Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-one, cold arrow

"trust me!"

Edgar said this resolutely, completely different from his usual frivolous demeanor.

This is his true expression - ever since he became a lover with Princess Kadiyang, he has been taking care of her, and he also knows that the princess only has him as her lover, and she is even willing to secretly give birth to a son for him.

This kind of "kindness" is definitely hard to see in this indulgent and hedonistic world.

She could have had countless choices, but she did this for herself without hesitation, and she didn't ask for any reward in me. Even Edgar, who has no moral sense, cannot have a little bit deep in his heart. move.

So he couldn't bear to leave the princess.

He knew that if there really was a day when the Bonaparte family returned to the throne, the royal family would definitely be expelled, and the important courtiers who followed the royal family would probably run away - which might mean that he and the princess would be separated.

There was no way he could follow the princess.

He knew that if he did that, no matter where he ran, his father would personally bring people to the door to break his legs.

Not only because he disobeyed his father's wishes, but also because doing so would make people suspect that the Marquis Treville family was hedging their bets and being disloyal to His Majesty the Emperor. The Marquis Treville would definitely not live up to his words, even for the sake of his grandson. I will never tolerate my son running away with a prince's wife from the Bourbon court.

So he couldn't run away. Although he didn't like politics, he knew that he was a member of the Treville family and couldn't just act on his own ideas - he had deeply disappointed his father and couldn't cause any more trouble to his father.

Moreover, he, who is used to living such a luxurious life, would definitely be reluctant to part with the prosperity of Paris.

So it seems that there is only one way left. If that happens, then we must do everything possible to keep the princess and protect her and the illegitimate child.

Will my father agree? He doesn't know, but he will try his best to beg him, even if he kneels down to plead for mercy... Besides, Your Majesty, as long as Your Majesty agrees, everything can be solved.

As long as he can serve His Majesty, he has always been very good to "meritorious ministers". If he really has meritorious service and proposes to let the princess stay within the country, he will definitely agree - after all, it is impossible for a mere princess to do anything to him. What threat does he pose.


I must make meritorious service to His Majesty!

As for how to perform meritorious service, there is naturally no second answer for him.

For his own happiness, there is no psychological burden on him to sacrifice Agnes - besides, if His Majesty can really become His Majesty, then Agnes cannot be called a "sacrifice", on the contrary, how many people It's an honor you only dream of.

Seeing Edgar's silent expression, Princess Kadiyang thought he was sad for what she had just said, so she forced a smile and comforted her lover with a gentle voice, "Edgar...Oh, please forgive me, I really shouldn't have said these depressing words! I'm just talking about the worst-case scenario, things are not that bad, don't think too much, it will be fine, God will bless us."

"Yes, God will bless us." Edgar repeated it, but the meaning of his words was very different.

After talking about love for a while, the lovers reluctantly said goodbye.


The evening came as planned, and the ball given by the Duchess of Berry began as scheduled.

In order to gain the honor of being noticed by the court, the "best" among the upper class flocked to the Tuileries Palace to welcome the grand event hosted by the Duchess of Berry.

The men are dressed in dazzling uniforms and wear various medals and ribbons; while the women are also fully armed and do not hesitate to work hard to compete for beauty. The skirts they wear are no less than the armor of the samurai and the folding fans they hold in their hands. Just like the sword of the brave, this is their battlefield. Although there is no smoke, it is equally or even more dangerous.

As a member of this legion of skirts and hairpins, Agnes also came to the Colosseum, which was decorated with jewelry and costumes.

However, unlike those ladies and ladies who are smiling but secretly competing with each other, she is more like a tourist, feeling slightly novel and even interesting about everything around her.

Although it was not the first time to enter the palace, and it was not the first time to attend a ball, the experience like today was the first time in her life - because she officially participated in it.

Although a little shy, Agnes instinctively observed the surrounding environment, comparing the dress and appearance of the girls of the same age with her own, and then she was secretly happy because she felt that these girls could not compare with her; and she It was also obvious that many of those young people had noticed her, and some were even making secret glances at her.

Agnes didn't intend to respond, she just lowered her eyebrows and blended in with the crowd, but in her heart, her little vanity was a little satisfied.

She knew that at the moment, she was dressed up in a gorgeous way, like a piece of fine china that had been forced into the cabinet of a store. She even felt like she was being put on the shelf waiting to be sold. This feeling made her feel very uncomfortable—— However, on the other hand, at such a grand event, dressing up and being one of the centerpieces made the girl instinctively feel a little complacent.

The two contradictory emotions intertwined in her heart, which made Agnes lose her usual fierceness and become more gentle and charming as a girl.

Fortunately (or you could also say bad), she had played against many young people before and left a deep impression on them. Some of them were even at the dance, so Miss Agnes's "ferocious" "Famous" stopped those young masters who were eager to try.

Judging from the standards of the social scene, since Miss Agnes is dressed up for such an occasion, it means that she has sent out a veiled invitation, although no one dares to move now. I'm afraid it won't take long, but France has never lacked brave people who dare to take risks for the sake of romance. There will always be people who will try to climb and break the most thorny but also the most beautiful rose.

What Agnes didn't notice was that on the other side of the hall, there were two pairs of eyes watching her calmly.

"Look, let me tell you, Duke Nordrian's daughter is indeed quite beautiful." Princess Kadiyan whispered to her close friend next to her while staring at Agnes who was completely unaware.

Gu Jian

This close friend is naturally tonight’s host, Duchess Berry.

As the widow of the king's second son and the mother of the king's only grandson, she held a transcendent status in the palace, and no one would dare to offend her.

However, although she has been a widow for 8 years, she is still only 30 years old today.

For a woman, this is a very delicate age. She is at the end of her youth. Although her beauty is still there and she can decorate herself with exquisite makeup, she has begun to worry about the passage of time. You can vaguely hear The footsteps of middle-aged people.

The older you are at this delicate age, the more sensitive you will be.

At this time, the lady was looking at Agnes expressionlessly, as if she was commenting on her secretly.

According to the idea discussed with Edgar before, after arriving at the palace to meet Madam, Princess Kadiyan kept praising Agnes in front of Madam, boasting that her beauty would outshine the other ladies who came today. At the same time, he also vividly talked about Agnes's "heroic achievements" in teaching those young men.

As a woman, especially as a lady who has been in the upper class society for so many years, Princess Kadiyang knows deeply that if you want to make a woman hate another woman, there is nothing better than doing it in front of her. What a more effective way to praise her.

Of course, this first depends on Agnes being truly outstanding and incomparable to others. Otherwise, no one will be jealous of her even if she boasts all the glory.

Fortunately, her goal was easily achieved - because Agnes was indeed outstanding. Even if she was not as powerful as she boasted, she was still dazzling enough in this crowded hall.

Because of her dazzling appearance and the foreshadowing of Princess Kadiyan, she successfully made the Duchess feel sour towards Agnes.

Looking at the bright and charming girl, the lady curled her lips slightly, seeming to be a little disdainful, "This dress is too tacky, it feels like the dress from ten years ago... Duke Nordrian's taste is not very good, it seems that his daughter It’s not any better.”

As soon as she heard Madam say this, Princess Kadiyang laughed secretly in her heart, knowing that half of her goal had been achieved.

But on the surface, she still pretended to be disapproving, "Clothing and other things are trivial matters, and they can be learned slowly. Good-looking people are the most important thing, right?"

"The chest is also a bit flat." Madam continued to comment. "It looks like there are calluses on her hands. She is really a vulgar girl, almost like a maid."

"Pfft..." the princess chuckled, then picked up the folding fan and covered her mouth, "This evaluation is a bit harsh. She is not that flat, right? And her waist is so thin that it can cover up this shortcoming. Besides, , at her age, she will definitely grow up in the future... Don't tell me, men nowadays like this kind of youthful feeling. If you don't believe it, many men are staring at her! Tonight she He can definitely become a star here.”

Her tone was quite frivolous, and she was joking as a friend - here, only she dared to speak to Madam as an almost equal.

She achieved her goal smoothly, because she obviously noticed that the madam's eyebrows jumped. As a close friend, she knew that the madam must have been unhappy.

And this means that Agnes, this poor girl, has been despised. She already has enemies in the dark before she even knows what happened.

The princess knew that she was secretly stirring up trouble and ruining the future of a chaste and beautiful girl in the social world. It was naturally impossible to say that she didn't have any uneasiness and guilt in her heart. Just for the sake of her beloved Edgar, she was willing to die. Your own conscience does such things.

"My dear Diana..." Just as she was sighing secretly in her heart, the lady suddenly turned to look at her, and then there was a hint of joking in her eyes, "Why did you suddenly praise Agnes so much today? Could it be? Because she is Edgar’s sister-in-law, do you want to give her a lift?”

As a close friend, Madam knew about the affair between Princess Cadillan and Mr. Edgar de Treville, and even knew that the two of them had an illegitimate child, but of course she didn't care, because to her, this was nothing. It doesn’t matter.

In fact, she secretly envied her friend for being able to have full freedom and enjoy the joy of love. After all, as the prince's widow, even if she wanted to do something, she had to always worry about the outside world's eyes.

Precisely because she knew about the princess's affair with Edgar, she guessed that it was because of Edgar that the princess "valued" Agnes so much and kept saying nice things.

How could she possibly imagine that although the princess did notice Agnes because of Edgar's relationship, the purpose was exactly the opposite?

When asked by Madam like this, Princess Kadiyang did not hide it. Instead, she smiled lightly. "You are right, Edgar really wants me to help add glory to his sister-in-law, so that she can smoothly enjoy the happiness of being in the spotlight, but now I feel that Agnes is worthy of this honor. , I don’t need any help in it... What do you think? Why don’t you do me a favor and let her receive your praise and favor in front of everyone? This will definitely be a favor that she will never forget. "

Without making a move, the princess got angry again, and this time, she completely ignited the madam's jealousy and competitiveness.

"I don't think so." Madam shook her head, "She does have some beauty, I don't deny that, but she is too far from the standard of a famous lady. I think she still needs to study hard. I heard that she is also very brave and fierce with men. How unbecoming is this? If I praise her, what a wrong example will it give to our young ladies? It will simply destroy our bright culture and civilization..."

The princess was stunned for a moment, as if she was speechless.

"So, it seems to make sense. She is indeed a bit too out-of-the-box and not elegant enough... Her sister is much better in this regard."

The lady put away the folding fan, then waved to the attendant next to her, and then when the attendant came over and bowed his head to salute, Fu Er said something in his ear.

Although Princess Kadiyan didn't know what the lady was talking about, she could completely guess what the lady would do next - she would call Agnes to her, and then reprimand her implicitly, asking her to calm down in the future. .

There is no doubt that she will not say too harsh words. After all, everyone here must pay attention to decency. No matter how much they don't like it in their hearts, they will pretend to be kind on the surface.

But that's enough, because everyone will see that Madam doesn't like Agnes, which means that she will be entered into another book, and her purpose will be achieved.

"Poor Agnes..." She sighed secretly.

At the same time, she was a little curious, who was Edgar's so-called friend, and was it worth Agnes paying such a price?

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