood, but the one he had with Lady Alice during His Majesty's early exile. His Majesty's illegitimate daughter; as she grew older and became more beautiful, some people speculated that she was actually His Majesty's little lover.

Some people even viciously combined these two speculations, claiming that she was both the illegitimate daughter of His Majesty the Emperor and his new lover - of course, few people dared to spread such bizarre and sensational rumors.

In fact, Xia Lu herself has never found the answer to the special treatment she received. She has already had an affair with her mother, so she knows that she is definitely not His Majesty's illegitimate daughter.

If it was because he was cute when he was a child, there were many good-looking children in the palace, so why was he the one who was favored?

Honestly, she couldn't think of an answer.

Of course, there is no point in thinking about this kind of problem, so Xia Lu could only conclude with "Maybe it's because of her mother and aunt that she loves the house so much."

In any case, it is always a good thing to be favored by His Majesty.

His Majesty did not continue joking with Xia Lu. Instead, he took Xia Lu for a few laps in the huge greenhouse, breathed in the warm air full of floral fragrance for a while, and then spoke leisurely.

"Xia Lu, first of all, I congratulate you on the success of your performance two days ago. However, I also have a little doubt, please help me answer it - why did you suddenly remember to say those words to Crystal?"

Sure enough, His Majesty solemnly called her here today just for the sake of what she and Keli had said... A realization flashed through Xia Lu's heart.

Xia Lu believed that with Keli's character, she would never go to complain to her father after talking to her. However, with her usual confused state of dealing with people, she would not talk to the people around her after returning to the dormitory. It's quite possible to slip up.

In short, now that His Majesty the Emperor knows what he said to Keli that day and has come to "ask for guilt", he must find a way to deal with it and not make His Majesty unhappy——

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty... I was so excited that I said so many rude things to Her Majesty the Princess. Please forgive me!" So Xia Lu apologized to Your Majesty.

"I'm not asking you to accuse me." Xia Lu didn't expect that His Majesty would interrupt her directly, "Friends should be honest, so it's okay to talk about this kind of topic."

At this point, His Majesty suddenly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Xia Lu, do you really think there is an imminent crisis of unrest in Paris?"

Xia Lu fell into silence temporarily.

In front of His Majesty the Emperor, it was especially dangerous to talk about this kind of topic, and it was very likely to anger His Majesty. However, she did not want to fool His Majesty by just saying some beautiful words such as "All Nations Xianning River Yan Haiqing", so she lowered her head and pondered for a while. , and then spoke carefully, "Your Majesty, since you came to the throne, you have worked hard and achieved outstanding achievements. This is obvious to all, so your prestige in the hearts of the people is still unshakable. Most people support you and the empire. I am extremely convinced of this, and it can also be seen from the election of the Imperial Parliament not long ago..."

"But what?" His Majesty asked calmly.

Xia Lu laughed sheepishly, "But... after all, the current economic downturn is indeed quite serious, and the accumulated grievances among the people, especially in big cities, do exist. Although the imperial government is working hard to save the situation, After all, it is inevitable that there will be some turbulence... However, Your Majesty, this is by no means your fault. After all, the recession sweeping across Europe is causing headaches for every country."

His Majesty was noncommittal about Xia Lu's comfort. He walked to a blooming white rose and leaned forward slightly to smell the fresh fragrance.

"It's sped up..." Then he sighed.

Xia Lu was slightly surprised by this nonsense, "What do you mean?"

“The British, and we, produced too much during the boom cycle, enough for the entire Europe and even the world to consume. In order to expand production capacity, business owners, shipping companies, railway companies and even mine owners borrowed huge amounts of money. This is a carnival feast.

However, there is a time when the feast comes to an end temporarily. At this time, the world can no longer consume the ever-expanding productivity and goods cannot be sold. The money borrowed by business owners immediately turns from rain to curse. In order to reduce losses, they have to cut production capacity. Layoffs of employees or even bankruptcy. This wave of bankruptcies will spread to the entire banking system through the debt chain, eventually forcing banks to tighten money or go bankrupt. The banks will then transmit the pressure to every corner of society... Xia Lu, this is bound to happen. Things are like two sides of a coin. Prosperity breeds depression, and depression creates opportunities for prosperity. Just because we have done well over the years, depression will come early because we saturated the market early... "

Xia Lu seemed to understand His Majesty's explanation, but she seemed to understand something.

Those roaring looms and locomotives are roaring to bring mankind into a new era, but at the same time, they are also creating crises that did not exist in the past. How to deal with them has become a problem for all dynasties today. problems that have to be faced.

"It's not terrible that a crisis is coming. What's terrible is that you are unprepared for it, or even insensitive." While Xia Lu was still thinking carefully, His Majesty continued to talk, "Not only us, the British, the Prussians, and even the Russians, Everyone will face various turbulences in crises. Whoever can handle it better will be in a more advantageous position in the next prosperity cycle. In this sense, I will never allow anyone to undermine the plans I have implemented. The twelve-year route does not allow anyone to dream of taking advantage of a turmoil in the capital to overthrow my country... France has no time to make any more detours, and no one is more suitable to pilot this giant ship than me, I am sure of it. , whoever wants to snatch the power in my hands will be doomed."

Regarding His Majesty's categorical speech, Xia Lu knew in her heart that it was no joke. After all, after learning the general outline of the "Bastille Plan" from her mother, she had a thorough understanding of how firm His Majesty's "determination" was. Cognition (and adding a bit more fear).

"Your Majesty, there is no doubt that the people of the country love you, but in Paris, there are various political groups and party organizations, as well as a large number of unemployed people and marginalized elements of society. They may not be so loyal to you. If there are some If careerists initiate incitement and then gather these people to occupy barricades or even control government agencies, it will be a very difficult problem." Now that the topic has been brought up, Xia Lu no longer covered it up and simply pointed out her concerns, "The capital's weight of public opinion domestically and internationally is extremely important. Once the unrest continues, it may affect the foundation of the empire. You must guard against it."

"More than being unavoidable, we must be prepared!" His Majesty curled his lips and revealed a sneer, "Starting from Bastille Day, every few years or more, there will be a major turmoil in Paris, overthrowing any government of any political system. , and then impose the regime that he suddenly and secretly granted to the whole country, not once or twice! Enough, this must end here. We cannot let a few days of barricades in the capital determine the future of the country. This is by no means democracy, but It is a complete disaster! It only takes a few days to eliminate order, and God knows how long it will take to rebuild order... France does not have that much time to waste. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "

Looking at the beautiful flowers in front of him, His Majesty made a firm assertion.

"The era of a city using capricious turmoil to unconditionally coerce a country should be completely over, and now may be an opportunity."


From this word, Xia Lu sensed the implication of His Majesty.

Do you want to use the sword of the empire to set rules for this unruly city and make it understand that it can no longer arbitrarily determine the future of the country?

She didn't dare to ask further questions and could only lower her head and listen.

"Xia Lu, the atmosphere is too serious now. How about we play a thinking game?" At this time, His Majesty asked lazily.

"What game?" Xia Lu asked quickly.

"If you want to start a successful riot in the capital, and you happen to have many like-minded comrades around you, what will you do?" His Majesty turned his eyes and looked at the blond girl in front of him with a smile.

There is no way this question can make people relax! Xia Lu couldn't help but complain in her heart.

However, since this was His Majesty's proposal, she had no choice but to start thinking along His Majesty's train of thought, "If it were me, I would choose to create chaos first. The bigger the better, so that it can attract the police force in the city and allow other people to Neighborhood defenses are even weaker.

Since the royal family is not in Paris, then I will blow up important buildings, maybe the Louvre, maybe the Prime Minister's residence or the Arc de Triomphe, maybe... the late emperor's mausoleum..."

Xia Lu's voice became lower and lower as she spoke, so much so that she was stunned.

At this time, His Majesty's smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a playful look, even with a hint of appreciation, "Interesting, keep talking, lovely lady."

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