Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-six, Xia Lu

Seeing His Majesty reaching out, Edgar did not dare to neglect, and immediately took out a letter from his pocket, and then respectfully handed it to the young man's hand.

Aiglon unfolded the letter and read it carefully.

Just as he guessed, Alice's handwriting was just like the impression she gave people, soft, clear, neat and smooth. Just looking at these handwritings made people feel quite comfortable.

"Dear Your Majesty:

Since saying goodbye in Switzerland, I have been praying for your career and hoping that God will bless you to a glorious success. And today, with great joy and excitement, I see you taking a big step towards the finish line.

There is no doubt that you are not only fighting for yourself now, but also for justice in the world. When Christians are fighting each other for some trivial reasons, you stand up and go to save those who are suffering. Christians endured hardships and fought for their independence. Your feat will be remembered forever and will not be faded by the passage of time.

As your consistent followers, the Treville family cannot be absent in any case. We must use blood and fire to prove our loyalty to you. At the same time, we must do our best to solve your problems. Only in this way, Treville Only the Weir family is qualified to claim that we have never lost our faith.

For various reasons, even though my father-in-law was extremely enthusiastic, he still could not come to follow you in person, but he asked his only son to fulfill his obligations; and although I was about to give birth to a child, I still said goodbye to you with great happiness. Degas, watch him take part in your heroic deeds.

It is important for a child to be born by his father, but it is even more important to receive noble qualities from his father - courage, determination, and loyalty.

I'm glad my children learned this lesson from their father and grandfather before they were even born.

I am convinced that Edgar will follow you to create great achievements that your descendants can boast about, and he will embed his name into your history.

After he comes to you, please send him as you please. If he can do his part for you, he will live up to the expectations of his father and me.

Even if fate curses us hard and causes Edgar to encounter any misfortune, my father and I can accept this verdict and sincerely thank God for giving Edgar the honor of being loyal to the emperor - to be able to share the same fate with those who served the late emperor. It would be a common honor for him and his future children to stand side by side with the heroic souls who sacrificed their lives.

I am proud of Edgar, and I will let our children know that his father followed you and fought for a great cause. I am even more proud of you,

Because you are defying the fate of your destiny and shining brightly like all heroes.

I am praying for you and Edgar in Paris, and I look forward to the day when you come to reign in this great city. If that day comes, please allow me to present you with garlands and laurel crowns under the Arc de Triomphe!

I am convinced that that day will come, may God bless us.

Your faithful friend Alice. "

After reading this letter, Aigron couldn't help but feel moved and full of admiration.

Alice is really... good at words. he thought.

The words in the letter were full of passion, so enthusiastic that they were almost fanatical. If it were written by Chanel, Agron would definitely believe that it was from his true heart, but since it was written by Alice, he could only accept it with a discount.

In the first ten or twenty years of her life, Alice lived in an exiled aristocratic family, and finally escaped the stormy waves of the Revolution and returned to her country. There is no doubt that when she was growing up, her family must have been full of malice and curses towards the Bonaparte family.

Alice, who grew up in such a family, didn't hate the Bonaparte family as much as her father did. It was already a good thing, so how could she have much favorable impression?

That is to say, after marrying into the Treville family, she had to change her family and become her supporter. How could a person's thoughts change so drastically in just one year?

But even so, Agron was pleased with her letter.

It was a sign of surrender—a word so deferential that it was enough to show that she was completely on her side.

He has never been an extremist, nor does he require every follower to be a fanatical believer. As long as Alice is willing to follow him, this is his victory.

While he was reading the letter, Edgar was also secretly watching him, observing the slight changes in his expression. Edgar was not relieved until he saw the young man's happy face.

This letter was not written by Alice alone. In fact, before leaving, the three of them, father and son, and Alice discussed together and wrote this passionate letter carefully.

The reason why I wrote it in the name of Alice is to give His Majesty the feeling that "his personality charm has infected onlookers".

Judging from His Majesty's reaction, this step was not wrong.

"Your Majesty, after returning from Switzerland, Alice has been concerned about your safety." Edgar said respectfully, "She hopes for the success of your career as much as we do."

"Well, I felt it, and I was very moved." Aigron nodded, then put the letter away and looked at Edgar. "Alice is such a wonderful wife and I have the utmost respect for her."

"This is also my pride." Edgar replied with a smile.

"Edgar, I have already felt the loyalty of the Treville family. This is a kindness that I cannot live up to..." Aigron said kindly to Edgar, "I am full of love for you father and son, and for Alice. Good impression, your loyalty is as outstanding as your ability, and you have always made contributions to me. I will keep these in my heart... So, I promise you that if I can really rule France, I will let Te The Revell family’s merits are known to the world and they will be duly rewarded.”

"Our loyalty stems from our admiration for the Bonaparte family and does not depend on any reward, Your Majesty." Edgar replied quickly. "Now I have come here to fulfill my obligations. I will work tirelessly and go through fire and water for you!"

Can you bear it if I really let you go through fire and water... Aigron chuckled in his heart.

Although Alice said in the letter that he was "assigned at will", this was just a polite remark. Considering the important role of the Treville family, he certainly couldn't just treat Edgar as cannon fodder, even if it was just a show. He also has to show Edgar the respect he deserves.

Furthermore, Edgar does not have the ability to shoulder the responsibility. If he is given a heavy responsibility by force, it will only be a bad thing.

Anyway, there are many people who are willing to fight for him now, and he doesn't lack Edgar. He just needs to let him shout and advocate for himself.

Thinking about it carefully, Edgar is not that bad, at least he is not useless, his painting talent has been seen by himself, it is indeed very good-so, keeping him by his side as a royal painter and advocator is also considered human. Make the most of it.

As soon as he thought of this, he made up his mind.

"Edgar, you have just arrived and have not yet integrated into our group, so you need some time to get familiar with everything here. You can follow me during this time, and you don't need to take any risks , if you have time, draw me some propaganda posters, I think the people of France would be very happy to see this..."

Seeing that His Majesty was so easy to talk to, Edgar was also very happy.

He had to come because of pressure from his father, but he didn't really like going through life and death.

And he knew that his goal before coming here had already been achieved—in his plan with his father, as long as he could be by His Majesty's side, it would be able to reflect the loyalty and importance of the Treville family.

However, the second half of the plan was not so easy, and it could even be said that it suffered a heavy blow from the beginning.

Hey, everything was going so smoothly, why did Princess Teresa come to cause trouble?

However, now that he had reached this point, he was not willing to just watch the plan go to waste, so he decided to bite the bullet and continue.

"Alice has another order before I leave. I hope you can take good care of Agnes." He directly falsified his wife's words, and then whispered to Aigron.

"Huh? What?" Aiglon was a little confused, "What happened to Agnes?"

"She's fine, it's just... she followed me all the way." Edgar replied, "It's a long way, and Alice was worried about me, so she asked Agnes to escort me all the way. And after coming here, she was still going to Stay here for a while, please take care of her."

Agnes... As soon as this name was mentioned, some memories suddenly appeared in Agron's mind.

The memories of meeting, playing against, and talking to that girl may not be sweet, but they are interesting enough.

I really didn't expect that she would come too...

"Your Majesty, just like Alice, Agnes is full of admiration for you." Seeing Egron's expression, Edgar immediately added details, "She also sincerely hopes that you will succeed."

"That's really great." Aigron couldn't help laughing. "Where is she?"

"She is here with you, Your Majesty." Edgar replied immediately.


While Egron and Edgar were chatting happily under the clear sky of the Mediterranean Sea, the Marquis de Treville was pacing outside the door with a serious face in Paris thousands of miles away.

The general usually had a majestic demeanor, but today he lost his usual composure, walked anxiously, and turned his gaze to the door from time to time.

Inside the door, there were always subtle groans, and every time he heard a groan, he couldn't help his heart beating wildly, trembling with fear.

His wife passed away shortly after giving birth to his son, which is the most painful memory for him.

I don't know how long this depressing torment lasted until a high-pitched cry finally made everything come alive again.

Hearing this cry, the Marquis de Treville stopped in his tracks.

Breathing heavily, he stood at the door, waiting for God's verdict.

The door was quickly opened, and the midwife came out holding a swaddled baby.

"My lord, congratulations, both adults and children are safe!"

Great... the General breathed a sigh of relief, and he took the baby.

The newborn child was covered with blood and amniotic fluid, and his skin was wrinkled. He definitely didn't look very good-looking, but the Marquis de Treville didn't care about it.

His eyes subconsciously looked towards the most important place.

Oh, God! He was stunned.

What a pity, it’s a daughter!

The Marquis de Treville held the baby in his arms, and then lamented in his heart.

After being completely disappointed with his son, he desperately hoped that he could have a grandson as soon as possible, and then give him a good education this time, so that he could inherit his will and wishes and strive to the pinnacle of power.

However, Alice gave birth to a daughter... This was like a slap in the face, making him short of breath.

The huge sense of disappointment and gap made his heart beat violently, and for a moment he didn't even know what to say.

After a moment, he finally accepted the reality and lowered his head to look at the still crying child.

This is the daughter of Edgar and Alice, his biological granddaughter.

The baby's skin touched his rough palm, and in a daze he even seemed to be able to feel the resonance of his blood.

Although he felt a little regretful, he still held his granddaughter very firmly, for fear of falling.

Well, even a granddaughter is not bad... anyway, Alice and Edgar are still young, and there will be plenty of opportunities to get grandchildren in the future.

No matter what, this is his first grandchild, and he will do his best to take care of her and create the best future for her.

"Baby." The general, who always looked serious, finally had a loving smile on his face, "Welcome to become a member of our family."

He held the child and walked into the room. His daughter-in-law was lying on the bed, her face pale and weak. It was obvious that she had exhausted her strength just now.

"Father..." After seeing the general, she smiled weakly, "Is he a boy or a girl?"

"It's a daughter." The Marquis of Treville replied calmly. "so cute."

The disappointment just now has passed, and now he has become an ordinary grandfather.

"When I was in Switzerland... I had a very pleasant chat with His Majesty. Once after a small talk, I casually asked him to give me a name for the child who was about to be born. Although he was a little surprised, he immediately agreed, and then he The "Char" in his name was given to the child..." When she said this, Alice smiled slightly, "Then, I asked him what he would call his daughter if he gave birth to a daughter, and he said... If that's the case, If so, just call her Xia Lu..."

"Xia Lu..." Marquis Treville chanted.

Then he nodded, "Well, let's call her Xia Lu. Since it is the name given by His Majesty, he will always remember it. This is also a good thing for this child. "

"Um..." Alice smiled weakly, "Can you bring her over and let me take a look?"

The Marquis de Treville immediately held the baby to her face.

Because she was lying on her back, Alice could only watch the baby getting closer and closer to her with her face slightly sideways.

The baby was still crying loudly, her blue eyes wide open, looking blankly at this world she had never experienced before.

This child will definitely be very beautiful in the future. Alice thought.

Then, using her last strength, she kissed the baby gently.

"Welcome to the world, my baby, my angel... Mommy loves you." She whispered in the baby's ear.

The baby is still crying, as if responding to the mother's love in this way.

Then, the exhaustion after the extreme joy made Alice close her eyes slightly. Fell asleep.

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