Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-six, dust falls to the ground

Chapter 1021 77, the dust falls to the ground

Everything in winter is always bleak. Under the gloomy sky, even at noon, people feel cold and desolate. All the buildings and streets, even the trees and lawns, seem to be covered with a layer of gray and cool filter. Mirrors make people feel depressed.

And in this cold winter day, young Valentine stepped out of the carriage and came to the residence of the Count of Monte Cristo.

This is a spacious and majestic mansion with a slender and graceful design. The imitation Baroque-style facade, windows and window sills, and under the pillars of the porch are also decorated with exquisite sculptures. You can easily see the intricate sculptures during its construction. A spirit of no expense spared.

Even in Paris, where there are many mansions, this can be regarded as a high-class residence, worthy of the status of a count.

This was not the first time for young Valentine to come to this luxurious mansion, but compared to the last time she came to seek refuge, her state of mind was now very different.

Because this will be her future home.

She knew that this place was originally a mansion carefully built by the banker Mr. Danglars.

At that time, the wealthy banker did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money to build it in order to show off his wealth and status to Parisians and at the same time satisfy the vanity of a self-made commoner.

But no one expected that within a few years, he would suffer heavy losses in a sudden financial crisis and fall into a desperate situation on the verge of bankruptcy. In the end, he had no choice but to "take the money and abscond."

For most people, this story is legendary enough, with the ebb and flow of a big shot and various elements. But for Valentine, who already knows the inside story, there is another layer embedded in the story. A more legendary story.

Edmond Dantès, who escaped from prison, orchestrated a revenge that bankrupted Danglars' bank, ruined his enemy's reputation, and then took over his efforts. Among the mansions built.

How shocking this story is! It's a pity that she can never reveal it to the outside world.

Edmond Dantès no longer exists. There is only the Count of Monte Cristo in the world now, and she will become the Countess of Monte Cristo in the near future, the hostess of this mansion, and her husband We share weal and woe and face all storms together.

All the darkness and all the pain will be completely ended when Valentine takes possession of this mansion a few years later, and will be buried deep in the mud of history.

Some things may be better forgotten than remembered.

The news of Mademoiselle Valentine's visit quickly spread throughout the mansion, and everyone seemed to be busy in an instant.

There are no secrets in the upper class society. After the count and his son, the Marquis Noirtier, entered into an engagement, the rumors about this marriage began to spread among the upper class society in Paris, first in salons everywhere, and then in On the streets, most people heard the rumors within a few days.

Both the count and the Marquis of Noirtier remained silent on these rumors and did not make any response, which further indirectly confirmed the authenticity of the rumors.

In this era, it was not uncommon for the children of nobles to enter into marriage contracts when they were young. Although the age gap between the two parties was a bit large, it was not without precedent. Therefore, after a brief period of consternation, people accepted the impact of this marriage contract. , apart from secretly envying the Count of Monte Cristo's good luck (obtaining generous dowries from Valentine's father's and mother's families in one fell swoop), he quickly forgot about it as "general social news".

Who could have imagined that there are so many thrilling secrets hidden in this marriage contract?

No matter what other people think, at least to the people in the Count of Monte Cristo's house, Miss Valentine is their future mistress, and she is someone they will never dare to neglect. Therefore, after a brief period of surprise and panic, she was immediately welcomed in by the servants with the most respectful etiquette.

She was taken to the luxuriously decorated reception room, and at this time, a well-dressed lady walked up to her.

"Miss Valentine, why are you here today?" The lady had a beautiful smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes. "I'm sorry, the count is not at home today."

Naturally, this lady is Emily, the former Mrs. Danglars.

When she heard Edmund tell her personally that he planned to marry Valentine according to His Majesty's wishes, Emily was like a bolt from the blue, and she almost couldn't recover.

Ever since she was lucky enough to be rescued by the count after her husband went bankrupt, she has already regarded the count as her support for the rest of her life. She has also been enjoying a life of honor and wealth similar to that of a countess, and she has even considered herself in her heart. Became the earl's companion.

It was precisely because she wanted to confirm her status as a countess that she worked hard to operate in private, took off her hated title of "Mrs. Danglars" and resumed her single status.

However, after all, fate is not as good as fate. Before she could react, the Marquis of Noirtier had already taken action and directly stuffed his underage granddaughter in. He forcibly used his relationship with His Majesty to conclude this agreement. An engagement—how shameless!

No matter how much she cursed in her heart, Emily knew that she was powerless to do anything about it now, and she could only think of ways to get a better result for herself.

But what is a better result? Taking the earl's compensation and leaving in despair with his daughter, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net will look for the next "reliance"? She was unwilling to give in.

Even if she is willing, with the current situation, can she find another one?

These questions are painful just to think about, so since hearing the news, Emily spent several sleepless nights, tossing and turning but lost her mind, almost on the verge of despair.

Because of this, she behaved like this when facing Valentine who suddenly arrived.

Although she was dressed up and showed off the charm of a lady, her guilt and fear could not be hidden even from a child like Valentine.

She felt guilty, because both she and Valentine knew that if Valentine really couldn't tolerate her, she could easily drive her away, who had no name and was once infamous, and there would be no place for her from now on. shelter.

"I know that Mr. Count is not at home, so I came here at this time, Ms. Emily." Facing the panicked and guilty Emily, Valentine replied softly, "I came to see you. of."

"Looking for me? What are you going to do?" Emily was even more panicked, thinking that she might be coming to drive her away today.

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