Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-six, paintings

After hearing Marquis Treville's request, Bianca was stunned for a while. She just came to visit Alice's daughter today, but she never thought about being painted.

On the contrary, Agnes immediately became energetic. After all, she is a girl at heart. When she heard that four people could appear in the same frame in a painting, she was immediately interested.

Before Bianca could say anything, she shouted. "Okay! Okay! Let's do it like this? Teacher, don't you think it's very commemorative? It's a rare time for you to come to our place and become Xia Lu's godmother. Wouldn't it be nice to leave some commemorative items for this? ?”

And Alice had no objection. For her, although she didn't understand why the general suddenly became sentimental, it was always a good thing to let her husband shine.

Seeing Agnes cheering so much, Bianca smiled helplessly. "Okay, so be it, I will grant you your wish, General."

"Thank you for meeting such a willful request of an old man, madam." Marquis Treville bowed and thanked the other party, "I feel extremely honored that Xia Lu can receive your protection."

Bianca didn't take the general's compliment to heart, she just turned to look at Edgar and motioned for him to hurry up.

Although Edgar was full of doubts, he did not dare to neglect and hurriedly went to his room to get painting supplies.

The Marquis of Treville looked at the three ladies surrounding his granddaughter with a smile on his face, and his heart was full of pride that the trick had succeeded.

Theoretically, he could wait until Bianca and Agnes left before letting Edgar secretly draw the portrait, but in this case, he was afraid that Alice would become suspicious afterwards, so he simply decided to find a justifiable excuse on the spot to let his son Portrait, so no one will be suspicious.

He admires his daughter-in-law very much and trusts her, but when it comes to Bianca and Agnes, he is not sure that Alice will be 100% on his side, so he simply chooses to use Alice as well. .

Essentially, he only trusts direct blood relatives, because the blood connection between family members is the strongest among humans.

The only person in the world that he can trust absolutely is his own son, except for his brother, who has been ostensibly cut off from all contact with him.

No, there is another person now... His cold eyes gradually stopped at Xia Lu in the center of his sight, and then slowly became softer.

He had neglected Edgar in the past;

As a result, Edgar became the careless person he is now, which has become one of his life's regrets; but this time, he can definitely teach Xia Lu through words and deeds, and cultivate Xia Lu into his best descendant.

Maybe Alice will have a son in the future, but even so, the first grandchild is still of great significance to him, a precious gift from God, and the best compensation for his mistakes.

Just as the Marquis was thinking to himself, Xia Lu looked at her grandfather and smiled sweetly, as if sensing her grandfather's gaze.

This angelic and innocent smile made the old general with a heart of stone almost melt in an instant.

Xia Lu, my granddaughter, you will definitely be proud of this in the future. You are only one year old now, and you are already serving grandpa and the prosperity of our family. You are fulfilling your bounden duty.

The Marquis of Treville, without anyone watching, secretly wiped his wet eyes.

Soon, Edgar came back with painting tools, and sisters Alice and Bianca also sat on the sofa as promised, acting as his models - as for his daughter Xia Lu, they were placed on the sofa On the middle coffee table.

I have to say that the three women are all quite good-looking and have different personalities and temperaments. Just sitting there gives people a pleasant feeling.

Edgar is a very talented painter. What he is best at is figure painting (especially for ladies and ladies). At this moment, this excellent composition scene has stimulated his brain. The inspiration here ignited his creative passion in an instant.

He didn't know what his father wanted to do, but...whatever! Now I just need to obey my father's order and paint this picture well, and don't have to worry about other things.

He looked at the women in front of him and thought hard. Soon, he started to dip his brush into paint and began to paint on the canvas.

For a painter of his level, once he finds the right inspiration, the rest is easy.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to painting. As he kept moving his brush, simple outlines soon appeared on the canvas. Gradually, these outlines became clearer and clearer, and more and more details appeared.

Time passed unconsciously, and I don’t know how long it took. Beads of sweat appeared on Edgar’s forehead, and his eyes were fixed on the canvas in front of him. Then he breathed a long sigh of relief and stopped temporarily. brush.

Right in front of him, an oil painting was almost completed.

Although it was taken at home, the background of the painting is not the Treville mansion, but a beautifully decorated palace, with sisters Alice and Agnes sitting on either side of Bianca, both wearing 18th-century attire. The rich and colorful costumes in the Rococo style look luxurious yet feminine, as if they are attending some important celebration.

And just at their feet, Xia Lu was also decorated like an elf, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands, looking at Edgar with a smile on her face - as for Xia Lu, there were butterflies flying everywhere. and spring water.

Seeing that he was finished, Agnes suddenly became curious. She walked over to Edgar, and then looked carefully at the painting that Edgar had just completed.

"Yeah! It's pretty!" She nodded approvingly.

Seeing Agnes' praise, Bianca suddenly became interested, and she also walked over, ready to see what she was painted into.

——She has always been conceited about her beauty throughout her life, and of course she doesn’t want others to paint her ugly.

Fortunately, she was not disappointed. After looking at the painting carefully, she nodded and looked at Edgar.

"Well, the painting is indeed good. There are no flaws in the composition and technique, and it is quite charming. Mr. Treville, it seems that your painting skills are indeed very good. Agnes did not praise you wrongly."

Seeing her husband being so praised by the lady, Alice was also very happy. She stroked Xia Lu's hair, then picked up Xia Lu, walked to her husband's side, and admired it like them.

"It's indeed a very good painting."

Agnes looked at the painting, then at her sister and the teacher.

Then, on a whim, she lowered her head, came in front of Xia Lu, pinched her nephew's face, "Xia Lu, Xia Lu, who is the most beautiful woman here?"

[Agnes is playing a joke. According to legend, it was at the wedding of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. All the gods were invited to the wedding, except Eris, the goddess of discord. Eris held a grudge and presented a golden apple to the guests at the wedding, with the words "To the fairest goddess" written on it. The three highest-ranking and most beautiful goddesses—Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite—were arguing over this golden apple. 】

"Hahahaha!" Bianca was amused by her apprentice's words, "You are really thick-skinned, Agnes."

Xia Lu seemed to be amused by her aunt. She giggled and hugged her mother tightly.

"It seems that my granddaughter has given a clear answer-" Marquis Treville made a joke.

"No! I'm not convinced!" Agnes immediately shouted, "She's showing favoritism!"

"Agnes, stop making trouble!" Alice glared at her sister, "Do you have any objections to Xia Lu's sentence?"

"Okay, no objection..." Agnes immediately stopped, "Sister, you are the most beautiful woman here!"

Under Agnes's gag, the atmosphere in the room became very lively, and even Bianca, who was serious about words, couldn't help but smile.

She had always liked the sisters Alice and Agnes, and now she felt quite happy to see that Alice was living a happy life after getting married and had such a beautiful daughter.

Although she disapproved of the fact that the Marquis of Treville was a Bonapartist, her political stance did not affect her preferences. She was willing to serve as Charlotte's protector in the future and protect this lovely child's healthy growth.

In this way, the Marquis of Treville, as a warm host, entertained Agnes and Bianca who came to visit, and invited them to stay for dinner at his home.

After dinner, Bianca and Agnes said goodbye and left.

Alice reluctantly said goodbye to her sister and the lady, but when she returned to the dining room, the Marquis of Treville gave Edgar an order.

"Edgar, please make another copy of the painting you just made. We will give it to His Majesty as a gift. We originally kept it at home and kept it as a collection for our family."

"Huh?" The couple were surprised at the same time.

"I took a look. Edgar's painting is quite good. It can be called a work of art." Marquis Treville explained in a low voice, "In this case, how about we simply present it to His Majesty? He sees how loyal our family is to him, and by the way, let him see what Xia Lu looks like now."

This was originally the plan of the Marquis of Treville, but he seemed quite excited at the moment and deliberately pretended that he had made it on the spur of the moment.

This was to paralyze Alice - in the Marquis's opinion, since he couldn't hide it from Alice anyway, he might as well reveal his plot in front of her to show his magnanimity.

"This...isn't this not good? They are all members of our family." Alice hesitated, "Besides, there is also Ms. Bianca. She doesn't like to be watched by others."

"What's the problem? As long as we don't say who she is, just treat her as an ordinary lady attending the meeting in friendship." Marquis Treville smiled, "Think about it, Edgar Xia Lu's paintings are so beautiful and she is so popular among you. His Majesty will definitely like her very much after seeing her——"

Alice definitely didn't expect that her father-in-law had such a deep scheming. She just thought that as a general, he couldn't wait to let his majesty remember Xia Lu in his heart.

And this is what she wants to do - since her future will depend on him in the future, she will naturally try her best to close the personal relationship between her and him. If he has feelings for Xia Lu, she will naturally He will take care of Xia Lu.

As a mother, why wouldn't she want to see Xia Lu become the most watched star?

"Well! Since you think this is appropriate, then do it this way!" Alice nodded.

The Marquis of Treville gave Edgar a wink. Although Edgar was still full of doubts, he did not dare to disobey his father's order, so he followed his father's order and began to copy the painting again.

This was easier for him, and it didn't take long for him to finish it.

"Son, you did a great job." After he handed over the copy to his father, Marquis Treville, who was in a good mood, patted his son on the shoulder, "You have done a great job for His Majesty."

"Really? I hope he will like it." Edgar didn't understand why his father was so serious about this, but he also hoped that his paintings would be taken seriously.


The next day, the Marquis of Treville visited Edmond Dantès in a carriage.

The count received him immediately, but he was soon surprised to find that the marquis did not come empty-handed. The servant behind him also brought a picture frame.

"General, what are you doing?" He was a little confused.

"You'll understand when you look at it." Marquis Treville pointed at the canvas.

Edmond Dantès walked up to the frame with doubts, and then looked at it carefully.

Soon, he discovered that he knew all three people in the painting - sisters Alice and Xia Lu.

But the problem is that there are four people in the painting, so who is the fourth one...?

An idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly understood something.

"Is this Bianca?" he asked immediately.

"Mr. Earl, your guess is correct." Marquis Treville nodded slightly, without showing any complacency, "Yesterday she visited our family, and then I took the opportunity to find an excuse to let Edgar paint I made a painting and painted her on it.”

Edmond Dantès only made a brief guess and understood the Marquis' intention. "Are you going to take it to His Majesty for review?"

"Yes." The Marquis nodded. "If we admit the wrong person, it would be ridiculous, so we still have to let His Majesty make the decision——"

"That's right! I completely agree with your opinion." Edmond Dantès was convinced.

While he admired the Marquis's ability and wit, he continued to admire the paintings.

I have to admit that Edgar's painting skills are indeed good. Even if those "purposes" are put aside, just as far as the painting itself is concerned, it is also a masterpiece.

Edmond Dantès doesn’t know much about art, but he has an instinctive level of appreciation. As for Edgar’s Majesty, the three beauties are almost lifelike, and each has their own temperament. The most rare thing is that they also have The subtle expressions, whether laughing or serious, are full of charm.

If he hadn't been having fun for many years, how could he have the skills to draw?

Although he was already a veteran murderer with an iron heart, Edmund could not help but feel a little fascinated by what he saw at this time. He believed that His Majesty would be deeply touched after seeing it.

"The painting is very good, His Majesty will definitely applaud it!"

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