Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-eight, warning and family


Although standing behind the young man, the prince still bowed and saluted meticulously, showing his respect to His Majesty.

He was really very happy at the moment.

Ever since he was sent back here by his cousin, he has been nestling in the place where he grew up, preparing for his cousin's return to the mainland.

The job was really important, but it wasn't what he expected.

Now, His Majesty has settled here safely, and has quickly established channels for collecting information and communicating with the outside world, which means that he is useless here.

If His Majesty stays here, it means strategizing and winning thousands of miles. Even if he is not present, all victories must be attributed to him; but what about myself? If I have been nesting in this ghostly place, and if I am not entrusted with a heavy responsibility by His Majesty, then I can only grow moldy in this backcountry, until I am finally forgotten by the world.

Before His Majesty came down, he felt uncomfortable at the thought of this outcome—and he knew that with His Majesty's attitude towards him, such an outcome was likely to happen.

So he has been trying his best to find room for himself to move around, even at the expense of using his mother to speak well of him. At least he managed to force His Majesty to agree to find a princess as his wife in the future.

But this is not enough, marriage is a matter of the distant future, and now I need power-at least some power.

So when he heard that His Majesty had assigned him such a task, his first reaction was not fear, but genuine joy.

Your Majesty can see that the current situation in France is turbulent, and it is a good time for the Bonaparte family to achieve great success. Of course he can also see it, so he can't wait to be sent to France to make friends with people from all walks of life in advance, expand his power, and accumulate in the future. The capital of the imperial political arena.

Of course, the world is impermanent, and everything may not be so smooth, but even in the worst case, he will not end too badly for himself.

If he is arrested by the spies of the dynasty, he will definitely not resist, but will be captured without a fight - in this case, the dynasty government will at most lock him up, and will not harm his life, because he will become the one between the two families. bargaining chips.

If Bonaparte's heir is caught, the royal family of Bourbon may be interested in killing the grass; but if only an ordinary family member is caught, they should not be cruel for no reason.

Lest you have no way out when you get there.

And if he survives the prison at that time, then he will become a real hero in the eyes of the supporters of the Bonaparte family, a person who has shed blood for the empire, even if His Majesty doesn't want to see him anymore , On the surface, you must also maintain respect for yourself and reuse yourself.

In other words, no matter what the situation is, as long as he returns to France to make troubles, it will be beneficial to him, and he will become a hero of the empire and the family; in the worst case, he will also be a hero.

Why not do it?

He just didn't expect that his cousin would let him go so happily.

It seems that my cousin does have the courage of a big man, he doesn't care about trivial matters, and he doesn't get emotional. Instead, he chooses to continue to work together with him and maximize the family's interests first.

He knew that his cousin and Princess Teresa must have the idea of ​​cleaning up after the success of the restoration of the empire, but... With this experience, he will have enough resources at hand, even if he is rejected by the court. You can become an important part of the empire as a powerful prince, instead of being forgotten by the world in obscurity like now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a hearty smile, eager to try, and only wanted to go to France to show his skills.

"When can you leave?" At this time, Aigron asked again.

"Since Your Majesty has entrusted you with a heavy responsibility, of course I can't delay at all. I will leave as soon as I pack up, and it is expected to be within two or three days." The prince quickly replied impassionedly.

"Her Majesty the Queen may have some doubts... After all, as a mother, no one likes to see her son take risks." Aigron pointed out.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will persuade my mother." The prince knew that Aigron didn't want to talk to his mother by himself, so he immediately expressed his loyalty, "As a member of the family, I have the obligation to go through fire and water for the family. And she understands that too. And, my mother was a great woman with sense and world experience, and she knew what we were willing to pay to bring back our old glory..."

Aegron thought so too.

Queen Aotangsi has witnessed too many bloody storms in her life, and also witnessed the death of too many relatives. Facing fate, everyone actually has no choice.

"She is also my close relative." After pondering for a moment, Aigron whispered to the other party, "My cousin, you must be as hard as a rock in our business, but after all, we can't turn ourselves into monsters. We still look forward to seeing you." Tenderness—I said that Her Majesty the Queen will always be respected by me, and I also hope to have an elder who is as gentle and friendly to me as she is, and who cares for me like a mother, so I ask you not to destroy this respect ,May I?"

Although Aigron said these words in an unhurried manner, the prince felt like falling into an ice cave, "Your Majesty... what do you mean?"

"I have made it very clear, my cousin." Aigron looked at the other party coldly, but his tone was still calm and calm, "My respect for Her Majesty the Queen makes me willing to accommodate her and satisfy her harmless requests, I also accept the debt I owe her. But this account is like a deposit, you can withdraw it, but you cannot overdraw it unlimitedly. If you keep using her to withdraw from me, then this account will be used up sooner or later...

If you want me to be clearer, I will tell you that my indulgence to Her Majesty will not be unlimited, and if you play this trick several times, then in the end I can only exclude you both from me In this world, although I am helpless, I will do this——so, for yourself and her, please be more careful in the future. "

Looking at his cousin's calm yet murderous eyes, the prince could not help but break out in a cold sweat in the cold winter wind.

It seems that His Majesty's warning came late, but it finally came.

His Majesty's words were also very straightforward - he used his mother to blackmail him once, and he admitted it, but if he tasted the sweetness and played similar tricks in the future, then sooner or later he would turn his face and reject himself and his mother forever outer.

He has no doubt that His Majesty's words are serious - this young man can definitely do it.

Looks like I have to be more careful in the future.

Although he took advantage of his mother, he also loved his mother, and he didn't want to cause her to suffer the consequences because of himself.

The conflict of interests between cousins ​​should stay among cousins.

"I understand what you mean, Your Majesty." Now that Aigron has reached this point, the prince also dropped the mask of obedience, but straightened up and looked at Aigron calmly, "I thank you for your kind words. My mother's respect, she will continue to take care of you in the future—if you still need it."

After speaking, he nodded slightly to say goodbye to Aigron, then turned around and walked towards the farm along the blurred footprints on the snow.

He is about to pack his bags and meet the next journey.

Aigron watched his cousin disappear into the white snow, and sighed secretly.

What kind of people are the members of the Bonaparte family? They are ambitious, quarreling, deceiving and hating each other.

But on the other hand, they have a strong family concept, and they frequently staged the drama of "one person wins the Tao and ascends to heaven".

Historically, Emperor Napoleon I and Emperor Napoleon III were also very good to their families. When they were emperors, family members enjoyed the glory and wealth—of course, the premise was that their relatives could not threaten their power and prestige. If anyone dared to cross that line, there would be no brotherhood at all, as evidenced by the emperor Napoleon deposing his brother Louis from the throne and banishing Lucien to Rome.

Aegron is the same person.

No matter from the perspective of utilitarianism or personal feelings, he needs the bond of family affection, but once this bond touches the sensitive nerve of the scepter, everything becomes insignificant.

And precisely because he wanted to keep the bond of kinship between himself and Queen Autangs, he had to speak so harshly and not give others any luck.

Otherwise, one day, he will find himself having to make painful choices amidst temptations.

Since ancient times, once power has been touched, the most precious family relationship in the world will change beyond recognition. How to walk the tightrope between family relationship and power is also a subject that almost every emperor has to deal with. Egron has not stepped on the throne yet. is already facing it.

He tried to salvage any salvageable things in his sinking ship of humanity, but he didn't allow anyone to use these "remnants" to threaten him.

He believes he can do it.


As promised, two days later, Prince Charles packed up his salute and bid farewell to his mother.

Queen Otance felt inexplicably reluctant to leave her son just after the New Year, so she desperately wanted to keep her son, at least let him stay by her side for a while.

However, her persuasion was still easily rejected by his son. The prince said that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders and could not afford to delay, and he was already tired of the dreary life in this closed backcountry and hoped to leave as soon as possible.

Since her son insisted on insisting, Queen Otangs had no choice but to agree to her son's departure in the end.

It was so hard to reunite with her son but she was about to part so soon, and her son would risk his own life. As a mother, Queen Odance was of course very depressed and worried, but the prince also persuaded her mother in a timely manner and let her Don't blame Aigron, everything is his own choice.

After being warned by Aigron, he did not sow discord between his mother and his cousin—on the one hand, he hoped that his mother would have a safe and prosperous life in later life, and he did not want or dare to let her be hated by Aigron; on the other hand On the one hand, if the mother maintains His Majesty's respect, it will also be an intangible boost to his future self, and he hopes to keep this asset.

And under the persuasion of her son, Queen Otance finally accepted all this calmly. She knew that all this was due to fate-the children of the Bonaparte family were destined not to be willing to dormant. Adventurous.

After sending off her son, Queen Otance visited Aigron from time to time. After all, Aigron was the only relative around her now, and Aigron was also willing to spare time to receive her aunt.

In his free time after dealing with the affairs of the day, he really learned to ski with Queen Otangs according to the proposal when he first came.

There are not many other entertainments in this place, but it is easy to go skiing - there are many untouched peaks and slopes around, and now the snow is thick during the New Year, which is a good time for skiing, Egron and Otangs While practicing on a relatively gentle slope, the queen slowly explored the experience, and gradually mastered the skiing skills.

Although this was just a pastime in his spare time, Aigron had a lot of fun—he hadn't entertained so comfortably for a long, long time.

And in the afternoon of a certain day, because the night was early in winter, the sky slowly darkened at three or four in the afternoon. In the afterglow of the warm sun, two unremarkable carriages walked along the narrow and muddy mountain road. Quietly approached the villa of Queen Otangs.

These uninvited guests came to the villa door and knocked on the door, and then announced their names.

At this time, Queen Otangs was taking a nap in the afternoon, and then she was woken up by the maid.

"Princess Teresa is looking for you." The maid reported to her.

"Teresa!" Queen Otangs was suddenly surprised and delighted, "Is it really her?"

"From her appearance and demeanor, it's hard to be an impostor," the maid replied. "Besides, who else is going to visit you at this time?"

Her Majesty the Queen was right.

So she ran to the dressing table immediately, spent a little time tidying herself up, and then solemnly walked out of the house and came to the door.

Sure enough, there was already a group of people standing at the door, the leader was a plainly dressed but very beautiful girl, and the other girl standing next to her, the queen, knew her—that was the one who ran to her with Egron. Miss Chanel, the maid who sought refuge here.

Now that she saw Chanel, the last trace of doubt in the queen's heart disappeared immediately.

She quickened her pace, then with a smile all over her face, she enthusiastically walked in front of the girl, then she stopped, raised her skirt and knelt down to salute the girl who was more than thirty years younger than her.

"Your Highness Teresa... I finally met you." She smiled and looked at the girl, "You are even more beautiful than I imagined."

Seeing her appearance, Teresa naturally guessed her identity immediately, so she also saluted her immediately.

"Your Majesty, it is a great honor to visit you! I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I have been looking forward to thanking you in person for protecting my husband."

"This is what I should do, why should I thank you?" The queen replied with a smile.

Then, she turned around again, "Please come with me, you must be very tired after driving such a long distance, a cup of steaming coffee at this time can just help you—"

Then, she added, "Don't worry, I'll take you there to see him later."

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