Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty-one, guilt and determination

As the sun rises over the sea, Aiglon, far away in Nafpaktos, ushered in another busy day of life.

Living in a fortress, he got up from his camp bed, washed himself, had a simple breakfast, and then started his work.

There is no doubt that since he got used to Chanel's considerate and meticulous service, his current life does make him feel very uncomfortable, but as the days of the expedition grow longer, he has gradually become accustomed to this simple life.

After all, the sweat he shed now was for the comfortable life of himself and his family in the future, and he was willing to endure and sacrifice.

Here he had remained ever since the conquest of Nafpaktos.

Because his strength was limited and the enemy's situation was unknown, he kept his thoughts on hold for now, paying attention to the movements around him and quietly waiting for a new opportunity.

Although at present, his sudden appearance has caused huge chaos to the Turkish army, but he can feel that the other party is already dealing with him, and a heavy blow of revenge is about to come, and even the air is full of the aura of coming storm. .

In order to prepare for the battle that is bound to come next, he is also stepping up training of his soldiers and strengthening Nafpaktos' defense.

Just when he had just finished breakfast, his personal guard captain Andre Davout came over and brought him unexpected news.

"Your Majesty." After saluting respectfully, he continued, "The people I sent to escort the prisoners have returned from Mesoni. They also brought us good news. I think you will be happy. of."

"Oh? Then let's hear it." Seeing how mysterious he said it, Aigron immediately became interested.

"At the request of His Highness Theresa, Archduke Karl specially sent several officers from Austria to assist you in commanding the battle." Andre Davout did not show off, but continued with a smile, "They have now I have arrived at Her Majesty Theresa's place as a messenger, and I am expected to say goodbye to Her Majesty immediately and then rush to you."

Aiglon's eyes widened in surprise, then he grinned. "Really? That's great!"

After saying that, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and immediately stood up from the chair.

There is no doubt that although he already has a team in his hands, there are not many people with long-term military experience among them, and there will naturally be fewer officers with reliable quality. When encountering problems, he can only summarize them by himself. Find a solution,

And the officers selected by Archduke Karl will definitely improve his predicament.

But his most exciting place does not stop there.

——Earlier, because of what he did, Archduke Karl was naturally furious. Although he had never experienced it with his own eyes, Teresa said that he hated him deeply. But now that he is doing this, it is tantamount to acquiescing to the status quo. Admit yourself as the future son-in-law.

For Aigron, he had a very good impression of the Grand Duke and his wife, and he was very grateful for their attention and care. It would be a blessing if he could mend his relationship with them.

Of course, these people have special status and it is not easy to integrate into the team-after all, the supporters of the Bonaparte family must still be resentful of the Austrian soldiers.

Moreover, there is a high probability that they will not be very fluent in French, and they may not be able to communicate very smoothly with the members of the Knights under them.

But even if they have the above problems, they can at least be used as their own military advisors. Their experience and skills have been tested, and they are definitely not comparable to the half-hearted people in their hands.

These thoughts quickly passed through Aigron's mind, and finally he nodded with a smile.

"Very good, then we have to entertain them well. Is there any other good news?"

"There is one more." André Davout replied. "With the arrival of the messenger, there is also a special gift. Her Royal Highness Theresa asked them to take it and forward it to you."

Um? Gift?

Egeron was a little confused. He looked at Andre Davout and found that his expression was also a little strange.

So Aigron asked quickly. "What's wrong? Is there anything strange about this gift?"

"There's nothing strange about it." Andre laughed awkwardly, "It's just that it looks... like a dressing box."

Aigron couldn't help being surprised immediately.

For a moment, he felt that his father-in-law was deliberately trying to vent his anger in this way - but thinking about it carefully, the Grand Duke was not such a boring person.

"Bring it here and let me see it." Aigron quickly composed himself and then calmly gave the order.

Soon, Andre Davout struggled to hold the dressing box with both hands, took it over and put it on the table.

"Your Majesty, this is it..." he said, looking at the young man, and then he was shocked to find that the young man was looking at the dressing box with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"Your Majesty... are you alright?"

Agron could no longer hear Andre's words at this time, and all his attention had been placed on the dressing box - it was normal for others not to recognize it, how could he not recognize it?

This was the dressing box that Sophie often used in Schönbrunn Palace. He had been in and out of her room so many times that it was impossible to admit it wrong.

How is this going? Why was it sent here as a "gift" from Archduke Karl? A lot of questions suddenly appeared in his mind.

He quickly reorganized his thoughts and forced himself to calm down.

Probably, Sophie visited the Grand Duke and entrusted him to send this dressing box as a gift... He quickly guessed the general outline of the matter.

"Your Majesty...?" Seeing that Aigron was still unconscious, Andre Davout asked again quickly.

"Ah...Andre, I'm fine." Aigron finally nodded, "Okay, you go out first, I'll stay alone for a while."

Even if Andre is his confidant, it is of course impossible for Aigron to tell him all these things-because this matter is now of great importance, it must not be told to outsiders.

Although André Davout still had a lot of doubts in his heart, he could also see that this dressing box was definitely not a trivial matter. Since His Majesty was unwilling to tell him, he must not ask too much.

He just bowed and bowed, and then left directly, leaving Aiglon standing there, staring blankly at the dressing box.

Although it was only less than a year since he bid farewell to her, he had experienced too many things during this period of time. Looking back now, everything seemed like a lifetime ago, but everything was so fresh.

Its dark color and bright patterns were all so familiar, easily bringing back memories that had been stuck in his mind.

Scenes of memories of getting along with Sophie, happy and sad, came to his mind one after another, and those scenes gradually faded, and finally settled on the image of her kneeling on the ground crying that night.

This has become a scene etched in his soul.

The heartbreaking sobs and cries seemed to echo in his ears again at this moment.

"This is all the result of your own hands." In the trance, the dressing box seemed like a gramophone, and a questioning voice came from inside, "It's all because of you!"

Yes, it's all because of me... If I hadn't dragged her into that whirlpool willfully, even if I escaped, she wouldn't be so heartbroken and bear such terrible punishment and sin.

He knew that all this was his own choice, and he couldn't escape it, nor did he want to escape it.

He took a deep breath, then reached out and touched the surface of the dressing box. The lubricating feel was as if he was touching her skin.

He gently opened the lid of the dressing box and found that the top was empty.

So, his hand moved to the hidden drawer and pulled it gently.

In an instant, the dazzling brilliance of the jewelry obscured his sight.

If it were an ordinary person, his mind would probably go blank the moment he saw these precious jewels, but Aigron was different - he had already been trained by the treasures on Monte Cristo Island to become immune to jewels.

He looked at the jewelry carefully, and in almost every item, he could find in his memory the way Sophie was dressed at that time.

The laughter and laughter they had together at that time, compared to now, how can it not make people feel emotional?

Obviously, Sophie gave herself the jewelry that she loved and used.

"Why, do you think I can still sell them all?" he asked with a wry smile.

Of course not.

He wanted to collect them well to commemorate the days when the two of them got along, and to commemorate her kindness to him.

At this moment, among the jewelry pile, a pocket watch caught his attention.

This pocket watch was obviously not for Her Royal Highness the Princess, and he had no impression of it in his memory, so he picked it up casually and looked at it carefully.

The pocket watch is small and luxurious. The outer shell is made of enamel and is inlaid with pearls and diamonds. It is worth a lot at first sight.

He gently opened the casing of the pocket watch, and the hands inside the pocket watch were immediately revealed in front of his eyes. At the same moment, a few strands of hair on the inner wall of the pocket watch immediately attracted his attention.

He quickly took a closer look and found that they were several silver-white hairs that had been carefully trimmed and then curled up inside the inner wall.

It wasn't Sophie's hair color, nor was it her own.

Aigron came up with the correct answer almost instantly.

"Crystel." He called out the name. It was obvious that he had never pronounced the name before, but at this moment, his true feelings were revealed, and yet it seemed that he could pronounce it so smoothly.

Previously, when he heard Teresa mention the birth of his daughter, although he was extremely shocked, he had no real sense of reality, let alone the realization that "I have become a father."

However, after seeing and touching the real thing, everything was completely different. Aigron was reminded by Sophie in this way and remembered this fact.

Although I have never seen this daughter, I think she will be very cute - after all, she is the daughter of me and His Highness Sophie, how could she not be beautiful?

In an instant, his heart suddenly began to cramp. The inexplicable resentment and shame made it very difficult for him to breathe. He gasped for air and finally managed to return to normal.

"I must see her again, I must!" This was his first thought. "She suffered so much for me, how could I just turn a blind eye?"

Next, he thought of another place.

He imagined that Sophie deliberately gave her daughter's hair to him along with the gift, not only so that he could see traces of her daughter, but also as a reminder——

She is our daughter and you must not leave her alone.

This poor child was born in the shadows, without flowers or blessings, everyone just thought she didn't exist, even though her parents had such dazzling identities, but she could only live in the world with the stigma of an illegitimate daughter, No one respects or cares about her. If she really lets it go, God knows what kind of fate she will encounter in the future.

"Yes, you must never leave it alone." In the empty room, he murmured to himself in a low voice, "One day, if I succeed... I must bring Crystal back and let her have She deserves everything, I swear!”

If he fails, then he will not even be able to protect himself, nothing to worry about; but if he succeeds, but still ignores Crystal, it will not only insult the name of father, but how can he be worthy of Su? Fei?

He loudly assured that even though Sophie couldn't hear his assurance now, he believed that she, who was thousands of miles away, must be able to feel it.

After a moment of outburst, he took the pocket watch back into his hand, then took out his original pocket watch and put it on the table, then he pressed the button of the pocket watch in his hand, and carefully adjusted the time to the pocket watch on the table, Then he tightened the spring again.

Soon, the pocket watch given to him by Sophie began to run, and the hands began to slide silently, and began to perform its duties as a tool.

Aigron carefully put the pocket watch into his breast pocket, making it his new timekeeping tool, while the original pocket watch was thrown aside.

He knew that what he had done was far beyond common sense, and he had never expected to be forgiven by others... But he found that the person forgave him and was still praying for him sincerely .

Although there is no single word written to himself in the dressing box, these things are worth a thousand words in themselves, so that Eggron can't help but feel heartache as long as he imagines it a little bit.

But even when he was heartbroken, the strength in his bones was not compromised.

He is paying the price for his decision, because the price is painful, so in order to make the price worthwhile, he must succeed-because only success can prove that the path he is taking is correct, everything is as simple as that.

The resentment and shame turned into a raging fire in his heart, and he wanted to burn everyone who stood in front of him.

"I can't spare you, all of you!"

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