Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-eight, dignity

"Come, Count!"

Bianca's voice was not loud, but it was full of fierce murderous intent.

Although she was not taller than Edmond Dantès, Edmond couldn't help but change his face at this moment, almost suffocating under the ruthless oppression.

Although Bianca did not have a weapon in her hand at this time, when he saw the look in her eyes, Edmund believed that she could easily kill him once she made a move.

Was this the kind of pressure His Majesty faced on the day he was assassinated... He suddenly thought of this.

Then he admired His Majesty even more for being able to remain calm in the face of such a terrifying person, saving his own life in a hurry, and even causing the other person to be slightly injured.

He put aside these distracting thoughts and took two steps back, with large beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Madam...what do you mean..."

"You came to visit me and I am entertaining you. Is there any problem with that?" Bianca replied calmly. "As a host, I should be hospitable to guests. What I am most proud of in my life is my swordsmanship. Apart from that, I have nothing to show for myself, and I think you are interested in me just for this reason - so, I should show it to you and let you see what you want to see..."

Wait, I admire your swordsmanship and you want to attack me?

Edmond Dantès was dumbfounded by her logic. No wonder Agnes kept saying that the teacher had a weird temper.

She is not violent or cruel, but has her own unique formal logic, which is different from ordinary people and difficult to understand.

But now is not the time for him to lament. The question now is, how should he deal with the current situation?

Fight with Bianca? Are you kidding me? Although His Majesty had Bianca injured before, even so, he is definitely no match.

He had to turn his head and cast a look at Agnes for help.

"Teacher, please spare him." Agnes was quite interesting, and immediately interceded for Edmund, "You have said that his skills are very poor, so wouldn't it be bullying if you attack him? Although the count admires your swordsmanship, he never said he wanted to challenge you... Finally, you have a guest, so don't scare him away."

"Scared away? If you will be scared away,

That means he is nothing more than that. People with integrity are never afraid of strong enemies. Bianca smiled coldly, "Sir, you just said you wanted to see the world. You said you found your dignity. You said it very well. I took it seriously - so, let us test your determination." how? There are many people in this world who are eloquent but shrink from battle. I am not sure if you are such a person. "

After she finished speaking, she continued to look at Edmund, as if asking - Is this the only strength you have?

Edmond Dantès suddenly felt a surge of blood.

What he just said was just for the occasion, and he was just trying to make up a story to arouse Bianca's interest. However, he did not expect that Bianca would take it seriously and then want to "test" himself.

There is no doubt that if he shrinks back, he will be despised by Bianca and will never get her attention again.

Moreover, he didn't want to back down.

He had faced life and death in a hail of bullets, and had seen people around him die one by one. He had already learned to ignore life and death.

Fear? It can't happen again.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat Bianca, but even so, he dared to take action against her. He fought relentlessly against the world and never hesitated because he was alone.

"Teacher, the count is my friend. If you make things difficult for me, I will be angry!" In this tense atmosphere, Agnes became a little anxious. "If you feel itchy and want to do something, then I will Let’s practice with you!”

"Miss Agnes, please stop talking." At this moment, Edmond Dantès interrupted Agnes, "Since the lady invites you so kindly, it would be too rude for me to refuse as a guest. - and I feel that it is an honor for me to allow the lady to test the strength of my will."

"Sir..." Agnes was stunned, "You have no chance, this is meaningless."

"It doesn't matter." Edmund shook his head. "If you don't dare to draw your sword because you are destined to lose, there will only be bullies left in this world, and there will be no heroes anymore."

Bianca could hear that the count was secretly mocking her, but she was not angry. She just raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "It's not that easy for you to call yourself a hero, sir. Not every loser is qualified to say that although he is Defeat is glorious, most people have probably never experienced the feeling of going all out in their entire lives——"

"Then, let me let you witness it!" Edmond Dantès raised his head and shouted back at the other party, "Maybe I am destined to be defeated miserably at your hands, but I will never succumb to your will."

Bianca said no more, just nodded indifferently.

At this time, Agnes couldn't say anything else. She could only sigh helplessly, then went to the weapon rack nearby to get two training swords, and then handed them to the two people.

"Teacher, this is just a pointer, don't use too much force!" In the end, she couldn't help but persuade Bianca.

But Bianca didn't notice it at all. She just held the sword in her hand tightly, and her eyes were all focused on the metal bar.

The originally fierce murderous aura began to slowly fade away, but Edmond Dantès felt that the pressure was even greater, and it was almost difficult to breathe.

But his will did not waver at all, and he picked up the sword without even shaking his hand.

In this way, the two people faced off in the wide hall, and Agnes stood on the edge as the referee.

Just like the calm before the storm, the flow of time seemed to slow down. Bianca slowly moved her eyes and then fell on him, seeming to be looking for the other party's flaws.

"Start!" Agnes shouted.

Bianca took two steps forward with her sword in hand.

Edmond Dantès didn't want to back down. Instead, he took a step forward and stabbed Bianca with his sword.

However, just when the sword was about to hit Bianca, he felt as if his eyes were dazzled. Bianca ducked sideways, and then he felt a sharp stinging sensation in his knee.


Being stabbed in such a vital part, Edmund inevitably let out a scream, and then couldn't help but kneel down on one knee.

Bianca made no further move, just stood in front of Edmund, frowning slightly, "It's too slow, and the posture of exerting force is wrong. Didn't Agnes brag about teaching you a few tricks? She taught you Like this? What a failure."

Agnes blushed, and then defended herself to the teacher. “I originally wanted to teach well, but I didn’t have enough time at the time!”

"Yes, I didn't have time to learn from you before, and I deeply regret it." Edmond Dantès gritted his teeth and endured the pain, but still stood up unsteadily, "But now, I have the opportunity to face people like you. Such a master...I am very happy and proud of you, just come here!"

"I will do it without you asking." Bianca replied calmly.

Then, after Edmund stood up again, he continued to face the opponent again. Although he was a little shaky, the fire burning in his eyes was enough to reflect his indomitable willpower.

However, in the next moment, he was hit again on the other knee, and then he let out another scream and fell to his knees on the ground.

Only now did Edmund understand that when he fought with Agnes before, although he also lost miserably, Agnes had been very merciful. If he had been merciless, he would have been even more embarrassed.

But even so, he still had no flinch or fear. Every time he was knocked down, no matter how painful his body was, he still gritted his teeth and stood up again. He was determined not to let Bianca underestimate him, and he didn't want to make others feel bad. Agnes knows people poorly and embarrasses her friends.

In this way, he stood up again and again and insisted on confronting Bianca.

Agnes couldn't bear to watch from the side. In her opinion, this was not a fight, but a unilateral devastation, without even a glimmer of victory, and completely meaningless.

She didn't understand what the teacher was thinking - the teacher was usually so conceited and proud, how could he take pleasure in bullying someone who couldn't resist?

She wanted to speak out to stop him, but the tenacity and unyielding determination displayed by Edmond Dantès forced her to remain silent with respect and quietly watch this completely one-sided duel.

Edmund only felt pain all over his body. Although the duel was only a training sword, the metal bar would still hurt if it hit someone. However, relying on the will he had trained in the past, he gritted his teeth and endured without giving in. No begging for mercy.

The pain inevitably made him feel dizzy, but strangely, he found that he could slowly see the angle and route of Bianca's sword.

He gritted his teeth and summoned up the little strength in his body to barely block Bianca's attack. As for counterattack, it was completely beyond his reach.

In the flash of lightning, the two swords kept intersecting. Edmund felt his blood surge, but he could only hold on. Just when he was able to breathe a little, he was hit by another sword in the chest. He took a breath of cold air, and then fell to one knee on the ground again.

Looking at Edmund gasping for breath on the ground, Bianca stopped her hand again, stood beside him, and then nodded slightly, "The talent is very good, and the movements are quite coordinated, but it's a pity... It’s too late and you’ve missed the most precious time. Alas, you’re destined to be unable to achieve high achievements in the future.”

Edmund vaguely remembered that Agnes had said the same about him before. He had already accepted the result, so he didn't feel any regret.

He was just curious because Bianca's tone seemed to sincerely regret her position.

This is not her style.

"Get up...that's it." Bianca sighed softly, and then seemed a little uninterested.

Then, she walked to the shelf, put the sword in her hand back on the shelf, and continued. "You said you have dignity and will. I tested it and I did see it - Mr. Count, you are not just talking about it."

Edmund was still a little confused, but at least he knew that he no longer had to be abused, because Bianca had recognized him.

He staggered and stood up again, but this time his legs were so painful that he could no longer stand, and he could only reluctantly use his sword as a crutch to lean on the ground to support himself.

"Are you okay, Earl?" Agnes walked to his side and looked at him with concern.

How could any man say no at this time?

"It's okay...I'm fine." Edmund replied with a trembling voice.

The expression on Agnes's face became very strange, as if she was saying, 'Why are you so brave at this time?'

Then she turned back and looked at the teacher reproachfully, "Teacher, do you find it interesting to bully people like this? He is my friend, and I want to avenge him!"

"Okay, stop making trouble. If you want to fight with me, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Bianca interrupted her apprentice, "That's it for today. Agnes, come with me and let the count be here." Take a rest and regain your strength.”

After finishing speaking, she ignored Agnes's protest and pulled her directly to her resting room.

"Teacher, what are you doing today? You know that he is incompetent, but you still do such a heavy trick. Are you embarrassed?" She complained to the teacher again.

"I approve of him," Bianca interrupted.

"Huh?" Agnes was a little confused.

"Although this man is a bit older and has average skills, he has some backbone and courage, and he seems to be relatively self-disciplined. He is considered a good man - so it's not impossible for you to take a liking to him. I agree."

It took Agnes a few seconds to figure out what the teacher was talking about.

Then, she suddenly blushed, and then she was so angry that she raised her hand and pointed at her teacher, "What nonsense are you talking about? He is just my friend!"

"Just friends?" Bianca was a little suspicious, "This is the first time you have brought a man in front of me. Shouldn't I think so?"

"You are really old, and you have random thoughts all day long." Agnes shouted back at her teacher, "I tell you, he is really just my friend. I admire him as a person and am happy to help. Him, but that doesn’t mean I have any other ideas... There are many boys in the world who are better than him..."

"Oh? What about?" Bianca seemed to have noticed something, and then asked.

Agnes blushed, but her aggressive expression changed at this time, and she just lowered her head and said nothing.

"It seems there is." Bianca nodded with interest.

"Who is he and where is he?"

"Stop asking!" Agnes interrupted anxiously, "I didn't say anything!"

As she spoke, she thought of that person's hateful appearance again, and her heart suddenly became filled with anger and frustration.

Seeing that Agnes was angry, helpless, and a little shy, Bianca had some idea. "It seems that it is really possible."

"No!" Agnes retorted loudly, but she seemed a little lacking in confidence.

"Why don't you go and bring him here?" Bianca asked.

"He's married!" Agnes blurted out.

Then she covered her mouth, regretting that she had said the wrong thing.

"This is not simple. If you go to duel with his wife, as long as his wife dies, won't it be over?" Bianca asked with some confusion. "I think no one will dislike you. As long as his wife is dead, no one will be an obstacle."

Agnes blushed.

"Ah, are you afraid of killing innocent people indiscriminately? That doesn't matter. The teacher is not afraid. After all, it doesn't matter if I help you with the master-disciple relationship. Tell me where he and his wife are, and I will just kill her."

"Shut up, old lady!"

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