Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-five, awakening

10. Shadow and Enlightenment 10. Shadow and Enlightenment: ,,,,,,,,, latest website: ishuquge

Out of his respect and love for Queen Ortense, Aiglon agreed to her ruthless request and decided to give the young Count de Morny a chance to at least meet him in private and let this person in history Famous people have the opportunity to perform and meet their "interviews".

After getting Aiglon's promise, Queen Ortense was naturally in a good mood and became even more caring and considerate towards him.

Queen Ortense only asked for favors for her illegitimate son. Some people may think that she favored one and neglected her two legitimate sons, Louis and Prince Charles, but the actual situation was not like that.

After Aigron came to power, on the one hand, he was still weak and really needed the support and support of the members of the Bonaparte family; on the other hand, he resented that his cousins ​​were all ambitious and liked to contradict the family leader. (Emperor Napoleon's experience at that time is a lesson). Using them too much will only cause trouble for himself, so he adopted the measure of "high rewards but little power" for his cousins, and put them in church property audits, tobacco monopoly, etc. In order to enrich the wealth of the Bonaparte family as soon as possible and rebuild the strong foundation of the imperial royal family.

However, although these lucrative positions have extremely high incomes, they have no actual political influence, so they will not interfere with Aigron's own affairs. This can be regarded as the "best of both worlds."

Undoubtedly, these ambitious cousins ​​must have some complaints in private, thinking that they have not entered the core of power, but Aigron believes that he has sufficiently repaid the loyalty of his cousins, and he will not pay attention to their thoughts.

Queen Ortense naturally saw all this, but she didn't say much.

Firstly, she knew that her nephew would never allow others to undermine her authority, so it would be in vain if she said it, which would ruin the original close relationship between the two. Secondly, she felt that this was good, since her sons were There is no shortage of benefits, and they can enjoy their wealthy life as a royal family.

Back then, she had always been an optimist and hedonist. Although she was greedy for the glory that power brought, she was tired of the tedious exercise of power. She would rather be a princess who played all day long than a queen who ruled from the top down. She prefers herself to others, so she doesn't care what official positions her sons hold. As long as they have high officials and generous salaries, and have glory and wealth, that is enough.

However, Aigron does not intend to maintain the current "free-range" situation.

His cousins ​​are bound to make a lot of money to compensate for not having much power, and they certainly have no interest in covering up Egron's face. At first, the citizens may be afraid of the empire's authority and dare not speak out, but as time goes by, their luxury and corruption will inevitably arouse public outrage and greatly damage the image of the imperial royal family (just like the Jerome branch in the late Second Empire) Prince Jérôme Bonaparte of the Lucien branch (the same as Prince Pierre Bonaparte of the Lucien branch).

Therefore, Aigron only plans to allow them to make money legally in the short term and reward them for their help. When the actual situation matures, he will let them withdraw from these official positions and make their own income and expenses in the future. By then, Aigron will The department must have established unshakable authority, and their ambitions have naturally been wiped out. There is no harm in using them again when the time comes. .

While Egron was calculating what to do with his cousins, he was chatting with his aunt as if nothing had happened. With a smile on his face, for him, playing the role of a human being and the role of an emperor at the same time has become a normal thing in life, and it has even become a common thing for him. is his only life.

"Your Majesty, I will be waiting for you and Your Majesty the Queen to arrive! I will send someone the invitation later." After chatting for a while, Queen Ortense was satisfied and said goodbye to Aiglon happily.

Just as Aiglon was having a pleasant conversation with his aunt, Queen Teresa also received an unexpected request from Alice.

"What? Edgar volunteered to be the creator of the coronation ceremony painting?" she asked in confusion. "Why is he so motivated all of a sudden?"

No wonder she had the same idea as Alice. After all, she had already seen clearly what kind of style Edgar was. He was by no means an ambitious artist, but a libertine who only wanted to have fun. Ambitious artists may have the idea of ​​"creating masterpieces that will be handed down to the public and become famous in history", and then try their best to get this job, but Edgar... I'm afraid he doesn't have this ambition.

Faced with Queen Theresa's doubts, Alice could only smile bitterly in her heart, but on the surface, she still put on a serious look and explained to Theresa seriously, "Your Majesty, this is actually my home too. Father-in-law's request. He was about to go to North Africa to serve His Majesty, but he couldn't worry about Edgar. He hoped that he could find a serious job and serve the country instead of indulging in idleness and wasting his talents... So he That’s why I urged Edgar to find such a job.”

After receiving Alice's explanation, Theresa finally believed it.

However, I believe it, but whether I agree or not is another matter.

Although she admires Alice very much and now relies on Alice's talents as a medium for herself to integrate into the Queen of France as soon as possible, she does not have the slightest fondness for Alice's husband.

"Madam, there is no doubt that I am very grateful to General Treville for his contribution to the country, and I am very happy to repay him for his hard work with the rewards he deserves, but I leave such an important matter to Edgar just to 'let him I'm afraid it's hard to convince people of the reason of "doing something serious". Alice, you should know how much it means to commemorate us, and it is absolutely impossible to deal with it with a nonchalant attitude..."

Princess Teresa has always shown a calm and calm image, and is very polite, rarely showing negative emotions towards others. Now she actually showed her disdain for Edgar so unabashedly, Even in front of his wife, one can imagine how much she hates Edgar in her heart.

This barely concealed contempt made Alice deeply hurt.

Part of the reason is that Queen Theresa commented so harshly on her husband, but the bigger reason is that what she said is true, and that is why it is even more uncomfortable, because it is something that she cannot change or reverse. s Choice.

Nowadays, it is meaningless to lament the original choice. Now that she has become Edgar's wife and the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Treville, she can only try her best to revitalize the family business. ——After all, her daughter will have to rely on the accumulation of this family to have a foothold in the palace in the future.

Therefore, even though her heart hurt, she could only bite the bullet and continue to defend and fight for her husband.

"Your Majesty, I never dare to deny your judgment about Edgar. In fact, his performance has always been unsatisfactory, which makes us very disappointed. But even so, he is the only son in the family and the son of our family. The pillar of support; now that things have happened, he himself has regretted his carelessness and wants to work hard to do something for himself and his family... This is what he seriously promised me! And I can also see the determination in him , I am sure that if he is given such a task, he will definitely go all out to fight for glory for himself and the family, and will never slack off.

I have been with you for so long, you should understand my character. I am more afraid of failure and damaging my reputation than you are. If I am not sure, I will not recommend Edgar to you. . Both I and you have witnessed his talent with our own eyes. From my perspective, he does have the corresponding talent and strength. In this case, why don't you give him a chance? If it turns out that he is not good enough, then you might as well find another painter..."

Seeing Alice speaking so sincerely, Theresa, who was originally resolutely disgusted with Edgar, wavered slightly.

Logically speaking, things like "commemorative paintings" are important, of course, but when it comes to how life-and-death they are, it's not at all a priority, and it's definitely not the top priority right now; and as Alice said, leave it to Edgar to try. There's nothing to lose. Even if he fails, it's a big deal and we can just replace him.

The key is, should we give him this opportunity?

In Teresa's heart, her disgust for Edgar and her admiration for Alice were intertwined, making her unable to weigh them all for the moment.

The reason why she hates Edgar so much is that, on the one hand, it was Edgar who tried his best to send Agnes to His Majesty, which made Teresa extremely resentful; on the other hand, it is also because her husband is a prostitute. But he couldn't stop it, and he wasn't even willing to hate him. This grievance and unwillingness turned into additional anger, which was projected onto Edgar, the "deteriorated version of Egron".

Of course, she didn't have such a precise grasp of her own mental state. She just felt this kind of disgust from the bottom of her heart every time she saw Edgar. Even though this young man had a handsome appearance and elegant demeanor, she couldn't erase it. This feeling of disgust.

But at this time, the pleading and slight sadness in Alice's blue eyes suddenly touched her.

Even though she knew her husband was useless, she was still working hard for the family, never giving up hope in her husband, and was even willing to beg her for a chance in order for him to make progress.

How could this not be me? He endured the ridicule from the outside world, worked hard to heal the rift between husband and wife (and it was all caused by him), and devoted all his efforts to his husband's career...

Teresa seemed to see some faint shadow of herself in the bright and charming young woman in front of her.

When she thought of this, she secretly sighed, and her originally tough attitude softened quietly.

Whatever, just give it a chance, it's not a big deal anyway.

"Okay, Alice, if you say so, then I'll give him a chance..." After a moment, she made a decision calmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Alice was overjoyed and quickly thanked Theresa.

"Don't be too busy thanking me." Teresa softly stopped the other party from thanking him, and then continued, "Since you are the one who is the guarantee for Edgar, then Alice, you should also bear the corresponding responsibility. .This is not a trivial matter, let alone a joke. If Edgar messes up the matter, even if we can replace him as you said, you will still be responsible for the time wasted and the failure of your recommendation. You have to take it upon yourself...do you understand?"

Although Teresa said it lightly, Alice knew the weight of it.

"Taking responsibility" has been the word that bureaucrats have been most afraid of since ancient times. Now as a part of the palace machine, Alice will naturally have her fair share of fear.

Alice also knew that although Queen Theresa was usually friendly and kind, she always had clear rewards and punishments, and she was definitely not joking.

However, her husband's pleas at that time still rang in her ears, and she had been hoping in her heart that Edgar would turn around and become the real pillar of the family. She couldn't bear the fighting spirit he had finally ignited to be extinguished like this.

So, after a brief hesitation, she nodded gently.

"Of course, Your Majesty, I fully understand the weight of it, and I am willing to take due responsibility for my recommendation... But I believe that Edgar will definitely handle things to your satisfaction. He has the ability."

"I have far less confidence in him than you do." Teresa smiled slightly, "I hope I'm wrong."

Then, she told Alice, "You should supervise him during this period. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net let him concentrate on his creation. The works at each stage will be presented to me for a look. I will proceed after I say it is okay." Next one.”

Although Teresa's own creative talents are limited, she grew up in the palace, and her father had an extremely rich art collection. Therefore, she has seen countless treasures by famous artists since she was a child, and it is natural that she has the appreciation she deserves. If it can satisfy her, then it will definitely pass the test.

Looking at Teresa's expression, Alice could also guess that as long as His Majesty's prejudice against her husband was not eliminated, Edgar's future was destined to be gloomy.

Can Edgar really use his own performance to avenge his disgrace and finally impress those who look down on him? Or should you cheer up a little and then immediately change back to the original shape after three minutes of heat, not far away from taking on any responsibilities and just thinking about having fun?

She couldn't explain it herself, let alone guarantee it.

But even so, she is willing to give her husband another chance - a chance for the husband and wife to resolve their differences and erase the rift, and a chance for herself to no longer regret it.

However, this was also the last time she believed it again. Every time Edgar had fun after marriage, it added indelible scars to her heart. Now her heart was scarred and she was overwhelmed. , reaching the final critical point.

If her husband really disappoints her again this time, then she will never place any expectations on him from now on. She will grit her teeth and shoulder her due responsibilities, and then she and Edgar will become strangers under the title of husband and wife. people.

"I hope you can have the same awareness as me!" She sighed in her heart.

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