Eagle’s Glory

one hundred and sixty three, family

"However, Your Majesty, I am happy to accompany you to enjoy such fun."

"Then it's settled." Aigron couldn't help laughing, "After I settle down, I'll find time to practice skiing with you, and after I learn it, I'll take Teresa with me... want to come She'll be happy too."

"It would be my honor if I can leave good memories for you and Your Highness Teresa here." Queen Odance replied graciously, "From the perspective of the elders, I can see you young people gathered together Being in front of me will also give me a lot of comfort—”

When he came to Queen Otangs again, Aigron's mood was very different.

The last time he had just fled from Austria, the road was bumpy and he was still in fear. Although he had a vague plan for what to do next, he didn't know whether he had the ability to execute it, and he was full of confusion about the future.

But now, the situation is completely different. After more than a year of experience, he already has a small territory and a group of loyal subordinates who follow him. More importantly, he has been trained to be calm, confident and calm. mentality, he has completely devoted himself to his new role, truly convinced that he can become the head of the Bonaparte family and a pretender to the throne.

This kind of mentality made him no longer have any hesitation or confusion, and even made him a little more leisurely.

Of course, he also did it on purpose, he just wanted to infect the people around him with this kind of confidence and calmness, so that they would also have a lot of confidence in himself.

Judging from the expression of Queen Otance, she was indeed infected by Aigron, as if this young man was not doing any big things, but just an ordinary junior guest who came to visit her.

Egron chatted with the queen while dining, and soon brought the topic to the matter of Egron's last visit to Bavaria and his visit to the widow of his righteous brother, Prince Eugene.

And Queen Otangs is the sister of Prince Eugene.

The brother and sister depended on each other after their father was killed, and spent the darkest and most precarious days together. Naturally, their relationship was extremely deep, so when it came to Prince Eugene, Queen Otance could no longer maintain her usual calm and elegant Her demeanor changed, and she burst into tears, saddened by her brother's untimely death.

"Oh, God was so hard on him to take him away in his early forties! He was such a righteous and considerate man, full of kindness to everyone, even though he made a lot of enemies for the empire , but hardly any personal enemies, everyone praises him and respects him... the thought of never seeing him again for the rest of my life,

I felt like my heart was being torn apart. said Queen Hortense in a trembling voice, weeping. "How happy my brother would be if he could see you as you are now!" He will also try his best to help you, more than I can do. "

Yes, he will do that - Eggron replied in his mind.

He didn't tell the queen about Prince Eugene's posthumous manuscript, because it was too disgraceful to tell, so he concealed it.

"As for the prince, I dare not say that I am as sad as you are, because you are the one who grew up with him and endured disasters together. The bond between you and him is unmatched by anyone. But I For him, and for me, it is also full of respect and gratitude. It is funny to say that in our family, every man is full of ambitions, full of quarrels and attacks with each other, only he...he is our One of the best people in the world, he served the emperor with all his heart, and never complained or hated anyone, I only regret that I didn't have time to see him again and say these words myself."

Then, he solemnly looked at Queen Odance, who was still crying, "The man has passed away, so there is no point in saying any more, we can only bear these pains in silence. And now... Your Majesty, you are my mother." Only one of my closest relatives remains. You were first my father's adopted daughter and then my uncle's wife, you have witnessed and lived through all the joys and sorrows of our family... You have been with me in my troubles and in my most difficult times, You helped me regardless of gains or losses... I will always remember these, and I am willing to respect and love you forever, and I am willing to do my best to serve you and fulfill all your wishes."

After hearing Aigron's words, the queen was moved to tears again.

"I do want to trouble you with something, Your Majesty."

Aegron was slightly taken aback.

On the one hand, he was emotionally touched, and on the other hand, out of courtesy, he made a promise to the queen to "fulfill all your wishes", but he didn't expect that the queen would actually ask for something.

Obviously, "every wish" is impossible, and he believes that the queen is not really so ignorant, making both of them look ugly.

"Please tell me." He replied hastily.

"You were born in 1811, and my sons, Louis is five years older than you, Charlie is three years older... I am glad they all contributed to you and to the family cause, and I warn They will continue to serve you and do their duty." The queen whispered while looking at Aigron.

In fact, Queen Autangs had three sons, but the eldest son died early when he was only a few years old. Of course, Aigron would not bring this sad incident out at this time to spoil the scenery.

"Well, the two cousins ​​really helped me a lot, and I am very grateful to them." Aigron nodded.

Although his relationship with his two cousins ​​is not very good now, they were the ones who rescued him back then, and he can't deny this account, especially in front of their mother.

"When your father was exiled to an isolated island, before he passed away, when he mentioned you, he once said that when you grow up, it is best to marry a princess from an ancient royal family. Sister; now, you are married, and you are married to the princess of the Habsburg family. Although there are some innocuous twists and turns in the middle, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of his last wish. Now Princess Teresa lives up to everyone's expectations and gave birth to you If he has an heir, his spirit in heaven will definitely cheer for him... I am also sincerely happy for him."

After feeling a lot of emotion, Queen Otangs continued to speak. "Parents in the world are like this. Your father is worried about you, and I am also worried about my sons. I don't know much about other things, and I don't want to interfere. Only their marriage, as a mother I really can't let go..."

When the queen said this, Egron probably understood what she meant.

She is asking for grace for her son.

Intermarriage between European feudal royal families has been established for thousands of years. When the Bonaparte family was at its peak, it was accepted as the supreme monarchy family, and the marriages of its family members were naturally "top matches". .

Napoleon himself married a princess of Habsburg, his younger brother married a princess of Württemberg, and his adopted son married a princess of Bavaria. They almost "collected" the most noble and famous princesses in Germany at that time, which greatly satisfied Napoleon, a young man. The vanity of the landlord’s son—his third brother Lucien was reprimanded by the furious emperor because he refused to divorce his original wife and marry another princess. He ran to Rome angrily and almost severed the brotherhood.

There is a saying that the way of heaven is good, and it is so good when it is beautiful, but it is miserable when it is down.

After the fall of the empire, although the princesses who married members of the Bonaparte family did not abandon their husbands (except Luisa), the doors of the European royal family were closed to the members of the Bonaparte family again. It's a bit of a "high can't be low" meaning.

In order not to lower the style of the family, and to prevent the family's hard-earned wealth from leaking out, members of the Bonaparte family chose "internal digestion", that is, marriage between cousins ​​and cousins.

Napoleon's eldest brother, the former King Joseph of Spain, had two daughters, one married the eldest son of his younger brother Lucien, and the other married the eldest son of his younger brother Louis, which was a compromise in desperation—if under normal circumstances, the two Poles Princess Naba will definitely be married to the royal families of various countries.

In the original historical line, after many years of exile, Napoleon III finally rebuilt the empire. However, at this time, he could not find a royal princess who was willing to marry him. In the end, he had no choice but to marry a Spanish ordinary The noblewoman Eugenie became queen.

During the 20-year rule of the Second Empire, Napoleon III has been trying to change his family's family status and re-enter the royal family.

His efforts were considered to have achieved results. During his reign, his cousin, Prince Jerome Bonaparte, married the princess of the Savoy family of the Kingdom of Sardinia (on the condition that the Kingdom of Sardinia was at war with Austria. Time is on the side of Sardinia), and finally entered the room.

After the Franco-Prussian War, the Second Empire was destroyed after all, but its "family status" was preserved after all. Jerome's descendant, Victor Bonaparte, an exile known as Napoleon V, married Belgium The princess of the royal family is integrated into the monarch family.

However, on this world line, it is clear that such a process has been greatly accelerated—after all, Egron, as the heir, married Habsburg's daughter.

And Queen Aotangsi also seems to hope that her son can get a little glory.

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of Aigron, Queen Ortance made her request, "Your Majesty, my eldest son has married Joseph's daughter, let's not mention it for now. But my younger son Charlie is still unmarried. Men, I really don't want to see him who is older than you but still not settled... So, I have the audacity to ask you to help me with this, can you?"

Aigron didn't answer immediately, but fell silent.

He knew that for the royal family, marriage was never just a marriage, but also meant too many things. His cousin is so ambitious, and it would be a bit embarrassing if he is married to a foreign royal family.

However, now that the queen is begging softly in front of him, and he just said that he will do everything possible to fulfill the queen's wish, how can he regret it in person?

"Your Majesty, if I can do it, I would be happy to let my family members marry foreign royal families like the first emperor did." After pondering for a while, Aigron replied, "However, with our I really can't let the proud royals lower their heads... this matter can only be discussed later."

"I know that it is really difficult for you to realize this wish at the moment—but I believe that as long as you have a successful career in the future, you will have plenty of opportunities to fulfill it for me, don't you think so?" The queen pretended not to hear Aigron's words Perfunctory, but continue to ask him, it seems that he will not give up until he gets a positive response.

Facing Queen Otangs' expectant eyes, Aigron finally nodded. "Yes, of course."

After all, he still didn't want to hurt the Queen's heart, nor did he want to break his promise in front of her.

Forget it, there is no point in worrying about this kind of thing now, and besides, even if the promise is to be fulfilled in the future, there are many workarounds to make this matter harmless.

After getting this satisfactory answer, the queen finally smiled again, "Thank you, Your Majesty... I believe this day will come soon... I am looking forward to the day when I will be surrounded by my grandchildren. The last thing in the world is the most complete happiness.”

"Of course." Aigron could only nod again.

Now he has figured it out, all this must be manipulated by his cousin behind the scenes.

He knew that his relationship with His Majesty had cooled down, and if he made a request, he would definitely be rejected, so he moved out his mother as a sounding board, and Queen Odance was also willing to work for the benefit of her son, so the first time he saw Aigron Taking advantage of Aigron's most emotional moment, Tian took the opportunity to make this request.

Basically, after making this move, Aigron couldn't refuse.

Even after thinking about all this, Egron has nothing to say, and he has no objection to the queen herself—no one has the right to criticize a mother's love for her son, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to pave the way for her son's future. Woolen cloth?

Didn't my own mother do the same thing? Of course, her motive is to be with the children of her stepfather, Earl Nepeg.

Thinking of Luisa, Aigron's mood fell to the bottom.

Comparing Louisa with Otangs, he wished he could be like Queen Otangs.

It's just that the past cannot be traced, and the relationship between mother and child is destined to be irreparable.

After this turmoil, Eggron was a little bit depressed, ended his breakfast hastily, and left Queen Ortance's side.

He came to the room arranged for him by the queen, and then asked his captain Andre to call Prince Charles over.

After receiving the order, Prince Charles quickly came to the room. Judging from his expression, he was ready to face a storm.

If it was just a promise that could not be shirked in exchange for a swearing, it was already worth it to him.

However, to his surprise, his cousin's expression did not have any haze, on the contrary, he was still as contented as before.

"My cousin, I thank you for everything you have done for me during this time...you have worked hard." Aigron greeted him with a smile.

This smile made the Prince's heart shudder more than any anger, but of course he didn't dare to contradict Aigron.

"Your Majesty...it is my duty to serve you..." He hastily lowered his head to salute his cousin.

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