Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-seven, master

"The painting is very good, His Majesty will definitely applaud it!"

Edmund made the Marquis of Treville feel a little proud, but he was a sophisticated man after all, so he didn't show it too much. He just asked his servant to put the painting away and put it in the study of the mansion.

"Now let's take two steps, Count. You send the painting to His Majesty, and at the same time take the opportunity to get close to Bianca and get a feel for her. We will first figure out how to deal with her while waiting for further instructions from Your Majesty. If Your Majesty Once we confirm that this Bianca is the traitor who assassinated him, we will take action as soon as possible and we must not let her escape!"

"Indeed." Edmond Dantès was now convinced by the Marquis of Treville, so he did not express any opinion, but he had another concern. "But when we make plans, we must take Miss Agnes into consideration and try not to break her heart. What do you think?"

He has no feelings for Bianca, but deep down in his heart, he has always admired Agnes and is very grateful for her enthusiastic help to him. He hopes that Bianca's incident will not become a disaster for her mentally. Although the blow was a bit hypocritical, he hoped to get the best result.

"Don't worry, I will take this into consideration." The Marquis did not object to his opinion. "It is best for all this to happen when Agnes is unaware or has no time to care. After all, she is my junior, and I don't want to It hurts her heart so much..."

Of course, the reason of the Marquis is just an excuse. He just doesn't want the relationship between the Treville family and Agnes to break. He wants to turn Agnes into His Majesty's mistress for the sake of his family's prosperity. If Agnes Si and his family turned against each other, so what was the point of all this hard planning? All efforts were wasted.

In this way, the two people came to a consensus based on different considerations.

However, these two smart people avoided a question at the same time. Will Agnes really be ignorant of everything? Will she really be indifferent to the tragic fate that her master will face?

It's not that they can't think of it, but that they can't think about it, because seeking revenge against Bianca is His Majesty's unshakable will, and it's also the honor of the Bonaparte family. As servants, the two people absolutely cannot take a step back, no matter what Everything must be carried out to the end, so even in the face of risks, they must cut off their worries and work to the end.

This is the awareness they must have to participate in this cause.

Next, the Marquis of Treville relayed to Edmund what his son had said from Bianca yesterday, and Edmund listened carefully and remembered it in his heart. The two of them discussed the details again. After learning the details of the operation, the Marquis took his leave and went home.


Edmund knew that Agnes would come to him, so he waited quietly.

He didn't wait long. The next day, Agnes came to the door.

"Count! Do you remember the last time I told you that my master was coming to Paris?" After seeing Edmund, she got straight to the point.

"Of course I remember." Edmund quickly replied, "The master is already here, right?"

"Why are you not surprised or excited at all?" Agnes noticed something strange, "Did you already know?"

"The Marquis of Treville told me yesterday." Edmund knew that Agnes might notice it, so he threw out the excuse he had prepared. "He showed off to me yesterday that you brought the master to visit him. The family also asked the master to become Xia Lu’s godmother. He was very happy and excited and showed off to me for a long time."

"Ah, actually it's not a big deal~" Although Agnes was very proud, she pretended to be modest on the surface. This delicate look made Edmund laugh.

It was a pity that His Majesty was married. In his heart, His Majesty was the most suitable and the only one among the young people he had ever met who was worthy of Miss Agnes.

Moreover, if Miss Agnes really becomes His Majesty's wife, then he will not have to worry about Bianca's problem, Miss Agnes will be able to handle it herself.

Hey, fate always likes to play tricks on people, so what can be done?

Edmund put away the emotion in his heart, and then looked at Agnes seriously, "So, Miss Agnes, are you taking me to see the master today?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I be here!" Agnes shrugged, "Earl, if you have nothing to do today, just come with me. My teacher has a very bad temper, and she is also a busy person. She can spare her time. It’s not easy to meet you at this time, so don’t miss this opportunity.”

"Of course I'm free now, Miss, please take me there." Edmond Dantès replied very appropriately, "Besides, I will never miss such an honor, even if there is something important at hand. , I will not let go of such an opportunity."

"You are becoming more and more Parisian..." Agnes couldn't help laughing, and she didn't know whether she was praising or teasing Edmund.

Next, the two of them rode Agnes's carriage together towards the outskirts of the city.

The last time she came to Paris, Agnes had taken Edmund to that place and made him suffer severely in the name of "practice". Edmund was very impressed by this.

But at that time, he was just a foreigner and had never been to Paris, so he was not familiar with the location of the house and the route.

This time was different. Although he was living in seclusion in Paris during this period, for "work needs", he had studied the routes and topography of various neighborhoods in Paris in detail, and had conducted on-site surveys many times, and then firmly stored this information Keep it in mind.

As the best sailor on the sea, he has a natural talent for sensing direction and position, so he has improved very quickly. Now, he understands this almost as well as the carriage drivers who travel around the streets of Paris all year round. It is a grand and historic city.

This time, he was making use of the knowledge he had just learned. Although he seemed calm on the surface, he had been secretly observing the surrounding neighborhoods and routes, memorizing them in his mind while estimating the specific location of the house.

He has always been a cautious person, and he knows that there is always only one opportunity. If he misses it, he will betray His Majesty's trust, so he must be extremely energetic and make absolutely no mistakes.

While he was concentrating on his thoughts and pretending to chat with Agnes, the carriage slowly slowed down and then stopped.

Agnes stepped out of the carriage, taking Edmund with her.

Edmund looked up and saw that this was indeed the apartment building he had been to once before.

He checked the surrounding scenery with the corner of his eye, and then silently compared it with the map of Paris in his memory.

Eventually, he confirmed the exact location of the apartment building.

Great, that's a good start.

Bianca's apartment in Paris is here. As long as she continues to be active in Paris, she will not spend too little time here.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, this may even be the place where Bianca and Bianca finally have a showdown.

He should prepare for this now.

"What are you waiting for?" Agnes urged him impatiently, "Don't keep the teacher waiting."

"Sorry, Miss Agnes!" Edmund trembled, "I'm just... I'm just too nervous, she is a master."

The reason Edmund gave himself was reasonable, so Agnes had no doubts at all.

"Why, haven't you always told me that you wanted to see her? Now that things have come to a head, have you backed down?" She smiled narrowly, "Lord Count of Monte Cristo, in my impression, you should not be such a person. Only timid people are right?"

Agnes's mediocre provocation method certainly did not make Edmund's blood boil, but he acted like he was one. "You are going too far. How can I be afraid? I just don't I just know how to show respect to her!"

"Hey, what do you think of my teacher? She has a very weird temper. Although she doesn't like rude people, she hates servile and spineless wastes even more. So don't be rude in front of her, and don't behave like this. Just grovel and behave as you usually do in front of us! Don't worry, although she is proud, she is not a monster who cannot communicate at all."

In this way, under Agnes's persuasion, Edmond Dantès seemed to pluck up the courage, and then the two of them walked up the stairs to the door of the room they visited last time.

Agnes knocked on the door, "Teacher, I'm here with someone!"

"Come in." A cold reply came from the room.

Edmund's heart trembled, he cheered up, and carefully remembered this voice in his heart.

Then, Agnes pushed the door open, and Edmund was at the door and looked inside.

Like the last display, the hall of the room was very empty. Apart from the weapon racks, there were only a few chairs, and a tall woman was sitting on the chair.

She was sitting upright, and coupled with her stern expression, a fierce temperament rushed towards her face, as if her thin body could burst out a burst of energy at any time, destroying everything around her.

Edmond Dantès had already seen Aigron and Agnes taking action, so he could confirm almost instantly that this was the master's magnanimity...

Even if he had never heard of her before, just seeing her like this, he would never dare to have any delusions.

Just when Edmund was paying attention to her, Bianca was also looking at Edmund, her eyes as sharp as knives, as if she was weighing the weight of the foreign count that the disciple mentioned.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Edmund suddenly woke up and walked quickly into the room. Then under Bianca's gaze, he bowed respectfully to the other person.

"Nice to meet you, Master!"

Bianca did not reply to him immediately, but frowned and looked at Agnes, "Agnes, his skills seem to be average."

"He practiced swordplay very late. Of course he can't compare to you and me who have been training since childhood." Agnes continued, "However, he has his own advantages, his will is strong, and he also has That kind of momentum that dares to take action.”

"Really?" Bianca asked back, then looked at Edmund again, seemingly suspicious.

Edmund came to his senses now, straightened up, and looked directly at Bianca again.

"Master, although I don't know how Miss Agnes introduced me in front of you, so please allow me to briefly introduce myself in a few words. I am an unknown Italian who has lived an ordinary but not poor life since I was a child. , and have never seen much of the world. Although I have loved hearing about the deeds of heroes since I was a child, I have only developed a love for swordsmanship, but have not really put it into practice. However, in recent years, because I inherited my father's My mother’s inheritance gave me a fortune, so I decided to visit various places and see the world. I also wanted to fulfill my past wish and learn swordsmanship. Because of this, I was lucky enough to meet Miss Agnes. And I thanked her for a few pointers... It was a trivial help to her, but it was a great help to me. She couldn't help but teach me some introductory knowledge, and even opened a window for me. I saw a glorious world full of challenges and dignity..."

Edmund's words were full of emotion. On the one hand, he had thought them out beforehand, but on the other hand, they were also from the bottom of his heart. This is indeed how he viewed Agnes.

Telling lies requires half truths and half lies to impress people. Of course he understands this truth.

Agnes blinked repeatedly and looked at Edmund teasingly, as if to say, "You are more Parisian!"

After hearing his words, Bianca couldn't help but nodded.

"Well, it seems that Agnes still has some ability to see people, and she won't completely misjudge the person. Although you have not received any training, at least you are pursuing your dream... Pursuing your dream does not matter how long it takes. Late, that kind of pursuit is worthy of respect in itself.”

After she finished speaking, she looked at Edmund again and said, "Don't keep calling me Master. I don't like this title very much. Just call me Madam."

"Okay, ma'am." Edmund responded quickly.

"And..." Bianca raised her head again, "You must have heard about how I took Agnes as my disciple, right?"

"I've heard that before..." Edmund nodded again.

"Then you should know that I have only one standard for accepting disciples, and you naturally don't meet it."

"Yes, I know..." Edmund could only smile bitterly.

Bianca has only one criterion for accepting a disciple, that is, she must be a girl, and her appearance must pass the test. She has not even considered other talents...

This proves that he naturally has no chance of becoming her apprentice.

"You can't be my apprentice, but I can also give you some pointers." Bianca suddenly stood up, then spread her hands and looked at Edmund sternly, "Come on, Earl!"

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