Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty seven, stealing a teacher

When Teresa left her father's manor, Aigron also greeted the arrival of the New Year in 1829 with the people around him.

But for him, in this small and remote place, he can't find much festive joy, and the fact that his wife and children are not around makes him feel even more lonely.

However, he knew that this was the "price" paid in advance to win the game.

As long as you can get what you want, all this is nothing.

Although he came here not long ago, he quickly used the name of "exploration team" to send people around him out to search around outside. Firstly, he could maintain his own safety, and secondly, he also wanted to communicate with the outside world. .

With their efforts, news from the outside world soon flowed into Aigron continuously.

Before sneaking out of Ioannina, he issued his long-prepared public manifesto, and over time the message has now naturally reached France.

Last time, he went to the countryside near Strasbourg to show up and gave a public speech to the villagers. At that time, he caused a sensation all over the country. Although the Bourbon royal family tried their best to ban it, the news spread like wildfire. It has spread throughout the country, and people know that the heir of the Bonaparte family has set foot on the land of France again after more than ten years.

But this time, people have not forgotten the explosive news. After more than half a year, the heirs of the Bonaparte family made new big news.

In Aigron's public declaration, he scolded the royal family of Bourbon for failing to live up to the expectations of the people, and for failing to govern the country, which plunged the country into a deep crisis; on the other hand, he declared that he was not fighting for personal power, but hoped that the people Get rid of the shackles, and from now on, the will of the people will determine the country's affairs.

He publicly declared his support for the republic, and called on the French people to join him in overthrowing the dynastic government that oppressed the nation.

Before he issued a manifesto, he had already stopped hiding his ambitions. Everyone knew that he was a pretender to the throne and wanted to restore the empire. Not everyone understands.

Some people think that he is just a child who doesn't know how to govern the country at all, and is just messing around with his own blood and ambition; while some people put their hopes on him and look forward to him being able to put forward what they want .

After he issued this declaration, it also meant that he played his bright card.

no doubt,

Politically speaking, once he takes a stand, some people are destined to be disappointed or even disgusted with him—especially under the current sharp domestic conflicts in France.

But in today's era, if you don't express your position or have no position, you are destined to be ignored by no one, and everyone will dislike a chameleon who has no position.

Therefore, he would rather offend some people, and he must let some people know that he is their best spokesperson, so that he can hope to win the support of these people, and then use their support to seize the throne.

Aigron chose his base as the general public, those who have no voting rights or other political rights, because only by doing so will people "need" the Bonaparte family.

Today, France is no longer able to fight against the whole of Europe, so since the Bonaparte family can no longer conquer the people with their incomparably prominent war victories, they can only rely on various "preferential offers" to win over the people, so Bonaparte The Ba family must be closer to the people than other political forces on the stage, neither reactionary nor radical, but parasitic their power on the authorization of public opinion.

This is the conclusion that Aigron and his senior participants have come to, and it seems to be the only way available at the moment.

Because of this, he has been carefully inquiring about news from France during this time, especially paying attention to the response of various social strata to his declaration.

Due to limited manpower and the need for confidentiality, he was doomed to be unable to conduct national opinion polls. He could only gather information from the people he sent to France and from their reports.

Of course, there will be deviations in Scale Feather's information, but right now he can only make judgments based on this.

Judging from the feedback obtained so far, after his declaration was introduced into France, although it produced some repercussions, it did not cause a general commotion. Many people talked about him in private, but it has not yet caused widespread commotion. Sexual "for the Bonaparte family" popular sentiment.

This was also expected by Aigron. He never expected that just a few pages would make the whole country ecstatic and prostrate at his feet. Now he just made his position clear and formally participated. It's all about the posture of the competition.

He wants to win the support of the general public. Their advantage is that they have a large number of people, but their shortcomings are also very prominent, that is, they are scattered. Not only are their people scattered, their power is also extremely scattered, and most of them do not have much property. Supporting him doesn't give him much support either.

Therefore, he has to judge the situation and not pin his hopes entirely on "public opinion", but to seek the support of some elites, and only with such support can he extract enough favors to continue to win over the general public. maintain their prestige.

Aegron stood by the fence of the grove, quietly watching the snow-covered grove swaying in the winter wind, and snow fell from the branches and leaves from time to time, as if it was dusting the earth with powder.

He was admiring the snowy scenery in the countryside. In order not to disturb his interest, there was no one around, but there were guards not far away among secret sentries to ensure the absolute safety of the farm.

In the midst of the silence, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps, creaking as if they were stepping on sand.

Aigron didn't look back, because he was the one who called the person here.

Sure enough, the footsteps stopped a few steps away from him, and then, the respectful voice of the visitor sounded behind him.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders for calling me here?"

It was his cousin, Prince Charles.

Because Aigron already had a son, the title "Napoleon III" was destined not to fall on him.

I took away his title of "there was once in the future", and not only took away such a little thing, but also took away his creativity.

In history, his cousin Napoleon III is doing what he is doing now. He is an expert in playing with the balance between two sides. They also used loose credit finance and prosperous economic growth to win over the elite, which eventually made people dislike the empire on the one hand, and on the other hand, kept the empire stumbling for twenty years. He can be called a "political magician" .

Aigron is not a genius who can predict the future. If he wants to succeed, the safest way is naturally to refer to precedents (now it is a "post-example" that has not happened), that is to say, he has to learn from his cousin.

The environment he is in now is very similar to that of his cousin. Both are the heirs of the Bonaparte family, and they are all alone and can only hope that the changes in France will bring him to heaven.

In comparison, his situation is better, because he is the only blood of the emperor, he naturally has the so-called "charisma", and Napoleon III is only the nephew of the emperor, it is difficult for him to get the support of the emperor. The love in his heart; and Ai Ta now has his own direct power, although weak, but at least he has enough resources to go on stage.

The Napoleon III in history was even weaker, so he had to do things more extreme. He tried his best to build up public opinion for himself, he wrote books, published various comments in newspapers to catch current affairs, and even went to France Two military coups were launched in the territory——

From a military point of view, the two military coups he launched were meaningless and even a bit ridiculous. There was no large army and no organization. , He also bit the bullet and did this, and was finally caught and thrown into prison.

He wrote books and published arguments in order to create public opinion, clarify his position, and win the fundamentals; his coups with pebbles against rocks were not to succeed in one fell swoop, but also to make people remember him and show his determination.

There is no doubt that it is very dangerous to do so, and he may not be able to succeed in his life. Maybe he can only be recorded in the history books with a ridiculous posture like a clown in the end, and will be gradually forgotten, but he still persists in doing it to the end, time and time again. In the end, he waited for that opportunity, took advantage of another revolution, returned to France, and then used his own name to run for the French president, and finally relied on the power of the president and the support of a group of cronies and speculators Restored the empire.

In the history books, Napoleon III was ridiculed for more than a century because he lost the Franco-Prussian War, and his achievements of more than 20 years were also written off, and he remained in people's memory with a ridiculous gesture.

But clearing away the fog and taking a closer look at his life experience, we can see that this "clown" used to have nothing. If he was really incompetent and ridiculous, he would never be remembered by anyone, and could only quietly disappear into the world without accomplishing anything. In the long river.

But he manipulated public opinion, played tricks, hit stones with pebbles again and again, and even gambled his life. In the end, he stubbornly staggered onto the highest stage of France with his ugly gait, and made the empire miraculously reappear.

History only gave him one chance, and this capricious country gave him only one chance, and then he seized it, and made almost every choice right-how could such a person be a clown?

Knowing all this, Aegron has no contempt for his cousin, and even full of admiration—and fear.

Taking his cousin's "post-example" as an example, he is doing the same thing.

The only difference is that because he has more resources and a better situation, he doesn't have to be so risky, and he doesn't have to be so extreme.

Now he has to keep track of his whereabouts and ensure that he is in the dark to spy on the situation; he also has to fiddle with things from time to time to maintain his "heat".

I can drive all my supporters, even that cousin himself, now he has to dormant under his command, obey his orders, and endure his suppression and guard.

He certainly didn't know that, in fact, part of what he called "wise and powerful" came from his teachings twenty years later, right?

It's quite interesting to think about it... Egron thought with a bit of malice.

"Your Majesty?" Because Aigron had been silent, Prince Charles was puzzled and couldn't help asking again.

Aigron let go of the distracting thoughts in his heart, turned around slowly, and looked back at his cousin.

"My cousin, you have really worked hard during this time."

"Your Majesty..." Aigron's expression and words were so pleasant, but the prince was shocked for no reason. "It is my duty to complete the task you have given me."

Perhaps because of the inability to "repel each other", he is extremely afraid of his cousin, and Aigron has been undisguisedly suppressing him recently, so the more friendly he is, the more nervous he is .

What's more, he himself has been making small moves all the time, and he shouldn't expect his cousin to have a good impression of him.

Is there an ulterior motive for calling me here today?

"Do you have any orders?" He couldn't help lowering his eyes, and then showed more respect.

Aigron didn't answer immediately, but looked at him again, which made him more nervous.

Fortunately, after a while, Eggron spoke again, "My cousin, do you have the guts to go through fire and water for our family?"

As soon as this question was asked, the prince felt a little hairy.

But he couldn't refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and replied to his cousin, "It's my honor, Your Majesty, my life has already been dedicated to our family's cause."

"I knew you would answer like this." Aigron nodded, "And I believe this is your sincere words... My cousin, maybe we have many differences on other issues, but I believe that you The enthusiasm for the cause is above all else, because our power comes from our name, and we can only dedicate everything to this name..."

The prince became more and more puzzled by Aigron's words, but he could only bow his head and wait for the young man's instruction.

Fortunately, Aigron didn't continue to circle around, he directly expressed his thoughts.

"You have proved your loyalty to the family, and you have proved that you are indeed worthy of a heavy responsibility, so now it is time to take on greater responsibilities-I want to send you to the borders of France to gather supporters for me and collect information .At the same time, there is another task, which is to win the support of public opinion for our family... I believe that among us, no one is more suitable for this job except you.

You go to buy a newspaper, or buy more newspapers, use all means of public opinion to promote our family's ideas, to shape the glorious image of the emperor... If you need help, you can go to the Count of Monte Cristo, he will give The support you deserve. "

"Your Majesty..." The prince was so surprised that he could hardly speak.

He didn't expect that His Majesty changed his previous attitude and suddenly reused himself.

Of course he had to accept this task - because if he didn't accept it, he would no longer have any right to speak in front of his cousin.

"I'm very happy to serve you... But, I don't know how to deal with the relationship between me and the Count of Monte Cristo?" After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, "You have already sent him there, if we don't cooperate well , I'm afraid I'm getting in the way of his work."

"He should respect you, you are my cousin." Aigron gave the answer he wanted.

"Understood..." The prince secretly breathed a sigh of relief, overjoyed.

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