Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-seven, welcome

Edgar de Treville, who was far away in Greece, certainly didn't know that his daughter had just been born. At this moment, he was telling the young man in front of him about the arrival of his wife and sister in an enthusiastic and secretly bewitching tone.

Compared to Alice's entanglement, he has no guilt at all-in his opinion, if Agnes can bring benefits to his family, then why not use it? Besides, it wasn't an insult to her.

"She is with you, Your Majesty."

"This is really good news." Aigron was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "I don't think she would be disgusted with me, right? After all, I took her brother-in-law away from her sister."

"No, you underestimated her. Like us, Agnes is a person who respects grand ambitions. She admires your heroic deeds very much, so she can understand our difficulties... That's why she agreed to Alice's request. Edgar continued to lie without hesitation, "She is also very happy to serve you, Your Majesty."

Although Edgar boasted wildly, it was impossible for Aigron to completely believe him.

Although he and Agnes got along briefly, he also knew Agnes's character and she would not be interested in Bonaparte or the Bourbon family's career.

However, if he can use the Treville family to recruit Agnes, it will be of great help to him-not to mention Agnes's own skills, she is also very prestigious among the younger generation of nobles, like Andreda Defeated men like Wu feared and respected her. If they could get her services, the young people in Paris would be greatly shocked.

"That's really good news." So, instead of exposing the other party's lies, Aigron continued speaking. "Edgar, if Agnes can join our ranks, it will be a huge gain for us."

Then, he looked at the sea surface in the distance. The sun had changed from dazzling incandescent light to golden yellow, and the sun also showed a blurred outline under the fiery red clouds, and it was getting closer and closer to the sea surface.

This magnificent evening scene just reflected his good mood at the moment.

"You should go and rest first. I think you must be quite tired along the way." He turned around and said to Edgar with a smile. "Let's have dinner here tonight to welcome you."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Edgar agreed immediately.

He is also in a good mood, because judging from His Majesty's attitude towards Agnes, he does have a considerable affection for her—and that means that there seems to be room for his plan...

While Aiglon was having a pleasant conversation with Edgar, Andre Davout took Agnes to the top floor of the hotel.

There is an empty room here, and Andre Davout plans to arrange for Agnes to settle here.

Although the entire hotel was already occupied by Aigron's group, as a female family member, Agnes couldn't mix with those guards after all, so he found this room.

Right next to this room is Chanel's room, and a little further along the corridor is Theresa's bedroom.

Andre walked to the door, opened it, and then looked back at Agnes.

"Miss Agnes, if you don't mind, just rest here for now——"

"It's okay, I don't mind." Before he finished speaking, Agnes nodded and agreed, "Since you arranged this place, let's go here!"

Then, she looked around at the door, as if confirming the terrain and route here.

At this moment, a girl wearing a maid uniform appeared around the corner.

She was holding a fruit plate in her hands and was about to go to the balcony - and at this moment, her eyes happened to fall on Agnes.

For a moment, her eyes widened in surprise, and the plate in her hand almost fell to the ground. She finally managed to maintain her balance.

"Miss Agnes!" she called softly, "is that you?"

"Hey, of course it's me!" Agnes raised her finger and made a cheerful gesture, "Chanel, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yeah...it's been a long time..." Chanel put the fruit plate aside, and walked quickly to Agnes, looking at her in surprise and joy, "Why are you here? "

When we first met in Switzerland, because Agnes and Egron almost fought directly, Chanel has always had a grudge against Agnes.

Agnes's bold, cheerful and informal character is very suitable for Chanel - she was in the Bavarian court when she was a child, and in the Austrian court when she grew up. For Chanel, Agnes, who was a princess and did not put on airs, was indeed very rare and very fond of her.

"Why did I come here... That's a good question, and I'm a bit at a loss." Agnes spread her hands regretfully, "If you want to ask, just ask my sister and brother-in-law, why did you bother me so much? ask……"

Then, she roughly told Chanel about accepting the request from her sister and escorting her brother-in-law along the way.

"So that's it..." Chanel finally understood what had happened, and then she looked at Agnes gratefully, "You have really worked hard! You have worked so hard for His Majesty's career, and I think His Majesty will also be grateful to you. "

"Then we have to make it clear that I am not for your Majesty, but for my own relatives." Agnes replied disapprovingly.

Seeing Agnes' stubborn expression, Chanel smiled secretly but didn't say anything, but looked towards the room. "Is this the place you want to live? That's great...it's right next to me, but no one lives here, so it might be a little dusty. Let me clean it up for you!"

"No need... I don't really care... Besides, I will sort it out myself." Agnes replied hastily.

However, at this time, Chanel had already picked up a broom and a rag from the side to tidy up, so Agnes could only helplessly watch Chanel busy.

"Miss Chanel is really enthusiastic." Andre Davout smiled at the side.

"It's overly enthusiastic, which makes me a little embarrassed." Agnes smiled wryly.

"This shows that she respects you very much - not everyone is qualified to be treated like this." Andre said in a low voice, "Don't look at her just dressing up as a maid, but she has a transcendent status here, Your Majesty is very He trusted her, entrusted her with important responsibilities, and even officially canonized her as a member of his own knighthood. This is a rare honor."

"Is that so?" Agnes blinked with disbelief on her face. "So Chanel is an honorary knight now?"

"Not only an honorary knight, His Majesty also said that she will be given more rewards in the future to praise her loyalty and dedication." Andre replied with a smile, and then added, "With your ability and prestige , if you are willing, I think you only need to mention it to His Majesty, and he will be happy to canonize you immediately."

"Forget it... I don't care about being a knight or not." Agnes immediately shook her head, "Besides, I can't swallow the breath of surrendering when the outcome is clearly not decided. "

The girl held her head high as she spoke, full of confidence and arrogance, but Andre had other thoughts in his mind - His Majesty told him that he had fought with Agnes, and the result was a tie or even the upper hand. Originally, he had the upper hand. He still didn't believe it in his heart, but now that Agnes had personally confirmed it, he finally believed it completely.

Your Majesty is indeed powerful...

He then remembered that His Majesty had promised him that he would definitely show Agnes some shame when he had the opportunity in the future, so as to avoid his own shame... At this moment, he suddenly started to look forward to it.

If this pair of young men and young girls fight, it will definitely be a grand performance that they have never seen in their lives. It doesn't even matter who wins and who loses - of course, it would be best if His Majesty wins.

"Well, I just said it casually. It all depends on your wishes. If you are not interested, neither His Majesty nor anyone else will force you." Andre smiled and ended the topic.

Although Agnes was very harsh, Andre felt that since everyone was already here, it was impossible to stay out of the matter - not to mention that since Edgard de Treville was already His Majesty's servant, Agnes followed. How could Nice have any other choice?

While they were talking, Chanel, who was quick with her hands and feet, had already helped Agnes tidy up the room.

Andre Davout looked around the room and felt quite satisfied.

Starting from today, their team has grown even more. Two young people from famous French aristocratic families have defected to His Majesty's command.

In his view, this is not only an isolated incident, but also a symbol - His Majesty is like the rising sun, rising slowly in France. Although he is thousands of miles away from it now, the morning sun is already dazzling in this country. Shine brightly.

He fully believed that more people would come to defect and serve the successor who had raised the banner.

It's a pity... Princess Theresa has already arrived, otherwise perhaps today's accident will bring more unexpected good results - Andre Davout suddenly thought to himself.

It's not that he disrespects or underestimates Theresa, but in his heart, compared to a foreign princess he has never met, Agnes, who grew up in Paris and shares the same language and the same experience with them, Much more affectionate in his heart - not to mention, the image of Agnes in his heart is so dazzling that it is even worthy of the rising sun.

It's a pity...it seems too late. He sighed secretly in his heart.

"Okay, my mission has been completed. Now you can settle here. If you have any requests, just ask Chanel." Andre bowed gracefully and said goodbye to Agnes very politely. , then turned and left.

"Miss Agnes, what do you think?" Chanel asked.

Agnes looked around the room, which seemed to have taken on a new look, and nodded gently, "I'm very satisfied, thank you Chanel."

"It's just a matter of duty." Chanel replied with a smile, "Then you can rest here first, and I will go and tell His Majesty——"

"Right now, your Majesty is probably communicating with my brother-in-law. You'd better not disturb them," Agnes reminded Chanel kindly, "Go and do other things first, and wait for them to finish talking. I’ll call you.”

"You're right." Shanel nodded, and then it seemed that she thought of something again.

"Okay...then I'll leave first, if you have any orders, please call me anytime!" She saluted Agnes and left the room.

Agnes, who was finally alone, was a little tired. She put down the parasol in her hand, then lay back on the bed and closed her eyes to sleep.

After leaving the room, Chanel did not go back to his apartment, but walked along the corridor to the depths, and then knocked on the door.

"Come in." The person inside responded quickly.

Chanel tiptoed into the room, and then respectfully saluted the girl sitting at the desk.

"Chanel, you came just in time." Teresa didn't look at her, but picked up the letter she had just written, read it carefully, and then let out a long sigh of relief. "I'm finally done..."

After confirming that there was no problem with the long article, she put this letter together with the letter that Aigron had just written casually, and stuffed it into the same envelope.

She will give this letter to the people around her later, and then the messenger will make another trip to find a way to deliver it to the not-too-distant Principality of Parma—it is expected to be delivered within a few days.

She didn't know that Luisa, as the mother of His Highness, still had some affection for the eldest son in her heart, but she believed that there was no absolute conflict of interest between mother and son. As long as the conditions proposed by both parties were right, there was still a chance .

Compared to Agron, who has always been resentful, Teresa doesn't have so much ill will toward Luisa.

Luisa made her own marriage—although her purpose was to find a way out for her children, so she ran around; but why not herself now?

After doing all this, she finally looked at Chanel again.

"Is there something you want to report to me?"

"Your Highness, just now, the son of the Marquis of Treville came to seek refuge with Your Majesty." Chanel lowered his head and reported to her respectfully.

"Treville?" Teresa frowned, seeming to be thinking. "I seem to have heard of this last name...is it from a famous family?"

"Yes." Shanel nodded. "This general has always been a loyal advocate for us."

"That's great." Teresa laughed.

"In addition to that gentleman, her sister-in-law was also present...named Agnes."

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