Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-two, great gift

After finishing the inspection of the aqueduct project, Aigron returned to the city of Ioannina with Haidee.

For Haidee, she has completed the "work" entrusted to her by His Majesty, and can now rest peacefully. For Aigron, there is still a lot of work that belongs to him, and he must continue to do it non-stop.

However, after dinner, he received a surprise gift.

At that time, he was preparing to review documents in his study, and his secretary came to him and reported to him. "Your Majesty, the Count of Monte Cristo's report has been sent. Along with it is a special gift."

"A special gift...?" Aigron immediately became interested when he saw his mysterious look, so he nodded, "Okay, let's get them all together."

Soon, someone came over with a big box and opened the box.

Aigron took a closer look and saw that there was actually a picture frame inside because it was covered with gauze, so he couldn't see clearly what was drawn.

"Why, was our venerable Lord Count of Monte Cristo corrupted in Paris? He was actually tainted with the artistic atmosphere?" Aigron laughed and made a joke, while gesturing to order someone to open the gauze.

The gauze was slowly opened, and under the bright candlelight, Aigron slowly saw the pictures on the canvas clearly.

The first thing he discovered was that it was a portrait painting, and that four of the people were women, three were adults, and one looked like a baby. The adult women have different styles and ages, but they are all painted beautifully, and their clothing and appearance are all lifelike.

"Huh?" Soon, he discovered that there were two people he knew inside.

"Isn't this Alice and Agnes?" he couldn't help blurting out.

His mind was a little confused and he didn't quite understand why Edmond Dantès would specially send him such a painting. Gradually, his eyes moved towards the woman other than Alice and the two sisters, and he observed her carefully.

This woman was probably close to forty years old. She had a beautiful appearance, but her attitude was arrogant, and she looked like she would not let strangers approach her.

She seemed to be an ordinary and arrogant lady, but he felt that he had some impression of her in Momo Lake.

For a moment, the thunder he heard on Milan Cathedral that night seemed to ring in his ears again.

"Bianca!" he shouted.

As the name that filled him with hatred could not be called out, the wound on his left shoulder seemed to be aching again, reminding him of how close to death he had been that night.

He has always been a person who holds grudges. From the day he woke up after being seriously injured, he has never forgotten the anger and shame of that night. He has long secretly vowed to take revenge.

It's her, it's her... I found you! His heart was screaming.

However, neither anger nor joy went to his mind. He was curious about how Edmund could come up with such a thing to report to him.

He looked at the painting carefully again. In addition to the three adult women, the baby had blond hair and blue eyes and was very cute. His appearance was also similar to Alice's. It seemed that it should be Xia Lu without a doubt.

He is indeed a very cute child. I have to say that although Edgar's personal conduct and ability are poor, his genes are really good. Coupled with Alice, who is also a great beauty, the combination of the two will definitely not give birth to a daughter. ugly.

In other words, this is a painting painted by Edgar? For a moment, Aigron suddenly figured out his thoughts.

With a trace of curiosity, he asked someone to bring over the letter Edmund put in the box, then opened it and read it carefully.

Sure enough, his doubts were all explained in the letter. Edmond Dantès described in detail how Bianca visited the family of the Marquis of Treville and was deceived by the Marquis into painting this painting; he also reported The detailed process of his visit to Bianca, as well as some information he summarized about Bianca. In addition, enclosed was a sketch of the surroundings of Bianca's apartment in Paris.

For this letter, Aigron felt as if he had found a treasure, and he was even happier than receiving any important treasure.

First of all, he confirmed that Bianca was not lying. She was Agnes's teacher, and this person really existed in the world. In this way, he would have someone to take revenge on, which was better than being given a false name and wanting revenge but getting nothing.

Secondly, since Bianca is active in Paris and can enter and leave the palace, it means that she must have contacts with the powerful people in Paris, and the person behind the scenes who instigated her to assassinate her must be among them.

The combination of these two points is equivalent to pointing out the direction for him.

When he thought that the target of his revenge had been targeted, Aigron felt extremely happy.

At this time, he put aside those emotions and looked at the painting carefully with appreciation.

It has to be said that Edgar is indeed a very talented painter, and after many years of experience, his painting skills have become perfect. Eggron has seen the three adult women in the painting, so he was amazed that Edgar actually painted them. They are so lifelike and each has its own charm.

Alice's gentleness and charm, Agnes's cuteness and cleverness, and Bianca's arrogance and indifference. He grasped the temperaments of the three people extremely accurately, exuding their own charm in the painting, just like the person himself. Just like standing in front of yourself.

However, from another aspect, only when these three beauties come together can Edgar be able to capture their charm, and then he can draw like a god and restore them themselves on the canvas.

After all, Aiglon received a royal education since he was a child. Although he has no interest in art, he still has a good appreciation level. Therefore, the more he looks at this painting, the more he becomes involved. Who doesn't like to see beauties?

While watching, Agron recalled every detail of his contact with Agnes. For some reason, Agnes was so angry that she wanted to beat him up after being teased or bullied by him. His most nostalgic look.

And Alice and Bianca are also very good... They are both beautiful and have their own charms. Even if one is a married woman and the other is trying to kill her enemy, their appearance and charm will not be the same. changed because of this.

If they were just put together, there might not be much, but when the three of them are in the same frame, coupled with Edgar's wonderful writing, the charm is almost overwhelming.

For Leon next to him, the mental impact may not be that big, because he was just looking at the beauties in the painting, but Aigron, who had seen them in real life, was deeply moved.

It was precisely because they were so outstanding and so out of the ordinary that he was fascinated by them.

When I return to France, it would be great if I could actually put the three of them together for myself to see...

Aigron looked at it and suddenly felt that he "upright".

Oops...Aigron suddenly panicked.

He was surrounded by his subordinates, and they were all paying attention to him, so he couldn't embarrass himself in front of them.

His eyes hurriedly but reluctantly moved away from them and fell on Xia Lu directly below. At this time, Xia Lu was holding a bouquet of flowers and looking at him with a smile, as cute as a little angel.

Xia Lu felt good-looking too... He found that the fire surging in his veins had not been extinguished.

Stop! I can't think about it anymore, this is about to break through the lower limit of human beings!

Aiglon bit his lip quickly and finally managed to maintain his composure.

He secretly cursed himself for being so unsatisfactory, probably because he had been holding back a little too much anger recently.

At this moment, Chanel walked in curiously. She had just heard Aigron calling out Bianca's name. She didn't know what was going on, so she came to see the fun.

If it were anyone else, the guards outside the door would not allow them to come in and out at will. However, although Chanel was just a maid, she had the privilege of not needing to communicate with Aiglon, so she came to the room easily.

As soon as she entered, she found Aigron staring intently at the painting in front of her.

"Your Majesty...what's wrong with you?" Chanel asked curiously.

Aigron was interrupted from his thoughts and finally calmed down. He turned to look at Chanel. "Chanel, I received a gift from Edmund. To be precise, it's a painting painted by Edgar."

"Mr. Edgar?" Chanel became even more curious. She couldn't help but move next to Aigron, and then looked at him intently.

"Ah! Isn't this Mrs. Alice and Miss Agnes? Then this child must be Miss Charlotte? It's so beautiful and cute!" She commented while looking at it, "By the way, this lady Who is it?"

"It's Bianca," Aiglon replied softly. "Bianca, Agnes's master."

"Huh?!" Chanel obviously thought about what this answer meant, so she let out a scream.

"So it's her?" She opened her eyes wide, filled with hatred, and looked at the portrait of Bianca in the painting carefully, as if she wanted to remember this person deep in her soul.

Bianca had assassinated His Majesty, so to Chanel, she was even more hateful than her father-killing enemy. If Bianca were in front of her at this time, she would have just raised the knife and charged forward.

Seeing her gnashing her teeth, Aigron made a gesture for everyone else to get out.

Laian understood and immediately led the people out and closed the door.

"Chanel, Edmond did a great job. Not only did he find this person and draw her appearance for me to confirm, he also found out her whereabouts in Paris." Aigron said, while putting Egron on Demon's letter was shown to Chanel.

He didn't need to keep it secret from Chanel.

"Great, Your Majesty!" Chanel nodded excitedly, "This is God's will... God will never allow such a despicable offense to you. She must be punished in the most severe way!"

Agron frowned, "How to punish her is actually not that simple. After all, she is Agnes's teacher..."

Chanel stopped, looked at Aiglon, and said nothing.

"Although Edmund didn't say it explicitly, I can tell from between the lines that he really doesn't want us to break with Agnes. He has a very good impression of Agnes." Agron continued to explain.

"I'm afraid the same is true for you, Your Majesty..." Chanel said Aiglon's subtext to the point.

Agron did not blush, but nodded, "Agnes and Bianca have a very deep friendship. If I really execute Bianca, even if there is a reason, Agnes will definitely hate me. I don't want to so."

"Then she doesn't hate you now? You have offended her several times." Chanel complained again.

"That kind of hatred is a trivial matter, and no one will take it seriously, but Bianca is different." Aigron shook his head, "For example, I can't even count the blood of innocent people on my hands. Yes, but one day a suffering master comes to me for revenge and wants to kill me, do you think this is appropriate? Will you allow that suffering master to kill me, even if it is just revenge?"

Chanel was silent. She also knew what Aigron's metaphor meant to her.

"Then what are you going to do with Bianca? Are you just going to let her go?" Chanel asked.

"No, that's definitely not possible. She is not only murdering my body, but also tarnishing the honor of the Bonaparte family. It is impossible not to pay the price for it." Aigron frowned, "Lock her up How about getting up? Detained forever until I get over it."

"Of course I have no objection, Your Majesty." Chanel turned away and replied in a low voice, "I'm afraid that Miss Agnes will ask you for mercy again, and then you will be soft-hearted and forgive Bianca again. You Are you hoping for such a result? Then you can justifiably..."

"Ahem..." Aigron quickly planned what Shanel would say.

"Chanel, why are you suddenly sarcastic to me?" he asked dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, how dare I be sarcastic to you?" Chanel looked at Aigron aggrievedly, "I just said what I was thinking. Do you think I should hide it from you?"

"Then what's your dissatisfaction?" Aigron asked.

"I have no dissatisfaction with your opinion. To me, your will is the golden rule that should be implemented." Chanel bit her lip, "However, I feel that for someone who tried to murder you and even seriously injured you, People should not be so tolerant, even...even if she is a close relative of Miss Agnes, you should not be like this. Your affection for Miss Agnes is a good thing, but you should not give in on issues of principle."

Aiglon was silent.

Although Chanel's opinion is only for reference to him, he has already regarded Chanel as his relative, so it is impossible for him to ignore Chanel's feelings.

Besides, many other people also knew about it. If they knew that they had let Bianca go so easily, what would they think?

Like Edmund, Aigron had a slight headache.

Forget it, let's let it go for now, Bianca hasn't fallen into his hands yet anyway.

His attention returned to the painting. There were more important things to do now.

"Okay, Chanel, we can discuss this later." He asked ambiguously. "Now, let's take a break?"

"You don't have to ask me for any advice." Chanel blushed, then lowered her head and answered. "But...now? Yeah!"

As she screamed, Aigron picked her up.

"Chanel, there is no need to be jealous of her. You are my relative. If there is anyone you want me to pardon, even if it is my enemy, I will agree."

After finishing speaking, Aigron swept the documents, papers and pens on the floor with all his strength, making room for her, and then placed her on his desk.

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