Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-two, reunion after a long absence.

While Teresa stayed in her hometown, enjoying the warm daily reunion with her family, Aigron quietly left Ioannina and continued her journey in silence.

After landing in Genoa, Italy, he sneaked into Switzerland along the road he had traveled once in the past, and headed for the hermitage of his righteous sister and aunt, Queen Odance.

Last time, after escaping from Austria, the first stop of his journey was to follow his cousins ​​to seek refuge with Queen Otangs.

Her Majesty the Queen did not disappoint him either. Even though she knew she was taking risks, she still entertained Aigron without hesitation and provided him with a hiding place, allowing Aigron to have the necessary breathing time.

And when Aigron was preparing for the next trip, Her Majesty the Queen generously provided him with a "sponsorship" even though she was not rich and lacked income.

Although Aigron can be regarded as doing all kinds of evil now, he also knows how to repay his kindness, and he remembers this kindness in his heart.

Although his relationship with Queen Otance's husband—that is, Prince Louis, and his two sons—that is, his two cousins ​​are not very good now, for Her Majesty the Queen herself, Aigron only has in his heart Gratitude and respect.

In his opinion, the queen had proved her loyalty to the family business, and she could place complete trust in her from now on.

Because of this, when Ioannina was planning the next move, Aigron set up his next foothold and the headquarters for planning various conspiracies in Switzerland; he also set up his cousin Prince Charles He was sent to Switzerland to take the lead, and asked him to find Her Majesty the Queen, and then use the mother and son to make preparations for himself.

Judging from Prince Charles's later reply, his task was completed smoothly, and he made corresponding preparations soon. By the way, he also mentioned that Queen Odance was very much looking forward to seeing him again, and hoped to be able to meet him again. Let's meet.

Egron was naturally happy to fulfill Her Majesty's wish. After he sneaked into Switzerland, he rushed to the queen's hermitage on the shore of Lake Constance in the Alps without stopping.

In the early morning of this day, the sky was gloomy, the wind was biting cold, and the fine snow particles mixed with the howling wind seemed to be sweeping away, cruelly torturing every pedestrian, so most people hid at home and burned firewood for warmth, and the roads everywhere were deserted ,

In the midst of this gloomy snowstorm, Aigron led his entourage up the mountain along the path. Looking at the rolling hills not far away, they were all covered with milky white round caps, almost blending with the sky. One; the thick woods rustling in the cold wind,

The branches are covered with white snow, which falls to the ground in the wind from time to time; while the Lake Constance below the valley, like a black cave, greedily absorbs all the light from the outside world, its depth is bottomless.

The harsh and magnificent winter scene made Aigron feel a sense of boundlessness.

This is not the first time he has seen this kind of scene in Switzerland, but every time he is in it, he can't help but indulge in the magnificence and ruthlessness of nature.

"Look! How beautiful this place is!" Egron whispered to Andre Davout, the captain of the guard next to him, "We came at the right time."

André Davout knew in his heart that His Majesty's poetic spirit had flared up again, so he nodded jokingly. "Your Majesty, this place is indeed beautiful. You can't feel such magnificence in Paris."

"Andre, can you ski?" Aigron asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Andre was a little surprised by this question, and then answered honestly, "No, Your Majesty."

"Then you have a chance to study hard—" Aigron laughed loudly, "During this time, I am ready to experience the fun of skiing, let's come together!"

André Davout didn't have any interest in skiing, but as the captain of the guard, he had to accompany His Majesty even when he was entertaining. Besides, it was rare that His Majesty was so excited, so he couldn't bear to disappoint.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I am very happy to accompany you." So, he replied respectfully.

Your Majesty, after all, he is still a playful young man... that's pretty good. he thought.

While the two were chatting, a mountain villa gradually appeared in their field of vision.

Although the roof is covered with snow, the unique red brick wall still roughly outlines its shape, and it overlaps with the mountain villa in Aigron's memory.

"We're here!" Eggron blurted out.

Andre also breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he finally ended his journey in the cold winter.

But soon he became tense again.

"Your Majesty, please wait here for a while, and I will go and confirm the situation on the side of Her Majesty the Queen."

After getting Aigron's consent, he stepped on the thin snow and walked towards the distant villa step by step.

At this time, Queen Otance was having breakfast with her son, Prince Charles. While drinking steaming coffee, she did not forget to look out the window at any time.

She was not admiring the scenery, but waiting for the visitor to arrive.

Since her son came to her house quietly, she learned from her son that Aigron was about to return to Switzerland and meet her again. Since then, she has been quietly waiting for this day to come.

In the last communication between her son and Aigron, she learned that Aigron was about to leave. If the time is calculated, he should come here recently—if all goes well.

But what if it doesn't go well?

Queen Otness knew that it was meaningless to think wildly, but she still couldn't help thinking wildly—after all, she had experienced too many dramatic events in her life, and bad news of fate always came suddenly, and the first moment was calm and the next There was a storm in seconds, and she herself was a living witness.

Her father was sent to the guillotine by the revolutionaries, but her stepfather became a heroic general and soon became the emperor of the empire; The queen; and what is even more dramatic is that all the glory she experienced disappeared after a few more years.

Her life is a big drama, never lacking in surprises and bad news.

But she knew that at this age, she would no longer be able to bear another blow from fate.

The older people are, the more they miss the past and the more they care about their children, because they know that there will be no ups and downs in their life, and the only people they can pin their hopes on are the younger generations. If you want, then you don't know what to live next.

Ever since she met Aigron, she has always admired and loved this foster brother and cousin very much. His appearance and behavior have made her very satisfied. And more importantly, at this moment, this young man shouldered the hope of the entire Bonaparte family, and was also the greatest reliance of her sons. She really didn't want to see him make any mistakes.

Because of this, Her Majesty the Queen has been unwilling to eat these days. Although her daily life is as usual, she is always absent-minded.

This mental torture finally ended on this ordinary morning.

Amidst the whistling of the wind and snow, Queen Odance and Prince Charles in the dining room clearly heard several heavy knocks on the door.

The mother and son stopped talking at the same time, and then looked at the door at the same time, with joy on their faces.

The queen lives here in seclusion, usually there are no visitors at all, the world has long forgotten her—so, if someone visits, it means...

"Mom, I'll go and have a look." Prince Charles got up immediately, walked out of the restaurant, and then came to the gate.

Queen Ortance sat at the window, looking anxiously out of the window.

The door was opened, and Queen Hortons was disappointed to find that standing at the door was a strange young man.

But then, her eyes lit up again, because she clearly noticed that this strange young man bowed to her son, and then her son held his hand affectionately.

This must be the person next to Aigron! She immediately made a judgment in her mind, and then her heart beat suddenly and quickly.

Then, unable to hold back any longer, she walked out of the restaurant.

Aigron in the distance has been watching Andre's actions. After the door opened, Andre quickly turned around and waved to him—and that meant that everything was normal.

Aigron breathed a sigh of relief, then started his steps again, and finished the last 100 meters of his journey.

When Eggron walked into the gate, he found that the owner here, his aunt Queen Odance, greeted him at the gate.

I haven't seen her for more than a year, and the wrinkles at the corners of Her Majesty's eyes are a little more, but overall, she still looks beautiful, and at this time, she is looking at herself with eyes intertwined with joy, gratitude, and excitement.

Facing such gazes, Aigron was also very touched.

"Your Majesty, I am very glad that we have met again. Since the last farewell, I have always missed you." From the standpoint of a junior, he bowed to Queen Odance, "Thank God, you are still the same as before. beauty."

"Thank God for blessing you, Eggron." Queen Otance resisted her excitement and replied to Eggron in a cordial tone.

Then, she warmly hugged her junior, "You are a little darker than last time, but you are stronger and more energetic, and you are becoming more and more like a king."

Then she kissed Aigron's forehead again, "Although I live in seclusion here, I can often hear news about you. I am proud of you, Aigron, you have done better than I expected .”

"But it's not as good as I hoped for." Aigron shook his head pretending to be modest. "I still have a lot to improve. After all, compared with my goal, what I have now is too little."

"That's enough, you greedy boy!" Queen Otangs teased him with a smile, "I heard that you just got a son. By the way, I remembered this, when did Your Highness Teresa Come here? I have always felt sorry for that girl, but I never thought that she would still insist on making the marriage come true... When we have nothing, there is a princess who is willing to become one of us without hesitation. Thinking about it, I really feel Much admiration."

"Teresa is visiting her parents in Austria now, and she will come after the New Year. You will have many opportunities to chat with her then." Aigron replied.

"That's great, I can't wait for that day." Queen Odance nodded. "She will receive the warmest reception here, and I will let her experience the honor of the queen in advance."

"That's absolutely unnecessary." Aigron shook his head hastily, "No matter what Teresa and I are, you will always be our beloved Her Majesty the Queen."

Braving the biting cold wind, the two relatives exchanged cordial greetings and rejoiced for the reunion after a long absence.

After exchanging greetings, Queen Otangs took Aigron back to the dining room, and asked the maid to bring steaming coffee.

Aigron took a big sip of the coffee, the heat drove away the cold and tiredness on his body, and immediately made him feel comfortable physically and mentally.

After drinking, he had leisure again and looked at the magnificent mountain scenery outside the window.

"Although it's not the first time I've been here with you, I still can't help being overwhelmed by your residence. You have chosen a good place."

"This is the last ashes left behind after my glory days." The queen replied with emotion, "I will die here forever and bid farewell to this world silently."

"I think it would be better for you to return to Paris," replied Aiglon. "I think the people there, though they have forgotten you now, will cheer you up again if you appear there again."

"You are becoming more and more good at pleasing people. It seems that Your Highness Teresa has trained you well." Queen Ottens smiled and shook her head, "Paris is the place that loves the new and dislikes the old. I am at this age, so what else is there to admire?" ? But Teresa can make them fall, as well as Miss Agnes from last time."

After a pause, she changed the topic again, "To be honest, Aigron, I never thought that your dreams would come true... I thought all of this was just the willfulness of a child who refused to admit defeat. After being hit to the point of bleeding, you will face the cold reality..."

"So what now? Your Majesty the Queen?" Aigron asked with a smile.

"Right now... Even now, I still feel that there is little hope. You have to face too many difficulties and obstacles, my child." Queen Autangs still smiled wryly, but quickly changed the topic, "But, from 'despair' It is already a dazzling achievement, you are far better than me and most people, so I can't say whether you can succeed. But as your close relative, I would like to wish you success and even do what I can to help you succeed."

"I will succeed, and welcome you back to faithful Paris." Aigron replied kindly.

"Don't talk so much now, let's focus on reality." The queen shook her head again, "And I'm not sure if I want to go back."

"You can choose at that time." Aigron replied in a natural tone. "Everywhere in the world, you are free to choose."

Queen Ortance looked into Egron's eyes. From this young man, she saw the young man's ignorant arrogance, but this kind of arrogance seemed unexpectedly reasonable in him.

Some people are arrogant, some people are confident, the difference lies in their ability.

"Can you ski?" Eggron asked suddenly, "If you can, teach me. I want to have some fun with you."

Queen Otangs was stunned for a moment, then she covered her mouth and giggled, "What a magnificent demeanor! You are indeed more like a conqueror."

After sighing with emotion, she shook her head lightly, "Unfortunately, I won't."

Then, she looked at Egron with a smile, and bowed gracefully to him, "However, Your Majesty, I am happy to accompany you to enjoy this kind of fun."

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