Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy-five, thoughts

Aiglon's uncontrollable behavior was something that even she had not thought of before, and it was naturally beyond Agnes' expectations.

Because he didn't expect it, he was naturally defenseless. Aigron pulled her directly into his arms with just a gentle pull.

Although both of them are now covered with dust, and although Agnes is wearing men's clothes, when the girl's slim figure touched his chest, Aggron still felt his heart flutter for a moment, almost unable to control himself.

However, Agnes finally reacted at this time.

Being held in her arms, she looked up at the young man in front of her. After a moment of panic and loss of consciousness, she soon became shy, and finally became a little more angry and cold.

"Agnes..." Aegron didn't notice Agnes' abnormality, he was already immersed in his own fun, and he looked at the girl in his arms with a gentle smile on his face.

This smile used to make him unstoppable, but at this time Agnes had no time to feel the charm of it. She struggled violently, because Aggron's hand was so strong that it was difficult to break free for a while, so she clenched her fists and slammed heavily. A punch came to Aigron's chest.

"Well..." Aigron, who had withstood this heavy blow, had a black eye for a moment, then his whole body lost strength, and his arms naturally relaxed.

He took a few steps back and then bent down, trying not to vomit.

And Agnes, who broke away from his arms, stood there, then glared at him with wide eyes.

Aegron raised his head and looked at Agnes. The girl's cold eyes at this moment reminded him of the scene when the two first met in that small farm in Switzerland.

He had no doubts, if Agnes had a sword in her hand like she did that night, she would have charged forward and cut herself to pieces...

He was not angry - because he had recovered from the impulse just now, remembered what he had done, and naturally knew that it was all his responsibility.

"Agnes..." He endured the pain and then raised his hand, expressing that he was absolutely not hostile, "Sorry... I just fainted."

Seeing him clutching his stomach in pain and sincerely apologizing, Agnes finally softened her gaze a little. "I really didn't expect you to do such a thing... Who do you think I am? A servant who asks for everything?!"

"No, I never thought about it that way..." Aigron quickly shook his head in denial,

"You should feel it, right? Since I met you, I have always been very kind to you, and I treat you as a friend...I swear to you, I have never looked down on you in my heart!"

Aegron did not lie in these words, he has always treated Agnes with courtesy.

On the one hand, this is because he feels in his heart that Agnes has a reputation in Paris, so he needs to win over Agnes; more importantly, he really appreciates Agnes's outstanding talent and her strong yet kind personality. character.

Walking with her today, walking in the wilderness together, hearing Agnes confide in her heart, deepened his understanding of Agnes - which naturally increased his love for her, so when the two of them joked , he couldn't help doing such a frivolous thing.

Aegron's oath made Agnes's anger slowly subside, but she still lingered.

"My sister and brother-in-law follow you and respect you. Just because Alice is my closest relative, I respect you for her sake, and try my best to cater to you and accompany you for entertainment and hunting... but you end up treating you like this Is there any way to repay me?" She glared at Aigron angrily, "I still regard you as a friend!"

"Sorry, I was really rude, because your cuteness dazzled me, and I couldn't help it for a while..." Eggron replied awkwardly. "I don't know why. At that moment, I was really dizzy. I wanted to hold you in my arms and hug your heart."

Agnes froze.

She grew up in Paris, and although she didn't like to socialize, she was naturally used to the behavior of libertines and ladies. However, when she faced a similar scene herself, she was a little at a loss.

The same words spoken by different people are completely different. When a young man who even she admired said these words, why wouldn't she feel some comfort deep in her heart?

However, this joy was immediately overshadowed by anger and loss.

"Don't do this to me! How many people have you told these sweet words to?" Agnes frowned again, and then glared at the young man in front of her, "You just told me that you will definitely marry Princess Teresa, you will never change your mind, and then you behave like this to me as soon as you have finished speaking... You are humiliating both me and Her Majesty Teresa at the same time! You are indebted to her and trapped in I am unrighteous!"

Agron did not expect that Agnes would be so good at eloquence. The accusation almost left him no room to argue. He could only look at her speechlessly, and he was surprised in his heart that he, who had always been calm and self-possessed, how could he just now? You'd do something like this out of your mind.

"I admit it's my fault, and you can blame it however you want." After a while, he could only sigh dejectedly, "As long as you can calm down."

"Why, do you still want me to keep it a secret for you?" Agnes laughed mockingly. "Dare to do it but dare not bear it?"

"No, I don't interfere with your freedom if you want to talk about it." Aegron shook his head, "Even if you tell Teresa, it's okay, anyway, I'm sorry."

Seeing Aigron's candid apology, Agnes' anger finally calmed down.

Rather than being angry at Aigron for doing such a thing, it is better to say that he is angry at him for belittling himself——even though he already has a fiancée but still teases him, what does he think of himself?

"Forget it, for the sake of your sincere apology, let me forgive you this time, and I won't tell anyone." Her brows stretched, and then she complained softly, "What is your heart? What is it made of? Why can you do such heartbreaking things without any hesitation?"

"If you want to do extraordinary things, you must have a mentality beyond ordinary people." Aigron replied. "Otherwise, how could I have slept peacefully when I saw piles of corpses on the ground?"

"So you confuse heroism with brazenness..." Agnes refuted his words, "Is it something extraordinary to force a girl into your arms?"

"If it's just an ordinary girl, then it's nothing special, and it's not worth bragging about; but if it's you, it's really extraordinary, because you are a unique existence, an existence that everyone looks up to..." Looking at Agnes With his brows raised again, Aigron quickly waved his hand, "Okay, I'm just expressing what's in my heart, and I don't mean to tease you anymore."

"Hmph!" Agnes sneered shamelessly, "You should thank yourself for your good luck. If I had a sword in my hand just now, I would have dueled you."

"Then what if I win the duel?" Eggron asked back with a smile, "According to the rules, the winner can decide how to deal with the loser..."

Seeing that Agnes was already subconsciously touching the sword at his waist, Aegron quickly stopped his joke, "Don't take it seriously, Agnes, you can definitely beat me! Thank you for being so magnanimous and forgiving my life , Forgive my unintentional offense..."

While talking, he approached Agnes, "I don't intend to make you forget the unhappiness just now, I just ask you to continue to give me the honor of being your friend..."

Looking at his smile, Agnes found that her anger could no longer be maintained, so she nodded coldly, "Okay... for the sake of my sister, I will forgive you for once, but you Now it has changed from my respected friend to a second-class friend-if there is a next time, then don't blame me for being rude."

What is a second-class friend? Aegron wanted to ask clearly, but seeing Agnes's face now, he also knew that it was not appropriate to ask.

However, although Agnes showed outrageous resentment, from the results, Aegron found that she was not completely unable to forgive herself.

Her resistance comes not so much from her own frivolity, but more from the fact that she already has a fiancée.

Hey, this is also the result that cannot be changed.

"Agnes, I really like you..." Aegron turned his head and said to the silent Agnes.

"Stop talking..." Agnes yelled at him loudly, "I don't want to hear those words!"

"Sorry, I only said this once... At least this time, I have to say it." Aigron ignored her resistance and watched her stubbornly continue, "I will always remember that moment. , even though it was my stain, but I... I was very satisfied at that moment, I am sorry, but I have no regrets."

Agnes turned her head to the side in anger and stopped looking at him, as if she didn't bother talking to him anymore.

Then, both of them remained silent, silently leaving the turmoil behind.

Although it was over on the surface, Agnes always kept a distance of about one meter from him, obviously dissatisfied with the harmony just now, so Agron also felt that it was time to end it all.

"Let's call it a day? I think I've had my fill of fun, and there's not a lot of prey," he suggested to Agnes.

Of course Agnes had no objection, and she also wished that this embarrassing journey would end quickly.

"Okay." Aigron nodded, then led her back, and then found Andre Davout and his party patrolling in the distance.

"Your Majesty!" As soon as he saw the young man, Andre saluted him, "How is your harvest?"

"The harvest is good. I just killed a wild boar." Aigron spread his hands, "Send someone to take this poor guy back. I want to taste its taste."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Andre agreed and said a few words to the two people around him. Then two or three guards immediately walked to the river beach where Aigron had fought just now and carried the dead wild boar. got up.

Andre himself stayed where he was, and secretly looked at Aigron and Agnes.

Both of them were covered with dust, what exactly did they do just now... He couldn't help thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, did you have a good time just now?" He whispered next to Aigron. "It must be fun to walk with Miss Agnes?"

"Forget it..." Aiglon shook his head in annoyance, "It was quite interesting at first. She taught me archery, but then I did something stupid and was punched by her so hard that I almost spit out my bile. Fortunately, She didn't have a saber on her body, otherwise I'm afraid I'd have fallen here."

André Davout was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Miss Agnes would not change her nature when he was around His Majesty. She would be so ruthless and disrespectful to His Majesty.

"She's just too much..."

"Okay, let's let this matter go." Aigron waved his hand, indicating that the matter would end there, "Today is generally quite pleasant."

Andre secretly glanced at the young man with admiration. He was obviously covered in dirt and had been punched hard, but he was still calm and calm in such an embarrassing situation. He was really in a good state of mind.

"We all know Miss Agnes's personality. She has a strong character, so she will not give in easily." Taking advantage of His Majesty's good mood, he interceded for Agnes again, "Your Majesty, please don't mind her fault. I I believe that as long as you are there, she will definitely fall in love with you..."

Aiglon looked at his guard captain in surprise, not expecting him to speak like this.

"If possible, we are all happy to see you accept Miss Agnes...it will be of great help to enhance your prestige." Although Andre felt his scalp tingle when he saw Aigron's sight, he still had the courage, I carefully said the words I had discussed with Edgar, "After all, she is widely respected in Paris and is deeply popular among the younger generation. If she is on your side, many people will feel your appeal... …”

Aiglon blinked, then turned to look at Agnes not far away.

At this time, she was standing quietly alone, looking up at the stream in the distance, seemingly in a daze.

Is she reminiscing about what happened just now?

So how is she feeling? Is it anger, or regret? Or is there still a little bit of expectation?

Of course Aigron couldn't guess it, but he knew what he was thinking.

He... wanted to keep Agnes by his side and savor the feeling just now - he liked Agnes's free and easy and alertness.

He didn't know how much of his thoughts on Agnes were out of love and how much out of interests, but as he said just now - love and interests were never things that needed to be separated for him .

The words Agnes had said angrily to him just now seemed to still ring in her ears.

Yes, she is right, but... I have already done so many unreasonable things in this world, so why should I be afraid of one or two more?

"I will make Agnes stand on our side..." He withdrew his gaze and whispered to Andre.

Then, he added as if to his captain of the guard, but also to himself, "I am the emperor, I can have whatever I want, and I don't need to care about what is reasonable or not? As long as I want, I will give it all." want!"

"You are right, Your Majesty." Andre naturally had no objection to this and immediately bowed his head in agreement.

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