Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy-four, prey and order

"What kind of feelings do you have for her? If I remember correctly, you clearly abandoned her once, right?"

Agnes' question was very abrupt, and Aegron was not mentally prepared, so he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

like? That's for sure.

infatuation? That's certainly not the case.

But no matter what, he was grateful for everything Theresa had done for him and was willing to marry her and start a family.

"She was the fiancée chosen by my grandfather and mother for me. There was no doubt that there were many political factors involved, but at least it showed that in people's eyes she was a good match for me. And after I got to know her later, I also discovered She was indeed very kind to me. She recognized my talent, believed that I would be outstanding, and was willing to help me wholeheartedly to make a name for myself... Of course, what she understood at the time was for me to become a well-known European figure. A writer and poet, I have lived up to her expectations."

As he spoke, he walked forward, then stood next to a stream, and continued.

"I fled Austria before, not because I hated her or the marriage, but just because I thought that staying in Austria would not realize my dream, so I had no choice but to leave; after escaping there, I originally thought that our marriage would It was over, and I also acquiesced that I had to bear such a price, but I didn't expect that in such an unfavorable situation, she still chose to continue to stick to her previous vows, forcing her father to make concessions and continue our engagement... This kind of persistence touched me. Then she abandoned her comfortable life and came to me, sharing the joys and sorrows with me, and supporting me in various ways. Who else would do this?"

"It is indeed worthy of admiration..." Agnes thought thoughtfully, and then asked, "However, from your statement, my personal feeling is that in your heart, you feel more for her out of gratitude and interests. Is that the right consideration? You didn't really fall in love with her..."

"Is the difference that big?" Aigron frowned and then asked. "For me, feelings and interests are not contradictory. She gave me so much support and help that I couldn't get rid of her; and from a personal emotional point of view, getting along with her really made me feel very happy. Happy, so I must fulfill my promise no matter what - in terms of my identity, I can be like a villain, because the villain can at least scare people, but I can't be like a coward, that will make everyone hate me as a person , and no one will follow me."

Although he instinctively knew in his heart that he should say something deceptive at this time, showing that he only agreed to the engagement with Teresa out of necessity.

But he still decided to tell the truth, because he didn't bother to lie about this kind of problem, it was too boring.

Agron's answer,

Agnes could only smile wryly in return.

"Yes, you are a boy who wants to be an emperor. In your eyes, feelings and power are indeed inseparable and there is no need to separate them clearly; only girls will distinguish whether the motive of love is Keep purity at heart... Do you believe it? Although Princess Teresa’s status is as noble as yours, her thoughts may not be the same as yours.”

Aiglon didn't know how to answer, so he could only shrug. "Maybe, but I will try my best to make sure she doesn't regret it."

Agnes looked at Agron quietly until a moment later, she shook her head and let out a sigh.

"Forget it, who am I to complain for Princess Teresa? After seeing the look in her eyes, I knew that she was very satisfied with her choice. Maybe in her opinion, having you by your side is enough..."

Then, she laughed again, "I'm sorry, Eggron, it's my fault, I asked an irrelevant question, which affected your mood."

"It doesn't matter, friends will always ask some embarrassing questions." Aigron replied nonchalantly, "If you are careful in everything and carefully choose your words before speaking, what kind of friends are you?"

"That's what I say, but you are responsible for the lives of thousands of people. If I affect your rare rest and ruin your good mood, it will cause them to suffer an extra risk of life for no reason... I dare not Do it," Agnes said jokingly.

"Hahaha..." Aigron laughed again, "Don't worry, my heart is not so fragile."

In his laughter, the slight awkwardness between the two of them just disappeared.

They tacitly ignored the conversation and resumed hunting.

However, because they had already come to the stream, they did not mount their horses again, but let the horses drink water in place, and they walked forward along the stream by themselves.

Agron just wanted to let Agnes have fun and admire her heroic appearance, so he didn't shoot much, but this time he was interested.

He fired while reloading, and fired rhythmically around, disturbing the birds, and the leaves fell to the ground. He didn't care how many prey he hit, and he didn't count the results, as long as he was happy.

I don't know how long it took, but Aigron finally felt a little bored, so he looked at Agnes, who had been following silently next to him.

"Agnes, maybe you are right. This kind of hunting with muskets can only vent the desire to kill...it is not much fun."

"I'm glad you agree with me." Agnes replied with a smile, "How about I teach you how to use a bow and arrow? You will definitely feel the difference."

Aegron glanced at the hunting bow on Agnes's shoulder and the quiver hanging from her waist—there were not many arrows left in the quiver.

"I have no experience before. If I learn now, I'm afraid your arrows won't be enough. If you run out of arrows, you won't be able to hunt later." Aiglon replied.

"What does it matter? I don't care about how many prey I can catch." Agnes replied nonchalantly, "Besides, I'm satisfied now."

Now that Agnes has said so, Aegron no longer refuses - he just wants to experience the feeling of bending a bow and shooting an arrow.

So, he put the shotgun at his feet, then took the hunting bow from Agnes, and then took another arrow. Then he bent the bow and nocked the arrow, and aimed forward decently.

The strength of this hunting bow is not high. Agnes could easily draw it to full strength before, and with the physical strength that Aigron has exercised since childhood, it is naturally not a problem.

Agnes was also beside her, pointing to him carefully.

"You need to relax and remember not to tense your muscles, which will affect your accuracy. And for your fingers, remember to use your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger to draw the bow string, and sandwich the nock between your index finger and middle finger... "While speaking, Agnes also stretched out her hand to help Aigron adjust his posture and fingering.

At this time, the two people were very close to each other unknowingly. While listening to the words in his ears, Agron felt the touch of her fingers on his hand. His eyes fell on Agnes unconsciously. Lost perception of flying birds in the distance.

Agnes also noticed Aiglon's absence, and she immediately noticed something was wrong, so she retracted her hand shyly, and then pretended to be calm and serious.

"Okay, I have already told you what I need to teach you. You can try it first and gain experience through practice!"

When she said this, Aigron also came back to his senses.

Embarrassed, he could only pretend that nothing happened, and then put his own thoughts behind him. Following Agnes's instructions, he fully drew the bow string until it was close to his cheek, and then aimed at the tree standing on the branch in the distance. The remaining birds.

Then, he let go of his hand, and the energy accumulated when the bowstring was fully drawn was immediately transmitted to the arrow, and in an instant the arrow flew towards the bird.

——However, it is a pity that he did not hit the prey, but only hit the tree trunk next to the bird.

After the arrow pierced the trunk of the tree, it caused the trunk to sway slightly, and the birds flew away from the branches in panic.

"Missed!" Aiglon shouted regretfully.

"It doesn't matter, no one can always hit the target." Agnes comforted him from the side, "For a beginner, your performance is already very good, at least your strength and direction are correct."

Agnes did not mean it as a pure compliment, but as a sincere compliment - after all, Agron had just tried bow and arrow, and his performance was much better than when she had just tried it.

But it's not surprising. Like her, Aiglon also has agile skills, sharp reaction speed, and extraordinary perception. These allow him to use the sword well, and naturally also allow him to use the bow well.

"Let's do it again!" Agnes enthusiastically handed Egron another arrow.

Being praised by Agnes, Egron naturally became interested, so he took the arrow, and began to bend the bow and set the arrow according to the posture just now.

But what is the goal?

With this doubt, Aigron turned his head and looked around.

Not long after, he found a new prey in the bushes in the forest not far away. It was a wild boar that was moving slowly. Its gray fur was stained with a lot of dust, and it looked quite big.

That's it!

Eggron immediately raised his bow and aimed at the prey.

Then, he exerted a slight force on his fingers to fully draw the bow, and then began to adjust his breathing.

Agnes next to him was constantly giving him pointers, and he gradually became unable to hear clearly, and his whole body and mind had been put on the prey in the distance.

Just as he kept adjusting the angle, an indescribable feeling suddenly came over him, as if some voice was telling him that he could hit the prey.

That's it.

He let go of his hand, and then the arrow from the string tore through the air, flew rapidly towards the prey with a soft sound, and then pierced hard into the skin of the wild boar.

"Shot!" Egron yelled loudly, then excitedly looked at Agnes next to him, showing off his victory to her.

He has to admit that the way of using bows and arrows is indeed more artistic in hunting than shooting down prey with a musket.

"You are really good." Agnes also laughed and praised his performance. "It feels like you can learn everything quickly..."

Then, her words stopped suddenly, and Eggron noticed something was wrong, and followed her gaze.

It turned out that although the wild boar was shot by him, it did not die. The arrow stuck in its body caused it pain and aroused its anger. It actually rushed over here, seemingly intending to take revenge on these people. Humans who attacked it.

Aigron had never seen a similar scene, so he panicked for a moment.

But after a while, he immediately came back to his senses and yelled at Agnes.

"Agnes, give me another arrow!"

Agnes also came to her senses now, and she quickly handed Agron another arrow from the arrow pot.

Aiglon took the arrow and immediately drew the bow to full capacity. Now he didn't care about his posture and shot an arrow directly at the wild boar.

Unfortunately, because the wild boar is very fast, he missed this time.

Now the boar had rushed in front of him, and Eggron could already see its tusks.

In desperation, he threw the bow on the ground, and then picked up the musket on the ground—but there was no bullet in the musket.

He wanted to reload, but it was too late, the injured wild boar jumped and rushed towards him.

"Guards! Guards!" Eggron yelled while dodging.

However, in order not to disturb His Majesty's "elegance", under the arrangement of Andre Davout, the guards were far away at this time. In addition, this was a forest, so no one responded to Aigron's call in a hurry. shout.

"Agron!" Agnes also panicked at this moment.

She subconsciously wanted to pull out the long sword from her side, but was shocked to find that she was not carrying a saber today.

Aigron hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the wild boar's bite, almost rolled to the ground, and finally managed to control his balance.

Then he picked up the gun in his hand, and swung it at the wild boar like a stick.

The wild boar was hit on the neck, but it was really rough and thick. After howling, it immediately charged at the young man again.

Aigron did not expect that his leisurely hunting would suddenly turn into a fight with a wild boar.

But at this time, he couldn't think so much. He could only use the shotgun in his hand as a weapon to fight against the wild boar. The wild boar kept pounced on him, trying to knock him down with his weight, but he could only fight with all his strength. It fights.

Watching their fight, Agnes next to her was so anxious that she almost shed tears. She looked around and finally found a big stone by the river beach.

She picked up the stone, walked up to Aiglon, and hit it hard on the boar's head.

With their concerted efforts, the wild boar, which had been injured many times, finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground howling. This "hunt" also ended with the victory of the human side.

Next to the fallen prey, both men were panting and did not even bother to celebrate their victory.

They were all a little embarrassed at the moment and covered with mud.

After looking at each other, they couldn't help but laugh.

"If you really can ascend the throne as emperor in the future, then you will probably be the first emperor to be attacked by a wild boar." Agnes teased the young man with a smile. "If the world knew that His Majesty, His Majesty, was in such a miserable state, they would be very disappointed, right? Hahahaha..."

This situation made Aigron himself unable to help but laugh.

"But no one will know!" After laughing, Aigron replied, "I don't allow you to tell others..."

"You can't order me..." Agnes shook her head and retorted.

"Why not?" Aegron asked loudly.

Looking at Agnes' face covered in dust, Agron suddenly felt an unspeakable throbbing in his heart.

How cute she is...

He wanted to keep this loveliness in his own hands.

Before he could react, he subconsciously reached out and held her hand.

Then he pulled her hard into his arms.

"I order you to keep the secret!"

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