Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty, true feelings revealed

"Then...can you persuade her?" Once he heard that his lover had a solution, Edgar also became more energetic.

He knew that among the people he knew, the only one who could interfere was Princess Kadiyang.

"I have met Miss Agnes on some occasions before, but after all, she is just a yellow-haired girl, and she doesn't like to deal with people very much, so I didn't leave a deep impression on her..." Princess Kadiyan did not She didn't answer his question immediately, but turned to another aspect, "I heard that she has extraordinary skills?"

"Yes, that's quite powerful. There are not many young men in Paris who can match her." Edgar replied, "Alice is very proud of this, but... I don't think it's cute. I still like a dignified and gentle woman like you."

After being praised by Edgar, Princess Kadiyang smiled and said, "She is beautiful and skilled. Oh, isn't this very flattering? No wonder your friend is so obsessed with her..."

Edgar could only respond.

"Then this will be easy to handle." The princess said suddenly.

"Huh? Why?" Edgar didn't understand the logic.

"My dear friend, haven't you been struggling in society for so many years? Why can't you figure it out all of a sudden?" The princess gently poked Edgar's face with her finger, "It's because of her She's so good, that's why she doesn't like women, isn't it? The Duchess of Berry wants to be the star of her own ball, and all the guests are here to admire her. How could she like to be upstaged? As long as she is slightly A little trick can make such a dazzling Miss Agnes instantly jealous..."

Edgar seemed to understand something.

Then, Princess Kadiyang lowered her voice again, "Besides, among the young people attending the ball, there is also the little sweetheart that Madam likes. After all, the young people are young and energetic, and with a little effort, they can be made to fight with her. Agnes has a conflict - maybe there is someone who has been taught a lesson by Agnes! At that time, the lady will not only feel that Agnes does not know etiquette, but also feel that Agnes has robbed her invisibly The limelight... I guess she can't be calm about it, right?"

Edgar swallowed, and suddenly felt a little shuddered in his heart.

These noble ladies, what kind of vicious souls are hidden under such gentle surfaces! Even Edgar himself felt a little ashamed of himself.

They all look beautiful and behave dignifiedly, but secretly they can easily create schemes while talking and laughing.

Invisibly, Agnes fell into a trap.

There is no doubt that if the princess really succeeds, then Agnes will incur the disgust of the Duchess of Berry without making a move, that is to say, she will be ostracized in the court - for her family , this is a tragic blow.

This is not the first time he has seen this method, and it will not be the last time. God knows how many people have fallen victim to these ladies while talking and laughing, and even in the end they don't know who they have offended.

Precisely because he has been close to these famous ladies since he was a child, and has seen and experienced romantic affairs with them time and time again, Edgar's little humanity has been gradually wiped out, and only the pursuit of pleasure is left. The instinct of having fun, drunkenness and dreams.

The pleasure ground of the upper class is like a meat grinder, in which the originally bright souls are thrown into it, ground and crushed, mixed into the soup of sin, and finally become part of the entire dirty world.

Although he thought about preventing Agnes from being targeted by some wild bees and butterflies, he never thought of doing it so ruthlessly.

"Uh...is it too much?" So, he asked hesitantly, "My plan is to prevent Agnes from being targeted. Although this is a loss for her, it is not a big deal; but if If Madam is hostile, it will be a big trouble, and her father will be very angry——"

"Oh, why do you still blame me? Didn't you ask me to come up with the idea?" The princess glared at him angrily, her eyes full of coquettishness, "Now you think I've gone too far?"

"No, how could it be? Whatever you do is the most appropriate." Edgar quickly coaxed her, "I just think there should be a more appropriate way."

"It's not that easy to have the best of both worlds." The princess disagreed, "Don't worry, I will also pay attention to the rules and won't really cause any big trouble. After all, her father can also speak in the palace. , if something really happens, it will not look good on everyone."

Edgar knew that although his father-in-law was not an important figure, he was considered the number one figure in the palace due to his bloodline. He could speak in front of the king and would not be humiliated by the duchess.

Similarly, Agnes will not be humiliated or punished. At most, she will be put into another book.

Thinking of this, Edgar felt that there was no problem - in his opinion, Agnes would eventually side with the Bonaparte family, so what's the point of not being loved by the Bourbon family court? What's the problem? Rather, this is a good thing.

So he suddenly no longer had the same resistance as before - if he could create a rift between his father-in-law's family and the palace, it would be more beneficial to His Majesty and himself.

"Okay, let's do it, please." When he thought of this, he took back his hesitation, "My dear, you can definitely handle things properly."

"That's not because of you..." The princess kissed his cheek, "My Edgar rarely wants me to do something, so of course I have to do my best."

"I love you, Diana." Edgar said the words he had said thousands of times lovingly, then hugged the princess tightly and kissed her hard.

The passion that had just been extinguished was rekindled, and the two of them kissed each other selflessly, and there seemed to be endless affection between them.

But - Edgar's "deep affection" is nothing more than a performance.

Although he is young, he has already learned not to invest his emotions in others after many years of Parisian entertainment.

He calmly and enthusiastically got along with the women around him, trying his best to please them in order to seek pleasure in bed, but deep down in his heart he had never really loved anyone, and except for his father, He has never truly respected anyone. He is cynical and does not believe in all creeds in the world - because the hypocrisy and moral corruption he has seen since he was a child have been enough to erase all his beliefs.

Edgar de Treville lived for no one but himself.

The two kissed for a long time, and if it wasn't for the fact that the princess had to attend a palace ball that evening, they might have had another romantic encounter.

Princess Kadiyan spent a lot of effort to wake up from the love between herself and her lover. She broke away from Edgar's arms, and then she reluctantly said goodbye to Edgar. "My dear, I really can't let you go... I can't help but feel heartbroken when I think that we may not see each other for two days. Oh, God really likes to torture people!"

"I will try my best to spend time with you, and I can't bear to leave you either." Edgar replied.

Then, the princess got out of bed and took Edgar to the nursery next to her. In the crib, there was a blond baby boy who was sleeping quietly. He looked like he was just about one year old.

The baby's eyes were closed tightly, his belly was rising and falling slowly due to breathing, and his white and tender face was so plump and cute. The princess couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. Because she was afraid of waking him up, her touch was very light, as if she was trying to wake him up. It's like facing any treasure.

At this time, her body was filled with true maternal love, without any hypocrisy or pretense - for her, this was the crystallization of her love, even more precious than the children she and her husband gave birth to.

This is the illegitimate son of the lovers, Ezreal.

The name "Ezreal" was given by the princess. According to her, it was the name of an ancestor of hers who was extremely brave and had made great achievements. Naming an illegitimate child after an ancestor is enough to show the princess's love for it. He loves and cherishes it.

Precisely because of her love and cherishment, the princess had great regrets for this illegitimate child——

Although both of them came from well-known families, the child they gave birth to after marrying separately was destined to be a person who could not see the light of day. He would not have the surname his parents had, and naturally he would not be respected in society.

Because she knew this, Princess Kadiyang had secretly decided that she would give her son a lot of money, enough money for him to spend his whole life, and also let him receive the education he deserved and have as bright a future as possible— - Even if she can't be his mother, she still has to take responsibility and secretly protect this child during her lifetime.

"Look, how cute he is... He will definitely become a handsome man in the future, just like you, Edgar." She showed off to Edgar in a low voice, "It would be great if I could inherit your talent. , I just wanted him to be an artist.”

"I hope so." Edgar replied perfunctorily. "I would teach him if I had the chance."

Edgar didn't like this illegitimate son very much. To him, it was just an unexpected product after having fun, and it wasn't the first time he was a father. If you have to say who he liked more, he liked him more. I like Xia Lu a little bit. After all, Xia Lu is a daughter. What father doesn’t like his daughter?

But of course he wouldn't show it in front of his lover.

The princess seemed to sense the indifference in Edgar's tone, so her expression became serious.

In order to avoid waking her son, she made a gesture, and the two of them walked back to the bedroom.

"Edgar...we must make plans for him early." After returning to the room, the princess whispered. "I have seen what happened to some illegitimate children. They were not respected, not recognized by their parents and their families, had no food and clothing, and even fell into prostitution... I can't accept that my flesh and blood have been reduced to this. We have to give it to Iraq. Build a better future.”

"Of course." Edgar nodded. In front of the princess, he could not have any other answer.

"I have thought about fostering him in a family that is respectable and has some social status but will not attract attention, such as a teacher or a farmer. Let him use the surname of his adoptive father. I will pay a sum of money regularly. Give it to the guardians and visit him so that they can raise Iza as well as possible - and you will go too."

Edgar just felt impatient with this kind of trouble, but he didn't dare to show it in front of his lover, "Of course! How could I leave our son alone..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered what his father had told him before.

"Actually, I mentioned Iza to my father and persuaded him to accept the existence of this child." Although the facts were completely contrary, he still said it in a meritorious tone, "My father was furious at the time, and He even picked up a riding crop and beat me, but I kept insisting, so there was nothing he could do."

"Then what's his opinion?" the princess suddenly asked nervously.

"His opinion is that I have a wife, so he can only recognize my and my wife's children as his grandchildren."

When the princess heard what Edgar said, although she was not surprised, she couldn't help but couldn't help but feel a flash of disappointment. However, she didn't expect that Edgar suddenly changed the subject, "But, he said again, if Alice never gave birth to a son, , then he may...may be willing to find a way to treat Iza as his grandson."

"Is it true? That's great!" This turn of events made the princess overjoyed.

If she had a choice, she would of course hope that this illegitimate son could bear his grandfather's noble title and appear in the upper class in a dignified manner. That would be the best outcome.

But soon she calmed down again, and the idea depended on Alice not being able to give birth to a son.

She hoped so, but she couldn't express her wish because it would be too vicious.

Moreover, why can the Marquis of Treville legalize this child?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel disappointed again. This good news could only be regarded as a thought, and she should raise her son according to the original plan.

The incident about her son made her originally high mood drop again.

"My dear, although I don't care much about politics, I feel that the current situation has become more and more turbulent recently. God knows whether our good days can continue and how long we can continue..."

She didn't expect that Edgar was one of the people who wanted her "good life" to collapse soon.

"Don't think so much, it will be fine." Edgar comforted her insincerely, "Besides, even if something big happens, we can still find a way to solve it."

Hey, if things really turn upside down, what can you, an artist, do to solve it? The princess shook her head secretly.

After hesitating for a moment, she couldn't help but propose to her lover.

"If one day comes, shall we go abroad together? While everything is in chaos, no one will pay attention to us. We and our son will change our names and live together... Although we no longer have glory and wealth, at least we can live the rest of our lives peacefully. ."

Edgar was stunned.

"Are you willing to do it?" he asked subconsciously.

"Of course I can't let it go, who would?" The princess smiled bitterly, "Of course I hope everything will go as usual, I'm just talking about the hypothetical worst case scenario... If nothing can be left in my world, I hope I can still keep you... and Yi. tie."

Hearing this accidental revelation of true feelings, Edgar suddenly felt something in his heart, and he felt a little reluctant to let go of the princess.

He suddenly thought that if the Bourbon family was destroyed and Bonaparte came to power, then the royal family would definitely be expelled. As one of the closest courtiers to the royal family, Prince Cadyang and his family would probably not be able to escape the fate of being expelled, and their family would also be affected. This will lead to decline.

His father had suffered enough from being in exile.

"No...if the earth is really turned upside down, I will protect you and no disaster will happen to you." He blurted out in an extremely rare excitement. "trust me!"

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