Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-eight, lectures and trends

"I can't say there isn't..."

Mr. Beauvain's words aroused the curiosity of Edmond Dantès. He did not speak, but waited quietly for the other party to make up his mind.

When it comes to murder and arson, he is certainly an expert, but when it comes to playing with money and making waves on the stock exchange, even ten of him would not be able to match Bo Wang.

His Majesty often warned him to be modest and listen more to experts, and he always kept this warning in his heart.

Bowang didn't hold back and immediately expressed his thoughts.

"My boss is old. He doesn't have much energy or ambition to further expand his career. His biggest wish now is to retire safely so that the family fortune he has accumulated in the past half of his life can be safely passed on to his children and grandchildren. .”

"I can see this too." Edmund still remembered the time when he visited Mr. Poncena with Prince Lucien's letter of introduction. The polite old man might have had some respect for Prince Lucien. Grateful, but not at all enthusiastic about the Bonaparte family's career - that's why he introduced his right-hand subordinate Beauvin to Edmond, which was equivalent to pushing all the troubles (and potential opportunities) to Edmond Your trusted right-hand man. "So how are you going to convince him?"

"Since he has this idea, his business ideas will inevitably tend to be conservative and unwilling to take risks. Recently, the turmoil in the domestic political situation has made him even more uneasy." At this point, Bowang looked at E Demon smiled slyly, "I promise you, your appearance will make my boss unable to sleep well for several days."

Edmund just shrugged. He didn't care whether the banker slept well or not.

"He is already frightened. As long as the situation gets worse, he will definitely decide to shrink his business in an all-round way. As long as His Majesty can create more tense atmosphere and cause commotion in the country, I will be sure to persuade him and let him work in this situation. We will tighten monetary policy across the board, reduce external lending, and keep all cash in our own vaults—" Bowang continued.

At this point, Edmund already understood Bowang's thinking.

Poncena is already a twilight old man, and his own thinking tends to be stable and conservative. Therefore, Bowang is ready to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the tense situation to persuade his boss to shrink money and create a trend in the market - thus completing His Majesty's work in disguise. instructions.

This was a good idea. Not only did he complete the task, but Bowang could hide himself behind the scenes without taking any responsibility. Edmund couldn't help but secretly admire the other party's method.

But in this case,

The difficulty came to Edmund's side.

How to create tense atmosphere? How much tension can be created to scare Ponsena into tightening monetary policy on a large scale, regardless of the concerns of bankrupting a large number of businessmen?

These are all unknowns.

Fortunately, he is not completely helpless.

At present, His Majesty has written a declaration to the people of France, and it will be published publicly in the near future. As long as this declaration can be quickly spread throughout France, it will undoubtedly be a shock bomb, enough to detonate the whole country. public opinion——

Moreover, unlike the last time they ventured back to the country, this time the Bonaparte family will clearly express their political demands and even publicly demand the overthrow of the current dynastic government - just under the banner of "republic" and "civil rights" .

There is no doubt that this is the tense air that Bowen needs.

If by that time, he, the Marquis of Treville and the Bonapartists took the opportunity to add a little more fire, then Poncena, the old banker, would definitely be flustered.

This is the opportunity that Bowang is waiting for. When the time comes, he will definitely be able to convince his boss to "wait and see the situation and cut off the tail to survive."

When he thought of this, Edmund calmed down.

These things cannot be told to Bowang - although this guy is on his side now, he is not worthy of all the trust. He cannot tell this guy his Majesty's core secrets.

"I understand." After a long silence, Edmund nodded, "Mr. Bowen, I will try my best to do it. Once you think the time is right, please persuade Mr. Poncena as soon as possible."

"It's not just our bank." Bowang shook his head. "Although we are not the leading bank, we are still very important in the market. In other words, we have benchmark significance. The business strategies of many small and medium-sized banks are based on our leadership. In In bad years, if we tighten money at any cost, many people will follow suit, and eventually confidence in the market will be shattered, which is a disastrous result for our financial markets."

Bowen spoke vaguely, but Edmund understood him immediately.

The so-called "credit", the most important thing is credit and confidence. Confidence is something that cannot be explained, and in a sense it can also be manipulated. People have a herd mentality. When the situation is turbulent, if there is a company If large banks tighten money even if they don't make money, they are likely to destroy market confidence in a short period of time.

After the wave of bankruptcies starts, in order to maintain the safety of their loans, other banks will actively or passively tighten their credit, which will further cause a shortage of cash in the market. Therefore, the crisis will become bigger and bigger, and it will be as difficult to contain as a snowball. .

This is like tuning fork resonance. Once confidence collapses, borrowers and lenders of credit will step on each other, and then fall into a vicious cycle as panic spreads, eventually making the crisis difficult to contain.

Everyone says "there is no smoke without fire", but in the world of credit, crises will arise and disappear out of thin air. This is the magic of "money power".

Of course, the real model will not be so simple, but the result of a multi-party game, because there are not a few large credit institutions with the right to speak. Although Poncena Bank is huge, it cannot cover the sky with one hand. It can set off a trend but cannot control it. Trends, it is even difficult to grasp the direction of the trend——

While it is tightening money, if other large banks decide to stabilize the market and expand credit in a large amount, then Poncena Bank will not only be unable to create a crisis, but will actually suffer heavy losses and be robbed of a large number of customers.

Therefore, it is necessary to create enough crises to make other banks lose confidence like Poncena and not dare to come out to stabilize the overall situation. Instead, they will disrupt the market and make the crisis deeper. This is what Bowang means.

Edmund didn't want to ask more about how to operate it. Anyway, that was Bowang's responsibility. He only needed to create as much political tension as possible.

"Mr. Bowen, I believe in your ability." Edmund said to him sincerely, "You can definitely create a crisis big enough to make everyone in the market feel in danger. But... there is another problem - His Majesty now hopes to disrupt the French market, but if he realizes his long-cherished wish and returns to France, his position will inevitably change. At that time, he will hope that the country will return to normal as soon as possible. I know this is very contradictory, and I also know that it is very uncomfortable. It’s easy to do, but Mr. Bowang, can you find a way to save the situation as soon as possible?”

"It depends on how much trust and authorization I can get. If His Majesty can allow me to have enough resources and action space, I am sure that we will quickly calm down the crisis we created ourselves, and... not only that!" When this question came up, Bowang suddenly became excited.

He stood up and spoke to Edmund as if he were a member of Congress giving a speech. "There is no doubt, Mr. Earl, that such a crisis is a disaster. Many people will go bankrupt, and perhaps there will be many more." Few people take a pistol and shoot themselves in the temple; however, on the other hand, this is also a good thing and a necessary move! Over the past ten years, our country has got rid of war and ushered in a period of peaceful development. All walks of life are thriving, but this kind of prosperity is based on chaos and disorder. It is neither stable nor sustainable. I dare to assert that even if we do not actively create a trend, a bankruptcy trend is imminent. !

Why? Because our country's financial order is too fragmented, hundreds of large, medium and small institutions have gathered in Paris. Some people even rent a small storefront and dare to call themselves banks, and dare to absorb deposits and issue promissory notes. What kind of nonsense is this? Because of this chaos and disorder, a lot of our country's already insufficient funds have been wasted, and places that really need to use money are suffering from cash thirst, and ultimately nothing can be done. So if there can be a big wave to sweep away these banks that are not worthy of being called banks, and let the funds be concentrated in the hands of those institutions that are truly powerful and capable, this will be extremely beneficial to the future development of our country - I think, This will also enable the competitiveness of my country's various industries to remain higher than other countries in the long term. "

Then, Bowang took steps and paced in the small study room, talking endlessly, constantly explaining his thoughts to Edmond Dantès, and from time to time he listed data to prove his opinions.

Edmond Dantès was a little confused when he heard this, but judging from Mr. Bowen's demeanor and radiant passion, he knew that this guy was telling the truth.

He was also infected.

Although the other person never talks about money and thinks about everything from the perspective of money, and he smells like copper, he is a man who truly loves his career and is willing to spend his whole life on it.

This spirit is quite respectable.

So Edmund was not impatient, but listened quietly to Bowen's "lecture". It was not known how long it took before Bowen finally stopped.

"To sum up, a terrible trend is certainly a disaster, but to some extent it also breeds new opportunities - but it is not easy to seize this opportunity. It requires a strong leader and some Smart and capable assistants will assist the leader. Only in this way can we turn the crisis into motivation and usher in a truly stable period of prosperity. In this way, the poor people who died in the trend will not die in vain——"

He finally finished and looked at Edmund expectantly.

Although Bowang did not say it explicitly, Edmund could certainly hear that Bowang was constantly recommending himself to be His Majesty's advisor and assistant.

He didn't know what His Majesty would think, and he couldn't make a decision for His Majesty now. However, he was willing to convey his opinions to Mr. Bowang and let His Majesty listen to the views of this "professional".

Maybe give him a chance to try? Edmund muttered inwardly.

"Sir, I don't know whether what you said is right or wrong, and I don't dare to make any judgments. However, I can assure you that I will convey to His Majesty exactly what you told me today."

Edmund looked at the other party and solemnly made a promise, "From my personal opinion, I think His Majesty will appreciate your courage."

Bowang smiled so wide that his mouth widened, and there was unconcealable pride in his eyes - he was only proud of this one thing in his life, and didn't pay attention to other things at all.

"I await good news, count. If I can, I will prepare for it now."

After a pause, he seemed to remember something again, and his eyes began to change.

"By the way, do you want Tanglar Bank to go bankrupt?"

This name instantly destroyed Edmund's good mood, and his eyes immediately became extremely cold.

"Do you want to hear the truth? Then let me tell you, I don't just want him to go bankrupt, sir."

It seems that the count and Danglars really have a grudge, Bovan thought, he had already revealed it last time.

Beauvin did not ask why the count had enmity with Danglars - it did not matter to him at all.

What really mattered was that he wanted to please the Count.

So, let’s borrow it for a while... Anyway, Tanglar’s ​​boy has a bad reputation, and no one will care if he collapses.

"We can bankrupt him, and it's not difficult to do." Bowang immediately laughed, "Sir, you may not know that Tanglar is very greedy, and his business methods are also very radical. His loans have far exceeded the amount of capital he has, and he just relies on tricks and interbank lending to maintain turnover. He thinks he is very smart, and no one can see when he plays such tricks, but he is wrong. His money transactions We all know the situation well, we know he is playing with fire, we just didn’t bother to pay attention to him before——"

Edmund waited quietly for his next words.

"If you are patient, I can start accepting the promissory notes he issued now, quietly, and no one will find out." Bo Wang continued, "He can continue to play tricks, but wait until the trend comes. , with money tightening in the market, it will not be so easy for him to find funds to meet the due promissory notes. Technically speaking, he will definitely go bankrupt and lose everything. He will lose his bank, his mansion, his wife and daughter , everything he has accumulated over the years..."

Edmund couldn't hold it in any longer and roared loudly at Bowen.

"So, what are you waiting for? Just do it!"

"As you command, Earl." Bowang bowed to him with a smile on his face.

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