Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-one, rights and disputes

Egron could tell that although Haidee had initially possessed the self-awareness of a monarch, she still didn't understand specific things at all.

However, this was originally the result of his deliberate creation, so he was not dissatisfied with it.

Now Haiidee is completely attached to him and obeys his orders, so he can control the kingdom as he pleases without worrying about her ambitions and causing trouble for himself for no reason.

It was noon, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Even standing on a high ground, Eggron felt the sweltering heat. When he looked at Haidee, he found that she was sweating a lot on her forehead.

This was also normal. Aigron felt so hot even after taking off his coat and only wearing a shirt. Naturally, Haidee in a long skirt would feel even more uncomfortable.

"Let's go down and rest," he ordered Haidee.

"Yeah." Haiidee would not question his order, but just nodded, and then took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her head.

When the two of them walked off the construction site, the person in charge of this construction site immediately greeted them.

"Is our lunch ready?" Aggron asked.

"It's ready, Your Majesty." The person in charge quickly replied, "But, please forgive me, the conditions here are limited. Even though we have tried our best to prepare, I'm afraid it will make you feel crude."

"It doesn't matter, we are here for inspection, not for ostentation, and your energy should not be on the reception, but on your own duties." Aigron replied casually, "I am quite satisfied with the progress here , please continue to work hard and strictly abide by the progress of the plan."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" After being praised by Aigron, the person in charge was overjoyed, and repeatedly assured Aigron, "Please rest assured, we will guarantee the progress!"

After finishing speaking, he was going to take the two "Your Majesties" Aigron and Haide to have dinner together.

However, to everyone's surprise, Haiidee suddenly stopped, and then looked at the people who were still working under the scorching sun.

"When do they rest?" she asked the person in charge.

"Well..." The person in charge pondered for a moment, then looked at Aigron.

Although both of them are Your Majesty, anyone with a normal IQ knows which one to please, and which one should prevail.

Aigron gestured that he knew everything about Haidee.

After getting Egron's permission, the person in charge replied to Haiide, "Your Majesty, they go to work at eight o'clock in the morning and end at six o'clock in the afternoon. If they sometimes need to catch up with the progress, they will be later."

"Don't you take a break for lunch?" asked Haidee.

"Yes, but they are eating on the construction site, and it's not time now." The person in charge quickly replied, "After eating, they will continue to work until the end of work."

"That's too tiring..." Haiidee looked at the people who were still working, and whispered. "They still have to work hard in this weather, won't they get sick?"

The person in charge suddenly became embarrassed, and then secretly glanced at Aigron.

Aigron has ordered many times to ensure the progress of the plan, and to keep a close eye on the time. Since he has spurred the subordinates, the subordinates will naturally increase their implementation, making the labor intensity very strict.

Of course Aigron knew that his actions would lead to the death of some people, but for him, the conscripts this time were mainly prisoners and captives. He didn't feel bad about dying at all. not give a damn about

If he wants to save money and time, he has to pay the corresponding price, and he is willing to pay.

"It's indeed a hard job, but their hard work is worth it." Aigron spoke in a timely manner, dispelling the embarrassment of the person in charge, "Haidee, you may not see anything now, but when When our whole project is completed, your people will benefit greatly from it, and future generations will be grateful to them."

Of course I would not be grateful. Who would remember the dead buried in mass graves around the construction site? They will only remember Aegron who ordered the construction of these aqueducts, or at most the engineers who designed them, all the time and all over the world.

However, these words are enough for Hunong Haiidee, she blinked her eyes and stopped asking.

"Okay, let's go, don't delay the work of people here." Aigron made a gesture.

Haiidee took one last look at the construction site, which was still in full swing, with sympathy in her eyes, but she didn't say anything else, and left with Aigron.

Since it was a construction site, of course the living conditions would not be very good. It was just a few pergolas built on a flat ground. The largest pergola received Egron and Haidee for lunch.

The person in charge brought the two His Majesties to the dining table, and it could be seen that they did their best to receive His Majesty. Although the dishes on the table were not luxurious, they were plentiful, including chicken and beef, inferior left-handed wine, and various dishes. Fresh milk that I knew where to get it, and some fruits picked from around, were all placed on the table.

After walking around here all morning, Aigron was a little hungry, so he picked up the tableware and prepared to start work, but Haiidee didn't eat immediately, but asked the person in charge again.

"The workers here, what do they usually eat? Are they the same as us?"

The person in charge froze again, then laughed off the stupid question. "In order to ensure the progress of the project, we will try our best to ensure the food supply for every worker, Your Majesty."

Haiidee heard the real meaning of the other party from this answer.

"Can you explain it to me in detail?" she pressed.

Seeing her reluctance, the person in charge pleaded with Aigron again, but Aigron just sighed and motioned for the other party to answer the truth.

So, the person in charge took Haiide to the kitchen where the workers were cooking for a look. After a while, Haiide came back, and her face became quite ugly.

Seeing her fidgeting, Aigron waved his hand and signaled the person in charge to go out.

Then, Eggron ignored Haidee and picked up the tableware to eat by himself.

"Your Majesty...please allow me to tell what I saw." Seeing his calm expression, Haiide couldn't sit still, so she whispered to him, "The people here eat very poorly, only mashed potatoes , wheat cakes, and broth with no visible meat..."

"But at least they have something to eat, don't they?" Eggron said, cutting himself a piece of beef and putting it in his mouth, and took a sip of fresh milk by the way, "I stipulate that they can eat two meals a day, which is enough for them to dry up." alive."

"This little food is not enough to cope with such a long time of labor! They can't last." Haiidee was a little anxious, and then argued to him, "Don't you think this is too harsh?"

"Look at it dialectically," Aigron replied, "although we may be a little harsh on them, but with their special status, if I don't treat them like this, they can't escape the same bad luck, either die of abuse or death." From this point of view, I am relatively kind to them, at least they have a chance to survive, don't they?"

Haidee was suddenly at a loss for words. This was the first time she had experienced Eggron's eloquent tongue, so she didn't know how to respond for a while.

Moreover, subconsciously, she had a sense of fear of "Your Majesty is irreversible", and she dared not argue with His Majesty anymore.

But in her young and kind heart, she still disagrees with this statement.

"You said that everyone is equal, and you spoke out against slavery..." she whispered.

"Yes, I said that, but there is another thing I didn't say." Aigron put down the tableware, and then replied sternly, "I will not treat people equally without cost, and everyone who is my enemy should pay a certain amount." Only after paying a price can I get my forgiveness and respect. Take these people for example. They have either committed crimes or fought against me before. In other words, they have all caused me losses. In this case, they should It is right to atone for the previous offense. Now is the time for them to atone for their sins. If they can survive after paying blood and sweat for the Principality, then it proves that they have been reborn and are eligible to become citizens of the Principality and enjoy the treatment of free people. Is it good? Assuming they don't make it through, it's just a doomed end."

Haiide knew in her heart that His Majesty's words were actually somewhat reasonable, but she still couldn't bear to recall what she had just seen.

"There are more Frenchmen who have betrayed you and turned against you...Are you going to do the same to them all?" she asked again.

Hearing this question, Aigron was not angry, on the contrary he wanted to laugh a little.

Haiidee was indeed growing, and his thinking ability, logic, and debate skills had all improved a lot, and he was even a little relieved.

"Of course not." Then, he replied easily, "There are too many French people who opposed me. They overthrew the empire I inherited. I can't take revenge on everyone one by one. I can only choose forgiveness and forgiveness." Reconciliation. The people's bargaining power comes from what they can bring to the ruler, what the latter says they can threaten, the French have proven that they can overthrow the dynasty and cut off the head of the monarch, so of course I have to be careful... But the people here are different. They dare not resist me, and they are powerless to resist me, so they can only accept all the harshness I bring to them. Isn't this a matter of course? Haiide, you are already a monarch , so you have to believe that all the concessions made by the monarch to the people were won by the people themselves with strength and blood. There has never been a savior. The French are bolder, so they should have more rights than the people of Ioannina And the mercy of the king, this is not unfair, this is precisely the greatest justice."

After finishing speaking, as if to increase his persuasiveness, Aigron added, "After overthrowing my throne, the Bourbon dynasty returned to France, and as soon as their leader, King Louis XVIII, set foot on the border of France Just announced that he wants to reconcile, he wants to heal the pain of the past, and he wants to admit that France exists as a constitutional government. Is it because he is inherently soft-hearted? Wrong, that is what the French people paid for with endless blood!"

Speaking of excitement, Aigron simply raised his hand again, pointing to the workers outside who were still working hard under the scorching sun, "If, these people can unite, rush towards us bravely and kill us all!" guards, then they can let us promise whatever they want us to promise, even killing the king and establishing a country, but since they can’t do it, they have to accept all the disasters I brought them, they are not worthy of reconciliation Compared to the people over there."

Haiide took a deep breath, then subconsciously looked outside the arbor, as if to confirm whether there was really a group of people desperately besieging them.

After confirming that everything was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, she realized that objectively, she and His Majesty are on the same side now, no matter how much she sympathizes with those people outside, they are still opposed to each other in terms of positions.

Clearly knowing that His Majesty was making unreasonable words, but felt that he seemed to be right. This kind of contradictory situation made Haiide almost at a loss for what to do.

Seeing her tangled look, Aigron couldn't help laughing again.

"Haidee, it is good that you have a kind heart and concern for the welfare of the people, and it shows that you will be a popular monarch. However, you have not been really trained to distinguish kindness from position. Not Teresa, who knows when to be kind and when to turn a blind eye."

"How could I be comparable to Her Majesty Teresa..." Haiide was a little discouraged.

She looked at the food spread on the table again, and then looked at Aigron again.

"Then, Your Majesty, at least I can try my best to improve their treatment? I can't manage the principality's finances, but I can manage my stomach. I can't eat that much every day. So much food is a waste. You can cut some and spend the food and money you save on the people here, and I think you can say yes to this trivial request?"

Seeing Haidee's eyes full of expectation, Eggron laughed dumbly in his heart.

As the monarch of the principality, Haiidee's daily meals are naturally quite rich, and most of them are indeed wasted, but even if these things are saved, what can they do? Not enough to feed these workers more than half a day.

Stupid little favors are just a woman's benevolence, and Aigron will not do this kind of superficial work.

He wanted to be an emperor, not to become a Puritan. On the contrary, he wanted to have power and taste all the luxury and enjoyment brought by power.

These two purposes have always been one, otherwise what is the purpose of people fighting for power?

However, since this is Haiide's request, he is also willing to grant her this little wish, so let's take it as psychological comfort.

"Okay, just do as you said, cut your meal budget in half, and use the saved money to give extra meals to people on the construction site." He replied with a smile, "Are you satisfied with this?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Haidee replied excitedly.

Not only for my kindness, but also for my little stubbornness being recognized by His Majesty.

She feels that she is growing up, and she hopes to grow up as soon as possible to become a qualified monarch and a qualified vassal of His Majesty. She knows that she still has a lot to learn, but she knows that she must learn it.

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