Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-three, deep love and gifts

Aigron was particularly passionate because he was ignited by Edgar's paintings, and Chanel has been cooperating to bear everything and enjoying everything, but she has been struggling not to make a sound, only the table and body The swaying sound proved the spring that was rippling in the room just now.

The reason why she did this was because Aigron's study was very close to the bedroom, where His Highness Teresa was resting, and she did not dare to let her dissolute noise disturb His Highness's rest.

Although Teresa had actually acquiesced to her affair with His Majesty, she knew what was appropriate and would never dare to demonstrate to His Majesty, let alone let His Majesty suspect that she was demonstrating.

She also knew that if she wanted to enjoy today's special status, she must have a good relationship with Her Majesty Theresa. No matter how much His Majesty cares about her, she must maintain the utmost respect and respect for her.

If he is really proud of his favor and competes with Her Majesty Theresa, then he will only cause trouble to His Majesty. He has too many important things to do now and will not tolerate a troublesome maid. In the end, after his wife Between him and the maid, he will definitely make a wise choice.

In order to prevent such evil consequences from coming true, she must take precautions from the beginning and never allow herself to quarrel with His Highness and become her enemy.

What Chanel didn't know was that her coy and clenched teeth made her look like a wife having an affair behind her husband's back, which reminded Agron even more of the person in the painting, and therefore made him even more excited. It usually lasts a bit longer.

However, human energy is limited after all. In the end, amid the dull roar, everything fell into silence.

Agron carried Chanel to the sofa, then hugged her tenderly, feeling the aftereffects of the incident, and his eyes fell on the painting that ignited his desire just now.

Needless to say, Agnes is determined to win; as for Bianca, since she dares to assassinate him, if one day she falls into his hands, he can naturally use any method to manipulate her, including but not limited to what he did today. past things.

But what about Alice?

no! That was Edgar's wife, the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Treville. Although he looked down upon Edgar, he respected the general. The general was also his appointed important servant and helper. There was no substitute for him now. In this case, it was impossible for him to offend Alice.

Besides, although he had only met her once, he could also see that Alice was a smart, chaste and self-controlled woman who would not commit herself to him for fame or fortune; and as a king, if he treated his servant's wife To put it bluntly, it's too embarrassing. It's a joke if told, and it's definitely a stain on history.

Sigh... So, let’s give up on this idea.

Aigron has always been a person who can afford to take things and let them go. Since he felt that it was unreasonable and unfeasible, he gave up the evil thoughts that had just been ignited by the portrait.

He withdrew his gaze again and looked at Chanel in his arms.

Chanel seemed to be extremely satisfied. Her face was flushed with a happy smile. She lay her head on Aigron's chest and kept looking at the young man.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you like this painting very much." She said softly.

"Yes, regardless of the original intention, this is also an outstanding painting in itself." Aigron nodded, "Edgar gave me an unexpected surprise."

"Then what do you plan to do with it?" Chanel asked.

"Since it's a good thing and it's a gift from someone else, I'll keep it." Aigron replied casually, "Just hang it in this study."

"But... what if someone sees her?" Chanel seemed a little hesitant.

"What do I hang? Do I need to pay attention to what others think?" Aigron was a little confused.

But from Chanel's eyes, Agron suddenly understood that what she was talking about about others actually meant, "What will Her Majesty Teresa do if she finds out?"

This is also a problem...

What would Teresa think if she knew she had the portraits of Agnes and Alice hanging in her study?

Even if she didn't think much about it, it seemed a bit excessive.

"So what should I do? Destroy it? Hide it secretly? That doesn't seem appropriate either, and it's such a waste."

Seeing Aigron's embarrassed look, Chanel couldn't help but feel a little worried.

She thought for a while, and then came up with an idea, "Your Majesty, how about you just give it to Her Majesty Teresa directly? I think she will like this gift very much. After all, Xia Lu is so cute."

Aigron was stunned for a moment, then suddenly overjoyed.

Yes, wouldn’t this solve the problem? If Teresa accepts this gift, it means that she has also received it. Moreover, if it belongs to her in name, then she will not mind the "appearance" of the two Agnes sisters.

"Chanel, you are actually quite smart." Aigron couldn't help but kiss her cheek as a reward.

"I don't have the brains of your two highnesses..." Chanel blushed, "I can only give you some advice occasionally."

In this way, after the two of them were warm for a while, they got dressed.

The passion just now had no trace left on the two of them. Chanel even wiped the young man's body carefully. However, the lingering strange smell in the study still stubbornly told people that this place What happened just now.

After confirming that everything was fine, Agron picked up the picture frame and went to his bedroom, while Theresa was currently on the balcony looking at the last sunset scenery outside.

Her belly was already swollen, and she looked so soft and peaceful sitting on the rocking recliner, just like any mother who is waiting expectantly for the birth of her child.

"Teresa!" Eggron shouted.

"Huh? Your Highness?" After hearing Aigron's voice, Teresa turned around in surprise and looked at her husband, "Are you done?"

"Yeah, I'm really tired after walking around outside the city for a day today." Aigron replied with a smile.

Teresa looked at her husband and suddenly noticed his hands, "Your Highness, what is in your hand? Is it a painting?"

"Yes, it's a painting. To be precise, it's a painting that Edgar commissioned Edmund to send." Aiglon replied calmly. "This is his gift to me."

As he spoke, he showed the painting in front of Theresa.

Teresa looked carefully at the painting and then recognized Agnes.

Although she had never met Alice and Xia Lu, she could guess their identities from Aigron's description. As for the other noble lady, she had no clue at all.

"This is a very good painting. The brushwork is very flexible, but the basic skills are also very solid." She commented casually, "Who is this lady?"

"Bianca, the Bianca who assassinated me." Aigron answered.

"What!" Like Chanel, after learning the news, Teresa was first shocked, then furious, looking at Bianca in the painting with indignation, "It's actually her?!"

Agron nodded, and then told Teresa exactly what Edmund said in the letter.

Only then did Theresa understand, but the anger in her heart had not faded.

She opened her eyes angrily again and stared at Bianca. There were not many people in the world who could make her lose her temper like this. Bianca might not know that she had received such an honor.

"It's great to find her..." After a moment, Teresa finally regained her composure, "When we return to France, we must make her suffer the punishment she deserves!"

"Well, this is inevitable." Aigron also agreed with the other party, "However, this is a matter for the future. Theresa, I think the painting itself is quite good."

"It's not bad." Teresa also agreed.

Aigron specifically pointed at Xia Lu, "Look, how cute Xia Lu is in the painting! It would be great if our children were as cute as this."

This blond baby, with his happy smile, infected the two of them, even making them temporarily forget their hatred.

"There must be, because they are our children." Teresa replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "Our children will definitely be beautiful and intelligent, and they will be the best children in the world..."

"I hope so too." Aigron couldn't help laughing, "Then I gave this painting to you, just think it's a good omen. Edgar deliberately painted like this. On the one hand, he wanted to make me Confirming Bianca’s identity, on the other hand, I want to please my daughter and let us know Xia Lu... Well, I think we should not live up to his enthusiasm."

"Okay." At this time, what Theresa wanted to hear most was the child, so Agron said this, and she easily accepted it. She looked at Xia Lu in the painting from time to time, and she did feel a little envious in her heart.

She hated Edgar, but she had to admit that he had a very cute daughter.

"If we go to France in the future, I would be happy to invite her to be with me. I think it will be fun." She said with emotion.

"Yes, I think so too." Aigron agreed casually. "If our first child is a son, what do you think about having her as our daughter-in-law in the future?"

"How can that be done?" Teresa rejected it almost without thinking. "Our son will marry a princess in the future! No matter how cute she is, she is nothing more than the daughter of your servant."

As a mother who was pregnant for the first time, Teresa was full of enthusiasm for her unborn child. Before she got married, she had already discussed with her mother that her dream at that time was to have a wedding with His Highness. Branches and leaves spread, carrying forward this family.

This is especially true for the eldest son. She has already planned a route in her mind. If the couple really comes to France, then the eldest son will be the crown prince. He must marry a foreign princess to be worthy of his status. .

It would be best if there is a marriageable princess abroad. If not, then she will beg her parents to find a princess from a branch of the Habsburg family and let the crown prince marry his cousin. Nor will he humiliate his own children.

In Teresa's opinion this was as natural as His Highness and her marriage.

She simply couldn't imagine any other way of life for herself and His Highness's child.

As for Theresa's idea, Agron was a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion, the Bonaparte family has never had any so-called divinity of bloodline talent, and others would not believe that this small landowning family that farmed on the broken island decades ago could have any divine bloodline. Can rely on its own wisdom and force to maintain its rule.

In other words, if the heir to the Bonaparte family is mediocre and incompetent, it will be useless to marry a hundred princesses. Should he be ousted, he will still be ousted. If the heir is capable, what will happen if he marries a commoner?

Alice is so smart, Xia Lu should also be smart, and she is very beautiful, which seems quite suitable to him.

However, he did not intend to say these words, so as not to make Teresa unhappy. It was too unnecessary to think about future marriage before the child was born.

In short, now that his goal has been achieved, that's enough.

"Then where do we hang this painting?" Aigron asked.

"Just hang it on the wall above my dresser," Teresa replied casually.

Eggron picked up the frame and brought it to the corresponding location, then fixed it to the wall with nails and tools.

After Agron hung it up, he admired the painting again.

Speaking of which, although the couple owns a large fortune and owns a country, this is the first time they have collected art.

"This is our first collection." He said with emotion, "But in the future, we should have many, many more."

"Then let's set a small goal? More than dad!" Teresa replied with a smile.

"That's incomparable. Your father has an entire palace's collection." Aigron smiled bitterly.

This is no joke. When Archduke Karl was young, he was adopted by his aunt who had no children. His aunt married the Duke of Cieshen, and the Duke's biggest hobby in life was art collection.

After the death of the Duke and Duchess of Cieszyn, these highly valuable works of art and palaces were inherited by Archduke Karl, and later became the assets of the Austrian state after World War I, which is the famous Albertina Art Museum.

It can be said that Teresa grew up among these art treasures. Before Eglogna fled on Christmas Eve, he met Teresa in the Albertina Palace, and she took him on a tour there. After a while, I acted as an explanation.

Although it was just over a year ago, when Aigron thought about it now, he felt that it had been a long time.

"So let's work hard, Your Highness~" Teresa looked at her husband with a smile, "We have more children than father, and we have more collections than father. We must be better than him in everything, so that he will feel at ease. Already..."

Aigron looked at his wife, feeling quite moved.

Then he possessed her and kissed her on the lips.

"My dear, when the time comes I will give you the Louvre, and you will win."

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