Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty, wish

Theresa kept holding her father's letter and fell into deep thought.

The unexpected news brought by her father's letter made her not sure what to do for a while.

Sophie gave her a gift? Of course she wouldn't believe it. Although the two of them were not as tit-for-tat as before, she didn't think that Sophie would suddenly be very kind to her.

With her intelligence, she could of course see that the so-called gifts were just for herself. The real purpose was to use her father's hands to send these gifts here and then transfer them to Aigron. .

His Highness really hasn't changed at all. He always likes to make things difficult for others... She could only smile bitterly.

Obviously, even the father didn't know how to deal with this request, so he just asked someone to bring the gift over, and the last thing he said in the letter was "You can handle it yourself" - obviously, he put the last The disposal rights were given to my daughter.

Theoretically speaking, since Sophie said this was for Teresa, Teresa can of course dispose of it as she pleases. Even throwing it into the sea without looking at it would not be considered a violation of the principle.

Finally, Theresa composed herself, then carefully collected her parents' letters, walked out of the room, and called Chanel, who had been waiting outside.

"Do you have any orders, Your Highness?" Chanel asked respectfully.

"The messengers just said that in addition to father's letter, they also sent some gifts. Please take me there to see them." Teresa said calmly.

"Okay." Of course, Chanel didn't notice anything strange. She immediately took Theresa to the next room, and then pointed to the box on the table, "That's the box, Your Highness."

"Okay." Teresa waved lightly, and Chanel left with a smile and closed the door considerately.

After being alone again, Teresa walked to the table and looked at the box carefully.

This is the kind of dressing box commonly used by ladies. It is made of precious wood, exudes a light fragrance, and has fine patterns painted on it. Regardless of the contents of the box, the box itself is already A valuable piece of art.

This is probably her commonly used dressing box... God, she really put a lot of thought into it. Theresa thought.

She reached out and touched the smooth surface of the box, then shook it gently, and found that the box was a bit heavy.

It seems that there is a lot of stuff inside.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and then she gently reached out her hand and opened the lid of the box.

The moment she opened it, a strong fragrance hit Theresa's nose. Obviously, this was because the box often contained various expensive perfumes, so the smell accumulated over the years.

The design of the box was extremely clever. It was divided into several layers of hidden compartments. Teresa could only see the top layer, and then she was surprised to find that it was empty.

It doesn't seem right to say that there is nothing, because there is still a page on top.

There was a large piece of writing on the paper. Although she had never seen Sophie's handwriting, Teresa knew that it was naturally Sophie's handwriting.

She picked up the paper and looked at it carefully.

"Dear Her Majesty Teresa:

Since I entrusted your father to give these gifts to you, you must be the first to open the box with your own hands. When I am writing this letter, I think of the fact that it is about to happen in the future. I can't help but have mixed feelings.

It is true that I don't like you, and I never expect you to like me. This is not only because of the conflicts we had before - even if there is no fate, I think our own personalities and ways of doing things will make us incompatible. So I don’t have the audacity to call you my friend here. I guess you don’t want to be treated so disgustingly, right?

But even so, in my heart, I still have some respect for you, because with your perseverance and determination, you easily accomplished what I couldn't do. This love, as well as the courage and courage that match it. Courage, isn't it impressive?

Whether it was when I was in prison or now when I am enjoying glory again, in the long nights, I have thought about whether he would change his mind and choose to stay by my side forever if I had done better before. Woolen cloth?

But I don’t think he will. The sad thing is that no matter how much I do, even if I devote everything I have, I still can’t change the final choice. Some things seem to be destined, and it’s hard to get rid of.

Of course there will be resentment, but what's the point of resentment now? Right now, what I'm more worried about than resentment is that he died prematurely because of his unfulfilled ambition - I believe that he had already made the decision to die if he didn't succeed, and I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely don't want to see this happen. Something happens.

So I pray that he succeeds, and his success depends on the efforts of everyone around him - including you - and if there is anyone in the world who helps him the most right now, I think it is you.

Hey, I didn’t expect that my hope would be pinned on you. All of this is really ridiculous!

You definitely can't see the bitter smile on my face at this time, which is a blessing for me.

All in all, Your Highness Teresa, because of the tricks of fate, I entrusted him to you not out of my own wishes, but I sincerely beg God to bless him and you, even if the cost is to watch you get married. For me, it is better than hearing terrible news. I have been hit hard enough. I really don’t know how I will survive if I get hit again.

So... please go ahead with my best wishes, Teresa, and I will be praying for you.

In addition to this letter, there are some jewelry and belongings in the box. Compared with everything your family has sacrificed, this is of course only an insignificant gift, but it is also my heartfelt gift, and it can be regarded as making up for the empty-handed things I saw before. It’s a pity that Aiglon left...

If possible, please pass it on to Aigron, which will fulfill my wish.

As someone who has ridiculed and insulted you in person, I have no words to ask you to be magnanimous, and I will not even force you to accept my blessing. I just hope you remember that no matter how much malice the world pours on you in the future, in your In my distant hometown, there is still someone who will wish you all success regardless of personal gains and losses.

Everything that has happened has made me understand that if one day you wear the queen's crown by fighting against fate, then you really deserve it.

I hope we can meet again in the future. At that time, maybe I will buy you two drinks with a smile and thank you for taking care of and helping him...

——Poor people who expect their wishes to come true. "

In silence, Theresa read Sophie's letter to herself.

She didn't expect that there wasn't a word of the fierce words she originally expected. Instead, Sophie's tone in the letter was gentle and peaceful, melancholy and a little free and easy.

It seems that all the disasters that have happened have brought her not only pain, but also growth.

Similarly, it seems that she has come out of the lowest point and has begun to face her own life.

This is a good thing.

"I accept your blessing, Your Highness." Teresa looked at the box and whispered as if facing Sophie, "Similarly, I also wish you all the best in the future."

Next, she continued to look at the box.

If she was willing, she could continue to turn over the hidden compartments in the box, shake out all the contents, or even throw them directly into the sea, never letting them see the light of day.

However, she didn't want to do that.

She took away Sophie's letter to herself, and then sealed the dressing box again, leaving everything as it was.

Since Sophie had spoken so sincerely, she couldn't do anything embarrassing.

The upbringing she had received since she was a child made her unwilling to do despicable acts, especially Sophie who had already fallen into such a situation. She really didn't want to stab someone in secret again. This was really unseemly and decent. One should not take pleasure in the suffering of others.

No matter what is in the box, since it is a gift she wants to give to Aigron, let the real owner handle it.

"Hey, what a persistent person!" Teresa said, half with emotion and half with sadness.

With this sigh, her previous resentment towards Sophie disappeared, and she only had good wishes for the prince and concubine who was thousands of miles away.

After she made her decision, she opened the door again and called Chanel in.

"Chanel..." she said, pointing to the box on the table, "I have figured out that this box was not given to me by my father, but was a re-gift for me. The original giver was Su Your Highness Fei."

"What?" Chanel was stunned. She didn't expect that things would be like this.

She was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say - she remembered that the relationship between the two of them was very bad, so she was afraid of saying the wrong thing and making Teresa unhappy.

"Don't act like this, Chanel." Teresa shook her head gently, "I had a quarrel with her at that time, but you have witnessed that she was the one who took the initiative to stir up trouble... and it was... Now, why should I be angry with her again?"

"So... Your Highness Sophie, are you okay now...?" Chanel asked cautiously.

After all, Sophie was the first person she served. Even though she has now found her true master, she still retains a lot of respect for her.

"How can it get better?" Teresa asked with a wry smile, "But at least she has recovered. His Majesty the Emperor has also restored her status and treatment. She is finally over it."

"That's right..." Shanel nodded slightly.

As one of the witnesses, she certainly sympathized with Sophie's experience and pain, but at the same time, in her opinion, this was a price that had to be paid, so she didn't know what to say.

For a moment the room fell into silence again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." After a moment, Theresa broke the silence again, and then looked at the box again, "These gifts are nominally for me, but I think in fact she just wants to give them to His Highness... In this case, it would be better for His Highness to open it himself. Please make arrangements and have someone send it to His Highness as soon as possible."

Chanel glanced at Theresa again in surprise, and then didn't ask any more questions, just nodded with an expression of admiration.

"Okay, Your Highness, I will make arrangements immediately. Those who escorted the prisoners back will go back soon. I can ask them to bring the box over. Your Majesty will receive it soon."

Although Chanel was a little dissatisfied with Her Majesty Theresa at first, feeling that Her Majesty was only chosen by His Majesty the Emperor by chance to become His Majesty's fiancée; but after staying with Theresa for a long time, she unknowingly Impressed by Theresa's style, he served her sincerely and treated the girl like a mistress.

In her heart, since she could never hope to be able to sit on the same throne as His Majesty, relatively speaking, it was most reasonable for her to have His Majesty Theresa sit there.

She only hopes that she can have a place beside His Majesty and spend her whole life being loyal to this family. This is enough.

"Well, let's do it." Teresa stopped worrying and walked out of the room quickly, leaving everything to Chanel.

The moment she stepped out of the room, she had already forgotten all her thoughts. There were too many things that belonged to her, and she had no time or energy to worry about these past events.

Soon, Teresa returned to her room.

According to the arrangement just now, she would have dinner with the messengers sent by her father. There was still a little time before the dinner, and she wanted to seize the time to deal with an urgent matter.

Before leaving Mesoni, she had suggested to Aiglon that she write to his mother, Louisa, now the Grand Duchess of Parma, to seek reconciliation between the two.

Aiglon was furious at first, but after her persuasion, he finally reluctantly agreed. Then the two of them drafted a letter together, and then sent someone to the small Principality of Parma.

Many days after the letter was sent, there was still no reply. Aigron had no hope in the first place, so he didn't take it to heart. Teresa also muttered in her heart, wondering if her wish had failed. Luisa didn't want to at all. Got something to do with this "rebellious" son?

Unexpectedly, just yesterday, she received a messenger who came secretly, and then received a reply from Louisa.

Luisa's words in the letter were very reserved and cautious. It was obvious that she did not want to be suspected of betraying her motherland. She just politely said hello to Agron and Teresa and wished them a happy union in the future. She did not say a single unnecessary word. speak.

But Teresa was not disappointed. She knew that as long as Luisa was willing to reply, she would have proven something.

And that's what she's working on further.

Louisa is not only mother and son with Aiglon, but also in her special situation. In a sense, she is happy to see her son prosper - otherwise, she would not have actively promoted the marriage between Aigron and her family back then.

The greater her son's achievements, the more likely the children she and Count Neiperg would have to be successful.

Of course, she never expects Luisa to publicly express her stance and side with her son, but as long as Luisa is willing to cooperate secretly, it will be of great help to Aiglon - after all, no matter how small Parma is, it is still a principality, and as a ruler Louisa could easily deal with the financiers of continental Europe.

Through Luisa, they can also easily turn jewelry into a steady stream of money.

This pair of mother and son who complain about each other may be able to slightly heal the rift in the past by using each other and cooperating. Theresa thought.

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