Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-nine, an unknown number

When Edmond Dantès returned to his mansion, it was already late at night. Although he was physically exhausted, his heart was full of excitement.

From Bowen, he got more than he expected, almost like a lesson.

Fake experts like to put on airs and use a lot of esoteric and obscure terms to package themselves, leaving others confused; however, Beauvin is able to explain things in simple terms and use simple language to make him, who has no knowledge of banks, understand the financial situation in France. The market environment, the resources required for various practices, and the consequences.

It has to be said that Bowang is a real expert.

This is an extremely powerful talent, and it is a great honor to have his cooperation. Even if the two people have no personal relationship, Edmond Dantès is willing to use his reputation as a guarantee to recommend Bowen to His Majesty.

There is no doubt that Bowang is not loyal to His Majesty, but so what? Just be able to use his abilities.

His Majesty wants to mess up the domestic financial market now, and when he comes to the country, he needs to stabilize the financial market. Both of these require professionals to achieve for him, and Bowang is the best candidate now.

As for his ambition... give him money and reputation, what can't he give?

With excitement, in the middle of the night, Edmund wrote a letter overnight, detailing Bowen's suggestions and plans, and prepared to send it to His Majesty in a particularly urgent manner for his reference——

Time waits for no one, and these measures should be completed as soon as possible.

This plan also requires the cooperation of domestic people.

So the next day, Edmund set out again to visit the Marquis of Treville.

As a veteran Bonapartist, the Marquis of Treville is someone that His Majesty has personally said that he must rely on, so he is the only person he trusts in Paris. He wants to share his opinions with the Marquis and expects him to provide necessary help.

He soon met the Marquis, and after a brief exchange of greetings, he relayed the previous discussion between himself and Mr. Beauvain to the Marquis of Treville.

Like the Count of Monte Cristo, the Marquis actually didn't know much about banking and finance, but he also had a shrewd mind and understood basic logic and common sense, so he soon figured out Bowen's plan.

"In other words, Mr. Bowen needs us to create chaos,

To intimidate his boss and other bankers into tightening money and causing total market turmoil? "After listening, he made a summary.

"Exactly." Edmund liked talking to smart people because he didn't have to waste time talking. "What do you think of this idea?"

"I think the idea is very good." The Marquis nodded, but quickly asked again, "But it's a little vague - how much turmoil is enough to satisfy him?"

"Mr. Beauvain can't say clearly about this, but I think that at least we should try our best for this." Edmond Dantès replied, "His Majesty's declaration will be released to the public soon, and it is expected to cause a stir in the country. There is a strong public reaction, and if we take the opportunity to cause trouble, I think it may have a sensational impact."

"That's right..." Marquis Treville frowned, obviously thinking about a specific action plan, "In other words, you mean that we should try our best to cause trouble, but at the same time we must ensure safety and not waste it in vain. Our precious human and material resources are waiting for the real time to do something, right?”

"I admit that it is difficult to do this, but I believe you have a way." Edmond Dantès nodded, "General, are you sure you can create an unrest in Paris?"

"It's best not to be in Paris!" The Marquis shook his head. "Paris is our capital, and there are a large number of troops stationed around it. If we make trouble there and no one else is there to help us, we will soon become the target of public criticism. All the energy will be put on avoiding pursuit, but it will delay important matters."

"What do you think it should be?" Edmund asked.

"It can't be in Paris, but it can't be in remote areas either, so we should find some provincial capital cities as targets. After all, they are not Paris, and the guards are not so tight." The Marquis of Treville pondered for a moment before answering, "If we are in Lyon, If big news breaks out in one or two of the big cities like Lille or Marseille, and even slogans are publicly issued to support the return of the Bonaparte family, then it will surely shock the whole country. Although His Majesty has issued a declaration, it is abroad after all. If If there is a commotion in the country, everyone will feel the footsteps of the Bonaparte family coming over!"

Edmund thought about it and agreed.

Launching riots is more of an economic action than a political action, hoping to create economic turmoil by relying on political tension. The ultimate goal is always Paris, because Paris is France itself.

"Then do you feel confident?" Edmund asked cautiously.

"I can't say for sure." The Marquis of Treville replied with a wry smile. "We do have many supporters. Recently, due to His Majesty's activity, the number of supporters has been increasing. But among these people, those who dare to support the cause of the Bonaparte family After all, there are only a few people who risk their lives. Whether they can be organized to create unrest in one or two big cities is still unknown. I can't guarantee anything to you."

After a pause, he added, "It might be easier if we can get His Majesty's personal call."

"No!" Edmund shook his head subconsciously, "We cannot connect His Majesty with the instigator of the riot, and he cannot publicly express his position on this."

Edmund is extremely loyal to His Majesty, so he does not want to see any stain on His Majesty's glorious reputation - it is one thing for a group of people to launch a "spontaneous" riot in the hope of supporting the Bonaparte family, and His Majesty publicly called on himself It is another thing for his supporters to launch riots. He hopes that His Majesty will have a positive image of a builder rather than a negative image of a destroyer.

The Marquis of Treville realized that he had made a mistake, and then immediately changed his words to make amends. "I didn't mean to ask His Majesty to make a public appeal or write a personal letter. I just said that if he could inspire our most enthusiastic and courageous radicals in person, We, then things will be much easier to handle - no one is willing to die for the Marquis of Treville, but there are people who are willing to die for the Emperor Bonaparte, are you right?"

Edmund thought for a while and felt that this was not bad.

His Majesty came to Switzerland originally to control his supporters and interfere in the political situation of France. Meeting a few of the most enthusiastic supporters was the proper meaning of the question - and the supporters who could be met by him must be the most enthusiastic. Those who are loyal will have no problem with confidentiality.

As long as it can be kept secret, the Bonaparte family will never be the "inciters" of the riot.

Everything was a spontaneous act. The people's enthusiasm for the Bonaparte family to save France from the chaos was too intense, and the radical actions that broke out had nothing to do with His Majesty himself.

This was a situation Edmund could accept.

"Then let's work hard for this." He nodded, which meant that the first step of the plan was finalized.

"Now, everything is still unknown. Let's communicate with His Majesty first and get his approval, and then I will make plans for this." After getting the earl's approval, Marquis Treville continued to make suggestions.

Although "creating a riot" seems simple, the actual execution is complicated. You need to select a city, recruit people, collect weapons and funds and transport them to the destination, formulate a specific action plan, and then carry out the most stringent Attitude to implement the plan, every link can be said to be intricate.

Fortunately, General Treville has led thousands of troops before and has too much organizational and command experience. Among the supporters of the Bonaparte family, there are countless veterans who have fought in the war, so it is invisible. The difficulty of handicap has been reduced a lot.

But even so, this is a very hard and huge job - it is even more difficult when you consider that the people who have been gathered have to try their best to escape unscathed.

The Marquis of Treville must devote all his energy to have any hope of completing it.

For the Marquis, who had bid farewell to the army for many years, this was a challenge he had not encountered for a long time. He felt a little embarrassed, but also felt excited. His long-quiet heart seemed to be fighting for swords and blood again. Beating with enthusiasm.

To him, a peaceful life is just poison that corrodes his will. He will always love those days of swords and swords.

The long-lost excitement made his eyes flash with cruel light and made his mind run faster than usual.

"Taking this opportunity, Your Majesty should form a quasi-army in the country that can go into battle at any time." After thinking for a moment, he made another suggestion, "The number does not need to be large, but it must be smart and capable and can be called upon at any time. In this case, Not only can we create unrest, but when we really need to take action, we have the opportunity to respond immediately."

Before Edmund could answer, he continued, "I know you may find it difficult to do this. But it's actually not that difficult - you see, His Majesty has commanded many troops in Ioannina. Volunteers from France, some of whom have very rich combat experience, if they are allowed to sneak back to France in batches, even just a few dozen of them will be enough to serve as core officers and form a combat team - there are many of us People who have been soldiers can easily regain their past experience as long as they undergo basic training, allowing us to become an armed force."

Edmund also felt that the Marquis was right, but how to keep the secret was a problem - it would be difficult for an army of several hundred people to assemble around Paris even if they did not wear uniforms.

"So where do you think they should be assembled and trained?"

"It's a border province adjacent to Switzerland, such as Lorraine. The terrain there is complex, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. As long as you buy a large manor, you can raise hundreds of people without any problem, and there are no unscrupulous neighbors to disturb you." Trey The Marquis of Vere is obviously confident, "And when His Majesty arrives in Switzerland, it is only a few dozen kilometers away from him. Your Majesty can contact them at any time to ensure that it is only loyal to His Majesty himself."

After hearing this, Edmund thought about it carefully and found that this was really feasible.

After the establishment of the Principality of Ioannina, there were basically no wars in the territory, and the knights under His Majesty's Majesty also gradually stayed away from the fighting, and instead stationed themselves in the Principality and became a guard force - which meant that the originally scarce manpower Suddenly he became rich.

There are already a lot of French people inside, and they are not afraid of being interrogated when they sneak back into the country. If your Majesty recruits these experienced people to serve as officers, you can indeed quickly set up a shelf.

Although they are definitely not qualified to fight with the regular army, at least they are a force - as long as it is force, it will be useful.

However, since the matter was serious, he did not dare to make an immediate decision for His Majesty.

"I will report these to His Majesty and let Your Majesty make the decision." He replied to the Marquis after pondering for a moment, "Now, His Royal Highness has arrived in Switzerland to prepare for His Majesty's personal visit. I will find an opportunity to go to Switzerland I’ll pay my respects to His Highness and take a look around the border provinces to find a suitable place.”

"I think it's best to leave all this to you." Marquis Treville smiled and nodded. "Mr. Earl, now both of us have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders."

"Yes, I hope God will favor us and make everything go well for both of us." Edmund replied solemnly.

"It's not just the two of us, all of us must be successful, because we can't afford the price of failure." The Marquis shook his head, and then looked at Edmund, "All of us have lost too many things. Fortunately, we have gathered under His Majesty's command again...Fate will not allow us to fail again, we have to put everything on the line."

"Yes, never fail!" Edmund also became excited.

Having said this, Marquis Treville smiled slyly again. "By the way, since everyone is in such a good mood today, there is another good news that I can tell you in advance."

Edmund looked at the other person in confusion, waiting for his next words.

"I have previously made a request to the reclusive Marshal Soult to visit him through several of my friends, and just yesterday I received a reply. The Marshal decided to receive me in the near future. If you want to visit him together, Now we can make preparations," the Marquis said calmly.

"What?" Edmund was shocked at first, and then overjoyed.

Before he came to France, when His Majesty assigned him a mission, the most important and core one was to find ways to help His Majesty gain the support of Marshals Soult and Moncey. As a result, he was unable to do so for two or three months. When he walked in the door and was worried about this, he heard the good news, which made him not only overjoyed.

"Of course I do!" he blurted out.

However, he quickly hesitated again, "However, the marshal does not know my existence, and he may not be willing to see a nobody like me..."

"This is easy to handle." Marquis Treville smiled calmly, "I am visiting the marshal as a retired general. You can go with me as my former adjutant and current entourage. The marshal's attitude is also ambiguous at the moment. , we can’t have a direct showdown with him, we’ll just have to act on our own terms when the time comes.”

"Then everything is according to your arrangement." Of course Edmund would not have any objections to this, "General, you have served His Majesty so front and back, and His Majesty will always remember it in his heart. I think even if the Marshal is on His Majesty's side, The person he trusts most in the military will always be you——"

General Treville just smiled at the compliment.

Isn't this how it should be?

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