Eagle’s Glory

one hundred and sixty nine, family

"Don't worry, I will take you to see him later."

Finally seeing the long-known Princess Teresa, Queen Otness was very happy and warmly invited her to come to her home as a guest first.

Although Teresa was eagerly looking forward to seeing her husband as soon as possible, since it was the invitation of Queen Odance, she could not refuse.

Anyway, she has already come here, and she is only short of the last step, so she doesn't need to worry anymore.

"Where is Francois?" At this moment, Queen Ottens asked curiously, "Did he not come with you?"

"This time, Chanel and I are the only ones here. As for my son, because the road is too bumpy and his parents love him very much, I will stay there for now, and my father will send him over later." Reza replied.

Then, she lowered her volume again and whispered to the queen, "Your Majesty, some of the people who escorted me here were specially sent by my father to escort me along the way. It's reliable, but it's not good to keep them here for a long time. So, you entertain them first, and then I'll let them go back tomorrow."

When Queen Autangs heard this, she admired Teresa's thoughtfulness even more.

"Okay, I see." She nodded. "I'll take good care of them, thank you for your hard work along the way."

After she finished speaking, she ordered her maid to help the group of visitors settle down, and she brought Teresa to the living room of the villa.

Like Aigron, Teresa was attracted by the peaceful atmosphere and beautiful scenery as soon as she came to this villa.

She went to the window and sat down, looking out at the magnificent scenery of the snow-covered valley.

"You are so beautiful here!" She couldn't help sighing.

"You really are a couple..." Queen Otance replied with a smile, "When Egron first came to my place, he was sitting in your current position, looking out at the valley."

Teresa's face immediately turned red, shy and joyful at the same time. "Maybe our preferences are similar..."

In front of the smiling Queen Otangs, she actually felt nervous about meeting her elders—you know, even when she visited the Principality of Parma and met her Highness's biological mother Luisa,

She was able to treat each other calmly and politely, and completed the task in a formulaic manner.

Perhaps for His Royal Highness, the aunt Queen Otangs is more like a mother.

When Teresa blushed, Queen Ortance was also watching her.

From the queen's point of view, Princess Teresa gave her a very good first impression - she is smart and polite, and although she is already a wife and mother, she can show the style of a young girl from time to time, even if she is well-informed It is rare for a queen to see a girl who can stand shoulder to shoulder with this highness in terms of beauty and temperament in her life.

Of course, she also knew the story of Aigron and Teresa very well. At the Christmas Eve reception, she asked Aigron about their first meeting face to face, and got a story fabricated by Aigron, so she felt that these two people were simply A destined couple.

That kid was actually willing to abandon her and flee Vienna? ! Thinking of this, the queen couldn't help being surprised.

"It can be seen that you must miss Aigron very much, right?" After a moment of silence, the queen spoke again, "It is not long before the New Year, and you have already rushed over, so you must say goodbye just after the New Year. Parents..."

"Yes, I set off on the second day of the new year." When Teresa mentioned this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad, "I am very reluctant to say goodbye to my parents so quickly, but what can I do? As a wife , I should always be by my husband’s side and work together with him, this is my duty.”

"Poor child!" Teresa's words moved the queen even more, "I am so glad that you have become the mistress of our family. If one day you really become the queen of France, I will be the queen of France. Feeling lucky."

"You have won the prize." Theresa shook her head a little embarrassedly. "I have always admired you. There are very few women in the world who have experienced so many historical moments like you."

Teresa's words were not just polite words.

Before she married His Royal Highness, she had already determined to make herself a member of the Bonaparte family, so she also tried to get to know the other living members of the family.

Teresa was more empathetic to the women who married into the family than to the ambitious male members.

The life experience of Queen Otance is like a legendary story, full of turbulent waves and various dramatic events, with ups and downs in her life, from the daughter of a condemned prisoner to the adopted daughter of the emperor and the queen of the Netherlands, and finally to the point of despair The unnamed town that does not live in Switzerland is full of the most charming tragic atmosphere during this period.

And learned from Aigron that after Aigron escaped, his first refugee and the one who unconditionally extended a helping hand was the queen herself, and she was even more moved by this.

Although she hated the queen's son very much, in her opinion, Queen Odance herself was a person worthy of respect and admiration—and today the two met for the first time, and the effect was just as she expected.

"I wish I hadn't experienced so much." Queen Otangs smiled wryly and shook her head, "Those bloody memories should not be repeated by those who came after me. I wish our descendants good luck and can avoid these disasters. "

Since the queen said so, Teresa couldn't ask her about those old things again, so as not to bring back unpleasant memories for her, so she had to change the topic to another place.

"Since Egron came to you, have you seen him many times?"

"That's quite a lot, especially in the past few days." The queen smiled.

Then, she pointed to the valley outside the window with great interest, "Do you see anything there?"

Teresa looked over suspiciously, but she saw nothing, "I didn't see anything except the snow."

"That's right—" the queen nodded with a smile, "We've been practicing skiing there recently to pass the leisure time. I think he would be more happy to have a youth than to spend time with me, an old woman. Keep your beautiful wife by your side."

"Skiing!?" Teresa's eyes lit up.

When His Highness visited the manor before, she and His Highness had fished and rowed together, and shared a happy time, but for various reasons, they seldom had such entertainment together again.

And today, she seems to have the chance to relive her old dream again—and she has never tried skiing before, which is very new to her.

She forcibly suppressed her excitement, and looked at the queen enthusiastically, "Where are you talking? You are not old at all, on the contrary, I am very happy just sitting with you! I am very happy to be with you You and Your Highness are trying new entertainment together, after all, it’s fun to be so lively, isn’t it? I just enjoyed the happiness of being reunited with my relatives, so I know how precious the time with relatives is. What’s more, you are like the same in our hearts As sweet as a mother, we would love to be with you."

Queen Otangs froze for a moment.

If it was an ordinary person who said these words, she would only think that they were polite words in a social field, but Teresa's eyes and tone made her feel the sincerity from the heart.

She also got along with Luisa for a long time in the imperial court. To be honest, Luisa gave her an impression of being very alienated and indifferent, which was completely different from Teresa in front of her.

Interesting... If Teresa does become queen, she would be happy to be a new witness.

And Teresa really touched her—at her age, after so many years of lonely and secluded life, she naturally misses the excitement of family gatherings very much.

Especially these two juniors, how cute and outstanding they are, just sitting opposite them will make people pleasing to the eye.

"It's really unbearable for you to say that, your mother is still alive, how can I have the right to pretend?" She deliberately joked, "However, if you don't mind, I can indeed be ashamed of you By your side, just feel the long-lost youthful breath."

"Then it's a deal!" Teresa nodded emphatically. "I'm so glad we have you here, otherwise it would be too isolated."

"I should have said that, child." The queen stretched out her hand to her, and across the small table, gently kissed Teresa's cheek. "Thank you for being with you, my life seems to be a little more colorful. I pray to God that all the disasters and pains I have suffered before are partly borne for you, so that you can all go well..."

In this way, Teresa and Queen Autangs' first meeting ended with an unusual kindness and friendliness, and both of them had a very good impression of each other.

That night, Queen Otangs quietly left her villa with Teresa and Chanel, and then came to the remote farm by the route she was very familiar with recently.

At this time, Aigron was writing documents in his bedroom, when suddenly he heard noisy footsteps around him.

He was a little nervous at first, but he soon thought of something - the person who can break through the guard post outside without causing any abnormalities and directly reach his residence should not be an enemy.

Could it be... His heart was beating violently suddenly.

Chanel told him before that Teresa would not be willing to stay with her father for too long, she would not be able to restrain her miss, so she would leave as soon as possible. If that's the case, Teresa should have arrived here if time counts.

He stopped what he was doing, walked out of the room, and came to the hall. At this time, a group of people walked in.

The leader took off his cloak to keep out the cold—wasn't there Teresa?

The two of them faced each other for an instant, not only Teresa's eyes sparkled, but even Aigron's heart was full of excitement.

After being separated from his wife for so long, he felt that Teresa was already an inseparable part of his life.

Ignoring the others present, he quickly walked up to Teresa, and hugged his wife tightly.

Although the temperature in the city is not high now, when the two hug each other, Aigron's heart feels like a spring breeze.

"Teresa..." He looked down at his wife, "I miss you very much during this time."

"Me too, Your Highness." Teresa responded to her husband with a smile, "Although I am really happy with my father, it is more difficult for me to bear the time without you than I imagined."

"I know...I know." Aigron nodded, "Everything is fine now. Although I am a little sorry for my father-in-law, but...hahaha, I think he will forgive."

"Of course he can only forgive, what else can we do?" Teresa replied with a smile, "However, our son was left there by him."

"It doesn't matter, let him do whatever he wants." Aigron waved his hand nonchalantly, "At worst, stay there like me and come back when you are a teenager."

"How can that be done!" Teresa became anxious when she heard this, "He is our son!"

"We won't have only one son, so let's just send one out." Eggron replied with a smile.

Aegron couldn't help laughing when Teresa was so angry that she was about to stomp her feet and explode.

"Well Teresa, I was joking, I know that my husband will take care of François, so I am not worried at all. We are glad that he did not come with you, so that we can enjoy a long time Our time—”

"Can I speak now, Your Majesty?" At this moment, Queen Odance, who had been silent and watching coldly, finally spoke, and Eggron's eyes fell on her.

"Of course, queen, please tell me." Aigron replied quickly.

"You may have to share some of your alone time with me...I'm sorry about that." The queen pretended to apologize to Aigron, "When Teresa came over just now, I told her that we are currently learning to ski for fun. She was very excited when she heard about the matter, she wanted to participate in it, but she insisted on pulling me along. Look, is this okay?"

"Of course!" Aigron understood as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help laughing, "I'm glad I have one more student!"

"You're really brazen—" Queen Otangs shook her head, "I don't think your progress is that fast..."

"I deliberately controlled my progress. I learned everything at once. Wouldn't it be fun?" Eggron replied with a little embarrassment. "Don't worry, if necessary, then I will show my true skills."

"Then you have to be careful, don't be overtaken by me!" Teresa interjected, "Your Highness, you seem to be no match for me in fishing..."

"It seems that you can't wait—" Aigron shrugged, "Okay, let's try it tomorrow! Let you appreciate my heroic posture up close."

"I'm looking forward to it." Teresa smiled and kissed her husband on the cheek.

Back at her husband's side, no matter where she is now, she no longer has any anxiety and fear.

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